Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I would recommend the books instead of the films. For me the films were no more than ok while the books are pretty good.

Thanks for the tip, Will defo take you up on that and report back once Ive read them. Its part of a trilogy I believe. Have you read all three?
The Joneses Surprisingly watchable film. A good movie to watch with wife/gf. It has a nice twist to it, good gadgets, a makes you wonder how can Demi look so good at her age. 7/10
Just watched The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Wow, probably the best and most shocking film I have seen in the past few years. Its based in Sweden but has been dubbed in English and a Hollywood version is on the way.

I dont want to tell you too much about it but be prepared as it is graphically shocking both in terms of sexuality and violence and it makes Brad Pitts Se7en feel like a children movie.

'8 of of 10' and on all attributes including direction, script, casting, acting and panorama.

Loved it as well. The second movie of the trilogy ( The girl who played with fire) just spent a few weeks in the USA. . I liked that equally as much and I am hopeful that the Girl who kicked the hornets nest will be released here as well but if not i will get an overseas dvd or blu ray.

on another note Why would you want to watch it dubbed mate? I saw both versions in the original language.

oh if you netflix its free to stream (the girl with the dragon tatoo)

and i wouldnt really compare this trilogy to se7en at all.
Loved it as well. The second movie of the trilogy ( The girl who played with fire) just spent a few weeks in the USA. . I liked that equally as much and I am hopeful that the Girl who kicked the hornets nest will be released here as well but if not i will get an overseas dvd or blu ray.

on another note Why would you want to watch it dubbed mate? I saw both versions in the original language.

oh if you netflix its free to stream (the girl with the dragon tatoo)

and i wouldnt really compare this trilogy to se7en at all.

The American remake is going to be directed by the same director as se7en I think.
Just once it'd be nice to hear about a foreign writer and/or director refusing the money.

Personally (I've said this before so I'll avoid too much rehashing) I don't think it's possible to remake this book trilogy into a proper movie trilogy. There's just too much stuff that goes on in the books to cram it all in and not end up with LOTR movie lengths and when they take shortcuts they end up confusing everyone who hasn't read the books.

That's a problem that I don't think any budget or any level of director skill could be able to solve and it's why a good number of book->movie transitions are poor. This one, sadly, is no different from the majority.

There's more discussion about the books in Livvie's book thread if people are looking for book reviews.
Thanks for the tip, Will defo take you up on that and report back once Ive read them. Its part of a trilogy I believe. Have you read all three?

It's part of a trilogy yes, a rather large one compared to the films, around 1600 pages if I recall correctly. I thought the characters was very well portrayed in the films but a lot of the subplot disappears when the story is condensed for the films.
The Deadly Duo. I wouldn't say it's Cheh Chang's best effort. There is some good action, but it doesn't feel as fast and grand as some of his other movies. Having said that there are definitely a few 1 v 50 scenarios which are always nice. David Chiang is up there with the best of the old school kung fu stars.6.5/10.
Just once it'd be nice to hear about a foreign writer and/or director refusing the money.
Unless the writer or director owns the rights, the production company that made the movie can do whatever they want with it. In the contract they could add something about remakes, but once the writer sells it to the production company, it's theirs. That is unless there are caveats in the contract that still give them rights/say in the property.
The writer of The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo is dead so it seems unlikley that he will object.
Unless the writer or director owns the rights, the production company that made the movie can do whatever they want with it. In the contract they could add something about remakes, but once the writer sells it to the production company, it's theirs. That is unless there are caveats in the contract that still give them rights/say in the property.

Yeah I think the rights were purchased from Yellow Bird.
The Horseman - 2008 (not the Denis Quaid one)
Australian road movie about a father looking for some answers after his daughter died and he found out she was mistreated by some guys making porn movie.
It's a brutal revenge movie and it really was what I hoped it was. There are many weak points but in the end I did enjoy it. Solid 7/10

Splinterheads - 2009
Not that attractive guy meets an attractive girl whose boyfriend is an always drunk bad boy. This really is a movie I've seen a thousand times before and unfortunately I'll continue to watch. I did laugh once and the girl, Rachael Taylor (from Australia I think) is really attractive. If she can polish her acting a bit I'll predict her a good career. 4/10
Unless the writer or director owns the rights, the production company that made the movie can do whatever they want with it. In the contract they could add something about remakes, but once the writer sells it to the production company, it's theirs. That is unless there are caveats in the contract that still give them rights/say in the property.

