Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Well exactly...and of course the suspension of disbelief required to believe that any of the people he talks to would actually behave like that. Adding little bits where he wonders this doesn't completely absolve you of just trying to stretch the running time with purposefully incompetent emergency staff.

Why did they kill his colleague? seemed a bit spasticated to do so. But I don't have many issues with the retarded storyline, I just wanted the cnut to break out and shoot the evil terrorists Rambo style. Oh and I thought his mum having Alzheimer's was cute! awww look it's worse than you think..his mum can't recall her own son. How does that make you feel viewers?!!
Why did they kill his colleague? seemed a bit spasticated to do so. But I don't have many issues with the retarded storyline, I just wanted the cnut to break out and shoot the evil terrorists Rambo style. Oh and I thought his mum having Alzheimer's was cute! awww look it's worse than you think..his mum can't recall her own son. How does that make you feel viewers?!!

I thought there was a lot positive to be said about the film, but I also just felt at the end I was left with the feeling of "oh ok, so this is how they made this" as opposed to "oh ok, so that was a story"...The mechanics of it were screamingly obvious to me...for example

Like I've mentioned, the spastic emergency/FBI/military staff asking him for his NS number and other pointless details whilst constantly re-directing him all over the place. At one point it seemed like there might be a twist, or at least a point to this, that maybe even this was some shady thing in America. In fact at one point they throw out a red herring about this saying "but why have you got through to the Chicago (or wherever) 911?" but this is never resolved, and neither is anything else so it becomes blatantly obvious that all of these conversations are in there - and made as tediously long and frustrating as humanly possible - to stretch out the running time of "man in box with phone" rather than because they're part of any actual story...

Then you've got the bleakness we've talked about, which I feel was completely cynical and pre-determined. Almost as if the first thing they decided before a word had been written was "So how about he dies in the end yeah? How cool is that!!" ... and thus them thinking that adding that extra 10 mins only to dash his hopes at the end was so clever "So, like, how more bleak can we make it? Ill mother? check. Friend shot? Check. Cut his finger off? Check....but it wasn't really that clever. It's been done before and was just bleak and pointless.

...I'm clearly massively over analysing it, but I just felt the whole thing was very cynical and much less clever than it thought it was..And yeah, actually, I did actually just want him to get out.

I'm a spastic though.
Has anyone watched "The Message" directed by Mustafa Akkad? I was wondering how people rated the movie, whatever their inclinations towards Islam is.
"So, like, how more bleak can we make it? Ill mother? check. Friend shot? Check. Cut his finger off? Check....but it wasn't really that clever. It's been done before and was just bleak and pointless.


Yes. It was a downward spiral. Wasn't exactly as if they were portraying a person dying from a terminal illness either. Nope. A person was buried deep underground....and it felt as if no one was willing to help. Even the terrorists weren't happy with the fact that he actually recorded a video message for them - something that should've pleased them and stopped them from killing his mate/colleague - the idiots now lost a bargaining tool! I thought it was interesting to see that his company were only too quick to wash their hands off him. But surely in reality it'd make more PR sense to join the powers to be and help save him?! But yeah they(director/writers) were just trying to stretch the material as much as possible...even the visual aspects. It was deep underground, but they used green, red and yellow/white lighting. feck me, did they throw the works at it. I'm not saying it was bad....but I dunno, I just didn't enjoy the experience. The ending probably pissed me off more than anything else.
I'm sure if people over-analyzed it this much, we could make out that The Godfather is a god awful film too.

I watched something on Sky last night....but I forgot, oh yeah, Hard Rain, rofl movie.
You'd like Secret of Kells, Gambit. Brilliant art direction...although it could be argued that it's more style over substance. Kells needs a bit of patience...but it's well worth it in the end. Movies aren't just about great storylines, but a good visual experience. And this one certainly delivers. But I'm cheap like that.

Seen it, loved it. Agree with everything you say. I'm even cheaper.

I'm blind as a bat, to be fair.

I've downloaded Howl's Moving Castle. If it's anywhere near as good as Mononoke or Spirited Away, I'll be in for a treat. A very pretentious one....

It's ok but nowhere near as good. (See I've just lowered your expectations, you'll now enjoy the film more)
I have a friend who loves anime, like seriously, and hates Miyazaki...."just because" is his reason, he used to go to some anime club in Uni and it was kind of a common thing for them to dislike him -_-
I have a friend who loves anime, like seriously, and hates Miyazaki...."just because" is his reason, he used to go to some anime club in Uni and it was kind of a common thing for them to dislike him -_-

Yeah for the word Anime, change to Hentai.
Howl's had it's moments but in the end left me a bit underwhelmed. I did however watch it after just having just seen the likes of Mononoke, Spirited Away, I was expecting rather much.

