Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I finally got around to watching The Secrets In Their Eyes (first time in the Cornerhouse in years!). It's a truly magnificent film - beautifully played and shot, humorous, engrossing and restrained. Ricardo Darin is exceptional, and all the supporting cast equally convincing. It may be a little too slow for some, but it's one if the best films I've seen in a few years 10/10.

I agree with your assessment, absolutely first class movie

The end was quite shocking, I realized something was up when the banker husband guy seemed really tense and upset when the investigator showed up at his house, but I did not expect the scene that unfolded in the little outhouse
Yeah I watched Book of Eli and The Road in the same night- The Road was the much better post-apocalyptic film. Which is a shame as Book of Eli could have been the film all Fallout fans are waiting for.

I really don't know why they bothered with the spiritual side of it, it completely ruined the film. And I have no problem with film makers trying to put a message in their film, but this was just pointless. And him being blind was probably the worst twist in the history of cinema

I agree with the bit in the spoiler. It seemed daft and incredible.

The Road definitely was a much better film. I'm just completing the book right now, and the film has been quite faithful to it.
That Evening Sun I guess if I was considerably older I'd appreciate this movie more. It's still a nice little film about an elderly man that escapes his retirement home to go back to the farm where he lived all his life only to find out his son has rented it out to some redneck family. 7/10

So I decided to go watch Cyrus tonight and I don't normally do these reviews but I thought I had to share my views on this film.
I feel it my duty to make sure that nobody else watches this film.
Maybe I had my hopes up a little too much as it looked good in the adverts I had seen, it had good reviews and my mate said he heard it was 'like as funny as step brothers.'

It starts with the basic bull shit, boy (John C Reilly) meets girl (Marissa Tomei - very very hot) they have a great few nights together and he thinks he has found the one.
Then he meets her son Cyrus (Jonah Hill) who is extremely clingy towards his mum and is a generally weird guy. The son eventually manages to split them up then realises his mum has happier before and gets them back together.

Although this storyline is rather weak, there it has plenty of opportunity to create humour out of the situation and yet it doesn't. The film feels very awkward and only has a few humorous moments none of which I would describe as funny, merely humorous.

Incase you think maybe I just didn't get the sense of humour, nobody in the cinema was laughing and it was packed. It was very disappointing for a film that was dubbed as a good comedy and came of well in other reviews I read. To summarise this film felt very pointless and awkward the only highlight being that Marissa Tomei is massively hot. Massively.

Atleast I didn't pay for it, my mate is manager of the cinema. :)
The Last Exorcism- 4/10

Very disappointing, short, simple, some plot holes
Certified Copy 4/10

Despite the luminous Juliet Binoche, this is tedious pants. Art house meets fart house.
Robin Hood - 2.5/10

Despite Russell Crowe being my favorite actor and Ridley Scott being my favorite director, and thusly going into this movie with a positive bias, I have to say that it was an utter shit movie. I couldn't wait for it to end, and it took me two days to finish it. The acting was bad, and the story was shit.

What is with Russell Crowe and shit movies now-a-days? He used to come out with great movies one after the other. Now it's Robin Hood, State of Play, Tenderness, Body of Lies, American Gangster, 3:10 to Yuma, A Good Year - 7 shit movies in a row, and his next one looks crap as well.

3:10 to Yuma and A Good Year were superb films.
Exit Through The Gift Shop


Hard to write a level headed review of this as the credits are still rolling in the background but I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is the funniest film I've seen in ages.

What starts out appearing to be a straight forward look into the rise of street art and the characters at the forefront of it takes a quite hilariously ironic turn around the middle and becomes the kind of comedic farce that Four Lions could only aspire to be(and don't get me wrong I really enjoyed that movie).

Two words - Mister Brainwash.

I guess what this really has going for it is that it's one of the these rare moments when life imitates art (and in this case vice versa). Whether it's a gigantic WUM or not doesn't detract from the end product. It's just very, very funny.

Absolutely a must watch. Don't usually rate films but feel compelled to bold a 10/10 if only so people sit up and take notice.

That was awesome.

Just goes to show how silly the art world, especially critics can be, not to mention the power of guerilla marketing. :lol:
Defendor- That's DefendOR, not DefendER. You don't want to get it wrong or you're likely to be clubbed by a black clad moron covered in gaffer tape.

Forest Gump (or maybe more Waterboy?) meets Kick Ass. Woody Harrelson plays the the slow, mentally challenged wannabe-superhero who befriends a hooker and uses wasps and marbles as two of his primary weapons. I'm still not sure exactly what the marbles were ever supposed to do though. It's actually pretty good. Woody does well to carry the film and puts in a simpleton-character performance Tom Hanks would have almost been proud of. I liked the film as it never pretended to be anything it isn't and was happy to take the piss a bit. 6.5/10
I saw two movies on Saturday, and I can highly recommend you put the both on your “Give Them a fecking Miss” list:

The American – What slow piece of boring crap, pointless.

