Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The American 7.5/10 Great Cinematography. An old school movie. If it was in black and white and filmed in 1950s it would have been a classic. Great background music, not much dialogue, great movement of the camera.
The American 7.5/10 Great Cinematography. An old school movie. If it was in black and white and filmed in 1950s it would have been a classic. Great background music, not much dialogue, great movement of the camera.

I too thought the cinematography was very good, however I thought the film lacked something.

The American:

A nice film, but a little bit too slow. Nice cinematography, lots of brooding, not much conversation. The main actress has great breasts.
I think the film was about Clooney's character trying to escape from his lifestyle. If you don't appreciate slow films with little dialogue/action then this will not be for you.

He seemingly failed at the beginning of the movie and he was doomed to failure at the end. It was a nice ending with the butterfly floating towards the sky. They didn't explain the butterfly thing properly, although with his tatoo, the book and the scene with the picnic all suggest at a fascination. I'd imagine the book goes into it a lot more.

one thing that really didn't make sense in the film.

The sniper at the beginning let Clooney walk across a field with no cover, before trying to shoot him just as he reaches cover.

Well that has to rate right up there , has one of the worst films I have ever seen.
Who gives people money to make this shit.
Rubbish acting , no storyline apart from the aliens come and waste the world.

Mind you it did something , it made 2012 look like a blockbuster at least there was some action and a storyline in that

How to Train Your Dragon

It has a good family friendly story without resorting to that dumbed down zany shit (see the 2nd half of Wall-E) or the crap in-jokes for adults (see shark tale). It has good characters and some quite touching moments. Dreamworks seem to have pulled their heads out Shreks arse and made a film with more charm and fun than all there previous digital animations put together. The dragon design and detail is absolutely stunning and the animated flight scenes are every bit as spectacular as those in Avatar. The last 10 minutes are the best action scenes I've seen in a digital animation film.

Pixar seems to have stagnated since the brilliant Finding Nemo and have become ever more formulaic. Dreamworks with HTTYD and Sony with Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs on the other hand, have breathed fesh life into the medium.

How to Train Your Dragon

It has a good family friendly story without resorting to that dumbed down zany shit (see the 2nd half of Wall-E) or the crap in-jokes for adults (see shark tale). It has good characters and some quite touching moments. Dreamworks seem to have pulled their heads out Shreks arse and made a film with more charm and fun than all there previous digital animations put together. The dragon design and detail is absolutely stunning and the animated flight scenes are every bit as spectacular as those in Avatar. The last 10 minutes are the best action scenes I've seen in a digital animation film.

Pixar seems to have stagnated since the brilliant Finding Nemo and have become ever more formulaic. Dreamworks with HTTYD and Sony with Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs on the other hand, have breathed fesh life into the medium.


Have to disagree with you there , Cars was far better than Nemo and Cars 2 looks even better.
The other company's aren't even getting close to Pixar, they themselves continue to improve with their non-Toy Story films, Ratatoiulle, WALL-E and Up are just as good as any of the Toy Stories really.

Cars and Incredibles are good, but they are very kiddy(Cars is most peoples least favourite of theirs), they've matured and become more rounded as a animation company, it's why year and year you see their films up there as the best reviewed and best loved by fans of all ages.
The American 7.5/10 Great Cinematography. An old school movie. If it was in black and white and filmed in 1950s it would have been a classic. Great background music, not much dialogue, great movement of the camera.

I found the movie rather boring and without much substance
I ahve really enjoyed all Pixar's output although cars was by far the worst and Toy Story 3 left me a bit cold. The Shrek franchise has run out of steam even though the first one was superb. Train Your Dragon was also top draw.

When you think about the sheer quality in CGI animation movies it is incredible. The hit/miss rate is so much better than other movies it is unbelievable.
How to Train Your Dragon

It has a good family friendly story without resorting to that dumbed down zany shit (see the 2nd half of Wall-E) or the crap in-jokes for adults (see shark tale). It has good characters and some quite touching moments. Dreamworks seem to have pulled their heads out Shreks arse and made a film with more charm and fun than all there previous digital animations put together. The dragon design and detail is absolutely stunning and the animated flight scenes are every bit as spectacular as those in Avatar. The last 10 minutes are the best action scenes I've seen in a digital animation film.

