Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I dont think the non-linearity really stands out in Rashomon. It's different accounts of the same story. Didn't know about Intolerance.
Reading about Intolerance, it seems there are 4 stories in parallel but the stories in themselves seem to be linear. And Citizen Kane was flashbacks, right? It's been a while.
Reading about Intolerance, it seems there are 4 stories in parallel but the stories in themselves seem to be linear. And Citizen Kane was flashbacks, right?

Yes, flashbacks. I suppose it depends on your definition of non linear, I guess.
Yeah, just seen it. Fantastic film.
So that's where Nolan got his idea eh? And I watched Shadow of a Doubt earlier, I think Hitchcock should've killed off Little Charlie instead of Uncle Charlie, although I guess it would've been too bleak an ending

As for the one's you've mentioned, I've seen Kagemusha and I've got Dreams and Dersu Uzala on DVD somewhere. Kagemusha's was Kurosawa's dress rehearsal for Ran but still a great film nonetheless.

I think Hitchcock was restricted a lot at times, if I remember correctly Suspicion
was going to end with Cary Grants character actually being a killer but the studio thought that was to bleak as well
. That's what I like so much about Psycho and Frenzy, I guess once the Hayes code fell apart he gained a lot more freedom in regards to the darkness of his films.

Ah man I love Ran, if it's anywhere near it I'll be happy!

Inception is out this weekend. :devil:
Reading about Intolerance, it seems there are 4 stories in parallel but the stories in themselves seem to be linear. And Citizen Kane was flashbacks, right? It's been a while.

Intolerance is on my 'to watch' list as well... and I always mean to until I realize it's a fecking three hour silent film. It's not that I don't appreciate silent cinema... but the glory of it is that it's over after about 90mins before my mind wanders.

Three.... hours.... Jesus. I'm gonna really need to be in the mood for that one.
The Hays Code - I didn't know it existed. No wonder the characters in movies from that period appeared so naive. Yet pre Hays Code, there was a more liberal attitude(20s-30s). As for Shadow of a Doubt, I can see why the Hays Code may have affected the ending - 'All criminal action had to be punished, and neither the crime nor the criminal could elicit sympathy from the audience'.

It must've frustrated the likes of Hitchcock.
Would explain why the criminals never prospered in The Killing too - but the movie was better for it.
Just finished watching The Book of Eli.

Post apocalyptic stories had been there before, but this one was fresh. And never see it coming, that he was blind


Edit - I promise to use spolier tags in the future or you're welcome to ban me.
I saw it by chance a couple of months ago. Completely lucky that I was in the right place at the right time. It's brilliant.

Yeah, entertaining and it didn't take itself too seriously. Cary Grant was brilliant. I might watch Frenzy today.
The Science of Sleep

Hmmmmmmm, not sure about this one. There were some parts I liked, the first half of the movie was good/OK but I didn't really like the second half. I could relate to the main guy in some ways but about halfway in I thought he was getting more and more annoying. I'm not really sure what it is about Charlotte Gainsbourg but there's something about her that makes her really attractive.
I've seen a few of his films. Apparently he was from Bristol.

And don't bother with Peeping Tom. It was decent but I couldn't be arsed to keep myself awake.
Saw two very good movies yesterday while traveling by train.

All little animals (1998)

If you liked The Story of Alvin Straight or Of Mice and men you will like this. The story is pretty simple yet not boring, the actors are brilliant. Very pleasant to watch.

The Road to Wellville (1994)

The best comedy I have seen in years. It is about healthy lifestyle geeks. Meat and potatoes!!!
I've seen a few of his films. Apparently he was from Bristol.

And don't bother with Peeping Tom. It was decent but I couldn't be arsed to keep myself awake.

Yeah I didn't like Peeping Tom much either, loved some of the stuff Powell did with Pressburger though, A Cantebury Tale is my favourite but A Matter of Life and death, Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes are all worth a watch.
A Little Princess

Thought I'd check out some more of Cuaron's stuff since I've liked what I've seen of him so far.

