Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Well, he was in (albeit only as a cameo) The Invention of Lying, which was shit.
Elf - Not too keen on a lot of WF's movies, with this an exception. Very funny yet innocent and probably underrated.
Got this on the recommendation of one of redcafe's poncey film buffs. Thoroughly enjoyed it too. You know that theory that Philip Seymour Hoffman hasn't been in a bad film? Apparently that holds true even when he's only providing a voice for a mentally ill black and white claymation character.

Quirky, funny, dark and heart-warming little film. A weird mix of Muriel's wedding, Rain Man and Wallace and Grommet, only considerably less shit than that sounds. Guaranteed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy, which is always a good thing.

Patch Adams, at the moment your rule is looking about as reliable as "i before e except after c".
Got this on the recommendation of one of redcafe's poncey film buffs. Thoroughly enjoyed it too. You know that theory that Philip Seymour Hoffman hasn't been in a bad film? Apparently that holds true even when he's only providing a voice for a mentally ill black and white claymation character.

Quirky, funny, dark and heart-warming little film. A weird mix of Muriel's wedding, Rain Man and Wallace and Grommet, only considerably less shit than that sounds. Guaranteed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy, which is always a good thing.

I loved his Jewish New York accent. In fact Max was a brilliant character, full stop.
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari - Fascinatingly eerie. The highly stylized German expressionistic sets were great...I'm pretty sure I saw some signs of Shutter Island and tons of other film in it.

Seconds - Very good psychological thriller with an uneasy, unsettling, paranoia inducing tone.
True Grit 8/10. Loved it. I like the way westerns have turned into the USA equivalent of greek mythology, and the way this film has followed in Deadwoods style of turning the speech into an almost shakesperean air. Some cracking films. My top 5 for the year has completely changed.
True Grit 8/10. Loved it. I like the way westerns have turned into the USA equivalent of greek mythology, and the way this film has followed in Deadwoods style of turning the speech into an almost shakesperean air. Some cracking films. My top 5 for the year has completely changed.

Yep. Must've been a brilliant movie considering you've seen a zillion films in 2011.
True Grit 8/10. Loved it. I like the way westerns have turned into the USA equivalent of greek mythology, and the way this film has followed in Deadwoods style of turning the speech into an almost shakesperean air. Some cracking films. My top 5 for the year has completely changed.

Western's are not really my bag , but I will give it a go.
Western's are not really my bag , but I will give it a go.

Not the all out action western like 3:10 to Yuma but more of the brooding type of adventure, a lot of talking in an almost Shakesperean style. Good luck trying to understand Rooster.

Meh. Kept me interested for the duration but was fairly predictable. Didn't really generate any genuine feeling of claustrophobia from the premise either which was disappointing. I thought the scene in 'The Descent' where she gets stuck in the tunnel did a far better job. And naturally the denoument of 'The Vanishing'.


True Grit

Love the Coens and also being a massive Western fan so it was fair to say I was hyped much more than normal for this. Sad to say then that I was mildy disappointed by the result, it being merely a good film and not a great one. The girl in the lead absolutely carried the movie, Bridges & Pepper were good, Damon was ok but bar a couple of scenes it just didn't seem to have the trademark Coen brothers quirkiness I look for. I was also underwhelmed somewhat by the cinematography which is another aspect of the movie (particularly in a Western) that I was looking forward to. Having not read the book or seen the original movie version I can't compare but it certainly won't be looked back on as a classic of the genre.


The Fighter

Absolutely loved this. Despite being definite Oscar bait (Bale is a shoo in as is the woman who played his mum) and having various factual inaccuries in order to make the story more 'Hollywoody' I was gripped from start to finish. Having loved 'Three Kings' and 'I Heart Huckabees' I knew David O Russell would deliver and he shoots it beautifully, adds a superb soundtrack and draws fantastic performances from everyone involved. Bale & Wahlberg deserve particular praise for their dedication to the roles. Despite being based on a true story it plays out like a cross between Rocky & a recent Australian film (another one to watch) called 'Animal Kingdom' which centres around a dysfunctional criminal family. A definte crowd pleaser.