I'm currently watching The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. So far it's been pretty great.
Howl's had it's moments but in the end left me a bit underwhelmed. I did however watch it after just having just seen the likes of Mononoke, Spirited Away, I was expecting rather much.

I'm currently watching The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. So far it's been pretty great.

I've not seen Nausicaa. Jin Roh's another great anime, you should watch it, Nils.

Now that's a joyful feel-good movie.

Yeah, which is why I've put it off for so long.
I have a friend who loves anime, like seriously, and hates Miyazaki...."just because" is his reason, he used to go to some anime club in Uni and it was kind of a common thing for them to dislike him -_-

It's just the natural snobbish reaction once something becomes popular or mainstream.

We're all guilty of it, or at least some form of it, at some stage or another.
It's just the natural snobbish reaction once something becomes popular or mainstream.

We're all guilty of it, or at least some form of it, at some stage or another.

Possible. Or perhaps anime that is enjoyed by the wider audience loses something that appeals to the hardcore fan. To be honest, I've generally only enjoyed anime aimed at the casual audience. Anyway, I'm downloading FLCL (Video 2000) - IMDb .

And is Makoto Shinkai's work worth checking out? Anyone?
I've not seen Nausicaa. Jin Roh's another great anime, you should watch it, Nils.

Nausicaa is a must see. I think I've seen it, don't remember much about it though.

Assassination of Jesse James was great. So much better than There Will Be Blood. One of the best films of recent years no doubt. It's not for everyone though.
I watched my first Miyazaki films a short while back and loved them. I caught Nausicaa and Howl's Moving Castle, have a few more sitting in a pile ready to watch along with some other anime
Four Lions - 8/10

Quality. Didn't think I'd enjoy this as much as I did. Expected the usual Morris blend of absurdist humour with an underlying sense of pathos and unease but the terrific acting, arresting visual style and clever twists and turns in the plot caught me by surprise.

A brave, funny and profoundly sad take on probably the most important challenge facing contemporary society. It's also got ninja turtles, the honey monster and an upside down clown. What's not to like?
City Of God: I don't know why it has taken me so long to see this film, but it was well worth the wait. The futility of it all, the frivolous way people killed each other and the way people got sucked into the gangs was quite grim to behold.
City Of God: I don't know why it has taken me so long to see this film, but it was well worth the wait. The futility of it all, the frivolous way people killed each other and the way people got sucked into the gangs was quite grim to behold.
The scene were they shoot those kids is incredibly raw.
Never Let Me Go - Decent, but wasn't really that engaging and could have provided some more background I thought. Very good visually though and with some solid acting in it. It's all a bit forgettable in the end though.
The scene were they shoot those kids is incredibly raw.


When Lil dice laughed as he killed the people in the hotel, the killing of the Runt that you mentioned and the scene at the disco when Lil Z made that guy strip. Powerful stuff!
Hatchet 2

If you liked Hatchet, you'll love Hatchet 2. Crowley is as ugly as ever, and "people" get dismembered, chopped up, chainsawed, sanded, etc, like it's going out of fashion.

Kane Hodder and Tony Todd return. Classic.
The Heartbreak Kid (1972) Pretty good, but not a classic. It is far superior to the Ben Stiller remake. Charles Grodin was very good and Cybill Shepherd was incredibly gorgeous. This helped to justify why a honeymooner would leave his wife! Worth a watch, even for comparisons sake, but it didn't blow me away.
True Grit is the best film I've seen this it's the only movie i've seen this year. I enjoyed it a lot and was impressed with it. Bridges does a really good job and so does the girl, especially for a 14 year old. Some of Matt Damon's lines and dialogue sounds a bit strange and awkward, but nearly everything else is great. The end is also a little weird.
Just watched Black Swan and I have to say, I was blown away by it. 8/10
With this The Social Network and The Town, I have to say last years films look a lot better all of a sudden.
Just watched Buried,

I'm skeptic about the premise of the movie, but since it's a date... so it's buried for me.

Turn out it was quite ok, managed to entertain me for the whole 1.5 hours which is no easy job considering there's no boobs and tits and all you got is a coffin, zippo, blackberry, and a hunk of flesh
Mary & Max - 7/10

Got this on the recommendation of one of redcafe's poncey film buffs. Thoroughly enjoyed it too. You know that theory that Philip Seymour Hoffman hasn't been in a bad film? Apparently that holds true even when he's only providing a voice for a mentally ill black and white claymation character.

Quirky, funny, dark and heart-warming little film. A weird mix of Muriel's wedding, Rain Man and Wallace and Grommet, only considerably less shit than that sounds. Guaranteed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy, which is always a good thing.