Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I just saw Avatar in 3D, so I'm going to leave all the stuff I usually go through and just say that it was magical.

6/10 - Get's 2 points extra for the experience.

Did it make you feel like a kid again?

Hmmmm, can't decide if this was really clever or really shit. I can't really give too much away about the plot without spoiling the film but if you like head feck movies like Memento or The Nines (obscure one there) then this might be your cup of tea. Think Kubricks The Shining set at sea (but not really that scary).

It's British made and stars that bird that used to play Angel in Home and Away. She wears some tight denim shorts for most of the movie so I give it a couple of extra marks for that alone. Also, kudos to the writer/director for at least trying something different.

6 dead seagulls out of 10.
7 pounds: emotional mush but it kept me watching quite contentedly until the last 10 minutes or so when it got too much and went completely over the top.

Coraline: Didn't know a lot about it before I sat down to watch it and I found it enjoyable. It's quite sinister for a kids film but when I look back and think about Hansel and Gretel etc then perhaps it isn't!
Green Zone

I didn't think i'd enjoy this but i really did think it was a good film, surprisingly i've never actually been to Iraq or a warzone but it looked exactly as i'd imagine it to be in terms of the fighting side of things. A great storyline too in this and i'd definitely recommend seeing it.
Green Zone.

I was disappointed. Apart from at the end, it didn’t have the action that i expected. I thought the story was very predictable. I don’t know where it was filmed, but they did a good job of recreating Baghdad.

Its meant to be a Political Action Thriller. I don’t think it does any of those things particularly well.
Anyone seen Brooklyn's Finest yet? Preview looked badass... was goin to see it this weekend but my friend said it sux, didn't live up to his expectations at all.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Everyone seems to be talking about A Prophet as this year's outstanding foreign film, but TGWTDT beats it in my opinion. An outstanding film, recreated brilliantly from the outstanding book of the same name. Well cast and wonderfully acted, it's tense and well-paced, if a tad overlong (although that didn't bother me). 10/10.
Green Zone.

I was disappointed. Apart from at the end, it didn’t have the action that i expected. I thought the story was very predictable. I don’t know where it was filmed, but they did a good job of recreating Baghdad.

Its meant to be a Political Action Thriller. I don’t think it does any of those things particularly well.

I called it shit from day 1 not surprised it disappointed
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Everyone seems to be talking about A Prophet as this year's outstanding foreign film, but TGWTDT beats it in my opinion. An outstanding film, recreated brilliantly from the outstanding book of the same name. Well cast and wonderfully acted, it's tense and well-paced, if a tad overlong (although that didn't bother me). 10/10.

Shit, there's a movie? Definitely going to see this.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Everyone seems to be talking about A Prophet as this year's outstanding foreign film, but TGWTDT beats it in my opinion. An outstanding film, recreated brilliantly from the outstanding book of the same name. Well cast and wonderfully acted, it's tense and well-paced, if a tad overlong (although that didn't bother me). 10/10.

Did you watch it at the flicks?

Sound interesting!
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Everyone seems to be talking about A Prophet as this year's outstanding foreign film, but TGWTDT beats it in my opinion. An outstanding film, recreated brilliantly from the outstanding book of the same name. Well cast and wonderfully acted, it's tense and well-paced, if a tad overlong (although that didn't bother me). 10/10.

I thought it was nothing special, but then again I couldn't understand all the hype "Let the Right One In" got either. Maybe it's Swedish bias or something like that.
I thought it was nothing special, but then again I couldn't understand all the hype "Let the Right One In" got either. Maybe it's Swedish bias or something like that.

The hype for let the right one in was over the top, but it was still a good movie. I watched it again a couple of months ago and I wasn't that astounded the second time. But it's still better than a lot of other crap circling the globe at that time, and that's why I think I liked it better then.

But for the girl with the dragon tattoo, it is completely average and nothing to write home over.

and by giving it a 10/10 one shows that you completely lack taste in films as well as an eye for what makes films impressive.
indeed, you should go and get lukas moodysson back from usa
White Ribbon


The cinematography was absolutely stellar but I still felt that it was lacking something. Tbf I think I may have gone in with my expectations in the stars and that may have ruined it a bit. Still, absolutely great film.
The Road

Beautifully made, well acted, but it was very slow at times and horribly depressing to watch. There was a constant sense of "oh shit something awful is going to happen" throughout the entire film, which I don't like.

