Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Saw Valhalla Rising.

It has an Aguirre/Heart of Darkness feel about it that is pretty well done. I personally liked the slow, methodical pacing and sense of dread and tension that was built. I also liked that it had very little dialogue and told the story through it's visuals. It gets a little daft late on and I didn't feel it had a great deal of depth. Still enjoyed it though. 7/10
I've seen a fair chunk of films lately, mostly classics.

La Dolce Vita - Pretty long and episodic, good parts and uninteresting parts kept fading in and out, overall it's a very good film. The ending was sublime.

8 1/2 - This was my third attempt at finishing this one, first one was about two years ago. So yeah, it's a pretty mental film, a bit abstract and despite not really grasping it I think I liked it. It really was perfectly shot.

The Passion of Joan of Arc - Fascinating, timeless stuff...lots of close ups...I'm glad that I downloaded the version with a score as it was terrific and really played it's part in creating a medieval atmosphere.

Touch of Evil - The lighting and the dialogue produced an unpleasant atmosphere, a good unpleasantness though you might say. I found the acting of the white guy who was playing a Mexican a bit stale. It took a while before I realised it was Welles who was playing the role of that fat cop.

The Night of the Hunter - Constant suspense almost from the start, which I unfortunately wasn't in the mood for at the moment of the viewing. I liked the German Expressionism touches and Mitchum was really convincing as the villain. The ending was a bit silly.

The Wages of Fear - Speaking of suspense. Very decent but I sort of predicted that meh ending.

Blue Velvet - Fantastic.
I've seen a fair chunk of films lately, mostly classics.

La Dolce Vita - Pretty long and episodic, good parts and uninteresting parts kept fading in and out, overall it's a very good film. The ending was sublime.

8 1/2 - This was my third attempt at finishing this one, first one was about two years ago. So yeah, it's a pretty mental film, a bit abstract and despite not really grasping it I think I liked it. It really was perfectly shot.

The Passion of Joan of Arc - Fascinating, timeless stuff...lots of close ups...I'm glad that I downloaded the version with a score as it was terrific and really played it's part in creating a medieval atmosphere.

Touch of Evil - The lighting and the dialogue produced an unpleasant atmosphere, a good unpleasantness though you might say. I found the acting of the white guy who was playing a Mexican a bit stale. It took a while before I realised it was Welles who was playing the role of that fat cop.

The Night of the Hunter - Constant suspense almost from the start, which I unfortunately wasn't in the mood for at the moment of viewing. I liked German Expressionism touches and Mitchum was really convincing as the villain. The ending was a bit silly.

The Wages of Fear - Speaking of suspense. Very decent and I sort of predicted that meh ending.

Blue Velvet - Fantastic.

That's seriously underrating two great movies, Touch of Evil and Wages of Fear. Both are probably in my top 10 movies of all time. Wages of Fear is the reason I've signed up for a film making course. It's absolutely brilliant in playing with your feelings for the character. It's gripping without resorting to horror film theatrics.

And Touch Evil is Welles at his best, both in terms of directing and acting. That long opening shot with the darting shadows is pure genius.

Anyway, that's my opinion. I love those 2 movies.
That's seriously underrating two great movies, Touch of Evil and Wages of Fear. Both are probably in my top 10 movies of all time. Wages of Fear is the reason I've signed up for a film making course. It's absolutely brilliant in playing with your feelings for the character. It's gripping without resorting to horror film theatrics.

And Touch Evil is Welles at his best, both in terms of directing and acting. That long opening shot with the darting shadows is pure genius.

Anyway, that's my opinion. I love those 2 movies.

I do rate both of them. Wages of Fear perhaps not as top 10 material but definitely as a classic of World Cinema. Touch of Evil, despite the Mexican guy and his wife ruining the experience a bit, was an exellent film noir.

Diabolique is on my to watch list.
Grown Ups - 1/10.

Insulted my intelligence throughout, and borderline offended me at how shite it was.
It actually challenged 'The Invention Of Lying' for shittest film i've seen this year which i didn't think could be done.
Anybody seen Predators?

Also need a good recommendation for a horror movie to watch with the missus.
Also need a good recommendation for a horror movie to watch with the missus.

