Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

It was well-made and well-acted (apart from the risible Timothy Spall as Churchill) but it's a 6/7 rather than a 9. I didn't think the central relationship was really convincing.

Spall was an odd choice but other than that it was as great as a play can be when converted to film. Even my 12 year old really enjoyed it. And I found the central relationship convincing.
Half way through Band of Brothers...and it's like totally Makes Carnivale look a bit popcorn, la. And feckhhhh me.. arrrgghh eh, does episode 6 look tasty or what like?! eh eh eh?
Due Date 6.5/10

Was expecting more laughter from this movie.
Not nearly as good as The Hangover.
It had some really funny parts but then it was missing something.
Without Zach this movie would be nothing.
Half way through Band of Brothers...and it's like totally Makes Carnivale look a bit popcorn, la. And feckhhhh me.. arrrgghh eh, does episode 6 look tasty or what like?! eh eh eh?

I can't recommend that series highly enough!
Wall Street 2

Watched on DVD last night. Switched off after 45 mins. Shite

My friend claims that I didn't like it because I don't understand economics. I bet to differ. I didn't like it because it was a shit movie.
Still can't comprehend the hatred for it.

Well, it's better than his other stuff, in particular Requiem for a Dream aka addiction for idiots... thankfully Black Swan was a much better study of obsession. Must admit..I was expecting myself to hate I'm shocked as anyone that I enjoyed it.
I just finished watching Lost in Translation and I thought it was really great. That's all I can say at the moment.

Yeah, I liked LiT too... Pete thinks I'm mad for liking though.

Oh and did anyone else think Black Swan was a bit Dario Argento?
I've been wanting to see Suspiria.

Did you finish watching Band of Brothers by the way?

Yes. I thought it was very good. Although, my only criticism is the characters could've been developed better(they were underdeveloped). But yeah, cracking series. I think I'll watch The Pacific and all.
Yes. I thought it was very good. Although, my only criticism is the characters could've been developed better. But yeah, cracking series. I think I'll watch The Pacific and all.

I really liked The Pacific though many people thought it was average, problem is it doesn't really get going until about episode bear that in mind. One of the last episodes really echoed Come and See in it's harshness.
Just started to watch Black Swan. The soundtrack is absolutely wonderful.
Nope, it's the internet age bro, people don't watch films no more....they sit on their laptops chatting when watching them in the background ><
Thoughts on Black Swan:

* Very good movie. Nice to see something thought-provoking for a change.
* Felt like it was 'Cronenberg-lite' though. Have no idea why many critics were overwhelmed by the so-called Horror aspects.
* Nina's mother (Barbara Hershey) was, to me, a more unsettling screen presence than any of the main stars (though their performances were flawless, I thought).
* I didn't find the film to be that original, having seen similar themes explored in European movies since the 70's.

The above sounds very much like I'm overly critical of the film, or damning it with faint praise. The truth is, I really appreciated Black Swan - a definite 9/10 film for me - but I expected to be challenged or intrigued more given the reviews it's had.
Argento was great at creating suspense, but horrible in dealing with relationships between people.

Take it you like his movies, Ol? and what did you think of Black Swan?

Coralina Cataldi Tassoni from Demons2 used to live in my building, my wife was quite friendly with her, she used to help her with Italian

You owned a building?

I really liked The Pacific though many people thought it was average, problem is it doesn't really get going until about episode bear that in mind. One of the last episodes really echoed Come and See in it's harshness.

Well, I'm not rushing to buy it. I've got a few movies and Broadwalk Empire first to watch first. And is The Wrestler a good film?

Mark Kermode did.

He's a pretentious poncey movie buff though. It borrowed a lot from fact it was uncanny at times. I didn't like Suspiria though - but I'm going to rewatch it over the next few days in the hope it's much better than what I can remember.
The Chaser 8/10.

Great Korean flick about an ex-cop turned pimp who's trying to track down some of the girls who disappeared on him. At first he thinks it's the competition that snatched them, but he eventually realizes it's much more sinister than that. Awesome, intense ride, one of the best movies I've seen in the last couple of years.