Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

It is an Almodovar movie, so you should expect and get a good movie.

Have always found the way he fawns over his female characters to be a major nauseating drawback. Contrary to his reputation, I don't think he understands women, he understands how to massage their egos. A shame because the likes of Live Flesh and bad Education are very good films.

I just watched Paprika (after hearing about the director's death). A really stunning film. The convoluted plot lost me slightly but it seemed that the ideas were really driving the film anyway and the visuals and soundtrack kept me hooked. The opening scene is magic. I've not seen Inception but the trailer alone looks to have been totally lifted from Paprika; the soundtrack, the chase, the extensive use of hallways, the warping landscapes - even ignoring the central conceit of entering the subconscious/dreams, which is a very old idea. It will be interesting to see how similar they are when I see the whole film.
The Book Of Eli.

It tries far too hard to be earnest and is pretty clunky all in all. I thought it would be a brainless post-apocalyptic action fest (my kind of film), but it was trying to deliver a message like a blind postman.

Four Lions 10/10

Absolutely, <insert several superlatives here> fecking brilliant.

Take a bow Bain and the other guy who I've forgotten wrote it.
The Book Of Eli.

It tries far too hard to be earnest and is pretty clunky all in all. I thought it would be a brainless post-apocalyptic action fest (my kind of film), but it was trying to deliver a message like a blind postman.


You know those movies that you convince your friends to go see with you and then you end up apologizing afterwards? This one was one of them for one of my friends (he took it harder because he put up with Catholic school his entire childhood). Although I couldn't blame him for wanting to see it. Because really how do you turn down Denzel + post-apocalyptic film?
The Karate Kid. Watched this last night and if you look at it as what it is, a kids film, its superb, there are the odd China tourist board moments but all in all very welll done. 8/10
The Karate Kid. Watched this last night and if you look at it as what it is, a kids film, its superb, there are the odd China tourist board moments but all in all very welll done. 8/10

saw it on the plane the other day. I really enjoyed it too.
Yeah I watched Book of Eli and The Road in the same night- The Road was the much better post-apocalyptic film. Which is a shame as Book of Eli could have been the film all Fallout fans are waiting for.

I really don't know why they bothered with the spiritual side of it, it completely ruined the film. And I have no problem with film makers trying to put a message in their film, but this was just pointless. And him being blind was probably the worst twist in the history of cinema
Four Lions

I'm not much of a movie critic, so bear with me. I thought this was actually just right - the idea behind it was vital, and the very concept that idiots rather than religion can be behind terrorism could go a long way to proving the anti-Islam brigade wrong. After all, their 'all Muslims are terrorists' stance is based on fiction from the media. As a movie, I thought it was superb. The guy who played Omar was very good I thought, and the writing seemed great with some fantastic dialogue. There is the dark element mixed in with humour, but it works well and there is a good balance.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Loved it from start to finish. I wouldn't count myself as a massive Edgar Wright buff (never watched Spaced , thought Shaun & Hot Fuzz were slightly above average) but this ticked all the boxes for me. It was quirky without being annoying, warm without being trite and really delivered as an action movie (you can see where all the budget went...the fight with the twins was particularly grandiose).

Michael Cera was his usual geeky self but oddly charismatic (probably helped that his character was a bit of a nob rather than a victim), Mary Elizabeth Winstead was lovely, Kieran Culkin had most of the best lines as his gay room mate and the cameos from everyone playing the evil exes was spot on.

It will certainly add to your enjoyment of the movie if your a videogame buff, the movie is ablsoutely stacked with nods to everything from Streetfighter to the Legend of Zelda but I think it stands on it's own two feet as a tale of young love. In fact, it made me pine a bit for years gone past which is odd coming from a movie most would expect to be just popcorn entertainment.

Only minor negatives was that the action scenes had maybe gone slightly into overkill by the conclusion and although he was funny Culkins character was a bordeline offensive gay stereotype.