Pixar seems to have stagnated since the brilliant Finding Nemo and have become ever more formulaic. Dreamworks with HTTYD and Sony with Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs on the other hand, have breathed fesh life into the medium.


Would second that rating.

Best kids film since Toy Story (the first one) IMO.
Yeah, I loved it too. I don't think it's quite as good as the first two Toy Storys but beats anything barring those two hands down.

An above average horror about a couple , that run over a women on Japan on there honeymoon , but they soon start to see her in the photos.

Excellent twist at the end ,it is a remake of a Japanese film which I have not see , but may have to now.
a good solid 7/10
Yeah, I loved it too. I don't think it's quite as good as the first two Toy Storys but beats anything barring those two hands down.

I loved it but I enjoyed Shrek (before sequels spoiled things) and Monsters Inc as much.

The first half of Wall-E was also brilliant but a little spoiled by the second half.
I loved it but I enjoyed Shrek (before sequels spoiled things) and Monsters Inc as much.

The first half of Wall-E was also brilliant but a little spoiled by the second half.
I agree about Wall-E. I would have watched an entire movie of him just messing about on Earth. The second half did stray a bit, but still a very good movie.
The American 7.5/10 Great Cinematography. An old school movie. If it was in black and white and filmed in 1950s it would have been a classic. Great background music, not much dialogue, great movement of the camera.

Yep agree completely. Pity they forget about making a remotely decent movie though. I genuinely called the ending after about 5mins.
I loved it but I enjoyed Shrek (before sequels spoiled things) and Monsters Inc as much.

The first half of Wall-E was also brilliant but a little spoiled by the second half.

I enjoyed Shrek 3. As for Wall-E, it had the potential to be a great film. Bugs' Life's another brilliant computer animated flick.
I saw Monsters the other week. I liked it, it's basically Cloverfield but slightly different, though. I know this is a review thread but that's all I'm saying about it, can't be arsed to review.
Mary and Max - brilliant. Have you seen it Wibbs?

Yes and I think I gave it a rave review a while back. One of the best films in ages IMO.

Adam Elliott also seems like a really nice, if slightly odd, bloke when interviewed. Have you seen his Oscar winning short Harvie Krumpet? Also excellent.

He also did 3 other animations before this called (I think) Brother, Uncle and Cousin but I've never seen them.
The Last Exorcism

A very strange home movie style film , that I cant make my mind up about.
Starts off a bit slow and to be honest does not pick up much.
It is about a preacher that loses faith and lets his last exorcism to be filmed before he quits and expose exorcism has a scam
But is his last one for real or is he being scammed?

Finally watched Looking for Eric. I loved it. Yes, I'm biased because Eric was in it, but the story was very good and somewhat uplifting. Of the two Loach films I've seen(see above), I enjoyed this one much more. Also, Cantona is in it. :D
Yes and I think I gave it a rave review a while back. One of the best films in ages IMO.

Adam Elliott also seems like a really nice, if slightly odd, bloke when interviewed. Have you seen his Oscar winning short Harvie Krumpet? Also excellent.

He also did 3 other animations before this called (I think) Brother, Uncle and Cousin but I've never seen them.

It's as good as anything I've seen recently. An existential movie with brilliant animation and dry humour - mostly aimed at probably the best way to describe it. My only criticism is that it could've been a tad shorter.
Grandmas Boy - 8/10. Great film, well obviously not a great film, but it's just downright fun, and not in the bad it's good way. It works for the target audience it's aiming at, and I just happen to be in both of them, so yeah clearly I'm going to love it.

The Town - 7/10. Stiller post-Lopez is definitely good, more mature and doing smarter decisions, but this isn't on the same level as Gone Baby Gone at all, which was a more rounded and interesting movie. The acting is solid enough, and Renner is great, but I dunno, the story is kinda dull and really fades in the second half.
I've Loved You So Long I suspect that a more accurate translation of the title would be "I'll always love you" but my french is so shit I may never know. Whatever the title the film is truly brilliant. If you are looking for action then you are looking in the wrong place but if you enjoyed the 3 colours trilogy or French cinema in general then you will love this. Lovely to look at with superb understated acting and a director who doesn't feel the need for unnecessary melodramatics despite the emotive subject matter of child murder. Superb acting from all concerned and a deeply emotional yet believable ending. 9.5/10
Belleville Rendez-Vous - Beautifully animated film...but more style over substance. I loved the first half...and then I couldn't keep awake. But yeah, it was gorgeous to look at.
I've Loved You So Long I suspect that a more accurate translation of the title would be "I'll always love you" but my french is so shit I may never know. Whatever the title the film is truly brilliant. If you are looking for action then you are looking in the wrong place but if you enjoyed the 3 colours trilogy or French cinema in general then you will love this. Lovely to look at with superb understated acting and a director who doesn't feel the need for unnecessary melodramatics despite the emotive subject matter of child murder. Superb acting from all concerned and a deeply emotional yet believable ending. 9.5/10

