Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Saw this last night. One of the worst superhero movies I've seen along with the Fantastic Four series.

No plot, action that could be in your daily advert on the telly, nothing, not even a glimpse of Johanssons fun bubbles. Rourke was wasted, Rockwell was decent but underused, Downey just looks bored playing the character now, slow plot development, different black guy(thats racist). Why though...didn't see anything wrong with Howard. The jokes were flat, Paltrow's a man, and with Rourke and the senator guy in the film, way too much plastic on people's faces.


The scene where gets drunk and they start fighting was one of the most cringeworthy scenes I've had to sit through

I agree with this very much.
Oh really, I thought it was quite fun. Having said that, I do think he is quality!

I like Bill Murray too, but I thought it got a bit gratuitous. There's a whole bunch of Woody Harrelson and that redhead worshipping Murray, then they're smoking pot with Murray, it was a bit much.
Four Lions.

A black comedy about four British would be suicide bombers. The movie didn't attempt to tackle Islam but instead concentrated on suicide bombing. The four main characters were pathetic and as a result of that. . .totally hilarious. Barry was based on an ex BNP member who used to beat up the local Pakistani kids in his youth but with age decided to become more cute by reading the Quran and hoping he could beat them up intellectually instead - ironically he converted to Islam after reading the whole book for the first time. He was supported by Waj who was played by Kayvan Novak of Fonejacker fame, Omar a character based on one of the 7/7 bombers and Hassan the hardcore hip hop Jihad lyricist - Trust me, Ice Cube had nothing on him. And they were all great. . .in particular Barry the black sheep and Waj the utter retard.

Chris Morris was meticulous, his cultural. . .social commentary seemed to hit the nail on the head. But was it funny? Well yes, it was subtle and also filled with slapstick humour, and even if you couldn't pick up the subtleties the film still delivered to a wider audience. On the surface it was hilarious but deep down it was thought provoking and asked questions but thankfully managed to pull it off without being patronising. A definite recommendation.
Mockney's review of the review - When Mockney makes a post it's hard not to notice the golden Muppet under his name and the adjacent words "poster of the year 2009". One expects to be impressed by a post from the "best poster". Unfortunately what we see here is a rushed, and frankly highly unoriginal review of the review.

It's over too quickly, before we can really get emotionally invested.

The budget may have been low, but it normally is anyway.

Very poor; 2/10.


The Disappearance Of Alice Creed

I saw this last week and I really enjoyed it. A thriller, it's about two guys who kidnap a girl, leave her locked away and demand money from her father to return her.

The plot thickens when it's revealed that one of the guy's knows the girl, but there are many twists which you just wouldn't expect too. It has three characters in the entire thing and is almost always set in the small flat where she is kept hostage. That might make it sound unexciting but it's got a good plot, is quite graphic and some of the dialogue left me very amused as well. The leader of the operation has got some excellent cockney lines.

I like films like this anyway, but I thought this was quite enjoyable and would recommend it.
Dragonball Evolotion
Worst film Ever 1/10. Doesn't follow original storyline from the manga, instead creating one which completely contradicts the entire idea of the series. Depressingly, there's been a sequel announced due to success in china. fecking great.

Claws a 1/10 rating due to the fact that Emmy Rossum is relatively attractive.
Iron Man 2 - Poor. Who the hell gets to write Samuel Jackson's dialogues? Guy should be shot. Mickey Rourke was nothing special either.
Seven Pounds

9/10. Astonishing film, which was only let down by the ending. I felt like it was just missing something. I'm still not sure whether it's a depressing or inspirational film, similar to the persuit of happyness in that aspect. I'd definitely recommend it to others, although it's not the kind of film everybody likes.

The films starts off with a phone call from Will Smith to the hospital, reporting his own suicide. The film then gives a detailed explanation of what's lead him to said point in time, giving several insights to how his life has progressed. It's a gripping film, which once you start watching, you won't stop.
Seven Pounds

9/10. Astonishing film, which was only let down by the ending. I felt like it was just missing something. I'm still not sure whether it's a depressing or inspirational film, similar to the persuit of happyness in that aspect. I'd definitely recommend it to others, although it's not the kind of film everybody likes.