Machete - So corny its actually nearly watchable. Some nice young ladies get naked to brighten it up though.

saw this tonight,its that bad,half the people had left the cinema before the end.

i was just glad my tickets were free
The Wrestler 8/10

Mickey Rourke in leading role as an aging wrestler. It was surprisingly good.
Invincible Shaolin. Takes a while to get going. It's very much like 36th Chamber of Shaolin in that the majority of the movie is training sequences(though not as good as 36th Chamber). The action, once it occurs, is decent. It doesn't really end though. 6/10
The last Seven- :lol:....don't bother. Abysmal. Although I should have known beforehand really. Any film that casts Danny Dyer as the 'Angel of Death' is probably not going to be the next Citizen Kane. It's not like I wasn't warned I suppose, so I only have myself to blame for watching it anyway. Shame, as it's a decent concept and could have been a good film.
The last Seven- :lol:....don't bother. Abysmal. Although I should have known beforehand really. Any film that casts Danny Dyer as the 'Angel of Death' is probably not going to be the next Citizen Kane. It's not like I wasn't warned I suppose, so I only have myself to blame for watching it anyway. Shame, as it's a decent concept and could have been a good film.
That goes without saying.
The worst thing is the rest of the cast made Danny Dyer look like Marlon Brando
Robin Hood - 2.5/10

Despite Russell Crowe being my favorite actor and Ridley Scott being my favorite director, and thusly going into this movie with a positive bias, I have to say that it was an utter shit movie. I couldn't wait for it to end, and it took me two days to finish it. The acting was bad, and the story was shit.

What is with Russell Crowe and shit movies now-a-days? He used to come out with great movies one after the other. Now it's Robin Hood, State of Play, Tenderness, Body of Lies, American Gangster, 3:10 to Yuma, A Good Year - 7 shit movies in a row, and his next one looks crap as well.

I would rate is better than that but still rather poor. Of course we were all hoping for a Gladiator in the forest type affair with Crowe and Scott involved but sadly it fell a long way short of that.
Closely Watched trains - 8/10
Czech movie from 1966, set during WWII in some remote Czech village which seems to be far from the action. The movie revolves around a kid who's just gotten a job as a railway worker and whose girlfriend is dying to jump him. It's really much better than I'm maknig it sound. Bonus - there's a scene with a very cute girl getting her backside marked with rubber stamps.
The Invention Of Lying.

I expected it to be very bad, but I was initially surprised as it actually started off quite well with a few amusing moments. Unfortunately, it lost its way terribly with the whole man in the sky thing.
Ricky Gervais in the robe/beard like Jesus thing was cringeworthy. The way everybody took absolutely everything at face value as if they had no comon sense or general knowledge was a stretch too far for me. For example, Ricky Gervais changing his name and claiming to have invented the bicycle.

Watchable, but a bit naff.
The Band's Visit (Bikur Ha-Tizmoret) - Lovely little movie about a travelling Egyptian Police Band lost at Israel, where they're due a performance. Simple subplots on distinct characters ending up at various places in and around the neighbourhood. Best of all, a soothing score. Hope all you Film Buffs have watched it. If not, please do.
The Band's Visit (Bikur Ha-Tizmoret) - Lovely little movie about a travelling Egyptian Police Band lost at Israel, where they're due a performance. Simple subplots on distinct characters ending up at various places in and around the neighbourhood. Best of all, a soothing score. Hope all you Film Buffs have watched it. If not, please do.

very enjoyable movie..

So I decided to go watch Cyrus tonight and I don't normally do these reviews but I thought I had to share my views on this film.
I feel it my duty to make sure that nobody else watches this film.
Maybe I had my hopes up a little too much as it looked good in the adverts I had seen, it had good reviews and my mate said he heard it was 'like as funny as step brothers.'

It starts with the basic bull shit, boy (John C Reilly) meets girl (Marissa Tomei - very very hot) they have a great few nights together and he thinks he has found the one.
Then he meets her son Cyrus (Jonah Hill) who is extremely clingy towards his mum and is a generally weird guy. The son eventually manages to split them up then realises his mum has happier before and gets them back together.

Although this storyline is rather weak, there it has plenty of opportunity to create humour out of the situation and yet it doesn't. The film feels very awkward and only has a few humorous moments none of which I would describe as funny, merely humorous.

