Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Other Guys - Pretty funny, maybe a little too long but some really hilarious parts in there. Scenes at the beginning with the Rock and Sam Jackson were awesome, "Aim for the bushes"!
I see it’s already been commented on, but I just saw Splice last night. Utter turd of a film. It had a good idea and the potential to be an interesting morality tale but bad acting, plot, characters and an apparent need to make the science parts more CSI resulted in one of the worst sci-fi films ive seen in a long time. Dogshit.
Other Guys - Pretty funny, maybe a little too long but some really hilarious parts in there. Scenes at the beginning with the Rock and Sam Jackson were awesome, "Aim for the bushes"!

I loved it too.
The Other Guys isn't as shit as some reviews suggest and is much better than most recent Will Ferral efforts (which isn't saying much). So basically a bit shit still but some funny bits. Worth watching at home but I wouldn't pay to see it at the cinema. 6/10
Has anyone seen Winter's Bone yet? I'll probably watch it tomorrow, seems to have been universally praised.

Movielens has been suggesting this to me for a while now, would be good to hear what you thought once you've seen it.

I just watched the 1937 film The Prisoner Of Zenda which was just hilarious in parts how bad it was. Overall not terrible, but just a few moments here and there make me laugh out loud. There's a scene early on where the protagonist is walking through the train station and everybody just stares at him, gawping (due to him looking identical to their soon-to-be king). I honestly thought it was going to be a comedy at this point.
High Kick Girl. The description on Netflix makes it sound like this would be an over the top martial arts film. It's not that at all. It's more of a thesis on what karate really is. The fighting is probably some of the most realistic I've seen in a while. It's not flashy or grandiose, but it is effective. The main actress in it, Rina Takeda, could certainly have a decent future in martial arts movies. The director though, is horrible. Any good from this film is ruined by repetitive slow motion replays of damn near every kick and punch. It's very amateurish. The fighting is good, everything else is pretty bad.
The Hand - The third part in the movie Eros, directed by Wong Kar-Wai in INTMFL mode. It was good, despite the subs being a bitch. I'm considering rewatching 2046 as I basically have no recollection of it.
Exit Through The Gift Shop


Hard to write a level headed review of this as the credits are still rolling in the background but I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is the funniest film I've seen in ages.

What starts out appearing to be a straight forward look into the rise of street art and the characters at the forefront of it takes a quite hilariously ironic turn around the middle and becomes the kind of comedic farce that Four Lions could only aspire to be(and don't get me wrong I really enjoyed that movie).

Two words - Mister Brainwash.

I guess what this really has going for it is that it's one of the these rare moments when life imitates art (and in this case vice versa). Whether it's a gigantic WUM or not doesn't detract from the end product. It's just very, very funny.

Absolutely a must watch. Don't usually rate films but feel compelled to bold a 10/10 if only so people sit up and take notice.

Good review, and an excellent movie.
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

Nicholas Cage plays a nutty corrupt cop in post-Katrina New Orleans. He's investigating the murder of five Senagalise immigrants while doing tonnes of drugs and stuff.

Playing a drug-addled weirdo suits Cage, its one of his better (ie not crap) performances. The film is nothing groundbreaking but certainly good enough to hold your interest. I'd reccomend it.

Movielens has been suggesting this to me for a while now, would be good to hear what you thought once you've seen it.

I just watched the 1937 film The Prisoner Of Zenda which was just hilarious in parts how bad it was. Overall not terrible, but just a few moments here and there make me laugh out loud. There's a scene early on where the protagonist is walking through the train station and everybody just stares at him, gawping (due to him looking identical to their soon-to-be king). I honestly thought it was going to be a comedy at this point.

they spoke highly of it in 1937 ( according to my parents )

ronald coleman and madeline carroll were huge stars at the time.
Movielens has been suggesting this to me for a while now, would be good to hear what you thought once you've seen it.

It was good, but very slow and I didn't really feel the tension that many reviews mentioned. The lead actress is excellent in it and it's beautifully filmed and played, I just didn't find it gripped me as much as I'd hoped.

I also saw The Town which was a decent enough heist film but quite cliched and predictable.
The Twilight Samurai

I don't know if this film has been reviewed here but I got this film yesterday and watched it in the evening.

Its one of the better films I've seen for a while and would highy recommend it.

Its a simple, skillfully told story about a a junior samurai's inner struggle between personal and public honour, and how the established order of the clan use it and violence for their own ends. Mostly though, its about a humble, simple, honourable man and how he conducts his life as a lowly, poorly paid samurai weighed down with the death of his wife, two young daughters, a senile mother, the return of his childhood sweetheart and his struggle to survive all this with honour and dignity.

Watch it!