The films starts off with a phone call from Will Smith to the hospital, reporting his own suicide. The film then gives a detailed explanation of what's lead him to said point in time, giving several insights to how his life has progressed. It's a gripping film, which once you start watching, you won't stop.

While I think you're over doing it with a 9/10, this film is ridiculously underrated for me. Agreed on the ending too.
The Fourth Kind. 1/10 An absolute waste of time. Dont know what I was expecting really. Boring, not scary, crap story.
Blue Streak 7/10

Martin Lawrence, Luke Wilson, Dave Chappelle and That Guy From The Rock.

If you ever passed this up based on its meh cover and Big Momma's House pedigree, give it a chance. Martin Lawrence is a burglar who gets out of prison only to find that the construction site where he'd hastily hid a multimillion-dollar diamond is now none other than a police station. He proceeds to pose as a detective in order to gain access to the premises, only to get corralled into doing actual detective work, which - given his criminal background - he excels at. In between promotions and his burgeoning reputation, he's still trying his damnedest to find that diamond...

Due mainly to the supporting cast's willingness to play up Lawrence with just the right amount of gusto, this movie works. Two hours of light-hearted fun that Bad Boys II wishes it was.
You gave Kick-Ass a 6 and Blue Streak a 7....are you feeling alright?

I've been wondering this myself. (Not about the ratings - those I stick by.) But I think I'm getting old. I can't watch an action movie anymore without turning it off halfway through. In the meantime, I find myself sticking with stuff like The Game Plan in hopes that it'll turn out okay (it didn't). I liked Layer Cake (excellent use of music) and Stardust (Claire Danes, sue me) and I was curious as to whether Kick-Ass would rise above comic-book

I was really digging Kick-Ass up until about 3/4 of the way through, when A) the warning bells started clanging that the movie wasn't going to do anything else than have a shoot-em-up finale and B) started to feel like a cheat-sheet of scenes cobbled together from other movies, which is fine, except they had an adorable little girl thrown up on center stage to make sure the audience's attention didn't waver (By golly, what's the cute-as-a-button tyke going to do next!?) What it really reminds me of is those Japanese cartoons where cutesy characters whip out 1000-ton hammers and clock each other every so often with no ill effects whatsoever. They're cute, so no harm, no foul. Once it became clear that they weren't going to put her in any real moral or physical peril, I think that's where the film fell short of what it could have been.

Some professional reviewer tried to breathe life into the gimmick by saying Hit-Girl embodied/held-a-mirror-up-to the psyches of today's tweeners. I don't know about that. I can't help shake the feeling the filmmakers were honestly trying for a heartfelt 'Kick-Ass saves Hit-Girl from the life she would have led' angle, but no one I know thinks this worked.

I think the filmmakers missed out on a five-to-ten second sequence SPOILER when Mark Strong is about to shoot Hit-Girl where Dave sees Mindy for what she really is (little girl) and subsequently sees himself for what he really is, sees the whole idea of a superhero for what it really is - projection of ego - and with this realization he comes back down from jet-pack wielding caricature and goes back to his '3-vs-1-just-an-ordinary-kid-trying-to-make-some-sort-of-difference-in-a-world-driven-crazy-by-adult-desires' Kick-Ass roots once more: truly heroic.

If both films were kids on a little-league team, KA would be the hyperactive kid whose unbridled enthusiasm ensures that whatever he does, it's at least attention-getting, while BS is like the fat kid on the team who does nothing for months on end and then due to a crazy convergence of circumstance and fielding errors, hits a game-winning grand slam midway into the season before sinking back into obscurity for the rest of the summer.
Daybreakers, pretty shit, needed a back story and well a plot too
Just seen Robin Hood.

Its spectacular in terms of cinematography and gives amazing and panoramic views of what Medieval times might have looked like such as when The Tower of London was the Kings home and the very centre of London or indeed what life was like in the 'shires.

The pace is ok but slow at times and I did not notice the 2 hours pass and I thought Robin Hood (Crowe) and Maid Marion (Blannchet) characters were played well as is King John and Friar Tuck. Likewise, there are some great fighting sequences which use all the latest tricks available on camera and in the production suite without too much CG. And there are also some nice romantic and poignant interchanges.

