Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Don't Mess with a Zohan 0/10, and that is based off 20 minutes, it didnt even deserve that long, one of the worst movies I have ever seen, what the feck was Adam Sandler thinking.

Probably the same thing he was thinking about the rest of the toss that he's been in.
Probably the same thing he was thinking about the rest of the toss that he's been in.

I honestly think Adam Sandler can do anger and frustration as well as the best of them... He isn't in the top bracket of actors but films like Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me suggest he has a lot more to offer than the shit movies he usually does.

I guess he just enjoys what he does... the kinda bloke that sees a script and thinks 'this will be a laugh' rather than 'this actually has some depth and credibility'...

Watanabe, a lowly sector chief in a municipal public affairs department questions his life choices after he finds out he has stomach cancer. It's a character study of a paper-shifting beaurcrat who realises he has wasted 30 years of his life, he is lonely and unable to communicate with his family... he seeks answers with a writer who takes him on a journey of frivolous indulgence, and a woman who escapes the department he works in and inspires him to do something with his remaining months.

It's a beautiful film... the type that makes you think about what you are doing with your life and how un-fulfilling the monotony of the 9-5 can be if that's all you have. The iconic swing scene at the end of the film is one of my favourites in cinema history.


Agree, it fecked me up for a while
The Beach - 4/10

I watched it again last night, a decade after watching it the first time. It starts good, is alright in the middle, but the ending is very boring, and retarded.

Funny I rewatched this this week as well, have to say I agree it goes downhill the longer it goes with the whole jungle commando thing but I think its beautifully shot and has some good initital ideas.

I'd give 6.5/10.
Frost/Nixon - Disappointing. After all the praise and nominations I was expecting something much better. Very average movie with several good actors doing bit part roles. The two main characters are weak and it doesnt feel very dramatic at all. The build up is done poorly and the climax feels like a 'That's it?' moment. 6/10

Btw, has anyone seen fritz lang's dr. mabuse movies? I've only seen M by him. Are they as good?
Shrek Forever After (3d) - 6/10

So this is the 1st 3D film that i've ever seen. The film is funny in places, a pretty good story that moves at a steady pace throughout the film. Funny voice acting and a decent bad guy kept me entertained and the 3D was used in a subtle way throughout the majority of the film (the action scenes were a little more exagerated).

If you enjoyed the other Shrek films then you'll find this a good laugh. But i'd give it a miss otherwise.

The Da Vinci Code - 7/10

This is the 2nd time i've watched this film and I must admit I enjoyed it alot more the 2nd time round. I do have to hold my hands up and admit that I adore Audrey Tautou (she's blooming gorgeous in this film) so it could cloud my judgement. The plot moves at a good speed, allowing you to digest the history thats presented to you before the next action sequence jumps on screen. I also seemed to enjoy the ending a whole lot more the 2nd time round, getting alot more involved with Audrey Tautou character.

Alice in Wonderland - 5/10

This is a rather confusing film. All the ingredients are ready to make this a superb film, yet somehow it really fails to deliver. Excellent visuals and some great characters started the film off really well. Unforunatly the plot stumbles throughout the film ending in a pretty underwhelming finale. I ended up not really giving a damn whether Alice survived or not. Very little emotional connection with any of the characters and pretty boring storyline resulted in a poor film.

Book of Eli - 8/10

A very bleak environment beautifully filmed. This film has style in abundance, blade runner music booming out sent shivers down my spine. It took a while to really get going, but once it did it was superb. Once Eli leaves town, the plot speeds up far too quickly. It's almost as if you've skipped 6 chapters of a book which is somewhat disappointing. The only fault in a superb film, you HAVE to watch this in Blu Ray.
Tsubaki Sanjuro

