Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Good watch, better than I thought it would be. Bruce Willis & John Malkovich gave very good performances and overall a good action-comedy - 7/10.

Interesting film, not as action-packed as Taken but there's enough in the story to keep you interested - 7/10.

Let Me In
Finally got round to watching this and I thought it was excellent. The main actors played their roles perfectly but the bullying aspect was the best part of the film. It's more than just a horror film and well worth watching even if some people claim it is weaker than the Swedish version - 8.5/10.

Knight & Day
Dreadful pile of shit. Lots of action but an implausible and silly storyline which ends up making no sense - 2/10.

Not sure what to make of it really, despite it being a very good watch.. the initial annoyance with an American accented cast withered away as the film progressed and it didn't grate. I really liked the light-hearted camaraderie between the emperor and Mozart but I just feel the genius of of the main protagonist doesn't really tranlate well to the viewer.. I mean there are a few signature tunes here and there, but not nearly enough to really engross you and delight the senses.

Mozart's wife and Salieri were my favourite characters, the film was generally carried by both.. I mean a simple mediocre guy hates his genius rival and in cliched machiavellian style plots his downfall can become stale and boring after abit, and this film is long so kudos to everyone involved that it still remains relatively engaging throughout despite the lack of real menace on the part of the antagonist. Finally if a film about classical music is not your thing, watch it alone for a glimpse of some good quality tats, in and out of corsets.
Amadeus was a lot funnier than you'd expect those films to be. I really enjoyed it, Normally when these films come on BBC 1 I tend to fall asleep watching them but with this one that was never going to happen.
Ddong pari (Breathless)
A loan-shark thug meets a young high school girl and both develop a bond for each other amongst their own abusive family problems. The main actor is exactly like my cousin. Both the male and female leads are incredibly good.

9/10 must watch, but not for the faint of heart.

Chingoo (Friends)
4 friends growing up in the 70-80s Korea. They go their separate ways in life, some leading normal successful lives, some (2) get into the crime life and test their friendship.


Lady Vengeance
one of the trilogies from the Old Boy series. I actually liked this one the best.
Any thoughts on Lincoln Lawyer vs Unknown.

Nothing on in the cinema at a suitable time bar these two movies? Either of them really worth the effort?
Chingoo (Friends)
4 friends growing up in the 70-80s Korea. They go their separate ways in life, some leading normal successful lives, some (2) get into the crime life and test their friendship.

I really liked that movie too.

The past few days I've watched:

Don't Look Back. Sophie Marceau turns into Monica Bellucci. I'd hardly say that's a bad thing. It's an interesting movie but their explanation for why this whole thing happened is pretty weak. 6/10

How Much Do You Love Me Seems I was on a bit of a Bellucci marathon that day. This one is about a man who wins the lottery and asks a prostitute(Bellucci) to move in with him. It's a comedy that's funny at parts, but really falls apart in the end. 4/10

Room in Rome. The director of Sex and Lucia wrote and directed this story of 2 women who share a night together in Rome. It's a fairly engaging movie even without the fact that the 2 women are naked for a bout 80% of the movie(and trust me, they're not bad to look at). As the night goes on they learn more about each other, fall in love, 69 and generally lez it up. Then the morning comes and they're faced with the decision of what to do. Do they keep it at one night and go their separate ways or pursue this relationship. For me, once morning came, the movie became a bit boring and just seemed a bit off. It's an artsy film. There's a lot of shots of paintings to convey certain emotions, which at times was a bit annoying. And there's a part with an arrow that's just plain strange. 7/10
I really don't understand what's so great about Tati's films. Some people I know with good taste in films find them hilarious. :confused:
Made In Dagenham A film about the female Ford works who went out on strike in the 70's for equal pay. Sounds boring but it is surprisingly good with some great acting. Odd to think that discrimination was such an everyday thing such a short time ago. Well worth a watch but don't expect Avatar. 7/10
Let Me In
Finally got round to watching this and I thought it was excellent. The main actors played their roles perfectly but the bullying aspect was the best part of the film. It's more than just a horror film and well worth watching even if some people claim it is weaker than the Swedish version - 8.5/10.

Nowhere near as shit as I feared - in fact it isn't half bad - but the original is far far better.
A Prophet - Finally got around to watching it and enjoyed it. The main actor was superb and I'm pretty sure he will be a mainstay in Hollywood in the future. Favorite scene:

When he assaults Marcaggi's car and hits the floor behind the body's, the chaos interrupted by silence and a grin whilst he looks up at the bullets hitting the car door.