But in the end, whilst being good all round, it missed me feeling fully satiated and I think that is because the script is weak at times and that Ridley Scott has gone for style over substance. He did all the hard work in giving us a glimpse into what life was like all those years ago, but then sacrifices it all by going for over simplistic plots when something with abit more wit would have been better.


I never knew going in that this film might be part 1 of a series of films as it ends just at the Robin is outlawed as a traitor and he begins his life and an outlaw living in the forest! So this film does not cover Robins days stealing from the rich to help the poor. I hope that they do a sequel to complete the story as that is why I think I felt unfulfilled at the end.
Posted this in the other thread but I was so upset by this film, I had to post it here as well.

It was frankly one of the worst films I have seen in the cinema. It was vastly dissapointing because frankly, it was one of my most anticipated films but it was so terrible, I walked out three quarters in. The vision was good, to build up the Robin Hood image again by giving an alternate appeal by casting Russell Crowe but it was brutally executed. The screenplay in that movie was simply, disastrous. There were about six storylines being told simultaneously, which is feasible but in Robin Hood, it was downright confusing and extremely dreary to watch. The dialogue was of no particular essence and the plot moved slower than the hour hand on the clock. It did not seem like the storyline was going anywhere even halfway into the film.

Please, lads, save your money and watch something else.

Rating: 1/10
Just watched Momento. It was extremely well done. One has to simply sit down and marvel upon the brilliance of the director and screenplay writer. Normally, a movie like this is extremely confusing and ultimately very poor but they pulled it off to perfection. Two storylines with each going in opposite directions of the continuum but both advancing towards a very satisfying and thrilling ending.

Quality, absolutely quality. 9/10.
Robin hood - that's 2 average movies I've seen in 3 days. Too long, too slow and silly at times. I dont want to give away anything for those who havent seen it but specific parts of the final battle scene were just stupid. No chemistry between Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett. Their scenes together were terrible.
Iron Man 2 - Poor. Who the hell gets to write Samuel Jackson's dialogues? Guy should be shot. Mickey Rourke was nothing special either.

Same guy who wrote this guy's:

Takeshi Kitano's latest film, Outrage, was shown at Cannes. Robert Ebert says it's crap.

A Long Hot Summer - See review posted earlier for Cat On a Hot Tin Roof, minus the Liz Taylor part.
Watched Robin Hood last night, and it really was poor. So many small annoyances, I spent the entire 20 minute walk home from the cinema picking faults in the film. It really was a mess.

I never knew going in that this film might be part 1 of a series of films as it ends just at the Robin is outlawed as a traitor and he begins his life and an outlaw living in the forest! So this film does not cover Robins days stealing from the rich to help the poor. I hope that they do a sequel to complete the story as that is why I think I felt unfulfilled at the end.

Also, I very much agree with that.
Watched Kick Ass the other day, won't bother writing anything substantial as I know it's been discussed a lot on the site but just to say I thought it was great, if you were wondering.

Four Lions sounds good Spoony, may have to wait until it's given an internet release before I get to see it though.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Saw this last night at the cinema. For the first part of the movie, I felt a little bored but it got slightly better as the movie went on. I thought the actor who played Freddy did an okay job, but obviously you can't top Robert Englund, and of course this movie couldn't hold a candle to the original.

Bringing Up Baby

I love the style of these old screwball comedies, it really is a case of ‘They don’t make them like this anymore’. Maybe that’s a good thing though, cause this type of humor probably wouldn’t have the same success nowadays.. it’s not that I’m not partial to the new wave of teen demographic comedies that revolve around either a bunch of guys getting up to crazy guy shit or a couple of losers at high school coming of age in their own hilarious way… but sometimes it’s nice to take a break from these types and view something that doesn’t need to provide comedy through gross out moments, swearing or gratuitous nudity… instead it’s just punchline comedy with great timing.



Visually orgasmic, is this some surreal Japanese little mermaid?! He does here what he does in almost all his films… provides humour that is natural as opposed to constantly forced down your throat, builds relationships that feel authentic and writes characters that don’t need to pander to the ‘overly cute’ stereotype. For a story that revolves around the love between two young children it’s surprisingly poignant.