Another Kurosawa film starring Toshirô Mifune. He plays a similar character to the one in Yojimbo - A cunning samurai who takes up a good cause despite his anti-hero edge. It's a very good film but not one of my favourites. For starters it just felt a little dull for long parts of it... I mean it's fun watching Mifune outsmart people and kick their asses, and the character is an intriguing one, but it's not a patch on stuff like Ikiru, Seven Samarui and Ran. Saying that, it does have one of the most awesome fight scenes at the end. No choreography, nothing flashy, just a pistols at dawn-esque fight with swords.

saw this a while ago, very good movie. A level below City of God though, not that theres any disgrace in that.

agree, i think that the difference lies in that City of God is better and it was the first one, so we where all surprised of how good it was, then elite squad didn't have that surprise factor
Zombieland - Gem of a movie, possibly helped by my low expectations going into it. Don't take it seriously and you'll have a blast. 8.5/10

Paranormal Activity - Liked this too. Creepy. 7.5/10

Funny People - Good, but too long. 7/10
Sent the missus DVD shopping for me. Apart from the three above I've also got the following to watch:

Che Parts 1 & 2
In the Loop
Taking of Pelham 123
Avatar (seen before)
Terminator: Salvation
500 Days of Summer

Anyone see the above and can tell me what's worth seeing, and what isn't?
Sent the missus DVD shopping for me. Apart from the three above I've also got the following to watch:

Che Parts 1 & 2
In the Loop
Taking of Pelham 123
Avatar (seen before)
Terminator: Salvation
500 Days of Summer

Anyone see the above and can tell me what's worth seeing, and what isn't?

In the Loop is an outstanding movie
Sent the missus DVD shopping for me. Apart from the three above I've also got the following to watch:

Che Parts 1 & 2
In the Loop
Taking of Pelham 123
Avatar (seen before)
Terminator: Salvation
500 Days of Summer

Anyone see the above and can tell me what's worth seeing, and what isn't?

I'd see them...

1. In The Loop (Hilarious and easy to watch)
2. Che Parts 1 & 2 (Great epic)
3. 500 Days of Summer (Really liked this one, fun offbeat comedy)
4. Taking of Pelham (Meh...)
5. Avatar (Not worth seeing again after IMAX really)
6. Terminator: Salvation (Terrible)

Haven't seen Adventureland.
Salvation was actually not that bad before:

a) Bale demanded his part be increased from what it initially was, which was just a voice on the radio up until the last part of the final act.
b) The producers, who had never been in movies before (and had no artistic/creative backgrounds whatsoever) accepted his demands purely on the anticipated success of The Dark Knight and what that would mean in terms of being able to sell the project to investors
c) 2/3s of the original script were overhauled to create a completely different story - although the cheeseball 'human heart' factor remains.

Awesome low budget psychological thriller from Darren Aronofsky.

Maximillian Cohen is a uniquely talented mathematician who is searching for the universal pattern of numbers in the stock market, the movie follows his descent into madness as he gets closer to finding the number.

It's style is typically Aronofsky with quick cuts and lucid dream sequences, and for a film of this budget the cast are all pretty good. Solid 7.5
Insomnia - 8/10

Simply fantastic. Figuring the end out was very easy though - either Dull Pacino would 1) go to jail, or 2) die, while uttering the words -"Let me sleep.". But the jail one had already been done in that weird Christian Bale movie The Machinist, so it had to be his death. And if Dull was dying, so was the bad guy, therefore it was a bit anti-climatic, but still a fine movie nonetheless.
Revolutionary Road - 7/10


I love Sam Mendes and the way his movies examine tragedy in suburban america; They are all about people trying to make it through life in one form or another... although it would be nice to see a film of his that doesn't depress the shit out of me.
Insomnia - 8/10

Simply fantastic. Figuring the end out was very easy though - either Dull Pacino would go to jail, or 2) die, while uttering the line -"Let me sleep.". But the jail one had already been done in that weird Christian Bale movie The Machinist already, so it had to be his death. And if Dull was dying, so was the bad guy, therefore it was a bit anti-climatic, but still a fine movie nonetheless.

