Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

There are loads, Comms. Loads. I could sit here for hours typing them out.

Okay. . .just a few(i'll mix it up): Godfather 1&2, Ran, In the Mood for Love, Rosemary's Baby, Das Boot, Blade Runner, Alien, Solyaris, Apocalypse Now, Empire Strikes Back, Sunset Blv, Raging Bull. Seriously, I could go on for ages.

I don't think 7/10 is a bad rating in any case. (Actually come to think of it he virtually ripped off Paprika. . .sorry adapted it.)

Any movies that came out in the let's say last three years or so that deserve a 9/10, 10/10? What you've done is basically mentioned some classics.

It's like comparing modern day Messi-football with the football played in Pele's era. Both deserving a 9/10 but still completely different in quality, pace, atmosphere, etc.

Edit: that's why Id give Inception a 9/10 or 10/10.
Any movies that came out in the let's say last three years or so that deserve a 9/10, 10/10? What you've done is basically mentioned some classics.

It's like comparing modern day Messi-football with the football played in Pele's era. Both deserving a 9/10 but still completely different in quality, pace, atmosphere, etc.

Edit: that's why Id give Inception a 9/10 or 10/10.

How's a couple from the last few months then? Inglorious Basterds. . .and probably Four Lions as well. The former also got high praise. . .but I thought it was every bit as good as I was lead to believe. I'll have to rewatch Inception but I didn't think it was anyway near as cerebral as many thought - not by a long shot. But I enjoyed it. . . and yeah it was a good movie. So, for me at least, it's not like comparing Messi with Pele, having said that Messi shouldn't even be compared to Pele or Maradona let alone Platini or Zidane - but I'll leave that one to Cal and his mates. Silly analogy to be fair. Actually perhaps it's spot on. . .

And hang on. . .I think I grasped your analogy - whatever Messi football is. Actually, I'm not sure what it is, to be fair. I;m going back to sleep. Unless I'm already dreaming. Must say, I hate dreams within in dreams. I used to get them all the time. 'Finally! I'm awake!!' ....'feck, I'm not, I'm still dreaming'. Nice feeling.

But yeah 7/10, till I watch it again and decide I was wrong.
and I loved Nefertiti or whatever she was called. In fact Zoe Saldana looks better as an alien. But I'm racist like that.
I've read that Messi/Pele anology a few times now and I still don't understand what it means.

He's getting caught up in the 'grainy film' fallacy, which maintains that:

a) The world was in black and white until "Gone With the Wind" was released in theaters. And even then some countries didn't turn into color until they got the film, which was often so degraded from use that the countries that received those particular reels couldn't turn into full color, which explains parts of Siberia.

b) or he's saying that just because modern films resort to more editing tricks than old films do doesn't mean they're bad films by default according to the standards of a different era.

c) or he's saying you can't compare the two since Pele never had to face defenders who were in full HD
He's getting caught up in the 'grainy film' fallacy, which maintains that:

a) The world was in black and white until "Gone With the Wind" was released in theaters. And even then some countries didn't turn into color until they got the film, which was often so degraded from use that the countries that received those particular reels couldn't turn into full color, which explains parts of Siberia.

b) or he's saying that just because modern films resort to more editing tricks than old films do doesn't mean they're bad films by default according to the standards of a different era.

c) or he's saying you can't compare the two since Pele never had to face defenders who were in full HD

This. ;)
How's a couple from the last few months then? Inglorious Basterds. . .and probably Four Lions as well. The former also got high praise. . .but I thought it was every bit as good as I was lead to believe. I'll have to rewatch Inception but I didn't think it was anyway near as cerebral as many thought - not by a long shot. But I enjoyed it. . . and yeah it was a good movie. So basically for me at least, it's not like comparing Messi with Pele, having said that Messi shouldn't even be compared to Pele or Maradona let alone Platini or Zidane - but I'll leave that one to Cal and his mates. Silly analogy to be fair. Actually perhaps it's spot on. . .

And hang on. . .I think I grasped your analogy - whatever Messi football is. Actually, I'm not sure what it is, to be fair. I;m going back to sleep. Unless I'm already dreaming. Must say, I hate dreams within in dreams. I used to get them all the time. 'Finally! I'm awake!!' ....'feck, I'm not, I'm still dreaming'. Nice feeling.

But yeah 7/10, till I watch it again and decide I was wrong.


what you need is one of these, quick!

Inception - 7.5/10 Struggled and failed to make the jump from a good to a great movie. The trailers made me feel this movie would have plenty of wow moments. There were literally none. Not even ones that make you smile and go, 'Nice'. The strength of the movie was its concept and thats about it. The characters were weak (especially Ken Watanabe's) and the storyline could definietly have done with more surprises.

Absence of Malice - 7/10 I like Sally Field. She was a good actress and cute in her own way. But Paul Newman looks old enough to be her dad and it's only 1981.

Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - 6/10 and I'm being generous. Any Bresson fans here? Someone explain to me why this movie is supposed to be that good. The best part of the movie is the protagonist's point of view about thieves and supermen which is barely touched upon. The rest is rubbish. Terrible acting.
The Cell [2000] - Jenifer Lopez stars as a psychologist who works in a centre using pioneering technology that allows the user to go inside the subconcious of a chosen subject and attempt to help them out of comas through interacting with them inside a dream world of their creation. When a Serial killer played by Vincent D'Onofrio has a seizure and enters a coma after kidknapping a woman and leaving her in a chamber that fills with water over 24/48 hours, she is then charged with the task of entering D'Onofrio's subconcious and obtaining information from him that could lead to the FBI finding his last victim in time.

