Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Dinner For Schmucks - 2/10

A truly awful film. It has a lot of decent, watchable actors, yet it's utterly shit. The only reason I gave it 2 was that there are three or four funny moments in an otherwise festering sea of shit.
7 Khoon Maaf (Bollywood)

An opportunity lost IMO. Very disappointing film. Not that it had the potential to be one of the finest, but it could definitely have been a fun, extravagant, quirky film that had a sinister yet humorous tone to it. In the end it ended up as one of the reviewer put it aptly a 'series of one night stands' where if you replace the sex with marriages ending in murders and you'd be on the money.

Walked out half way because it simply had no base point from which it was moving from place to place. Nothing has consequence or even a slight reaction. I don't want to see that. I want to see the events on screen to have some sort of action and reaction otherwise it just comes across as an unintended parody or a lack of understanding of the human brain on the part of the director.

Well I didn't really need to write so much on this given that I got only to the 4th husband before walking out.

The Next Three Days
Russell Crowe plays a community college teacher whose wife is sent to prison for murder. He decides to break her out after all the appeals are turned down.

It's just such a stupid plot that it annoyed me for the most part of watching the film.

Not literally a movie, but...the BBC's Count Dracula, from 1977. Very good indeed.
Another Year I am a big Mike Leigh fan and I watched this with very high hopes as it has a 92% approval rating on RT. The good stuff is very good indeed, brilliant performances, nice cinematography and in general a brilliant example of cinematic character study. The bad: no real plot arc, incredibly pointless and depressing end and, oddly for what was meant to be a comedy/drama, little drama and no comedy. Summary: I want that 2 hours of my life back. 3/10
The Next Three Days
Russell Crowe plays a community college teacher whose wife is sent to prison for murder. He decides to break her out after all the appeals are turned down.

It's just such a stupid plot that it annoyed me for the most part of watching the film.


Bit dissapointing this film, it seemed to take forever to get going and then when it did it wasn't particularly interesting. Not enough Olivia Wilde either. 5/10
Another Year I am a big Mike Leigh fan and I watched this with very high hopes as it has a 92% approval rating on RT. The good stuff is very good indeed, brilliant performances, nice cinematography and in general a brilliant example of cinematic character study. The bad: no real plot arc, incredibly pointless and depressing end and, oddly for what was meant to be a comedy/drama, little drama and no comedy. Summary: I want that 2 hours of my life back. 3/10

Totally agree, but the saving grace was the character Mary. I read that Leigh gave them all 3 months to develop their characters from a brief outline. I thought her performance was fantastic.
Dinner For Schmucks - 2/10

A truly awful film. It has a lot of decent, watchable actors, yet it's utterly shit. The only reason I gave it 2 was that there are three or four funny moments in an otherwise festering sea of shit.

Yeah it was an awful film, what a fecking waste of talent.
Totally agree, but the saving grace was the character Mary. I read that Leigh gave them all 3 months to develop their characters from a brief outline. I thought her performance was fantastic.

I agree and in fact most of the performances were great. There just wasn't a plot arc to hang their performances on.
Black Swan I expected great things from this film but was very disappointed. I wasn't convinced by almost any aspect of the plot and I didn't give a toss about any of the characters. I was bored shitless. 4/10
Toy Story 3- Loved it. It has to go down as one of the most consistent trilogies of all time. I really enjoyed all 3 of them.

The Fountain- Some beautiful cinematography and Clint Mansell's score is fantastic. Overall I think I liked the movie. May need to watch it again.

Twelve- It's pretty much your typical 'rich white kids doing fecked up shit' movie. It tries to be edgy and witty, but fails on both. It's boring and generic.
Central Station (Central do Brasil), been meaning to see this for a while, absolutely fantastic 9/10

The lead actor Fernanda Montenegro was up against the idiot that is Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love) for best lead for a woman..... what a joke!
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt 1. Have never read any of the books so can only go on the film (my two companions who had read the books enjoyed it more than I did). It was like watching Waiting for Godot with wands. Gets docked a point for forever ruining the Lyre of Orpheus. 5/10
The Winters Bone

Was aware of the buzz about this movie before watching it but in retrospect I have to wonder what the buzz was really all about. Sure it's well acted but in my eyes that should be a pre-requisite for any movie worth its salt. I found this movie tediously boring and unremittingly grey. A film about rednecks being rednecks and a thriller with absolutely no thrills. You can tell it was a novel and IMO that's where it should have stayed (on the page).
Eat, Pray, Love 6/10

Although I usually like Julia Roberts' films, I found this one a bit hard going.
The eat part, shot in Rome, was quite good but I thought the other two parts were boring - although maybe that's just because I'm not into going to Bali to find myself!
Following - 8/10

As recommended by one of our resident poncy film buffs. A Christopher Nolan film before he got all famous and started allowing the big Hollywood studios turn his movies into generic glossy thrillers full of slow motion explosions and screeds of boring plot exposition in the script.

