Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Iron Man 2 No, it isn't as good as Iron Man, but I was going in with lowered expectations and came out pretty happy. The action is good, Robert Downey Junior is good, Scarlett Johansson is a total fox, not bad at all. The Whiplash character was kind of weak, Rourke wasn't bad but the character's motivations were kind of flimsy and the last fight with him wasn't too impressive.

Overall I'm thinking 7.5/10

I saw it, expected it to be rubbish but it was actually pretty good. An enjoyable film but Rourke was wasted, they could have used anybody in that role and it wouldn't have made a difference to the movie to be honest!
El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) - Very good. I've not been in a great movie mood recently but this one was fairly easy to take in. Good acting, good plot etc. I think it won an Oscar or something earlier this year.
Fitzcarraldo - Good, but I thought it lacked that captivating, manic feel of Aguirre, The Wrath of God...which it shared some similarities with (same Director, same lead actor, Amazon river, quest for a dream). The story of how it was made was almost more interesting than the movie itself, like the moving of a big steamship over a hill to another river. The main character's determination was almost mirrored by Herzog's determination.

Citizen Kane - I liked the first parts of it and the Rosebud stuff but I found the last half a bit uninteresting.
I watched Funny People tonight. I hadn't really read anything about it so was expecting the average comedy but it was quite different at times. I love Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen is getting higher on my list of favs. It's another film by Judd Apatow and I've enjoyed every one of his comedies so far.
I was really disappointed with that one, thought it had a lot of potential but in the end it wasnt funny it was just a mean spirited drama
Iron Man 2 - When Robert Downey Jr. portrays Tony Stark, it's almost impossible to upstage him. Step forward Sam Rockwell, who does what Sam Rockwell does best, and that is be absolutely flawless. Brilliant movie, the Iron Man series goes from strength to strength.
I watched Funny People tonight. I hadn't really read anything about it so was expecting the average comedy but it was quite different at times. I love Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen is getting higher on my list of favs. It's another film by Judd Apatow and I've enjoyed every one of his comedies so far.

Rotten film. Couldn't even watch it on DVD. Had to fast forward most of the stuff. Most parts are not even remotely funny.
Hot Tub Time Machine

You have to remember, this film is based on a hot tub time machine. My personal enjoyment of the film was slightly hindered by the fact that there were two shits sat near us who decided to make a stupid comment on every part of the film, including the request to report it if you saw people recording the film on a camera, to which they responded, "yeah, like I'd miss watching the film I paid for, to go an' tell them that somebody's got their phone out recording the film. I'd just snap their phone". First of all, I doubt people would want a pirate film recorded using a phone camera, and you'd have to have serious memory and battery life on your phone to record 90 odd minutes. Secondly, if you snapped their phone, you are most definitely one hard fecker, and telling everybody in the cinema when it's quiet confirms this further. Other than this the film was funny, enjoyable and slightly camp. As I mentioned before, it is a film based on a hot tub time machine, so don't go into it expecting it to rival comedies like the hangover or forgetting sarah marshall. Instead think of it as a similar kind of comedy to snakes on a plane, i.e. extremely silly.

The film starts off with an introduction to the 4 main characters, Adam, Jacob, Nick and Lou, giving you a small incite into their lives as they are in 2010. After one of the characters, Lou, has what could only be described as an attempt to take his life, they go on holiday to the place they went for winterfest '86. When they get there they find that things have changed since they were last there, and that it's not the lively place it used to be. They book the same room they stayed in in 1986, and find the hot tub which with the help of illegal Russian energy drink, sends them all back to 1986, and hilarity ensues.

Personally, I love films like this. It's just a film you can sit down and watch, you don't need to think about it, you just need to sit down and enjoy it. In this aspect it's similar to Mystery Science Theatre 3000, although I wouldn't draw any comparisons on the content of the film, just the fact that it's silly and ultimately pointless. The biggest drawback in my mind was a lack of Lyndsy Fonseca who is absolutely stunning (girl from kick-ass). I thought that Craig Robinson also benefited from having a bigger role than in his previous films Pineapple Express and knocked up etc.

4 stars - If you like silly films, it's definitely worth watching.
Hot Tub Time Machine.

I enjoyed it, but I like stupid comedies such as Zoolander, Anchorman, Old School etc.

Hurstufus has pretty much described the film so I would just add that it has some ludicrous and gross out moments but it isn't quite as stupid as I expected.
There are a few 80's references, an entertaining running gag with the hotel porter and a fun bow to Back To The Future.

