Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

In the last few days, Leo-mania ran rampant at my place. I've watched - The Beach, Revolutionary Road, Shutter Island, The Aviator, Catch Me If You Can, The Departed, and Body Of Lies.

I'm watching Blood Diamond next, and I'll conclude it by watching Inception in IMAX. :drool:

P.S. - Why can't I go to the next page? Am I ghosted etc?

P.P.S - I can now. :confused: Thanks for fixing it so fast (within seconds).
The german player Jansen, he looks like some actor but can't remember who. Surely someone else has noticed this and will put me out of my misery. Arrrrrggggghhhh
Frost/Nixon - Disappointing. After all the praise and nominations I was expecting something much better. Very average movie with several good actors doing bit part roles. The two main characters are weak and it doesnt feel very dramatic at all. The build up is done poorly and the climax feels like a 'That's it?' moment. 6/10

Btw, has anyone seen fritz lang's dr. mabuse movies? I've only seen M by him. Are they as good?

Anyone? Ole?
The german player Jansen, he looks like some actor but can't remember who. Surely someone else has noticed this and will put me out of my misery. Arrrrrggggghhhh

I always think that Buffon looks just like some actor, but I've never been able to figure out who I'm thinking of.
Btw, has anyone seen fritz lang's dr. mabuse movies? I've only seen M by him. Are they as good?

I've seen Dr Mabuse: The Gambler and Dr Mabuse The Testament of... haven't seen the later film though.

The Gambler is an impressive film. Lang's meticulous attention to detail is in every scene, you can play any scene from the film today and it still looks fresh. It is 5 hours long in total though (it has 2 parts but 1 film) so it takes a little work to get through. The last hour is quite spectacular even today.

The Testament is certainly interesting with relevant themes (Nazi parallels) but it didn't engage me like the Gambler and the acting is a tad pantomime when you consider M was released 2 years before it. It doesn't have the mind blowing majesty of Metropolis and it's nowhere near as good as M.
The new twilight.

Acting is poor from the the three leads and good from the rest. Some of the conversations between the vampire and that annoying girl drags infact at two and a half hours the film itself is too long. Why is everyone always trying to save this girl? She's clearly a horrible person.

I really think it's depressing that this is the biggest film of the year. Another thing when there was a gap in sound you're hear girls, lots of girls chattering away, I noticed this at the last one too, no wonder they go back twice :rolleyes:. Inception next week thank feck.

By far the worst film of the three.

Had a bit of filmfest this weekend.

Predators - Great Soundtrack but could of been much better. Needs a better lead actor. Still like it though. 7/10

The Day after Tomorrow - Watch this for the first time in ages, Love the old disater flicks. 7/10

Men In Black - Classic fun 8/10

The Runaways - Twilight chick can act in this portrail of Joan Jett 7/10

AntiChrist -
Jesus christ. The film looks great but Dear god what a load of tosh. I didnt need to see a woman knock out William Dafoe and smash his erect cock with a piece of wood, Wank him off and then cut off her clit with a pair of scissors.:nervous:

Excalibur - Ok but nothing special. 6/10

Armoured - Old fashioned heist movie 6/10
AntiChrist - Jesus christ. The film looks great but Dear god what a load of tosh. I didnt need to see a woman knock out William Dafoe and smash his erect cock with a piece of wood, Wank him off and then cut off her clit with a pair of scissors.:nervous: 4/10

That sounds like the best film ever!

fecking immense samurai film from Takeshi Kitano. Very stylish and gory, has some of the eccentric and quirky Japanese humour mixed with dark violence. The fight scenes are well choreographed and the overall cinematography is great to, loved the little scenes with people plowing the fields in time to the music.

Watched a few lately

Grown Ups for a film called grownups it's pretty juvenile but if you like Adam Sandler you will probably like this. Not great by any means but watchable.

Cop Out not really feeling this one, it had some good moments but the plot was convoluted and it just wasn't as funny as Kevin Smith is capable of. Pity as I think Morgan and Willis had good chemistry.

The Human Centipede Woeful, woeful, woeful. Watch the bit where the guy needs a shit and laugh, don't bother with the rest, acting is pathetic, dialogue cheesy, possibly the worst film I've seen in a long time.

One Trick Pony Paul Simon's only ever film writing credit and it received less than complimentary reviews. Based on the story of Jonah a travelling singer songwriter as he tries to make it in the business and keep his life together the film actually isn't that bad and has some quite snappy dialogue. Awesome soundtrack too.

Date Night Funny in bits, entertaining, silly and lightweight. Passed a hour and a half.

Death at a funeral British version. Really liked this, script was clever and broad humoured in equal measures and the storyline regarding the unwanted guest at the funeral was very entertaining. Quaint and very british I'm going to watch the US version at some point to see how it compares.

Anything decent on your 'to see' list?

Just saw Kurosawa's Tengoku to jigoku, thought it was an awesome morality play. Toshiro Mifune is an absolute fiend... it's like he puts no effort into his greatness..

The latter part come across as a little to methodical for my liking, in a way it was an intelligent and insightful breakdown of the kidnappers capture but I'm not sure what it added to the film. Still all in all it has to be an 8/10

I have Red Beard, Dersu Uzala, Kagemusha and Dreams to watch this week! Seen any of them? Did you watch The Killing yet?
The Killing is a fantastic film, I didn't realise Jim Thompson (The Grifters, The Killer In Me, The Getaway) had a hand in the writing.

I watched Ponyo on the Cliffs this weekend. It was more of a return to form for Ghibli after the disappointing Tales of Earthsea but not nearly as good as Mononoke or Spirite Away 6.5/10

I also finally saw Paranormal Activity which was far creepier (and more sublte) than I expected, although the end was more amusing than scary 7/10.
Just saw Kurosawa's Tengoku to jigoku, thought it was an awesome morality play. Toshiro Mifune is an absolute fiend... it's like he puts no effort into his greatness..

The latter part come across as a little to methodical for my liking, in a way it was an intelligent and insightful breakdown of the kidnappers capture but I'm not sure what it added to the film. Still all in all it has to be an 8/10

I have Red Beard, Dersu Uzala, Kagemusha and Dreams to watch this week! Seen any of them? Did you watch The Killing yet?

Yeah, just seen it. Fantastic film.
So that's where Nolan got his idea eh? And I watched Shadow of a Doubt earlier, I think Hitchcock should've killed off Little Charlie instead of Uncle Charlie, although I guess it would've been too bleak an ending

As for the one's you've mentioned, I've seen Kagemusha and I've got Dreams and Dersu Uzala on DVD somewhere. Kagemusha's was Kurosawa's dress rehearsal for Ran but still a great film nonetheless.
You mean for for Memento? I'd say every non-linear film is inspired by the Killing since it was the first of its kind. I think the next one that made it big was Reservoir Dogs.
Shutter Island – Disappointing movie, expected a hell of a lot more – 5/10
The Wolfman – Not as bad as I thought it was going to be – 5.5/10
The Road – Excellent 8/10
The Book of Eli – No bad at all - 6.5/10
You mean for for Memento? I'd say every non-linear film is inspired by the Killing since it was the first of its kind. I think the next one that made it big was Reservoir Dogs.

No Dark Knight(as in the hold up), but yeah Memento and countless other films as well, I guess. That said Kurosawa used a non linear plot before Kubrick.