So I decided to go watch Cyrus tonight and I don't normally do these reviews but I thought I had to share my views on this film.
I feel it my duty to make sure that nobody else watches this film.
Maybe I had my hopes up a little too much as it looked good in the adverts I had seen, it had good reviews and my mate said he heard it was 'like as funny as step brothers.'

It starts with the basic bull shit, boy (John C Reilly) meets girl (Marissa Tomei - very very hot) they have a great few nights together and he thinks he has found the one.
Then he meets her son Cyrus (Jonah Hill) who is extremely clingy towards his mum and is a generally weird guy. The son eventually manages to split them up then realises his mum has happier before and gets them back together.

Although this storyline is rather weak, there it has plenty of opportunity to create humour out of the situation and yet it doesn't. The film feels very awkward and only has a few humorous moments none of which I would describe as funny, merely humorous.

Incase you think maybe I just didn't get the sense of humour, nobody in the cinema was laughing and it was packed. It was very disappointing for a film that was dubbed as a good comedy and came of well in other reviews I read. To summarise this film felt very pointless and awkward the only highlight being that Marissa Tomei is massively hot. Massively.

Atleast I didn't pay for it, my mate is manager of the cinema. :)
A little harsh on the rating ;)

I watched it on DVD last night. Though it was okay, some parts had me bursting out in laughter. But I agree with parts of your review. It had the potential for more humorous moments.

Marisa Tomei is stunning :eek:

I'd give it a 5/10
American History X - It's great duh. But everytime I watch it just makes me feel sad that Ed Norton hasn't taken a real great role other than 25th Hour/Fight Club since it. Such wasted talent at this point.
It's Kind of a Funny Story. Better than I expected it to be. Zack Galafinakis does a good job in a more dramatic role. I kept expecting it to be a bit darker, but it stayed pretty light. The lead(the name of who I am forgetting) is likable enough and does a good job. 6.5/10
London Boulevard Looks good, well cast and it should have been a great Brit Gangster film. Instead it is an incoherent, unbelievable pile of steaming bagsy with the least convincing romance in recent film history. Avoid. 1/10
Chloe Outside of seeing Amanda Seyfried and Julianne Moore naked, there's not really much in this movie. It tries to be a smart, seductive thriller, but the actions of the characters make very little sense and you just don't care what happens to them. 4/10
London Boulevard Looks good, well cast and it should have been a great Brit Gangster film. Instead it is an incoherent, unbelievable pile of steaming bagsy with the least convincing romance in recent film history. Avoid. 1/10

...I'm not even 25 minutes in yet and already it makes this look like a serious thought provoking drama..

How to Train Your Dragon
Really good. Watched it with my kids and they were both captivated from start to finish. Best non-Pixar animated film for quite some time.


Up in the AirInteresting take on a mid-life crisis. Enjoyable, and funnier than I was expecting.

Limitless looks very preictable though, I'm guessing:
Guy is a loser and generally shit at life, he gets tablet, becomes amazing, runs out of tablets, looks for more tablets, there's big trouble trying to get the tablets, he wins in the end and gets the girl, yay! Maybe the twist is that he decides not take the tablets in a hollywoodesque moralistic kinda way
Anyone seen ANUVAHOOD yet?

UK based movie, the unofficial followup to Kidulthood and Adulthood. This one is a comedy though.

Watched it last night and it was brilliant. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen.



Please Give For a movie to work, you have to actually care about what the characters are going through. I didn't care one iota for any character in this movie. They're boring, bland, and I just wanted them to be done with it all. I'm sure it's wanting to say something important about humanity, and caring or some shit like that, but I was too bored to even care to think about it. Not worth your time. 3/10.
Limitless - Never heard of until I saw the trailer, Enjoyed it. Bradley Cooper is great and De Niro is in a decent film, last one was Ronin...

Faster - Expected worse but the Rock laying down revenge..sold..Oh it had Carla Gugino in it as well. YUM 7/10
Limitless Well done and quite interesting in the main as long aas you don't think about the premise too much. Strangely abrupt ending. Worth a watch on DVD for sure.6.5/10
Another Limitless review..........

High concept Hollywood bollocks with a title that seems more than a little at odds with the finished result. I expected so much more from the premise of a guy able to tap into his brains full potential (yeah I know it's a myth) but no - ....he just makes a lot of money on stocks and gets really bad headaches.

Also, for a man so smart he makes so many retarded decisions that I had to question whether the drug was merely a plecebo. That certainly would've been a better twist than the one at the end.

Passable entertainment for people who's brain is stuck working below 15%. A miss for everyone else I'm afraid.