I enjoyed it and would recommend it if you like this sort of comedy. It also gets extra points for the random bear.
Hot Tub Time Machine

You have to remember, this film is based on a hot tub time machine. My personal enjoyment of the film was slightly hindered by the fact that there were two shits sat near us who decided to make a stupid comment on every part of the film, including the request to report it if you saw people recording the film on a camera, to which they responded, "yeah, like I'd miss watching the film I paid for, to go an' tell them that somebody's got their phone out recording the film. I'd just snap their phone". First of all, I doubt people would want a pirate film recorded using a phone camera, and you'd have to have serious memory and battery life on your phone to record 90 odd minutes. Secondly, if you snapped their phone, you are most definitely one hard fecker, and telling everybody in the cinema when it's quiet confirms this further. Other than this the film was funny, enjoyable and slightly camp. As I mentioned before, it is a film based on a hot tub time machine, so don't go into it expecting it to rival comedies like the hangover or forgetting sarah marshall. Instead think of it as a similar kind of comedy to snakes on a plane, i.e. extremely silly.

The film starts off with an introduction to the 4 main characters, Adam, Jacob, Nick and Lou, giving you a small incite into their lives as they are in 2010. After one of the characters, Lou, has what could only be described as an attempt to take his life, they go on holiday to the place they went for winterfest '86. When they get there they find that things have changed since they were last there, and that it's not the lively place it used to be. They book the same room they stayed in in 1986, and find the hot tub which with the help of illegal Russian energy drink, sends them all back to 1986, and hilarity ensues.

Personally, I love films like this. It's just a film you can sit down and watch, you don't need to think about it, you just need to sit down and enjoy it. In this aspect it's similar to Mystery Science Theatre 3000, although I wouldn't draw any comparisons on the content of the film, just the fact that it's silly and ultimately pointless. The biggest drawback in my mind was a lack of Lyndsy Fonseca who is absolutely stunning (girl from kick-ass). I thought that Craig Robinson also benefited from having a bigger role than in his previous films Pineapple Express and knocked up etc.

4 stars - If you like silly films, it's definitely worth watching.

Hot Tub Time Machine.

I enjoyed it, but I like stupid comedies such as Zoolander, Anchorman, Old School etc.

Hurstufus has pretty much described the film so I would just add that it has some ludicrous and gross out moments but it isn't quite as stupid as I expected.
There are a few 80's references, an entertaining running gag with the hotel porter and a fun bow to Back To The Future.

I enjoyed it and would recommend it if you like this sort of comedy. It also gets extra points for the random bear.

I'd agree with both of these. As you'd expect with a film called Hot Tub Time machine it's not to be taken seriously at any point and makes fun at itself along the way.

I went last night and just wanted something I could sit back and watch with no need for thought, stupid humour and a bit of boob thrown in for good measure.
El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) - Very good. I've not been in a great movie mood recently but this one was fairly easy to take in. Good acting, good plot etc. I think it won an Oscar or something earlier this year.

it won for best foreign movie. It is a great movie. One of the best i have seen in the last 5 years. It will leave you thinking and wanting more. 9/10

you said life!
Has anyone seen Triangle (2009)? What a great movie! What is it, a mix of Stay, Memento and Groundhog Day? Very good! 8/10
The Colour Purple
Wasn't to keen on this.. Whoopi and Glover were pretty good in it but it was mostly overly sentimental and didn’t really give a shit about any of the characters. 6.5/10

Empire of the Sun
Enjoyed this one. Young Bale was impressive. 7/10

Nausicca: Valley of the Wind
This reminded me of Dune quite a bit, which is always a good thing. It had a similarly strong ecological message with warring factions… loved the soundtrack to this, it had this crazy ass thing going on when whenever a big insect turned up it sounded like the battle theme from FFVII was about to kick in.8.5

Howls Moving Castle
Another wicked animation from Miyazaki really shows his creative talent and penchant for the completely random. Bale some how voiced the feminine looking Howl convincingly and pulled out a bit of his Batman voice at points! 8

The Following
Shot on a tight budget with actors I’ve never heard of.. The Following draws its strength from a tight script with twists and a time jumping style that would become a trademark of Nolans. 7.5
El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) - Very good. I've not been in a great movie mood recently but this one was fairly easy to take in. Good acting, good plot etc. I think it won an Oscar or something earlier this year.

I just saw this, thought it was bordering on brilliant, I can now confirm that the best movies come from outside USA, between this movie and "A Prophet" they are easily 2 best movies I've seen at the flix in a while, all the hollywood stuff is shit compared!
Iron Man 2 No, it isn't as good as Iron Man, but I was going in with lowered expectations and came out pretty happy. The action is good, Robert Downey Junior is good, Scarlett Johansson is a total fox, not bad at all. The Whiplash character was kind of weak, Rourke wasn't bad but the character's motivations were kind of flimsy and the last fight with him wasn't too impressive.

Overall I'm thinking 7.5/10

They weren't flimsy, they were just fabricated out of thin air having never existed previously, as is the case with most sequels.

