Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Ghost in the Shell is a must see. I didn't think much of Tetsuo, it has to be said and La Jetee sounds interesting. Oh and I'm downloading White Ribbon.

White Ribbon is decent.

I watched Raise the Red Lantern the other day. Fantastic film though the crappy quality version I watched ruined it a bit for me.
I am really desperate to see Black Swan.

A good psychological thriller is hard to find but judging from the reviews, this seems to be right up my street. Never saw Requiem but I hear Darren Aronofsky is a great director and with Natalie Portman, this should be bloody brilliant.

I've also been told Mila Kunis goes down on Natalie Portman in the movie
I am really desperate to see Black Swan.

A good psychological thriller is hard to find but judging from the reviews, this seems to be right up my street. Never saw Requiem but I hear Darren Aronofsky is a great director and with Natalie Portman, this should be bloody brilliant.

I've also been told Mila Kunis goes down on Natalie Portman in the movie

One of a few good scenes :D
I've Loved You So Long I suspect that a more accurate translation of the title would be "I'll always love you" but my french is so shit I may never know. Whatever the title the film is truly brilliant. If you are looking for action then you are looking in the wrong place but if you enjoyed the 3 colours trilogy or French cinema in general then you will love this. Lovely to look at with superb understated acting and a director who doesn't feel the need for unnecessary melodramatics despite the emotive subject matter of child murder. Superb acting from all concerned and a deeply emotional yet believable ending. 9.5/10
Complete bollocks I'm afraid, 4/10. A travesty to compare it with 3 Colours.
Electric Dragon 80000V

Burst City

You're a poncey film buff.

Saw Metropolis by Lang. And of course, it's a brilliant film. Must admit I'd been putting off for years but thankfully I got round to seeing it. Brigitte Helm was magnetic as Maria/and the Machine. But yeah, it looked fantastic and I have no doubt it must've cost an arm and a leg to make....

Anyway, has anyone seen the latest version? apparently it was re-released a few months back.
I'm one hour into Scott Pilgrim vs the World and I'm not sure if I can bear it any longer. It's the first time I've seen a movie with that Cera bloke in it and I already hate his middle aged womens face and his voice.

A movie starring Daniel Mays (one of the two main characters - who I really like as an actor too, on a side note) revolving around a drug-dealer. I thought it was a pretty good movie, I'd rate it a solid 7/10.

Anyone else seen it?
Valhalla Rising. One of the slowest movies you'll come across. Visually it's beautiful, but I'm still trying to sort out if I liked the rest of it.

Triangle. Separately, I like Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam and Johnnie To. A movie with them combining as directors though, I'm not so sure. The best part was the final third(directed by Johnnie To). The first 2/3 were a bit meh, and by the nature of how they approached it, there's some continuity/story issues. If you're a fan of HK cinema, it's probably worth a watch. If you're not, I recommend seeing the directors' individual efforts first.
Complete bollocks I'm afraid, 4/10. A travesty to compare it with 3 Colours.

I didn't compare it with 3 colours, I said if you liked 3 colours you would like this, which isn't the same thing. Still a very very good film although I suppose if you compare it with 3 colours (Blue) as a 9.5 or 10/10 then it would only be an 8/10 but I guess I'm so used to the utter crap that I've been watching recently then I was happy to see a watchable film for once. But 4/10?
Outrage - Takeshi Kitano returns to his roots with another yakuza film. The story is nothing new, the cycle of death, betrayal and power struggle in the yakuza hierarchy. It's a good/average film, not a patch on some of his best work, Sonatine, Dolls, Kids Return & etc.
The Legend Of Awesomest Maximus
a comedy that really made me laugh out loud
Skyline - :lol: One of the most unintentionally hilarious movies I've seen in the last few months whilst also simultaneously being one of the most painfully dull...which is quite an achievement, cos I usually find laughing at bad films hugely entertaining.

It's a appallingly written and never ends, re-playing literally the same two scenes over and over (if they're on the roof, you can be damn sure they'll be back in the flat pretty soon, and if they're in the flat, well the roof's always a good place for a scene) and it uses slow motion "nooooo"'s (quite seriously) to either increase the tension (which it doesn't) or simply to differentiate between which roof scene this is ...and did I mention it's appallingly written?