True Grit 8/10. Loved it. I like the way westerns have turned into the USA equivalent of greek mythology, and the way this film has followed in Deadwoods style of turning the speech into an almost shakesperean air. Some cracking films. My top 5 for the year has completely changed.
I really liked the film. Actually, I probably liked it better than the original. I couldn't stand the girl in the first one, but the girl in this one was fantastic.
I really liked the film. Actually, I probably liked it better than the original. I couldn't stand the girl in the first one, but the girl in this one was fantastic.

She was superb, out of all the characters she's the one that had the true grit. Have you seen Black Swan yet?
She was superb, out of all the characters she's the one that had the true grit. Have you seen Black Swan yet?
Yes. Thought it was great. Excellent performance by Natalie Portman. Definitely one of the best films of last year. I will say though that sometimes the imagery
ie her turning into a swan
was a bit obvious, but still a damn good watch.
Yes. Thought it was great. Excellent performance by Natalie Portman. Definitely one of the best films of last year. I will say though that sometimes the imagery
ie her turning into a swan
was a bit obvious, but still a damn good watch.

It was obvious, but it ws in line with the story as that was what she was obsessing over, and what the whole plotline was merging towards
Don't forget she turned into Mila Kunis a few times as well. Including one moment I'm sure you appreciated.
. Simply stunning film. Portman deserves the best actress award.
I wasn't all that impressed with Black Swan. Portman deserves credit for her dedication to the role and is another shoo in for an Oscar nom but I wouldn't rank it up there with Pi, Requiem or The Wrestler in the Aronovsky back catalogue.

The less said about The Fountain the better. That's one of the few films I've actually had to turn off whilst watching it. Absolute guff.
I wasn't all that impressed with Black Swan. Portman deserves credit for her dedication to the role and is another shoo in for an Oscar nom but I wouldn't rank it up there with Pi, Requiem or The Wrestler in the Aronovsky back catalogue.
I would.
The less said about The Fountain the better. That's one of the few films I've actually had to turn off whilst watching it. Absolute guff.
Fully agree there.
Was a bit underwhelmed by True Grit, I would give it a very good 7/10 but after some of the raving reviews I think I was expecting something a bit more. The ending was a bit disappointing I think.

And this is a small quip, but it was bugging me at the time-
Why didn't Rooster just take one or two of the horses from the four guys he shot when he was racing off with Mattie to find her help for the snake bite? Instead of just running one horse into the ground, he would have got to wherever he was going a lot fast er with two horses, and wouldn't have had to carry her himself.

The young girl was absolutely fantastic though, especially for a 13/14 year old. A really great performance, she obviously has a bright career in front of her.

Really looking forward to watching Black Sawn though, I love Natalie Portman and am largely a fan of Aronofsky
City Of God: I don't know why it has taken me so long to see this film, but it was well worth the wait. The futility of it all, the frivolous way people killed each other and the way people got sucked into the gangs was quite grim to behold.

Tropa de Elite, aka Elite Squad

If you liked City of God, you may like this one, too.

It's about elite police battalion (BOPE), kind of Brazilian version of SWAT, that was given a task of cleaning up a drug-ridden Rio de Janeiro slum in advance of the pope's 1997 visit.

The storytelling is quite similar to City of God, and it's action packed.

If you're interested, I can PM you the link to a torrent.
Tropa de Elite, aka Elite Squad

If you liked City of God, you may like this one, too.

It's about elite police battalion (BOPE), kind of Brazilian version of SWAT, that was given a task to cleaning up a drug-ridden Rio de Janeiro slum in advance of the pope's 1997 visit.

The storytelling is quite similar to City of God, and it's action packed.

If you're interested, I can PM you the link to a torrent.

I would be disgusted to find such a thing in my PM inbox.
Tropa de Elite, aka Elite Squad

If you liked City of God, you may like this one, too.

It's about elite police battalion (BOPE), kind of Brazilian version of SWAT, that was given a task to cleaning up a drug-ridden Rio de Janeiro slum in advance of the pope's 1997 visit.

The storytelling is quite similar to City of God, and it's action packed.

