Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Fighter is probably the best American movie of the year IMO, A very solid 8.5

Melissa Leo playing the mother was outrageously good, Christian Bale is almost unrecognizeable, also a great peformance, what can I say about the 7 sisters, anybody who grew up in “lower working class” neighborhood will relate to this movie on a different level
The Fighter is probably the best American movie of the year IMO, A very solid 8.5

Melissa Leo playing the mother was outrageously good, Christian Bale is almost unrecognizeable, also a great peformance, what can I say about the 7 sisters, anybody who grew up in “lower working class” neighborhood will relate to this movie on a different level

I liked it,too.

Mark Wahlberg did a very smart thing by taking a step back and letting Bale carry a movie.

The supporting cast, with Amy Adams and those women playing Mickey Ward's family, were all brilliant.

Absolutely shite.

That is all.

Cost 50 mill to make and only took 160k at the box office :lol:

With this story it should have been a blockbuster ;)

During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan, a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking's Iron Age weaponry.
127 Hours

Meh, not that impressed. Very slow going for the most part (it almost felt literally like it had been on 127 hours at one point) and it seemed like we were just waiting around for the grisly bit (which was as horrible as you might imagine). I think a large problem with the film was that naturally it needed a lot of flashbacks/hallucinations to pad it out and the character played by Franco didn't come across as a particularly likeable guy. Honest maybe but not exactly gripping viewing.

6, maybe a 7 out of 10.
127 Hours

Meh, not that impressed. Very slow going for the most part (it almost felt literally like it had been on 127 hours at one point) and it seemed like we were just waiting around for the grisly bit (which was as horrible as you might imagine). I think a large problem with the film was that naturally it needed a lot of flashbacks/hallucinations to pad it out and the character played by Franco didn't come across as a particularly likeable guy. Honest maybe but not exactly gripping viewing.

6, maybe a 7 out of 10.

How gross was the cutting of the arm scene?
127 Hours

I fell asleep during the scene where the poor guy was desperately trying to fall asleep. 85 minutes spent waiting for something i knew was going to happen, and by the time it finally arrived i was willing him to bite his bloody arm off, so i could also escape from the canyon.

Cost 50 mill to make and only took 160k at the box office :lol:

With this story it should have been a blockbuster ;)

During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan, a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking's Iron Age weaponry.

It's one of the worst films I've ever seen. Almost so bad it's good. Almost.
How gross was the cutting of the arm scene?

Assuming that's not a rhetorical question it was as gross as you might expect. First he has to snap both the bones in his arm which is bad enough but then he has to use his pathetically blunt pocket knife to go through flesh, nerves and tendons. It'll make you wince alright.
The Fighter - 9/10 best movie of the year so far. My pick for an Oscar. Bale is shoe in for best supporting case. For some reason, Mark's acting performance did not stood out for me. He always has that same facial impression of a shy boy. Great boxing movement thou, and I have read all the prep he and bale did for this movie.

Dinner for Schmucks 0/10 - The worst movie I have seen ever. Everytime you think the movie will pick up there is some really really stupid not funny 3 yr old humor scene.

True Grit - 7/10 I agree with move of you. A western needs gun fights and they come toward the end, and even then there is not much of it. Great dialogue, and the girl may win an award, but I was not impressed with Damon nor Brolin.

Black Swan - 8/10 The movie has a great on the edge of your seat tempo and constantly makes you wonder what will happen next. Unpredictable, action, great performance by portman which I think will give her an academy award. However, as soon as the movie was over I have no desire to watch it again nor make me think about any points in the movie. We get it, ballerina life is competitive and tough.
I downloaded Moon last night. I got to what I expect was about 20 minutes before the end and the film just stopped there, for some reason the file was missing the fecking ending. I just wikipedia'd the last bit. Stupid thing, was enjoying it til then.
I downloaded Moon last night. I got to what I expect was about 20 minutes before the end and the film just stopped there, for some reason the file was missing the fecking ending. I just wikipedia'd the last bit. Stupid thing, was enjoying it til then.


Watched the first two episodes of Carnivale...and yeah it was a decent watch. But it seemed a bit to in your face. It didn't have say Twin Peak's subtlety, so basically it was more Lost or Hereos than David Lynch's excellent TV series. Regardless, I reckon I'll enjoy Carnivale...and like all things good, there are plenty of boobs on show.

Oh and what is it with Yanks, their TV shows and religion??!!
The Next Three Days: I was lucky enough to watch the French film that this copied (Anything For Her) and this stays very similar to the original until the last 30 minutes or so. Some of the scenes are carbon copies, which could be a good or bad thing depending on your viewpoint.

The nature of this film always means that the ending is very predictable, however it can be entertaining to see how the protagonists get there. The film is entertaining enough for what it is, but it doesn't pull up any trees.

I have to say that I preferred the original. They jazzed up the ending too much in the Hollywood version and added a couple of scenes which were either ludicrous, unnecessary or both.
I would probably wait to see it on DVD or Television, rather than rush out to watch it at the cinema. I only went because my other half wanted to see it.

The original's main character had a bit more intrigue about him. The way he procures the gun, the fact that he didn't slip up when interviewing the ex-con. It makes you think he could have been more than "just a Teacher"
The American version needlessly added a stupid scene with the key in the Jail. As part of their jazzed up Hollywood ending, they also introduced the notion that he was willing to abandon his Son, which just wasn't ever going to be a consideration after all he had gone through.