I'm not sure what to make of the sequel. It was funnier than the first one, but the overall quality of the plot was way off.

Thus, Scarlett Johansson's appearance effectively makes it a tie.
Mockney's review of the review - When Mockney makes a post it's hard not to notice the golden Muppet under his name and the adjacent words "poster of the year 2009". One expects to be impressed by a post from the "best poster". Unfortunately what we see here is a rushed, and frankly highly unoriginal review of the review.

It's over too quickly, before we can really get emotionally invested.

The budget may have been low, but it normally is anyway.

Very poor; 2/10.
You are all hereby under review pending a cavity search followed by an MPAA and Interpol investigation into your dissemination of irresponsible and subversive reviewery (Intl. Maritime Act. 405s Sec. A5B0-L) on a board frequented by half-and-quarter wits in a bad economy. A mod involved; my God, Jenkins, this could go all the way to the top.

Kick-Ass 6/10

I'd call it a parody if it weren't so clear that the filmmakers were dead serious about cynically pushing every overtaxed hormonal button wired into the psyches of today's youth and then whitewashing the process as being 'in touch' with said generation.

So after all that hard work it ends up being a parody, but for unintended reasons: it tries to turn the genre on its ear only to end up falling into formation. At no point will anyone ever be able to convince anyone else that the production team weren't trying to mine the old in hopes of getting at something raw, primal, and new.

That being said, there are some interesting musical cues here and there, and overall technical execution is competent to excellent. It still feels like an iPod movie, which doesn't mean a movie meant to be watched in miniature, but rather a film for 20 & 30-somethings who don't feel like growing up quite yet.
Lupin III – Castle of Cagliostro

I feckin’ love Miyazaki but this had a different feel to the rest I’ve seen. I just don’t feel like I’m watching real Miyazaki unless I feel like I’m experiencing the twilight zone on acid. But credit where it’s due.. it’s still pretty good. 6.5/10
Lupin III – Castle of Cagliostro

I feckin’ love Miyazaki but this had a different feel to the rest I’ve seen. I just don’t feel like I’m watching real Miyazaki unless I feel like I’m experiencing the twilight zone on acid. But credit where it’s due.. it’s still pretty good. 6.5/10

The day he goes to the big drafting desk in the sky will be a troublesome one. I'd say he's been single-handedly keeping the likes of Disney, Pixar and D'works honest.

When Disney did their Laputa homage/rip-off they basically admitted as much.
Iron Man 2 - When Robert Downey Jr. portrays Tony Stark, it's almost impossible to upstage him. Step forward Sam Rockwell, who does what Sam Rockwell does best, and that is be absolutely flawless. Brilliant movie, the Iron Man series goes from strength to strength.

Saw this last night. One of the worst superhero movies I've seen along with the Fantastic Four series.

No plot, action that could be in your daily advert on the telly, nothing, not even a glimpse of Johanssons fun bubbles. Rourke was wasted, Rockwell was decent but underused, Downey just looks bored playing the character now, slow plot development, different black guy(thats racist). Why though...didn't see anything wrong with Howard. The jokes were flat, Paltrow's a man, and with Rourke and the senator guy in the film, way too much plastic on people's faces.


The scene where gets drunk and they start fighting was one of the most cringeworthy scenes I've had to sit through
Same here Spoony. I get the whole noir premise of the film but it just doesn't work, imo.

I wrote a review of some sorts on here a while back but I can't seem to find it now.

I love film noir but I dunno. . .I just couldn't take the kids seriously. I thought it was Twin Peaks ultra lite for the most part but I was half asleep and only managed to watch half the film. But yeah I could see what they were trying to do. . .but ditto - just didn't work for me n'all.

And I watched Kick Ass as well the other week, I thought it had some good touches, but the film overall just wasn't as good as the reviews would lead you to believe. But yeah at least the geek got the most beautiful looking girl in town. . .
Iron Man 2 No, it isn't as good as Iron Man, but I was going in with lowered expectations and came out pretty happy. The action is good, Robert Downey Junior is good, Scarlett Johansson is a total fox, not bad at all. The Whiplash character was kind of weak, Rourke wasn't bad but the character's motivations were kind of flimsy and the last fight with him wasn't too impressive.

Overall I'm thinking 7.5/10

Saw it last night, have to agree... It was naffingly wonderful though the end fight sequence was very strange. Oh and Scarlett is a fox!
Hamlet 2: Entertaining from the 68th minute until the end. Mainly because of the song about being raped in the face and "rock me sexy jesus"
Unfortunately, it's cringe-makingly awful until they get to the 68th minute.

Zombieland: Quite good but it had potential to be a lot better. A five minute cameo by Bill Murray makes the whole film.
Agreed about Zombieland except I think the Bill Murray bit was grating and annoyingly random.