Porco Rosso

I think this might be a contender for my favourite Miyazaki film.. closely contended by Nausicca. Loved the male lead, there is a gentle ambiguity to the ending but it is satisfyingly upbeat. The thing about this film is Miyazaki somehow manages to create a realistic World War 2 setting, but with a main character who has been cursed to look like a pig, yet this doesn’t feel out of place… it just is what it is… he is a man who is a pig… everyone knows this, who cares?! Porcos sense of self-worth and how he views himself is the focal point of his curse and drives the decisions he makes.. excellent depth of character.

Saw this last night. One of the worst superhero movies I've seen along with the Fantastic Four series.

No plot, action that could be in your daily advert on the telly, nothing, not even a glimpse of Johanssons fun bubbles. Rourke was wasted, Rockwell was decent but underused, Downey just looks bored playing the character now, slow plot development, different black guy(thats racist). Why though...didn't see anything wrong with Howard. The jokes were flat, Paltrow's a man, and with Rourke and the senator guy in the film, way too much plastic on people's faces.


The scene where gets drunk and they start fighting was one of the most cringeworthy scenes I've had to sit through

That's a bit over the top. It is infinately better than the Fantastic Four films. How they managed to make such a mess of one of the genre's greatest villains in those films I'll never understand. The family fun direction of it I can understand though.

Iron Man is a good superhero film, not one of the best but it does pretty much all that is asked of it. The problems with the villains are really because that is the weakness with the source material - the Iron Man comics have a great main character (who incidentally suffered with alcoholism, which this film tackled in not a brilliant manner, admittedly) but poor adversaries.

I don't really understand how Rourke was "wasted" though. They could have introduced his character a bit better but he had enough time on screen.

Aparently the recasting of Jim Rhodes was due to contract disputes, not the quality of Howard's acting. It was a shame he was replaced though.

Also, "the senator guy" is (the great) Garry Shandling.

There are one or two poor plot points in the film, but I enjoyed it for what it was. 7/10
Watched Law Abiding Citizen.

Like the Anarchist Cook Book written by the editor of the Daily Mail. The plot makes as little sense as the film's stance on morality and justice.

A total mess but mildly entertaining schlock nonetheless.

6/10 (for the explosions)
I need a recommendation for a film, preferably a college one with hot girls and such. Have seen the most popular in that genre.
I need a recommendation for a film, preferably a college one with hot girls and such. Have seen the most popular in that genre.

Haven't seen them all but here are some suggestions. As seen by the ratings, don't expect any great films.


IMDB: 5.8/10
100 Girls (2000)
This sexy, teen-comedy is about a freshman at college who meets his dream girl in a dorm elevator during a blackout. He never sees her face, but instantly falls in love. In the morning, the power is restored, but the "dream girl" has vanished.


College (2008)
IMDB: 4.3/10
A wild weekend is in store for three high school seniors who visit a local college campus as prospective freshmen


The Swinging Cheerleaders (1974)
IMDB: 5.1/10
In order to write an expose on how cheerleading demeans women, a reporter for a college newspaper infiltrates the cheerleading squad.


American Pie Presents: The Book of Love (2009) (V)
IMDB: 4.7/10
Ten years after the first American Pie movie, three new hapless virgins discover the Bible hidden in the school library at East Great Falls High. Unfortunately for them, the book is ruined, and with incomplete advice, the Bible leads them on a hilarious journey to lose their virginity


Sex Drive (2008)
IMDB: 6.8/10
A high school senior drives cross-country with his best friends to hook up with a babe he met online


Fired Up! (2009)
IMDB: 6.0/10
The two most popular guys in high school decide to ditch football camp for cheerleader camp. For the girls and for the glory.
...but with a main character who has been cursed to look like a pig...

IIRC, he isn't cursed. His appearance reflects his choice to 'not be human' if all that humans are going to do is use force to impose upon on one another, whether that imposition manifests as outright war or mere ideology. It can also be seen as a commentary along the lines of 'humans are animals' and thus the main character is the only one wearing his 'true' appearance, with all others (even the heroines) perpetuating the illusion of humanity.