Can't go wrong with Hellraiser. At its heart, it's about a woman who'll stand by her man through all his troubles.
Blue Velvet is one of two Lynch films I didn't hate. The other was Elephant Man.

Christ, he's a tedious cnut.
So as I decided to stay in on a saturday night due to lack of funds I decided I'd watch a film and chose Mysterious Skin. I'd say it isn't really a typical saturday night movie and certainly wasn't the kind of thing Robson and Jerome were talking about when they sang 'who cares what picture we see'. The film follows the the story of Neil, a boy who was sexually abused by his football coach and Brian who suffers memory loss and believes it may be the work of aliens as they come to terms with some horrific moments in their lives in entirely different ways. It is fantastically acted, once more Joseph Gordon Levitt is fantastic as the gay prostitute Neil and Brady Corbet as Brian is also very good, as is the supporting cast Michelle Trachtenberg, Elisabeth Shue and Jeffrey Licon. It's subject matter is harrowing and it's story is both graphic and brutal but it is an absolutely brilliant film and if the ending doesn't make you feel completely hollow and futile you're possibly not human, or you're a paedophile, or I'm just being over the top but whichever it is, it is a film worth your time and effort to purchase off one of those torrent sites I've heard so much about.
I watched The Last Exorcism, another 'found footage' horror film. It was actually quite well done, set up as a documentary about a preacher exposing the sham of exorcisms that doesn't quite turn out as he expected. It was quite creepy but ultimately ruined by the ending (in my opinion) that undid all the well played build-up, much like Paranormal Activity.

I also saw Avatar, which was visually impressive, but ultimately a poor man's Mononoke.
Love this film ,one of my favs , good story and cracking music.
Can watch it over and Over again.

Highlander 2.

WTF was they on when they wrote and filmed this pile of shit , it has to be the worst sequal of all time.
Its like they said feck the first film and anythihg in it and do another one and just use the name.
The Crazies.
Intresting film about a plane that crashs and releases a toxin that send people , well crazy.
Well written and good acting.
A differant slant on the zombie film ,which I dont normally watch.
Intresting ending.

Highlander 3

Much better than the rubbish second one , but then again it did not have much to beat.
Same has the first one really , a women and a baddy to beat ,but it was done well enough and Mario Van Peeples was a good Villan not up to Clancy Brown as the Kurgan but still good.

Iron Man 2 Not a patch on the original. Makes Transformers 2 seem coherent. Don't bother. 1.5/10
Iron Man 2 Not a patch on the original. Makes Transformers 2 seem coherent. Don't bother. 1.5/10

I agree. Watched this yesterday. Bells and whistles, nothing else.

It really pissed me off how they didn't really explain anything. All that high tech stuff was just an excuse to blow shit up.

I agree. Watched this yesterday. Bells and whistles, nothing else.

It really pissed me off how they didn't really explain anything. All that high tech stuff was just an excuse to blow shit up.


Was IM2 not just laying the ground work for a series of films.
They had to cure him from the implant killing him.

Also what was the big thing about AC/DC ? all there was was one song.
Was IM2 not just laying the ground work for a series of films.


They had to cure him from the implant killing him.

True there was that, but I really hated how they didn't clarify anything. Or they did it in the way you would explain something complicated to a 6 year old. It felt like a cop out to me.
Dad builds a city layout (really?) that was actually a blueprint for the "Secret Element" Oooh

I liked the first one, but was really disappointed in the sequel. It didn't really catch my interest at all.
I saw two movies on Saturday, and I can highly recommend you put the both on your “Give Them a fecking Miss” list:

The American – What slow piece of boring crap, pointless.

Machete - So corny its actually nearly watchable. Some nice young ladies get naked to brighten it up though.
saw "Motorcycle Diaries" the other night on netflix. great storyline with some very funny parts.
didn't go into the more interesting part of Che Guevara's life as it only focused on the roadtrip he and his buddy took through South America but it does show how he came to believe what he did.
Dog Pound - Three unrelated guys 15, 16 and 17 are sent to a juvenile facility. The movie follows them through some time there. It's basically a prison movie with youths and apparently a remake of Scum, a movie I haven't seen so I can't make any comparison. Thought it was bloody good and I was quite happy with the ending. 8/10
Four Lions - Thought it was brilliant. Don't tend to get films about terrorist bombers being the good guys, in a way, so the concept alone is ace. Some very, very funny moments in it and couldn't help but love it.