Watched the first two episodes of Carnivale...and yeah it was a decent watch. But it seemed a bit to in your face. It didn't have say Twin Peak's subtlety, so basically it was more Lost or Hereos than David Lynch's excellent TV series. Regardless, I reckon I'll enjoy Carnivale...and like all things good, there are plenty of boobs on show.

Oh and what is it with Yanks, their TV shows and religion??!!

It's not as atmospheric as Twin Peaks but it's too slow moving and unconventional to really be compared with the others. The Lynch-like surrealism is there though and the religion helps in creating a sinister tone, all in all it's like a twisted version of The Grapes of Wrath with circus freaks. It's a shame about the cancellation and the rushed ending.
Seems to be classic good vs evil, almost Star Wars set in 30s America without light-sabres and other stuff like the Death Star.

Watched the first two episodes of Carnivale...and yeah it was a decent watch. But it seemed a bit to in your face. It didn't have say Twin Peak's subtlety, so basically it was more Lost or Hereos than David Lynch's excellent TV series. Regardless, I reckon I'll enjoy Carnivale...and like all things good, there are plenty of boobs on show.

Oh and what is it with Yanks, their TV shows and religion??!!

I just started watching Carnivale as well. I have only watched five episodes and I can't get enough of the show. The mysticism along with the lack of transparency in the characters had me watching episode after episode.

Personally, I love the religion factor and the whole theme of good vs evil.
I've watched 7 episodes so far...and I've enjoyed it. Still think it's more Heroes/Lost than Twin Peaks but that's not a slight... Oh and it looks great to boot.
Is the Twin Peaks film any good? Never saw that one, was a bit underwhelmed by the ending of the show and couldn't be arsed watching it. How did we end up discussing Carnivale in the movie thread btw.
I just started watching Carnivale as well. I have only watched five episodes and I can't get enough of the show. The mysticism along with the lack of transparency in the characters had me watching episode after episode.

Personally, I love the religion factor and the whole theme of good vs evil.

I have wanted to watch this for a while , but dont want to get sucked in to a storyline that will not end.
Is it worth the watch ,even though they cancelled the show.
The Fighter 4,5/5

Very good film, Bale is fantastic, but the main character lacked some emotional depth IMO.

Black Swan 5/5

Sensational film. Having a hard time picking between this and The Social Network as the best movie of the year. Portman is perfect.
I have wanted to watch this for a while , but dont want to get sucked in to a storyline that will not end.
Is it worth the watch ,even though they cancelled the show.

I couldn't tell you. I've only watched about five episodes and I am really enjoying it but I am definitely not looking forward to the cliffhanger ending. In spite of that, I would still recommend the show. Top drawer.
The Fighter 4,5/5

Very good film, Bale is fantastic, but the main character lacked some emotional depth IMO.

Black Swan 5/5

Sensational film. Having a hard time picking between this and The Social Network as the best movie of the year. Portman is perfect.

Bale was fecking awesome in the fighter
I've watched 7 episodes so far...and I've enjoyed it. Still think it's more Heroes/Lost than Twin Peaks but that's not a slight... Oh and it looks great to boot.

Lost and Heroes aren't anywhere near the level of Carnivale. It's a sublime show and it was an absolute crime that it was cancelled.
The Man from Nowhere - Korean thrillers just never disappoints. Well executed, a bit cliched with some corny moments but still manages to feel fresh. I thought the first half was better than the second and whilst not being one of the best films to come out of Korea in recent years, it's a reasonably enjoyable film with good action.
Valhalla Rising - ?/10

What the feck?

Seriously, what the feckety feck?

Honestly have no idea whether or not I liked this film.

It looks absolutely stunning. Amazing scenery and really striking cinematography. The sound design and score is fantastic, probably the best of any film I've watched all year (since Jonny Greenwood's score for There Will Be Blood anyway) It's really atmospheric, with an oppressive sense of foreboding and dread that just won't let up. It manages to keep you on tenterhooks throughout, despite having an incredibly slooooooooooooow pace. It's also fantastically gory and violent, in a good way.

But it's just so damn odd. A really really strange film. If anyone has any idea what it's all about, please let me know 'cause most of it it went right over my head...
What the feck?

Seriously, what the feckety feck?

Honestly have no idea whether or not I liked this film.

It looks absolutely stunning. Amazing scenery and really striking cinematography. The sound design and score is fantastic, probably the best of any film I've watched all year (since Jonny Greenwood's score for There Will Be Blood anyway) It's really atmospheric, with an oppressive sense of foreboding and dread that just won't let up. It manages to keep you on tenterhooks throughout, despite having an incredibly slooooooooooooow pace. It's also fantastically gory and violent, in a good way.

But it's just so damn odd. A really really strange film. If anyone has any idea what it's all about, please let me know 'cause most of it it went right over my head...

As we're only 14 days into the year, is that an impressive thing?
Right guys, recommend me a nice but short film like 'How to train your dragon' that was released not too long back.
Don't watch it again on my recommendation. I'm still not sure if I actually liked it.

You'll never become a poncy film buff. And you've not once talked about smoke being brilliantly captured by WKW.

Anyway, I received Band of Brothers on blu ray, today...suffice to say I'm a tad pleased. So after Carnivale it's BoB for me.