Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Wolfman - very poor 5/10
Iron man 2 -same
Book of Eli--a bit better 6/10

Clash of the titans - poor again 5/10

Solomon Kane -guess what ? --5/10

no more movies for a while

ahh and the Loosers -the tittle suits the movie 5/10
Wasn't blown away by this, but then I watched it the day after seeing Dead Mans Shoes for the first time, and DMS's was vastly superior. Probably tainted it a little.

love both but This England is the better of the two Imo. It probably resonates more with older gits like me who were young at the time that the film was set.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High- Great movie had only seen it on tv about ten years ago, and watched it on DVD the other night, wow was I ever happy when I got to see Phoebe Cates tits wawawewu

Moon - Excellent. Did this not come out in time to be considered for any of the awards last year? Better than most of the stuff that got nominated. Sam Rockwell was really good as he usually is. Not sure how I feel about that comp though.
Moon - Excellent. Did this not come out in time to be considered for any of the awards last year? Better than most of the stuff that got nominated. Sam Rockwell was really good as he usually is. Not sure how I feel about that comp though.
Yeah I just saw this the other day too. Very good.
Moon - Excellent. Did this not come out in time to be considered for any of the awards last year? Better than most of the stuff that got nominated. Sam Rockwell was really good as he usually is. Not sure how I feel about that comp though.
Agreed. I really liked Moon. I'm pretty sure Duncan Jones is editing his latest movie 'Source Code' now.
Robocop. Yeah, it's Robocop. Classic 80s action movie. I can see it being remade.

Oh they'll remake it. They'll remake everything. Part of what makes me so pissed off about the remakes they're doing of The Karate Kid and such is the knowledge that its only a matter of time before they get around to my childhood too.
Robocop. Yeah, it's Robocop. Classic 80s action movie. I can see it being remade.

Oh they'll remake it. They'll remake everything. Part of what makes me so pissed off about the remakes they're doing of The Karate Kid and such is the knowledge that its only a matter of time before they get around to my childhood too.

It is being remade and was originally being mooted for a 2010 release with Darren Aronofsky attached to direct. Looks like it might have gone tits up now though. As much as I love the original, I wouldn't mind seeing another take on it and Aronofsky's would have been at least interesting.

This is from February:

First, a brief timeline. MGM really wants (or wanted) a Robocop remake/reboot for 2011. Aronofsky was hired. But the development took time and the studio got into money trouble. Aronosfky went to direct Black Swan, and in the meantime rumors circulated that there was contention about what Robocop should be. Reportedly, Aronofsky wants a serious, hard-R version, which worries the studio. He wants a high-budget picture, which seems like a real risk. And MGM wants a 3D film, which Aronofsky doesn’t want to do. None of which is from the mouth of MGM or Darren Aronofsky, mind you — that’s all informed sourcing and some speculation.

Now screenwriter David Self tells STYD that, yes, the film is a reboot, and yes he and Aronofsky are still a part of it…providing they can come to terms with MGM.

I actually like remakes - they don't detract from the original films for me at all.
Gentlemen Broncos

Being a huge fan of Napoleon Dynamite and Flight of the Conchords, I was very much looking forward to Hess' next piece starring Jermaine Clement, Gentlemen Broncos.

It was very much in the nerdy style of Napoleon Dynamite but with a lot of the originality sucked out and replaced with a big dollop of random imagination. The supporting roles weren't as strong to back the leads but Jermaine Clement was not disappointing at all. It had a classic movie-within-a-movie feature, starring Sam Rockwell, largely wasted though. Clearly cast for the viewing ratings and/or appeal to a wider audience.

In all, for what it wanted to be, it was a tad on the crap side, and not every ND fan will like what's on offer here, it's somewhat bland in comparison. But Jermaine Clement kept me watching, had a catchy title track and the quirky randomness of the inner movie contrasted well with the main.

Role Models

Saw this Sunday night and loved it... Sean William Scott and Paul Rudd worked well together. Couldn't ask for much more than what it was, consistent laughs all the way through.


Los Olvidados

Using elements of Italian Neo-Reolism Luis Bunuel takes a look at the poverty stricken side of Mexico.. A tragic story of how a young kid fails to escape the circumstances he has been brought up in.



Another Bunuel, this time it's a critical look at the life of a naive Nun who tries to help those around her. By the end it's pretty clear what Bunuel thinks of religion... Absolutely loved the 'Last Supper' parody.

High Plains Drifter 9/10

The DVD was going cheap so I thought I'd give this Clint Eastwood little known western a viewing.

Couldn't figure it out: part ghost story, part revenge film, part symbolism.

Thoroughly entertaining though.
Shutter Island.
A strange and disturbing film , that had be baffled for a long time , did not enjoy it at all.

The Book of Eli.
Excellent film , really liked this and has a nice twist in it.
Classic good v evil I thought.

Cool animation, nothing special about it other than that though. A 1984-esque story about how a big corporation who owns the large European subway system acceses the mind and eyesight of people including the Swedish main character in order to observe and control them.
Bumped in to Sam Rockwell outside Grand Central today. Did not realize this when I saw him on stage but he's really short. I thought he was a college kid but then a couple of kids asked me to take their picture with him and while doing that I recognized who he was. Anyway, seemed like a nice guy. Chatted for a minute with him until his car arrived.