Original is better.

I saw "When you're Strange" the other day, pretty nice flick, I don't know how one would see it if you doesn't like The Doors. But I do, so that's now problem for me.

The Illusionist

I thought it started off well but after a short while my face turned a bit like this: :S as I watched one of the most predictable movies I've ever seen. I saw all of the major events coming long before they the final twist which you could see coming about halfway through the movie. A big "meh" would sum up this movie pretty well imo.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop: Don't know what I was thinking watching this garbage. 2/10

Hot Tub Time Machinge: Wasted potential. Expected more even though it's a film that includes a hot tub time machine. 4/10

A Single Man: Very gay and a bit boring. Did like the house Colin Firth lived in and his car was nice as well. 5/10

Greenberg: Really slow paced movie with Ben Stiller actually showing some acting for once. Not much enjoyment is involved when you watch this film but it's not bad at all. 6/10
Greenberg was rubbish. Stiller's character was such a cnut that nobody would have had anything to do with him. So the film would have been about the length of the titles.
my weekend viewing....

Knocked Up - not a bad film as such but not really funny imo. only laughed at the weird looking baby in the waiting room early on. scores points for featuring the gorgeous katherine heigl- 4/10

Lars and the Real Girl - really really enjoyed this. The blurb sounds a little outrageous but the comdey is understated throughout and is acheived through flawless performances from the cast, especially the lead Ryan Gosling who i know nothing about but who played Lars to perfection. Is perhaps a bit long but it sucks you in right from the off and is a very good movie - 9/10
Get him to the Greek:
Pretty average in places but there were a couple of moments that made me laugh until I was short of breath, the Vegas scene being a particular high point. Puff Daddy/Diddy or whatever he calls himself was surprisingly good. The singing scenes were quite dull but overall it was worth watching.
I'm gonna watch Tengoku to jigoku as per my Kurosawa session... opinions?!

Haven't seen it. I might actually watch Kurosawa's movies that I've not seen yet, next week. This week I'm thinking of finishing off Hitchcock's catalogue. I'm downloading Shadow of a Doubt. Have you seen it?
Haven't seen it. I might actually watch all the Kurosawa movies that I've not seen yet, next week. This week I'm thinking of finishing off Hitchcock's catalogue. I'm downloading Shadow of a Doubt. Have you seen it?

Oh yeah saw that one a while back. Thought it was a pretty good thriller with some tongue in cheek dark humour in it. It's one of those Hitchcocks that takes a bit to long for the suspense to start building for my liking, I know he likes to take time to establish the characters and setting but it dawdles a bit.
Oh yeah saw that one a while back. Thought it was a pretty good thriller with some tongue in cheek dark humour in it. It's one of those Hitchcocks that takes a bit to long for the suspense to start building for my liking, I know he likes to take time to establish the characters and setting but it dawdles a bit.

What's your fav Hitchcock then?
Greenberg was rubbish. Stiller's character was such a cnut that nobody would have had anything to do with him. So the film would have been about the length of the titles.

I can understand why you feel that way about the movie. Wouldn't call it rubbish though.
where do you guys get the more obscure/less popular movies from? -particularly the asian films
i struggle to find many of them on pratebay
What's your fav Hitchcock then?

Well man... I'd probably rank North by Northwest or To Catch a Thief as my favourite... both have a perfect blend of adventure, romance and comedy. To Catch a Thief may just edge it because of Grace Kelly and how beautiful some of the shots on the French riviera are.

Vertigo, Rear Window and Rope all come really close - In that order to I reckon... but I am a massive Jimmy Stewart fan.

where do you guys get the more obscure/less popular movies from? -particularly the asian films
i struggle to find many of them on pratebay

How obscure we talking here? I usually find everything I need on Rapidshare without to much fuss... torrents shouldn't be much of an issue though... maybe just try googling torrents rather than using piratebay?