Agreed Wibbs, I thought Scott Thomas's performance to be fantastic.

Oh and 'I've loved you for a long time' is the precise word for word translation, so the original title is quite the same to that.
I've Loved You So Long I suspect that a more accurate translation of the title would be "I'll always love you" but my french is so shit I may never know. Whatever the title the film is truly brilliant. If you are looking for action then you are looking in the wrong place but if you enjoyed the 3 colours trilogy or French cinema in general then you will love this. Lovely to look at with superb understated acting and a director who doesn't feel the need for unnecessary melodramatics despite the emotive subject matter of child murder. Superb acting from all concerned and a deeply emotional yet believable ending. 9.5/10
Agree with all that. fantastic movie.
Belleville Rendez-Vous - Beautifully animated film...but more style over substance. I loved the first half...and then I couldn't keep awake. But yeah, it was gorgeous to look at.

I remember watching that 4 years ago in my French class at High School as a "treat".

Was underwhelmed when the teacher told us what we were going to watch, but then I genuinely loved it once it got going.

You can really see how the investment in French cinema pays dividends with animated films like that.
"For Colored Girls" (sic)

Shamefully I have seen a good deal of Perry's work, strangely he seems to write more convincingly from a female perspective than a male's. This is certainly the case in his latest production FCG (loosely adapted from the novel). There are some interesting scenes and some very striking performances. Tandy Newton expertly plays an emotionally damaged nymphomaniac (aren't they all) and even Janet Jackson is starting to look like a decent actress.

There's an enormous amount of ground to cover from the novel and Perry strays very far from the text. He's wise to do this because the diluted two hour picture already feels very cluttered in terms of events and has enough shocking subject matter to fill five better paced films. You've got Aids, infanticide, incest, rape, domestic abuse, alcoholism and a backstreet abortion all in one film so you're definitely getting enough misery for your money.

I suppose it's tailored for a female audience with the classic "men are bastards!" theme but this takes it to a whole new level. There are quite literally no positive male characters, zilch. They are all evil men who inflict torment on these poor, noble women. For this reason the picture becomes laughably inauthentic, like a script written by a black Janet Street-Porter.

The Black Swan

Dark, thrilling, exhilarating and terrifying with a very solid performance by Nathalie Portman.

The Book of Eli - Meh. Throw some stuff from western films and other post-apocalyptic films together and then top it off with a ridiculous twist and you'll get this film. A bit preachy.

Aftershock - A disaster film about the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. Very melodramatic from start to finish and I could only stomach a little before it got sort of worn out. The first parts of the movie were great, some really good effects and very griping overall...but the story failed to grip me as it went on. Very well made and all but that doesn't save the film from being just good/OK.

The Return - Two brothers go on a trip with their dad who they only just met for the first time. The film looks really great but isn't rewarding enough in the end to be a really great one. The director also shamelessly flirted with me by having the mother in it look almost like a carbon copy of the mother in The Mirror. The actor who played one of the brothers died ironically before the release of film whilst doing something that was very similiar to an incident in the film. ponces. I want something cyberpunk recommendations. At the mo, I'm downloading Metropolis(anime). That seems to have the right vibe. ponces. I want something cyberpunk recommendations. At the mo, I'm downloading Metropolis(anime). That seems to have the right vibe.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Dark City
Neo Tokyo
Most of Mamoru Oshii's stuff
La Jetée is apparently classed as cyberpunk, well worth the 28 minutes.
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Dark City
Neo Tokyo
Most of Mamoru Oshii's stuff
La Jetée is apparently classed as cyberpunk, well worth the 28 minutes.

Ghost in the Shell is a must see. I didn't think much of Tetsuo, it has to be said and La Jetee sounds interesting. Oh and I'm downloading White Ribbon.