NB: Its not an action film with flashing blades and blood spraying all over the screen.
The Secret in their Eyes


Loved this movie. A change from the normal hollywood drivel that i am exposed to over here in the states. This and The Prophet are the best I have seen this year and inception of course.
Antichrist. Maybe it's just me and I'm missing something but I found this to be largely a piece of shit. Visually it's impressive, and the opening sequence is very well done(it's my favorite part of the film). After that though, it turns into a series of 'how shocking can this be'. The thing is though, I didn't find it very shocking. Yes, it's got shocking and disturbing imagery, but it all happens to 2 characters I don't give a feck about. This does nothing to change my opinion on my not liking of Lars Van Trier.
I see you Antichrist and raise you.....

The Human Centipede - Not really entirely sure where to start with this one. It's a film that follows some classic horror cliche's but adds some random/sick shit in between. Starts out with cliche number 1; two american teenage girls car breaks down in some german wooded area. Naturally the nearest person's house they seek shelter from happens to be owned by an ex-surgeon who specialized in separating conjoined twins. This German doctor seems to be a bit weirdy/beardy and this is confirmed when he drugs the girls and then when they wake up they find they have been attached in some sort of weird chain from their mouths to another persons arsehole. Creating the Human Centipede. The clever doc even operates on them so they can share one gastric system, and when one person eats, the next person gets forced fed their shit as food and it goes down the chain.

All in all this film is interesting (if you like bad horror films (which i do)). And it's a bit different but it's hardly going to win an oscar.

4/10 (maybe 5/10 for being unique).
Watched a couple of golden oldies last night.

Paint Your Wagon For some reason I thought this was a good film. On watching it again I realsie that I remember one good song, "I was born under a wandering star" hammed up by Lee Marvin. The entire rest of the film is shit tunes and a ludicrously misogynist storyline. Avoid at all costs.2/10 and both points out of ten are for the Lee Marvin song which must be the least tuneful singing in a musical ever.

And blast from the past, the 80's to be specific.

Less Than Zero The fashions and attitudes may have dated a bit but this film hasn't aged half as badly as many from that time. Andrew McCarthy and Jami Gertz aren't bad but James Spader and Robert Downey Jnr are superb and make the film worth watching. The film sufferes from trying too hard to give an anti-drugs message which was absent from the book and also hugely downplays the narscasistic amorality of the characters in the novel. Which is a shame because it could have been a classic. 7/10
I agree with Spoony on this was, I dont get what is so special about the ending either, dont get me wrong it is dark, but yeah most things are when you kill your children or summat
Get Him To The Greek How did this pile of dross get such a good rating on Rotten Tomatos? A few funny moments but far too few to sustain such a long film (it probably wasn't but felt like 3-4 hours long) and based on the flimsiest of plots. Puffy Daddy was amusing for about 2 minutes and after that you wanted to strangle him. The 3some sex scene near the end was unfunny, pointless and downright weird. Why they thought that a funny bit character from a mildly amusing film (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) could sustain an entire comedy film sequal is beyond me. I didn't like The Hangover that much but that was at least funny much of the time even if the plot didn't hang together. This is aiming for the same audience but their aim is off IMO. 3/10
I'm going to watch Dr Strangelove tonight for the first time. I know it is meant to be a classic but I don't like Kubrik's stuff. Wish me luck.
Get Him To The Greek How did this pile of dross get such a good rating on Rotten Tomatos? A few funny moments but far too few to sustain such a long film (it probably wasn't but felt like 3-4 hours long) and based on the flimsiest of plots. Puffy Daddy was amusing for about 2 minutes and after that you wanted to strangle him. The 3some sex scene near the end was unfunny, pointless and downright weird. Why they thought that a funny bit character from a mildly amusing film (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) could sustain an entire comedy film sequal is beyond me. I didn't like The Hangover that much but that was at least funny much of the time even if the plot didn't hang together. This is aiming for the same audience but their aim is off IMO. 3/10

Agreed! Wtf was that threesome scene about? In what way did that add to the 'story'?

I noticed all Judd Appatow movies are too long.
The ending was awful. Basically it was a shite film.

:lol: I knew you wouldn't like it. Let's put it this way; I didn't take the movie seriously and was good entertainment on a slow evening. I would be livid with it (the incoherent ending) if I saw it in theaters.

I agree with Spoony on this was, I dont get what is so special about the ending either...

You might wanna put the rest of that text in spoilers, Alex

Waltz with Bashir - Outstanding! NFT.
There's no need to wish you luck, its a brilliant film and if you don't like it then there's something seriously wrong with you.

PS: How can you not like Kubrick?

Some of the Kubrick films I've seen have left me a bit cold after watching them, so I can sort of understand him a little...often very sterile and emotionless his films are.