Incase you think maybe I just didn't get the sense of humour, nobody in the cinema was laughing and it was packed. It was very disappointing for a film that was dubbed as a good comedy and came of well in other reviews I read. To summarise this film felt very pointless and awkward the only highlight being that Marissa Tomei is massively hot. Massively.

Atleast I didn't pay for it, my mate is manager of the cinema. :)

I really should have read this thread first! 2/10 is a bit harsh i'd have given it a 4.5 or 5 because there were some good moments i felt. Cinema had about 30 people in to start off with and by the end only 5 were left :lol:
Ne le *** a personne (Tell No One)


Brilliant film. Good twists, great characters and above all a fantastic performance by the lead.

A superb thriller.
Easy A

I enjoyed the movie very much. It's a bit of a modern John Hughes movie, which the main character pays homage to. Emma Stone is great(and hot). The plot is solid and most of the supporting characters are awesome, especially Olive's parents.
Bullshit! She's my new celebrity crush...along with Zooey. :drool:

You can't have either of them!
Unthinkable Trinity from the Matrix teams up with Samuel L. Jackson, known simply as 'H', in order to interrogate a radicalised Muslim who has planted a nuclear bomb in 3 different U.S Cities. Except Samuel L. Jackson isn't your stereotypical Hollywood interrogator, and this is not an action film. It's a thriller that, without giving away too much, will probably make you question a lot about your own personal ethics and morals. It's a good film, very well done but I wouldn't necessarily say enjoyable as, at times, it borders on a tad disturbing. Definitely has a bit of the shock factor about it. 7/10.
Unthinkable Trinity from the Matrix teams up with Samuel L. Jackson, known simply as 'H', in order to interrogate a radicalised Muslim who has planted a nuclear bomb in 3 different U.S Cities. Except Samuel L. Jackson isn't your stereotypical Hollywood interrogator, and this is not an action film. It's a thriller that, without giving away too much, will probably make you question a lot about your own personal ethics and morals. It's a good film, very well done but I wouldn't necessarily say enjoyable as, at times, it borders on a tad disturbing. Definitely has a bit of the shock factor about it. 7/10.

Sounds intriguing.
Unthinkable Trinity from the Matrix teams up with Samuel L. Jackson, known simply as 'H', in order to interrogate a radicalised Muslim who has planted a nuclear bomb in 3 different U.S Cities. Except Samuel L. Jackson isn't your stereotypical Hollywood interrogator, and this is not an action film. It's a thriller that, without giving away too much, will probably make you question a lot about your own personal ethics and morals. It's a good film, very well done but I wouldn't necessarily say enjoyable as, at times, it borders on a tad disturbing. Definitely has a bit of the shock factor about it. 7/10.

Sounds intriguing.

It was a good movie. Just a bit "over dramatised/disturbing" in the end.

Hombre summed it up nicely.
Cinema Paradiso - Wonderful...sentimental? Yes, but I really enjoyed it.

Lady Snowblood - I thought it was terrific. Was a a big inspiration for the Kill Bill movies, basically shared the same plot.

La Planete Sauvage (Fantastic Planet) - A strange, psychedelic animated film. The soundtrack and the general mood of it was stuck in my head for a while after seeing it.

Attack the Gas Station! - Four guys robs a gas station, then decides to rob it again. Pretty mental, dark humour, a bit silly sometimes...enjoyable though, the climax was great. You gotta love Korean cinema.
Exit Through The Gift Shop


Hard to write a level headed review of this as the credits are still rolling in the background but I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is the funniest film I've seen in ages.

What starts out appearing to be a straight forward look into the rise of street art and the characters at the forefront of it takes a quite hilariously ironic turn around the middle and becomes the kind of comedic farce that Four Lions could only aspire to be(and don't get me wrong I really enjoyed that movie).

Two words - Mister Brainwash.

I guess what this really has going for it is that it's one of the these rare moments when life imitates art (and in this case vice versa). Whether it's a gigantic WUM or not doesn't detract from the end product. It's just very, very funny.

Absolutely a must watch. Don't usually rate films but feel compelled to bold a 10/10 if only so people sit up and take notice.

I really expected to be disappointed by this simply because it just sounded so great, but it really was fantastic. There's just something so absolutely absurd and fantastically ridiculous about it. When it started off as an interesting, yet overal rather standard, documentary about the street art movement I didn't really expect what was going to happen. I spent the second half of the film with an ever increasing grin on my face, just brilliant entertainment.
The Other Guys

I'll be honest, I loved it. Mind you my team had just lost our Grand Final the day before (second in a row, and third in four years!), and I was feeling depressed and quite simply wanted to watch a light hearted comedy.