It's a really interesting, low-budget crime caper. Has the same fractured time-lines he messed about with in Memento and really compelling narrative, full of twists and turns. The final scene, when all the various elements of the plot fall neatly into place, is one of the best I've seen in a while. Leaves you feeling very satisfied (unlike poxy Inception, the end of which left me completely underwhelmed).
I don't understand, how is like a comic strip, Mick? It's a brilliant film, though. Zhang's masterpiece.

Not the film itself but the camera work. I like the way it's all tripod work, I don't think any of it is done on tracks or anything (as far as my amateur eye could tell). It's the way it cuts from scene to scene, it's a bit like the way a comic strip is styled (probably a bad analogy on my part, I wouldn't have a clue what the technical term would be).
The Social Network - Got the blu, it's a damn good one by the way, picture and extras both strong. Seen the film in the cinema, but it holds superbly, think I liked it more on rewatch, I'm definitely on no "it got snubbed bandwagon", it was the slightly better film, and Sorkins script is sublime, it's clearly more his film than it is Fincher(so I can at least understand that snub, despite the fact that past work should of given it to Fincher anyway)....I could even tolerate Timberlake this time around. 9/10
Hereafter - Knew nothing about this before watching it and the first 10 minutes were kind of weird given events yesterday. Interesting concept and with two out of the three story arcs quite engaging and thought provoking but then totally let down by some horrendous acting in the third arc. I honestly couldn't believe what I was watching in the British scenes, I mean this is an Eastwood directed film and has a hefty budget and for some reason they cast twins who were so wooden they might as well have been furniture. Terrible unforgivable acting on the whole for the British scenes but the twins were laughable, thousands of kids must have auditioned and they were the best they could get? I mean I understand they need British twins which isn't exactly easy but they might as well have CGI'd a single actor to make two because I'm sorry they were utter shit.

Ruined an otherwise alright movie. 5/10 and sack your casting agent.
The girl who kicked the hornets nest.


I would of walked out if i was watching it by myself. It is really boring. 1 point for the nailgun part. 1 part for the chick being wierdly hot and 1 point because it was so boring, it felt like it was real.
Toy Story 3

I watched it again on Blu-Ray last night. Really, really brilliant movie. Best of 2010 for me and such a shame that the Academy still can't bring itself to give "Best Picture" to an animated film.


I'm loath to give something 10/10, but it's pretty close to it.
127 Hours

Knew the general gist of the story, obviously it's not that hard to guess, even early into the film... but everything from the images, soundtrack, the acting performances, the editing was absolutely top notch (at least passed as such to me, I know I'm no-where near the buff that a lot of you on here are).

I had some very visceral reactions to certain scenes, and was gripped like hell...

Great film... 9,5/10.
Rashomon - Right. As movies which left legacies, unlike Hitchcock's, I can see why Kurosawa's films have been influential. But viewing this now, I'd say it's somewhere between good and very good. Enforced ending aside, an excellent script. The acting wavers from melodramatic to marvelous, often involving the same characters, which is kind of bizarre. Like the jester in Ran, the bandit character is often irritating. As poncey movie buff musings go - the photography was delicious. Still, understandable why it's a must watch.
Paranormal Activity 2

Just got this a few weeks ago for my birthday but just got round to watching it. I much preferred it to the first one. This one for me was a better storyline, more scary moments and the fact that it focused on the entire house rather than just one room was much better. Also, it had a whole family it affected rather than just two people.

It wasn't as boring as the first IMO.
As all the movie buffs seem to read this thread; Do any of you know of any good movies about police detectives where their inabilities leads to catastrophic consequences (preferably not a comedy, but that's not particularly important). I sort of need it to win a debate.
As all the movie buffs seem to read this thread; Do any of you know of any good movies about police detectives where their inabilities leads to catastrophic consequences (preferably not a comedy, but that's not particularly important). I sort of need it to win a debate.
You could look at movies like Infernal Affairs where it's difficult to work out who are the good and bad guys. Zodiac is a great movie about cops trying to do a job and not finding any magic bullets.
Haunting Of Winchester House
What could of been an good film was totally destroyed by some really bad acting.
The story was there , the twist at the end was there but it just failed to produce, the acting was so bad at one stage you just had to laugh at it.