If you're interested, I can PM you the link to a torrent.

Yeah that one's good.

There's also 'City of Men' by the makers of 'City of God'. The original series is better than the film though.
127 Hours - James Franco is seriously brilliant, I don't know what else to say about the film since unless you live under a rock(lolz) you know what happens, but despite that Boyle, and most importantly Franco keep it gripping. Seriously Colin Firth will have to give one amazing job for me to think he'll deserve the Oscar over Franco. 8/10
Godfather films.

Until a few days ago, I'd never seen the films, but had always heard the hype about how they were amazing.

Watched the first, most of the second but missed the third. At that time, I was like 'they're alright, but nothing on something like Goodfellas'

However now, I'm beginning to appreciate them much more (well, what I saw) to the point where I think they were brilliant and want to watch them all!
The Way Back - 4/10

There really isn't a lot to say shot this. At times the scenery is beautiful but the story is pretty limp. It really is just filled with the usual 'Go on without me. No! I'm not leaving you behind' moments.

Colin Farrell plays the same character he did in Daredevil, which is a bit weird considering it's set (at least partly) in a gulag during WW2. Saoirse Ronan is okay, though I don't know how she's getting rave reviews for what is, in truth, a pretty standard performance. Ed Harris is okay without ever being remotely brilliant.

It also has an incredibly abrupt ending. You'll know what I mean if you see it.
Tropa de Elite, aka Elite Squad

If you liked City of God, you may like this one, too.

It's about elite police battalion (BOPE), kind of Brazilian version of SWAT, that was given a task of cleaning up a drug-ridden Rio de Janeiro slum in advance of the pope's 1997 visit.

The storytelling is quite similar to City of God, and it's action packed.

If you're interested, I can PM you the link to a torrent.

Thanks for the recommendation.

I would be disgusted to find such a thing! ;)
The Fighter 7/10
Great acting by Bale but it just moved at a snails pace and some of the characters seemed caricatures rather than fleshed out protaganists.
Was a bit underwhelmed by True Grit, I would give it a very good 7/10 but after some of the raving reviews I think I was expecting something a bit more. The ending was a bit disappointing I think.

And this is a small quip, but it was bugging me at the time-
Why didn't Rooster just take one or two of the horses from the four guys he shot when he was racing off with Mattie to find her help for the snake bite? Instead of just running one horse into the ground, he would have got to wherever he was going a lot fast er with two horses, and wouldn't have had to carry her himself.

The young girl was absolutely fantastic though, especially for a 13/14 year old. A really great performance, she obviously has a bright career in front of her.

I agree. Good with a couple of really great performances but overall underwhelming.
Mesrine. Not as great as what I was led to believe. I thought it was too fast paced as a consequence of the story jumping down the timeline, this also resulted in the characters being rather two dimensional... except for the main protagonist. I would've also liked to have seen more of the Bonnie and Clyde relationship that Mesrine and Jeanne had... by all accounts she was pretty mental but we only got a hint of her madness. That's not to say it was bad, I thought the first half of the film looked gorgeous...I am sure Dresilvered and others would appreciate the way the scenes in France were composed....almost Chris Doyle-like. I also enjoyed the action especially the prison scenes and some fantastic tits, that said, it's a shame Elena Ayana didn't get them out for the lads. Overall it was a good that I enjoyed, although I suspect I'll have to watch part two before forming a solid opinion.
I thought Mesrine was fecking terrible (Both parts). Although as always Cassel shines. Love that guy
I'd agree with those saying True Grit lacked something..I dunno what but it definitely did. It was well acted and lovingly made but it was a very one note film. Even when something pivitol was happening it just felt kind of the same as when it wasn't...if that makes sense. Damon, Pepper and Brolin don't really have roles that seemed to do anything or go anywhere, even if they did, if that also makes sense, which I realise it doesn't. Basically one note again. They just popped up and did something for convenience's sake and then fecked off again. It's a good note of course this one note, and a relatively high one, but just the one....The girl of course - as everyone's rightly pointed out - is fantastic and steals the film from the moment she browbeats the stable owner (or whatever he was)

I'd say 7 too.