It's a pretty good film - For what it is. The child actors didn't impress me to much.. but the story had a good blend of imagination and the reality of life. I'd recommend it as one of the better feel good films since it's not afraid to get harsh at points and it does have an emotional pull to it.

Cop Out

Some decent moments, and a good way to waste an hour and a half. However quite a few of the jokes fell flat, so a good part of the movie felt like a "spot the humour" game. Namely every scene with Sean William Scott.

Hot Tub Time Machine

Good fun. A personal highlight was the history of Crispin Glover's character, and despite most of the main four characters having moments of sheer dickery, none of them become unlikeable. Recommended for anyone wanting something daft to stick on.
Yeah I didn't like Peeping Tom much either, loved some of the stuff Powell did with Pressburger though, A Cantebury Tale is my favourite but A Matter of Life and death, Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes are all worth a watch.

Not seen anything else by Powell. To be fair, I chose the movie because it was a physological thriller, suffice to say I was dissapointed with it.

Anyone seen anything by Fellini? I've downloaded Amarchord. Apparently it's his most accessible film.
Not seen anything else by Powell. To be fair, I chose the movie because it was a physological thriller, suffice to say I was dissapointed with it.

Anyone seen anything by Fellini? I've downloaded Amarchord. Apparently it's his most accessible film.

Yeah it's a few years since i've seen it but I remember being underwhelmed, an interesting idea that they conveyed poorly with weak dialogue and disappointing control on the narrative. You should probably check out Black Narcissus though, nuns, up a mountain, going mad with desire sounds like a caftards kind of film to me.

I've seen Rome: Open City which Fellini wrote, good but depressing from what I recall and La Strada was excellent and easy enough to watch.
Not seen anything else by Powell. To be fair, I chose the movie because it was a physological thriller, suffice to say I was dissapointed with it.

Anyone seen anything by Fellini? I've downloaded Amarchord. Apparently it's his most accessible film.

Seen 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita. In queue Juliet of the Spirits, Night of Cabiria, La Strada, I Vitelloni.
Seen 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita. In queue Juliet of the Spirits, Night of Cabiria, La Strada, I Vitelloni.

Bolded the ones I've seen.

8 1/2 is a strange one... it's a wonderful film but shouldn't be the first Fellini by any means, it's a bit to crazy and might set the wrong tone for what his films are like.

The rest are more commonly structured with easy to follow narratives, as well as being great stories of course. But 8 1/2 is like an abstract insight into the mind of a director.
Yeah it's a few years since i've seen it but I remember being underwhelmed, an interesting idea that they conveyed poorly with weak dialogue and disappointing control on the narrative. You should probably check out Black Narcissus though, nuns, up a mountain, going mad with desire sounds like a caftards kind of film to me.

I've seen Rome: Open City which Fellini wrote, good but depressing from what I recall and La Strada was excellent and easy enough to watch.

Will do. I've got Frenzy, City of Lost Children, Thirst, Amarcord, M, Black Book, Ashes of Time redux and a million other films to watch this week.

And Pete, have you stopped watching movies, you cockmuncher?
The Abyss Special Edition:

Been on TV many times in normal format and i've had the DVD special edition sitting in a draw at home for some time now. Have to say its an excellent movie that despite being made in the late 80's has still stood the test of time even in terms of visual effects which are still impressive. Brilliant script also.

Makes you understand how James Carmeron despite being a very popcorny movie director is still regaurded as one of the best around.

I thought it was a top top film when I first saw, maybe could have had a more complete ending. The sets were epic if I remember too, they built everything for the film
Yeah its a top movie, visually stunning as you'd expect from Cameron but with a really solid script.

Pesonally I found the ending more mushy than incomplete.

Highly recommeded to anybody who hasn't seen it(can't be many).