This. I saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I knows how the moovee bizniz werks.

Production company/writer/director/whatever.
The Joneses Surprisingly watchable film. A good movie to watch with wife/gf. It has a nice twist to it, good gadgets, a makes you wonder how can Demi look so good at her age. 7/10

Flip she is hot ey! :drool:

Agree about the movie summary. Some solid performances aswell, especially from Duchovny.
The Expendables

Quite possibly the most ridiculous movie I've seen in a long time. Ridiculous plot. Ridiculous dialogue. Ridiculously gratuitous action and violence. Ridiculous cast. Ridiculous cameos. Ridiculous lengths to try to fit in all said ridiculous cast and cameos. Ridiculous special effects. Ridiculous music. The whole feckin movie was one ridiculous scene after another.

And I absolutely enjoyed myself watching it. The only thing that could've made this movie better would've been someone firing a rocket-propelled grenade at Jean Claude Van Damme's legs while he's standing in between two tables and then having him jump up and doing the splits landing on the two tables and having the RPG fly under his crotch.

That and about thirty other gratuitous action scenes and cameos my friends and I thought up on the way back home.

I'll gladly give it a 7/10. 8-9 if you're expecting it to be ridiculous.

I just saw this too. Very good review. I concur.

Amongst everything you wrote above, I also like the sweet spot between man love and raging testosterone that the director constantly successfully tries to hit. Its almost touching. Jet Li is super ace and super funny too.
The Killers I have seen the ratings, I have read some reviews, but thought how can you go wrong with Katherine Heigl, and the wife wanted a quet movie. Well, this movie is a joke. The person who wrote it and directed it probably is still in high school. The story line jumps around, the dialogue is terrible, just awful, awful movie 2/10.
Mo Channel 4 Biopic about Mo Mowlan, Northern Ireland and her fight against cancer. Didn't expect much but loved it. Funny in bits and benefited from not depicting her as a saint who could do no wrong. Julie Walters was excellent as was the whole cast really. Mandelson is depicted as a complete and utter slimy cnut, which is amusing. 8.5/10
Just watched The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Wow, probably the best and most shocking film I have seen in the past few years. Its based in Sweden but has been dubbed in English and a Hollywood version is on the way.

I dont want to tell you too much about it but be prepared as it is graphically shocking both in terms of sexuality and violence and it makes Brad Pitts Se7en feel like a children movie.

'8 of of 10' and on all attributes including direction, script, casting, acting and panorama.

The film doesn't even come close to touching the quality of the book in my opinion. Amazing read.

Lar Von Trier's mental art flick that he wrote when he was in a mental hospital, he filmed it still suffering from the depression that put him there.

It's insane, I can't really give you an in depth review now because it's late and I'm still trying to get over seeing a woman cut her own clitoris off with a pair of scissors.

Lar Von Trier's mental art flick that he wrote when he was in a mental hospital, he filmed it still suffering from the depression that put him there.

It's insane, I can't really give you an in depth review now because it's late and I'm still trying to get over seeing a woman cut her own clitoris off with a pair of scissors.

Looking forward to the review, mate. Quite fancy seeing this myself. Tell the missus we all wish her a quick recovery.
The film doesn't even come close to touching the quality of the book in my opinion. Amazing read.

I tried the books and couldn't get into them probably due to the clunky translation. My missus read them all and didn't rate them - she suggested watching the films to save the effort.
I tried the books and couldn't get into them probably due to the clunky translation. My missus read them all and didn't rate them - she suggested watching the films to save the effort.

The main plot is contained pretty well in the film so if you're just looking to get an overview they're fine. But in my opinion the main plot is slightly generic and a bit predictable (like you know what's going to happen eventually but the only question is how).

I think what drives the story is the characters, the Salander one being the most obvious one, and that's the first thing that suffers when you make the transition from print to screen. Also I think Yellow Bird tried to include all of the minor characters and that just made things messy and I think it's the source of a lot of complaints about the movie moving too fast because characters just come in and out for no apparent reason. At least for the last two movies. I think the first was pretty much well-ported. I just remember the last two the most.
The main plot is contained pretty well in the film so if you're just looking to get an overview they're fine. But in my opinion the main plot is slightly generic and a bit predictable (like you know what's going to happen eventually but the only question is how).