Anyway. It was a KO for me. Round 1. Will buy the dvd for sure. And the videogame.
A College professor is seeking tenure at his college but a newly hired woman gets in the way.
This movie is supposed to be a comedy but isn't at all funny and at times just annoyingly stupid. The end was predictable and the character's action in the movie just don't often make any sense. 2/10

Leaves of grass
Edward Norton plays a college professor at Brown University and his twin brother, a small time drug dealer in Oklahoma.
I quite liked this one. Norton is good with his funny southern accent, not that I know any better how it really sounds but I suspect he overdid it a little. Then there were crossbow jokes and generally good dialogues but the ending was over the top. 8/10
The Expendables

Well, how do you rate this? It's silly, over-the-top-violent, frantic action with a see-through plot and not a single outstanding actor performance. It was absolutely brilliant. I could almost sense the expectations from the crowd as we walked into the cinema and the film delivered from the first scene. For what it is, what it's trying to be and most importantly what it's not trying to be it could hardly have been better. Thoroughly enjoyable and from the grins, the laughs and the general mood of the people exciting the cinema afterwards it's a roaring success. So refreshing. I would have to give it 9/10 even though it's not a good film, go figure.
1) Get some mates together
2) Have a couple of drinks
3) Go to the cinema and watch Piranha 3D
4) Set wank bank status to 'record'

10/10. Add 5 marks if you like Kelly Brook. If you don't like Kelly Brook, kill yourself.

Just seen it and agree with you. It was full of Breasts and gore. Enjoyed Kelly Brook in the nude :drool:
Scott Pilgrim Versus The World

Okay, first things first. The comic books are soooo much better. I know thats a fanboy thing to say, but its true. The movie tells the whole story of six graphic novels in just over an hour and a half, which means that it doesn't have the same character depth or emotional envolvement. So if you saw the movie, and liked it, I'd advise you to give the Scott Pilgrim books a look, they are fantastic.

Still, it was a good movie. It was funny, it had good action scenes, Michael Cera wasn't annoying, and it although its technically yet another summer comic movie, its genuinely something very different to the standard stuff Hollywood churns out. It left me as a fan satisfied, and I think non-fans would enjoy it too. It isn't for everyone though. I think a lot of people just wouldn't be able to get into the premise/style of something like this at all, so I guess you'll either love it or hate it. 7-8/10
Four Lions - 8.5/10

Firstly I'll say I love Chris Morris in a very unhealthy way. I couldn't wait to see this, and then through various circumstances didn't see it in the cinema. So I sat down to watch it last night and it's absolutly brilliant. Everone who likes comedy should see this. If you don't laugh out loud a couple of dozen times during this then there's something wrong with you. could have been so much more. Unusually for him, Morris played it a bit safe at times. I didn't understand/believe that criticism could be true of a film about suicide bombers but there are a few occasions where he played it safe(r). Doing that probably made it more palatable to the mainstream audience, but given Morris' prediliction for going right to the bone I expected to squirm more often when I watched this.
Four Lions - 8.5/10

Firstly I'll say I love Chris Morris in a very unhealthy way. I couldn't wait to see this, and then through various circumstances didn't see it in the cinema. So I sat down to watch it last night and it's absolutly brilliant. Everone who likes comedy should see this. If you don't laugh out loud a couple of dozen times during this then there's something wrong with you. could have been so much more. Unusually for him, Morris played it a bit safe at times. I didn't understand/believe that criticism could be true of a film about suicide bombers but there are a few occasions where he played it safe(r). Doing that probably made it more palatable to the mainstream audience, but given Morris' prediliction for going right to the bone I expected to squirm more often when I watched this.

I was just about to write a similar review, this is the best new release I have seen in well over a year; heartfelt, intelligent, hilarious satire. Although I'm not entirely sure what you're saying about Morris playing it safe, if I was him I would keep a low profile because he's pretty likely to get a fatwa from this.

The sheep martyr situation was laugh out loud stuff.
The Bloodstained Shadow It checks off all the boxes of what's supposed to be in an Italian giallo. The opening scene is pretty interesting and stylized, but it never really gets more exciting or interesting after that. It's a paint by the numbers giallo that never finds its rhythm. Definitely not one of the better gialli I've seen. 4/10
what the feck's a giallo?
From wiki:

Giallo (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdʒallo], plural gialli) is an Italian 20th century genre of literature and film, which in Italian indicates crime fiction and mystery. In the English language it refers to a genre similar to the French fantastique genre and includes elements of horror fiction and eroticism. The word giallo is Italian for "yellow" and stems from the origin of the genre as a series of cheap paperback novels with trademark yellow covers.
The film genre that emerged from these novels in the 1960s began as literal adaptations of the books, but soon began taking advantage of modern cinematic techniques to create a unique genre which veered into horror and psychological thrillers. These films, particularly such 1970s classics by directors like Sergio Martino, Lucio Fulci, Dario Argento or Mario Bava, are only defined as “gialli” in the English language usage of the term; in Italy they are usually described as thrillers or, as a genre, “thrilling” or “giallo all’italiana.” In the English-speaking world the term “giallo” became established as an adjective to “thriller” and “horror.”
Days of Wine and Roses
Great movie on alcoholism and exceptional performance by Jack Lemon. Loved the ending to,
When she walks away from the bar onto the other side of the street, signifying hope that she may be able to continue her sobriety and return home to her husband and child
The Expendables

