Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

IIRC, he isn't cursed. His appearance reflects his choice to 'not be human' if all that humans are going to do is use force to impose upon on one another, whether that imposition manifests as outright war or mere ideology. It can also be seen as a commentary along the lines of 'humans are animals' and thus the main character is the only one wearing his 'true' appearance, with all others (even the heroines) perpetuating the illusion of humanity.

Yeah, when I said cursed I meant in a self-imposed way... not the 'ooo a scary witch made him look like a pig way'.
I know, I know, I cant just keep copying Roger Ebert's reviews here. I dont usually read his stuff but was only following him for Cannes and came across this gem.

The Human Centipede - 'It's not death itself that's so bad. It's what you might have to go through to get there. No horror film I've seen inflicts more terrible things on its victims than “The Human Centipede.” You would have to be very brave to choose this ordeal over simply being murdered. Maybe you'd need to also be insane.

I'm about to describe what happens to the film's victims. This will be a spoiler. I don't care, because (1) the details are common knowledge in horror film circles, and (2) if you don't know, you may be grateful to be warned. This is a movie I don't think I should be coy about....

Heiter plans to join his victims by sewing together their mouths and anuses, all in a row, so the food goes in at the front and comes out at the rear. They will move on their hands and knees like an insect. You don't want to be part of the Human Centipede at all, but you most certainly don't want to be in the middle...

I have long attempted to take a generic approach. In other words, is a film true to its genre and does it deliver what its audiences presumably expect? “The Human Centipede” scores high on this scale. It is depraved and disgusting enough to satisfy the most demanding midnight movie fan. And it's not simply an exploitation film...

I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine.'

The entire review is worth reading.

The Human Centipede :: :: Reviews
Robin hood - that's 2 average movies I've seen in 3 days. Too long, too slow and silly at times. I dont want to give away anything for those who havent seen it but specific parts of the final battle scene were just stupid. No chemistry between Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett. Their scenes together were terrible.
Sword and silliness but not unenjoyable. Like a lot of recent movies could do with about 40 minutes chopped out. Probably not worth taking a trip the pictures to see and really not worth much analysis.
This is England. 8/10 Probably most on this forum have seen this but i just took a chance and streamed it from netflix. Best movie i have seen this year by far.
Great wasn't it.

Kick Ass An interesting take on the superhero with a few funny moments and it is no wonder that the moral majority got upset at the murderous antic of the little girl amusing thought they were at times. Nicholas Cage was irritating as usual but not so badly that it spoilt the film. Worth a watch but in the end it didn't really go anywhere and it wasn't really funny enough. 6/10
Unthinkable 7/10. Samuel Jackson doing what he does best. Underlying question in the film is just how far do you take torture to get what you want?.
Nine. This is an interesting one. It's based off a play that was based off a movie. Supposedly the play tries to separate itself from the movie by not having the exact same plot/scenes. The movie based off the play based off the movie however, brings more from the movie than it should. As a result, what you get is Rob Marshall trying to do Fellini. Unfortunately for Marshall, he's no Fellini. Admittedly I loved 8 1/2, and admittedly Nine isn't all that bad. The musical numbers are good, and they did a great job making the women look more beautiful than they already look. At the end though, you can't help but think 'I'd rather watch 8 1/2'.

So to review: Nine gets a 6.5/10. 8 1/2 gets a 8.5/10.
Public Enemies

Michael Mann + Christian Bale(Johhny Depp) = potentially brilliant.

Poor production values x very fast pace x not pausing for breath/dull and unengaging plot and characters = near disaster.

Very disappointed with it, but I should point out that I haven't seen the end yet. There is just no time for any closure on the events or how the events impact the characters. Plus it looks awful, this must be the last time that Mann uses digital photography like this, I can't imagine the studio being too happy with how it looks. If it had a brilliant story to tell then I guess it wouldn't matter so much.

Public Enemies

Michael Mann + Christian Bale(Johhny Depp) = potentially brilliant.

Poor production values x very fast pace x not pausing for breath/dull and unengaging plot and characters = near disaster...

Whatever happened to this Mann.

Granted there were warning signs in Heat, but everything from Collateral onward has been a smorgasbord of forced urgency.

It smacks of an uber-romantic whose one true love leaves him for a bad boy and henceforth he tries being a cynic when it's painfully obvious where his true notions lie.
Whatever happened to this Mann.

Granted there were warning signs in Heat, but everything from Collateral onward has been a smorgasbord of forced urgency.

It smacks of an uber-romantic whose one true love leaves him for a bad boy and henceforth he tries being a cynic when it's painfully obvious where his true notions lie.

Hasn't he just directed Collateral, Miami Vice and Public Enemies in that time? I though Collateral was alright, Miami Vice was rubbish and Public Enemies was very disappointing. Apart from his 3 movies in the 90's (Insider, Heat and the Last of the Mohicans) his record isn't great.
Mann has always been an average director. Last of the Mohicans and Insider were just about alright. Heat is terribly overrated, rest of the shite after that I am not even going to bother to mention.
I am extremely bored. Can somebody recommend me a movie? Preferably a comedy or a thriller?
He might have died of boredom. In which case we could make a thrilleromedy about his final desperate stabs at the refresh button and then dedicate the film to him.

F5. The biggest picture to ever come out of Latvia.
:lol: Okay to be honest, I don't even know what the feck I am asking for.

Just give me a good movie. Anything...Just something that can entertain me.
just watched Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus.

Can someone supply me with a rope to hang myself with?
Finally saw Robin Hood yesterday.


It was slow where it needed to be fast and it was way too fast where it should have slowed down.

That and you couldn't connect with any of the characters.
Valhalla Rising WTF??? Might have to see it again, one of my favurtie writers was involved in the script, there's bound to be something I missed in my shock of missing out on some viking gore.
Watch Throne of Blood, RN.

I saw it a couple of weeks ago, it was good. There's something about eerie old movies that I really like.

Has anyone seen The Secret In Their Eyes?

I've seen it.

I liked it. I think I posted something about it along with a few other posters a couple of pages back.
This is England. 8/10 Probably most on this forum have seen this but i just took a chance and streamed it from netflix. Best movie i have seen this year by far.
Wasn't blown away by this, but then I watched it the day after seeing Dead Mans Shoes for the first time, and DMS's was vastly superior. Probably tainted it a little.
Anyone seen The Road? Anyone read the book?

I might get it on blu ray if someone that isn't mehro tells me it's good.
The book is superb. Incredibly moving and well written.

Not seen the film but from what I've heard/read it doesn't do it justice. Will still catch it sometime soon.