I think what drives the story is the characters, the Salander one being the most obvious one, and that's the first thing that suffers when you make the transition from print to screen. Also I think Yellow Bird tried to include all of the minor characters and that just made things messy and I think it's the source of a lot of complaints about the movie moving too fast because characters just come in and out for no apparent reason. At least for the last two movies. I think the first was pretty much well-ported. I just remember the last two the most.

Well said. The predictability really killed the books for me.

But he really did a good job with the characters, especially Salander who is probably the biggest reason behind the quite absurd amount of success the books and films have had.

Lar Von Trier's mental art flick that he wrote when he was in a mental hospital, he filmed it still suffering from the depression that put him there.

It's insane, I can't really give you an in depth review now because it's late and I'm still trying to get over seeing a woman cut her own clitoris off with a pair of scissors.

Yep Spammy I agree with you on this, this was a mentally disturbing movie. Willem Defoe was cast well though, the nutter ;)

Wow, I never knew the Von Trier was in a mental hospital when he wrote this! Makes much more sense now :D
The Killer Inside Me

Much has been made of the graphic male on female violence in this and let's address this from the start, it's no Irreversible (I still think that's as close as you can get to watching an actual snuff movie without watching one) but it's probably not a film for a cosey night in with the missus.

On the flip side, the defense of said violence is that it's supposed to be shocking, it's not supposed to be throwaway, glossy or entertaining. It succeeds in that respect and hammers home (no pun, literally...he doesn't use a hammer) how sick this guy really is.

Anyway, Casey Affleck plays a deputy Sheriff in Texas somewhere who also happens to be a psychopath and I suppose you could say it's a kind of charcter study/small town thriller.

Michael Winterbottom gets fantastic performances from the cast and depsite it's content it's very watchable and bizarrely I didn't find myself hating Afflecks character as much as I thought I would.

It doesn't really tell us anything new about serial killers, texans or prostitutes but it's a well shot movie with an ending (continuing the recent trend) open to interpretation.

Worth a watch.
Probably. She didn't exactly have a lot to get her teeth into with this role so it's hard to make a judgement call.

She gets her bare arse whipped with a belt though. Did I mention that in my review?
Afterschool - 2008
Robert is a young American student at an elite preparatory school who accidentally captures the death of two classmates on camera.
Really slow paced movie with many interesting ideas but in the end it gets nowhere and my feeling was that I'd just wasted 100+ minutes. 3/10
Broken Embraces It is an Almodovar movie, so you should expect and get a good movie. I just don't think is as good as some of the other ones he has made. The storyline is kind of slow, and probably could have been done in 15-20 minutes less. Penelope Cruz is Penelope Cruz in this movie, but you get the priviledge of seeing her goods on few occasions. There is a hint of life's outcome when things are said are done, that eventually come back to you to either help you or hurt you. But I don't think the movie makes you think about the plot a long time afterwards. 7/10
I actually had to go read the plot to remember if I had see Borken Embraces. Yes I have. And it's that forgettable.

Edit - My review from Jan. I dont remeber what the lost father bit was now.

Broken embraces - Homosexuality - check. Drugs - check. Penelope cruz's boobs - check. There were so many things wrongs with what could have been a decent movie here. Why were the funny scenes at the most awkward points of the movie? why were there story arcs that lead to nothing? the long lost father bit? C'mon. 6.5/10
Scum 1979- Cult classic telling the story of the power struggle between the old hands of a British borstal and new hardnut inmate Carling (Ray winstone). Quality film, gritty and gripping, brilliant performance from Winstone, his best film, for me. 8/10
Autumn Sonata
When world famous pianist Charlotte visits her children Eva and Helena for the first time in seven years tensions mount as repressed feelings start to surface. The final 30 minutes is a dramatic confrontation between Eva and Charlotte regarding the neglect and mental abuse that Eva suffered at the hands of her mother. The film contains two emotionally explosive performances given by Ingrid Bergmann and Liv Ullman, two of the best female roles I’ve seen. 8/10

I got halfway through Fanny and Alexander last night but was to tired to carry on, was it me being knackered or is it just not one of Ingmars better films? Can’t say I was enjoying it at all.