Well, how do you rate this? It's silly, over-the-top-violent, frantic action with a see-through plot and not a single outstanding actor performance. It was absolutely brilliant. I could almost sense the expectations from the crowd as we walked into the cinema and the film delivered from the first scene. For what it is, what it's trying to be and most importantly what it's not trying to be it could hardly have been better. Thoroughly enjoyable and from the grins, the laughs and the general mood of the people exciting the cinema afterwards it's a roaring success. So refreshing. I would have to give it 9/10 even though it's not a good film, go figure.

Saw it last night and thought it was rubbish. I was hoping to enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed True Lies but it was not to be. 2/10

Even my 11 year old was disappointed although he enjoyed the bit where people got shot with that mini grenade launcher or whatever it was and some of the fight scenes. Gory little fecker.
Saw it last night and thought it was rubbish. I was hoping to enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed True Lies but it was not to be. 2/10

Even my 11 year old was disappointed although he enjoyed the bit where people got shot with that mini grenade launcher or whatever it was and some of the fight scenes. Gory little fecker.


But yes, the Expendables were never really shown to be expendable, were they.
Saw it last night and thought it was rubbish. I was hoping to enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed True Lies but it was not to be. 2/10

Even my 11 year old was disappointed although he enjoyed the bit where people got shot with that mini grenade launcher or whatever it was and some of the fight scenes. Gory little fecker.

Maybe I'm just easy to please.
Maybe I'm just easy to please.

You're not the only one if my review from the last page was any indication.

I was looking for a mindless 80's style action romp that was great fun but it just didn't work for me.
And the Dolph Lungren returning from the dark side right at the end was even more stupid than the rest of the film. Shame because I was really in the mood for some mindless entertainment.
Four Lions

I'm not much of a movie critic, so bear with me. I thought this was actually just right - the idea behind it was vital, and the very concept that idiots rather than religion can be behind terrorism could go a long way to proving the anti-Islam brigade wrong. After all, their 'all Muslims are terrorists' stance is based on fiction from the media. As a movie, I thought it was superb. The guy who played Omar was very good I thought, and the writing seemed great with some fantastic dialogue. There is the dark element mixed in with humour, but it works well and there is a good balance.


Except the anti-islam brigade is politically motived and lead. The brigade itself is membered by idiots.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Pretty wank film. Michael Cera has the charisma of a stone and this film doesn't do anything to dispel any thoughts that he will forever be typecast as a geek. The overall dialogue is pretty poor and no-where near as witty as I'd hoped, there are a few token pop-culture/gaming references that go down midly well but for the most part none of it is actually that clever or funny.

I don't for one second think it was stylish. Split screens, loud CGI, words flashing up on screen.. ok it looks pretty cool, but it's completely shallow. At points it almost made me cringe as if it was trying just to hard.

I thought Edgar Wrights previous work has all great, a respectable blend of style and substance, but here it's zero substance and a completely vain attempt at style. 5/10
I was looking for a mindless 80's style action romp that was great fun but it just didn't work for me.
And the Dolph Lungren returning from the dark side right at the end was even more stupid than the rest of the film. Shame because I was really in the mood for some mindless entertainment

feck sakes Wibble- spoilers damnit!
Batman under the Red Hood.
Just finished watching this animated movie and all I can say is it's absolutely superb. 8/10 Seriously, give it a watch if you get the chance.
Batman under the Red Hood.
Just finished watching this animated movie and all I can say is it's absolutely superb. 8/10 Seriously, give it a watch if you get the chance.

Saw that a few weeks ago too, much better than I expected. Wouldn't quite say superb, but was a very nice little film.

Also finally watched Looking For Eric this afternoon, now that was a great film. I doubt I'd get quite as much enjoyment out of it if I wasn't a football/United fan, at least for the first hour or so, but it's still a really enjoyable movie. Surprsingly funny too. 8/10
Also finally watched Looking For Eric this afternoon, now that was a great film. I doubt I'd get quite as much enjoyment out of it if I wasn't a football/United fan, at least for the first hour or so, but it's still a really enjoyable movie. Surprsingly funny too. 8/10

Saw that a few weeks ago too, much better than I expected. Wouldn't quite say superb, but was a very nice little film.