Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Not seen it, Pogue. It's got some naff reviews...did you watch it at the flicks or something? to be fair, I saw some awful films last year - blame Orange Wednesday.
Not seen it, Pogue. It's got some naff reviews...did you watch it at the flicks or something? to be fair, I saw some awful films last year - blame Orange Wednesday.

Just watched a BRRIP on the telly.

Did it really get naff reviews? I reckon poncey film buffs might like it. Some of them anyway.

It's by the bloke that did Bronson. Which is great.
I still don't know if I liked Valhalla Rising either. I reckon I did, but I probably won't be watching it again anytime soon.
Just watched a BRRIP on the telly.

Did it really get naff reviews? I reckon poncey film buffs might like it. Some of them anyway.

It's by the bloke that did Bronson. Which is great.

Well, I've only scanned Imdb...and to be fair, it's only frequented by spastics. The reviews are more mixed on Rotten Tomatoes though(which I've just checked out).

I might actually watch it.
The Pleasure of Being Robbed According to IMDB, this is the synopsis of the movie:
A curious and lost Eleonore looks for something everywhere, even in the bags of strangers who find themselves sadly smiling only well after she's left their lives. They owe her their thanks.
I don't know what movie this synopsis is for, but it sure as shit is not about this movie. This movie is 70 minutes of a girl stealing whatever she wants with no real consequences. I fail to see how someone stealing your money, credit cards, car, and cleaning supplies would cause you to want to thank them. I reckon it's supposed to be edgy, and have some sort of point, but it's pretty much a waste of 70 minutes. 3/10
127 hours - First off, James Franco is great, can't think of anything I've watched with him in that I didn't think that though but his run of form continues. The film is a bit pants though, it's all too glossy and over produced in places and means it creates very little sense of atmosphere or any kind of emotional connection with the audience which is a pity as the story had potential.

Sleeping dogs lie - low budget comedy directed by Bobcat Goldthwait (Chapelle's show, World's greatest Dad) about a girl who has a deep dark secret that involves her dog and fellatio...still with me? Great. The film revolves initially around her telling her fiancee during a game of 'what's the kinkiest thing you've ever done' and then follows her as her relationships with her fiancee and her family collapse around her. Bit weird but if you like low budget indie comedies with a tinge of hollywood rom com and I'm sure there are a few of you then it's a decent way to pass an hour and a half.

Freakanomics - didn't actually finish this one but that is because i've not long read the brilliant book and it's all the same facts so it was pretty pointless. It was quite well made and a fun watch though so if you're too lazy to read the book then I'd recommend it thoroughly.
Sleeping dogs lie- low budget comedy directed by Bobcat Goldthwait (Chapelle's show, World's greatest Dad) about a girl who has a deep dark secret that involves her dog and fellatio...still with me? Great. The film revolves initially around her telling her fiancee during a game of 'what's the kinkiest thing you've ever done' and then follows her as her relationships with her fiancee and her family collapse around her. Bit weird but if you like low budget indie comedies with a tinge of hollywood rom com and I'm sure there are a few of you then it's a decent way to pass an hour and a half.

Erm... No? :confused:
What the feck?

Seriously, what the feckety feck?

Honestly have no idea whether or not I liked this film.

It looks absolutely stunning. Amazing scenery and really striking cinematography. The sound design and score is fantastic, probably the best of any film I've watched all year (since Jonny Greenwood's score for There Will Be Blood anyway) It's really atmospheric, with an oppressive sense of foreboding and dread that just won't let up. It manages to keep you on tenterhooks throughout, despite having an incredibly slooooooooooooow pace. It's also fantastically gory and violent, in a good way.

But it's just so damn odd. A really really strange film. If anyone has any idea what it's all about, please let me know 'cause most of it it went right over my head...

I just read up on it and it seems a bit like Aguirre, the Wrath of God...might check it out.
If anyone has any idea what it's all about, please let me know 'cause most of it it went right over my head...

Not much. I liked it, particularly the first hour and I thought it was really well made. It did some really interesting things on a low budget. Ultimately I didn't think it had much to say.