It begins with a long and needless exposition about some greasy twat and his mrs visiting Turk from Scrubs who does some amazing famous job which is never explained, for no reason, which isn't relevant to anything anyway, and is so badly acted you don't care...It numbers the days (Day One..Day Two) despite there actually only being two, probably because they've seen it on 24 and think it looks really cool and nothing really actually happens in it until the very very end and when it does it's bat shit crazy and isn't explained either..Not that that matters cos by that point you couldn't care less...Plus it has the sense of humour of a dead pretentious horse.

At one point...

..while they're resting and recouperating (in the flat) after yet another identical chase with alien beings who are killing all their friends and destroying the city, a character lights a cigarette only to be told by a main character - completely seriously and without any hint of it being a comic irony - that she's got to put it out because (dramatic pause) she's pregnant!! - ...Eh? You've just been chased all over the shop by fecking aliens and you're bitching about a fag? All the other characters treat this request with the complete seriousness it doesn't deserve too..not to mention it's a fecking massive flat and she could just go and stand a couple feet away and not be bothered by it...not that any normal person would mind one cigarette being smoked near them particularly anyway...certainly not when they're being chased by fecking killer aliens!!!...

Pointless. Utterly.

I'm watching The Town now....This is also painfully dull and I don't care about anyone in it either.

watched this last night
I guess I'm so used to the utter crap that I've been watching recently then I was happy to see a watchable film for once. But 4/10?
Well I thought this was another one to add to the pile of poo. Clunky, lacking in emotional truth and self consciously reflective.
The White Ribbon: I can't really fault it too much, Very well shot, good performances when I looked above the subtitles, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Perhaps I didn't get it?
The authority figures were all sinister or dysfunctional in some way. The village was enduring more dramatic events than a month of soap operas. I assume it was supposed to be a microcosm of society at the time and the characters were representing the decay of society or some intellectual guff. The ending doesn't explain what/who caused certain incidents and while I tend to agree with the Teacher's theory, the occurrences at the end of the film leave it open to speculation about certain characters and events.

That's great, but is it entertaining? Fairly, but it didn't quite do it for me.
A girl I'm seeing made me watch Somewhere last night. I've literally no idea of what happened, why, or what the point was.
Exit Through The Gift Shop - Damn fun film, I don't really know what to class it since it's clearly not a legit documentary, but at the same time, parts of it are real, so whatever on that. Thought it was still a very good insight in the world of street art, and even more so about the genius of Banksy without actually revealing too much. Rhys Ifans made for a good narrator too. 9/10
I am love (Io Sono Amore) - Slow movie at first but the picks up. I thought it was a great movie. Interesting camera work, could have been 30 min shorter. It felt like watching a reality show since you had a good insight of the lives of the family. 8/10

Three colors Blue 8/10 - Watched it again so that my wife can see it. Classic

The Town - 8.5/10 Great action flick. I liked it much better than The Departed.
I've Loved You So Long I suspect that a more accurate translation of the title would be "I'll always love you" but my french is so shit I may never know. Whatever the title the film is truly brilliant. If you are looking for action then you are looking in the wrong place but if you enjoyed the 3 colours trilogy or French cinema in general then you will love this. Lovely to look at with superb understated acting and a director who doesn't feel the need for unnecessary melodramatics despite the emotive subject matter of child murder. Superb acting from all concerned and a deeply emotional yet believable ending. 9.5/10

Check out Tell No One with Scott Thomas. Great movie.
In Bruges - 8/10

If you have seen the Harry Potter films, then you'll see familiar faces in Professor Moody, Voldemort and Fleur.

Very enjoyable film
The Town 6.5/10, could have been a good film but was just decent, you realize why within one seocnd of the film ending why, directed and produced by....Ben Affleck
In Bruges - 8/10

If you have seen the Harry Potter films, then you'll see familiar faces in Professor Moody, Voldemort and Fleur.

Very enjoyable film

Yeah it was a pretty nice movie. Nice place, Bruges.
I am love (Io Sono Amore) - Slow movie at first but the picks up. I thought it was a great movie. Interesting camera work, could have been 30 min shorter. It felt like watching a reality show since you had a good insight of the lives of the family. 8/10
I thought I was the only person who'd ever seen it, great movie, fantastic to look at. I disagree about the length though, the opening 30 minutes are very slow but I think that's necessary to set the scene and counterpoint the tempo of the rest of the film.
I'm very excited by the advance reviews of True Grit, the Coens always fill me with a sense of expectation - not always delivering mind - but I have a feeling this one will, one of the better English Speaking movies of the year me hopes.... there have not been many to brag about this year