Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I must admit i liked Constantine, it wasn't a bad attempt at bringing the comic to life. Particularly liked Peter Stormare's turn as the Devil
Just watched The Next 3 Days (or at least I think that's what it's called!) with Russell Crowe - I thought it was pretty decent, starts off quite quickly and slows up a lot during the middle but picks up again at the end.

I do tend to like Crowes stuff and this is no different, reminded me in many ways of The Town, the Affleck movie.

I think it's a remake of a French flick called "Anything For Her", which is certainly worth the watch.
Saw Indiano Jones when it came on over Christmas.

Someone needs to be shot for that disaster. I'm all for Shia taking the bullet, though to be fair, the film was so bad he actually came across as slightly less annoying by comparison.

The worst film for Shia annoyance is Eagle Eye, where he plays twins of himself, just so he can not only appear in every scene, but be in some of them twice.
Saw Indiano Jones when it came on over Christmas.

Someone needs to be shot for that disaster. I'm all for Shia taking the bullet, though to be fair, the film was so bad he actually came across as slightly less annoying by comparison.

The worst film for Shia annoyance is Eagle Eye, where he plays twins of himself, just so he can not only appear in every scene, but be in some of them twice.

i can't imagine TWO Shias - one is bad enough - how on earth did he become famous? - although I can't get the Bieber phenomenon either!
The life aquatica.

Its cheap as chips on itunes.

I was in two minds when it first came out, i probably would of been a bit naive at that stage as i was in a zoolander phase. I wathced it last night and its brilliant, every bit of it.
i can't imagine TWO Shias - one is bad enough - how on earth did he become famous? - although I can't get the Bieber phenomenon either!

Maybe there's a lot of women out there with a weakness for jewish men?

As far as I can tell, his biggest achievement is being the only character in i-robot who manages to go the entire film without complimenting Will Smith's shoes.

Bieber doesn't annoy me, but that's probably because I've never been forced to listen to any of his songs..
Shia Le boeuf reminds me of a young Richard Gere.
Rushmore, Bottle Rocket and Royal Tenenbaums >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Life Aquatic.
Yeah I m not the biggest fan of those type of films, they are aight I guess
Dramedy isn't really supposed to make you laugh. Which is actually what they are.
And I want Michael Bay to learn how to check his work for errors.....what can you do eh?
The King's Speech - 8/10

I really liked this. I knew almost nothing about it beforehand but that probably helped matters, to be honest. There are three absolutely cracking performances from Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham-Carter. I expect it to be full of big, schmalzy pay offs but they didn't go down that road, for the most part. They allowed it to be very understated and extremely funny at times.

Thankfully they didn't try to use the movie as a historical document and it revolves far more around the relationships between the various characters than it does the historical context of the time. Geoffrey Rush is absolutely spot on as the speech therapist. Firth's character is extremely likeable and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the running for an Oscar.

excellent film, I agree. I expected it to be hard going but it wasn't in the slightest. Very enjoyable, with extremely good performances
Shia hasn't done anything remotely as good as Days of Heaven or even been as charismatic as Gere was when he was young(although his young is still like 5 years older than Shia is now -_-)
Dhobi Ghat - 4/10

Rubbish movie. The trailers looked promising and given Aamir Khan was involved, I had a good feeling about this one. In the end it didn't really have much of a story. I like it's style of story-telling but it didn't have much to, er, tell. A woman who loves hanging out with the guy who cleans her clothes. Lovely.
Takers - Pretty good movie in the vain of Heat, but starring R & B Twat Chris Brown, Bloke From "The Wire", Paul Walker and Hayden "NOOOOOOO!" Christensen. 7/10

F - British Movie about a Bunch of Hoodies attacking a School, Think Assault on Precinct 13 with Hoodies. 6/10

Robin Hood - Disappointing Effort, Bit boring 6/10
I've spent a long time - and I mean a long time - from Yanks and American Gigolo onwards - looking at Mr Gere and the only similarity I can see is dark hair!

Sounds like you've had a few yanks wanks. My Mum and older Sister used to drool over that film.