It has it's own voice and style but it is a bit of a hodge-podge of influences. Beginning with echos of Conan the Barbarian, through to the boat journey, One Eye becomes Gabriel aboard the Jeroboam from Moby Dick. Then we're into Aguirre territory via Joseph Conrad. Before reaching the final scenes that seem to have come from Nicolas Roeg's Walkabout. But with none of their depth.
The Devil Wears Prada


Top film - I LOVE Anne Hathaway in it
The King's Speech - 8/10

I really liked this. I knew almost nothing about it beforehand but that probably helped matters, to be honest. There are three absolutely cracking performances from Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham-Carter. I expect it to be full of big, schmalzy pay offs but they didn't go down that road, for the most part. They allowed it to be very understated and extremely funny at times.

Thankfully they didn't try to use the movie as a historical document and it revolves far more around the relationships between the various characters than it does the historical context of the time. Geoffrey Rush is absolutely spot on as the speech therapist. Firth's character is extremely likeable and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the running for an Oscar.
Just saw "Lemmy".


And yes, the movies deals with the shorts.
Season of the Witch 0/10 I went to this with the knowledge that it was going to be awful. It easily surpassed my expectations of being bad. The dialogue was impressively bad and wooden. Nic Cage and Ron Perlman can't have a convincing conversation with one another the entire film. There's also the modern day profanity used in the 14th Century. Very little is explained until 20 minutes into the movie.

Also, a priest says "I think we're going to need more holy water."
Really wanna see Black Swan but what worries me is the dancing. I'm such a huge dance fan that if Portman's "dancing" is anything less than spot on, I'll just get annoyed.

Cutting from long shots of professional stand-ins to close-ups of the actor being a bit rubbish really takes me out of the illusion. Tell me she's decent.
Batman Begins 8/10

Not seen it for a while but Christian Bale is excellent as Batman- better than Michael Keaton, who was very good, and much much better than Gorgeous George and Val Kilmer.

I'm only just starting to get the hype around Bale. He was never a favourite of mine. Not until I saw The Prestige.
Really wanna see Black Swan but what worries me is the dancing. I'm such a huge dance fan that if Portman's "dancing" is anything less than spot on, I'll just get annoyed.

Cutting from long shots of professional stand-ins to close-ups of the actor being a bit rubbish really takes me out of the illusion. Tell me she's decent.

Read an interview at the weekend in which she talked about hours and hours of training to get the ballet right. Apparently she got to a fairly high level, mastered dancing en point and everything.

They showed the film to a professional ballerina who said she wasn't good enough to make a living in ballet but she wasn't far off.
Morning Glory: Just got back from a free screening. I went in with low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised.
It raised a few chuckles without being overly funny and I found myself caring about what happened to Rachel McAdams, who was surprisingly good. Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford were good (although I thought Ford slightly overplayed it at times) and there was a decent cameo from Jeff Goldblum.
Overall it was good date movie fare.
Really wanna see Black Swan but what worries me is the dancing. I'm such a huge dance fan that if Portman's "dancing" is anything less than spot on, I'll just get annoyed.

Cutting from long shots of professional stand-ins to close-ups of the actor being a bit rubbish really takes me out of the illusion. Tell me she's decent.

I'm not a dance expert, but she practiced for a whole year before filming began, and I thought she was impressive.

Fantastic film, one of the years best.
Just watched The Next 3 Days (or at least I think that's what it's called!) with Russell Crowe - I thought it was pretty decent, starts off quite quickly and slows up a lot during the middle but picks up again at the end.

I do tend to like Crowes stuff and this is no different, reminded me in many ways of The Town, the Affleck movie.


Keanu Reeves, playing Neo, from the Matrix, and Shia Labeouf, playing the same annoying kid he plays in every film he's in, fight against some right fecking evil demon types in order to maintain the balance of good and evil.

It's hard to describe how I felt about this film, so I'll just break it all down into three categories;

Good things about this films
- demons
- bible disrespect
- Rachel Weisz inclusion
- Shia Labeouf beaten to pulp
- A Perfect Circle's "Passive"

Bad things about this film
- Neo personality black hole syndrome
- Over the top darkening of every single scene
- Nothing much seems to happen for the first hour
- Not enough Rachel Weisz
- Pointless characters

Things that have been nicked from other films
- Neo, from the Matrix
- Shia Labeouf, from I-robot
- Midnight, from Live and Let Die
- Crazed demon girl, from the Excorcist
- Plot, pieced together from Blade and The Excorcist