I've got three words for you:


Awesome - 9/10!
Four Lions - Thought it was brilliant. Don't tend to get films about terrorist bombers being the good guys, in a way, so the concept alone is ace. Some very, very funny moments in it and couldn't help but love it.

I've got three words for you:


Awesome - 9/10!

I pissed myself at that scene. Hilarious!
The Good, The Bad, The Weird. It's certainly the weird version of The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. It started off well. Was going along ok, kind of dipped for about 20-30 minutes, and then picked right back up. Some of the action is very well done. Watching the behind the scenes, you see none of it was CGI. Impressive stuff. Overall it's a fun movie, but a few scenes could have easily been taken out and the movie would have been better for it.

Machete. Clearly this movie's not to be taken seriously. It's not trying to be Citizen Kane. It's trying to be a fun exploitation flick. On that, it delivers. It's got everything the old school exploitation flicks had; boobs, sex, violence. There are a few moments when, even though it is what it is, it's a bit outlandish. Some of the dialogue is pretty atrocious(one of Alba's monologues springs to mind). It's got tons of violence, and that's about all you want from it.
Exit Through The Gift Shop


Hard to write a level headed review of this as the credits are still rolling in the background but I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is the funniest film I've seen in ages.

What starts out appearing to be a straight forward look into the rise of street art and the characters at the forefront of it takes a quite hilariously ironic turn around the middle and becomes the kind of comedic farce that Four Lions could only aspire to be(and don't get me wrong I really enjoyed that movie).

Two words - Mister Brainwash.

I guess what this really has going for it is that it's one of the these rare moments when life imitates art (and in this case vice versa). Whether it's a gigantic WUM or not doesn't detract from the end product. It's just very, very funny.

Absolutely a must watch. Don't usually rate films but feel compelled to bold a 10/10 if only so people sit up and take notice.
I finally got around to watching The Secrets In Their Eyes (first time in the Cornerhouse in years!). It's a truly magnificent film - beautifully played and shot, humorous, engrossing and restrained. Ricardo Darin is exceptional, and all the supporting cast equally convincing. It may be a little too slow for some, but it's one if the best films I've seen in a few years 10/10.
Robin Hood - 2.5/10

Despite Russell Crowe being my favorite actor and Ridley Scott being my favorite director, and thusly going into this movie with a positive bias, I have to say that it was an utter shit movie. I couldn't wait for it to end, and it took me two days to finish it. The acting was bad, and the story was shit.

What is with Russell Crowe and shit movies now-a-days? He used to come out with great movies one after the other. Now it's Robin Hood, State of Play, Tenderness, Body of Lies, American Gangster, 3:10 to Yuma, A Good Year - 7 shit movies in a row, and his next one looks crap as well.
Robin Hood - 2.5/10

Despite Russell Crowe being my favorite actor and Ridley Scott being my favorite director, and thusly going into this movie with a positive bias, I have to say that it was an utter shit movie. I couldn't wait for it to end, and it took me two days to finish it. The acting was bad, and the story was shit.

Completely agree, a really, really bad film.

Speaking of which...

Johnny Mnemonic Hilariously bad at times. I love that the idea of future technology in 1995 included using your hand to imitate somebody talking. 2/10

Lost In Translation According to the DVD case, this is 'laugh out loud funny'. I disagree and think it's just pretty dull. Not terrible, but easily one of the most overrated films I've ever seen. Bill Murray is very good at times though. 5/10

The Holiday Really odd one this, I genuinely felt absolutely nothing for it either positive or negative. Possibly the most average film ever. 5/10

Pride & Prejudice Enjoyed this. Good adaptation overall. After seeing Atonement too, have to say I think Joe Wright is clearly quite skilled at period pieces. 7/10

The Last King of Scotland Very good film. McAvoy was a bit hit and miss for me, but Whitaker definitely deserved his Oscar, great stuff from him throughout. 8/10