Weird video of the day
One Night In Turin:

Nice little documentary about England's Italia 90 exploits. It serves as a Nice bit of nostalgia for the 30 plus brigade, but I would also recommend a viewing for anybody who is too young to remember the tournament. It touches briefly on the social/political backdrop of England in 1990 with the hooliganism etc going into the tournament, before focusing on the media assault on Bobby Robson and the Team's progress through the tournament.

I remember Bobby Robson taking a hammering in the press before the tournament, but I suppose I was too young to grasp the severity of it. If you think the press try and sabotage the England team now, try comparing it to the crap that poor Bobby had to put up with!

I found it interesting and nostalgic.
Sex and the City 2

my husband accompanied me to see this ( bless him ) and he said it's not as good as the first one!
actually some scenes were pretty good, but it was a little long and they stayed in abu dhabi too long .
but i'm a real sex and the city fan, so i'll give it 8/10
Sex and the City 2

my husband accompanied me to see this ( bless him ) and he said it's not as good as the first one!
actually some scenes were pretty good, but it was a little long and they stayed in abu dhabi too long .
but i'm a real sex and the city fan, so i'll give it 8/10

Isn't it intrinsic that Sex and the City is set in New York hence the title? My sisters barely liked it at all.
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a son about his father

Absorbing, disturbing and ultimately heartwrenching documentary. If you have 90 minutes this is worth it.

Belle De Jour

Another Buneul, this time a journey into the life of a housewife who decides to spend her afternoons as a prostitute. Great little character driven movie... liked the relatively ambiguous nature of the ending.


The Exterminating Angel

A group of bourgeois 'friends' are unable to leave the dining room following a dinner party... no reason or explanation... just a surreal concept that seemingly takes pleasure in the degradation of the upper class. Stripping the façade of aristocratic pleasantries and eventually reducing some of them to their most animalistic persona's. I like how this film uses the surrealism angle as a concept rather than an excuse to stick a load of crazy shit in the film to be stylish.

I've been rather bored the past few weeks, so I've pretty much went through everything our Cineplex had to offer:

Clash of the Titans: poor movie, Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes are wasted.

Prince of Persia: probably the best video game-to-movie, although that's not saying much. Again poor.

Robin Hood: relatively good, not great. Didn't expect to watch a Robin Hood "origins" story, so I was disappointed.

Shrek-final chapter: poor. Thankfully, they'll put this franchise to rest.

Iron Man 2: poor, thoroughly disappointing. Sam Jackson looks ridiculous in his get-up, far too much time wasted on RDj playing himself and far too little time on the villain.

Kick Ass: great film. watch it.

Hot Tub time machine: not a bad film, not excellent either. A few great scenes, though.
High and Low - I think I need to watch Seven Samurai again but this might be my favorite Kurosawa movie from the 6-7 I have seen. The first hour was especially brilliant and the scene in Junkie alley. Nice to see Mifune in pants for a change. Watching this movie made me appreciate Tatsuya Nakadai's crazy take in Yojimbo even more.
The Believer. 7/10. I think I'll have to watch that one again. Im as confused as the main character in the movie.

The Book of Eli. 6-7/10. A bit cheesy, decent story. I just love those apocalyptic type of movies.

Mesrine, part one. 7/10. So far so good.

Talk Radio. 8/10. I guess you either love it or hate it.
Get Him to the Greek

Fantastically funny.


Really? I've only seen the trailer but it seemed fantastically awful. Usually you know how a trailer is supposed to have a lot of the best moments of a film in it so as to entice you to come and watch it? It almost made me walk out of the film I'd gone to watch. I'm not a Brand hater either - it just looked shockingly bad.
Really? I've only seen the trailer but it seemed fantastically awful. Usually you know how a trailer is supposed to have a lot of the best moments of a film in it so as to entice you to come and watch it? It almost made me walk out of the film I'd gone to watch. I'm not a Brand hater either - it just looked shockingly bad.

Summer Hours - 7/10 A movie about how 3 siblings decide to use the art collection they inherit from their mother. I felt the movie promised something that it did not deliver. Watch it if your only other options are Robin Hood or that Greek one.
Wolfman- 4/10 - Basically taking the principle which made American Werewolf a classic (scary horror and funny sharp dialogue) and unintentionally reversing it (ominous dialogue and hilariously funny horror scenes) to make a complete mess of film that probably could've been better but probably shouldn't have been made.

Benny the Bull not just phones in his performance, but morse codes it in from somewhere in a coma 300 miles away whilst Tony Hopkins camps it up comically, clearly realising how stupid the film is, and is consequently easily the best thing in it. Hugo Weaving is good as someone who doesn't really need to be there and Emily Blunt waddles in and out as the only person who's actually taking it seriously, churning out appalling dialogue earnestly and suddenly and unconvincingly falling in love with her dead husband's brother after only about a week after his death and 2 flat morse code conversations with Benicio.

Note to people making Werewolf horror: Keeping the werewolf in a waistcoat or indeed trousers is never ever going to work in a scary only makes it look like Teen Wolf the angry years