Supprisingly good film with a very bold visual style that some will like some won't, I actually quite like it. Also supprising features a decent straight acting performance from Vice vaughn and some nice shots of of Jen Lopez in knickers for the pervert crowd like myself. Directed by Tarsem Singh a former music video director it actually has some genuinely disturbing imagery.

Well worth a watch 7.5/10
Yeah, but there's more stuff that makes a movie good. I'm not gonna rate a movie higher because it's better than some movies in the era it was released...

...Did I get it?

Dont know if you did. Which recent movies would you rate 9/10, 10/10?
It would have to be a really great film for me to rate it that high, and I don't recall seeing any really outstanding movies from the last three years or so.

Best films of the last three years?

Lives of Others, Inglorious Basterds, No Country For Old Men, A Prophet, Inception, Four Lions. . . what else??

Saw this last night and was really impressed. When warlord Shingen dies in battle a double is used to fool the enemy (and their own army) into thinking he is alive, Kagemusha is forced to live as the emperor in even his most intimate moments; with his grandfather, mistress, etc... It's a tragic story as Kagemusha loses his identity and becomes more dependant on the life of the man he is playing than having his own, and the armies continue to fight and lose their lifes for a symbol that no longer exists.


All I have left is Dreams and that completes my Kurosawa run!

(I'm starting to think my 8.5 for Inception might be a little to high now!)
Off the top of my head:

The Man from Earth
Waltz with Bashir
Boy A

Man from Earth wasn't really that good. I'd give it a 10 for the originality of the story but it was a let down in terms of production, photography etc. I know it was a low budget movie, I respect that, but the fact remains that it's not done to the highest standard possible.

You could argue that this would in return be bad for the movie since it works extremely well in exactly those settings, but we will never know what impact it would have had if it would have been done to the highest standard. Another problem was the acting. It just wasn't that good throughout the movie, imo.

I rated Man from Earth 8/10 on IMDB, and Inception 10/10.
Yeah, most of the films I listed are 8/10 or slightly lower. Man from Earth was so thought provoking and original that the dodgy acting was excused a bit I thought.
The Lucky Ones (2008) Rachel McAdams>10

I dont know what it is with that woman, I just love her.

Film was ok.

Saw this last night and was really impressed. When warlord Shingen dies in battle a double is used to fool the enemy (and their own army) into thinking he is alive, Kagemusha is forced to live as the emperor in even his most intimate moments; with his grandfather, mistress, etc... It's a tragic story as Kagemusha loses his identity and becomes more dependant on the life of the man he is playing than having his own, and the armies continue to fight and lose their lifes for a symbol that no longer exists.


All I have left is Dreams and that completes my Kurosawa run!

(I'm starting to think my 8.5 for Inception might be a little to high now!)

Yeah I loved Kaghemusha n'all. I would dearly love to have Ran and Kagemusha both on blur ray - Criterion if possible. . . not that I'd be able to play them on my PS3.

I really hate the damn thing sometimes.
Halfway through Kurosawas Dreams and I'm pretty bored to be honest...

I get this movie is a personal one and he does have the technical/visual flair to make it look good... but meh... I've enjoyed plenty of surreal art films from Lynch that had much more style and Bunuel which were more intelligent/humorous. This is just a bit feckin' lame.
Halfway through Kurosawas Dreams and I'm pretty bored to be honest...

I get this movie is a personal one and he does have the technical/visual flair to make it look good... but meh... I've enjoyed plenty of surreal art films from Lynch that had much more style and Bunuel which were more intelligent/humorous. This is just a bit feckin' lame.

Think the first and last sequence, Crows and The Tunnel are pretty great, the rest is a real grind.

It's not perfect but Rhapsody in August covers some of the themes in Dreams far more succinctly and in a less preachy way.
Think the first and last sequence, Crows and The Tunnel are pretty great, the rest is a real grind.

It's not perfect but Rhapsody in August covers some of the themes in Dreams far more succinctly and in a less preachy way.

Just finished it. You're right, there are some very nice sequences in the film. Visually a lot of it can't be faulted, Crows was my favourite. Large portions of it however were just plain dull to watch. 6.5/10 For me.
City Island:

Just got back from a free preview screening.

Interesting film, a comedy/drama with Andy Garcia, Emily Mortimer and Julianna Margulies.
It has its ups and downs, the film started well and finished very well with all of the little storylines coming together at the finale. It got a little bogged down in places and there was a cringe worthy movie audition scene, but it didn't spoil the enjoyment of the film.

Overall an enjoyable movie, but i'd probably rent it or wait for it to appear on sky rather than making a cinema trip.
Best films of the last three years?

Lives of Others, Inglorious Basterds, No Country For Old Men, A Prophet, Inception, Four Lions. . . what else??

"the secret in their eyes" from Argentina was excellent, it actually won the oscar over A Prophet, I saw A Prophet first and was convinced without having scene any of the other nominees that nothing could beat it, I'm not sure it was better but it was definitely a worthy contender 9.5/10 the ending was very disconcerting!