Mother - From the director of the Host. And better than the Host. About a mother trying to solve a murder mystery to save her son who's been charged with the crime. 8/10
Remember Me. The missus' idea to see this one. For those who weren't sure, let me definitely tell you, Robert Pattinson is a bad actor. He spent the entire movie looking down and away from everybody. He looked up maybe twice. He tries to bring out a James Dean meets early Marlon Brando feel, and doesn't pull it off at all. Characters are cliche. Story is cliche. Everything about this is mundane.

I was surprised by this, Was expecting a run of the mill thriller but got so much more when you get glimpses of the lovely Amanda Seyfried in the nude and having lesbian sex with Julianne Moore. One for the Bluray collection methinks.


Shutter Island

Oh its a Martin Scorsese movie, its got to be special then...its not, its so predictable, Got the twist as soon as Leo walked through the gates at the start. Its not a bad film it just very average movie that has been seen before but this has got a big star and director.


I was surprised by this, Was expecting a run of the mill thriller but got so much more when you get glimpses of the lovely Amanda Seyfried in the nude and having lesbian sex with Julianne Moore. One for the Bluray collection methinks.


Shutter Island

Oh its a Martin Scorsese movie, its got to be special then...its not, its so predictable, Got the twist as soon as Leo walked through the gates at the start. Its not a bad film it just very average movie that has been seen before but this has got a big star and director.


Yeah they gave it away when Ruffalo couldnt unholster his gun, that said it was enjoyable enough to watch, all along hoping that that wouldnt be the twist that he was crazy and it would be more of a mind feck
The Box The utter stupidity of this film can't be overstated. Save the 1.5 hours that it takes to watch because you will never get them back. 0/10

The Blind Side Schmaltzy real life fictionalisation of a black kid making it to pro sport through adversity. You have seen it all before but the script isn't bad and it manages to avoid becoming too cloyingly sickly especially by Hollywood standards. There are some pretty good performances as well. Pleasant enough DVD fare if you don't mind the occasional feel good drama and it doesn't require an in depth understanding of US sports either.7/10
The Box The utter stupidity of this film can't be overstated. Save the 1.5 hours that it takes to watch because you will never get them back. 0/10

The Blind Side Schmaltzy real life fictionalisation of a black kid making it to pro sport through adversity. You have seen it all before but the script isn't bad and it manages to avoid becoming too cloyingly sickly especially by Hollywood standards. There are some pretty good performances as well. Pleasant enough DVD fare if you don't mind the occasional feel good drama and it doesn't require an in depth understanding of US sports either.7/10

The box was fecking dire, what the feck was I getting into when I watched, seriously that is going to go down as one of the worst movies all time. It had a somewhat interesting premise, but man they took off with it and ended up in the looney bin I am seriously what in feck were they thinking.
The Box was done by the Donnie Darko guy wasn't it? Southland Tales was a mess of a film as well, looks like he only had one decent film in him.
Yeah, I think he is pretty young wasnt he like 24 when he did Donnie Darko. The Box was fecking outrageous though, some of the most random contrived scenes, characters, and plot twists. You ask yourself, What the feck on more than one occasion.
White Ribbon


The cinematography was absolutely stellar but I still felt that it was lacking something. Tbf I think I may have gone in with my expectations in the stars and that may have ruined it a bit. Still, absolutely great film.

Was an excellent film, I think the something it was lacking was a trully shocking ending, however a great movie, beautifully shot with some excellent characters.

The doctor and the young boy Martin being two that spring to mind.
Cape Fear

Completely absorbing and entertaining film, with De Niro right on the money as ever. Doesn't stand up to close scrutiny as well as Scorcese's best work, but it's worth remembering that it is a bit of a pop-corn film and therefore liable to have to the odd silly moment. Pretty much that entire last scene with the two blokes slugging it on a boat that's careening down the river during a tempest was stupid and I wish they'd found a less cheesy way to resolve it. Similarly, the De Niro character's seemingly superhuman ability to hold onto fast moving objects, defying both the forces of nature as well as gravity along the way, is another example of why I regard it as a bit of a pop-corn film.

Not that this a film being a pop-corn effort is neccessarily a bad thing of course, anything's worth watching if it's done well and this undeniably was.

However, that bird who plays the daughter was completely miscast. And to be fair, that has been a bit of a theme with her throughout her career because she's a fecking terrible actress.


Bad Boy Bubby

Cult Aussie film made in the late 70s which essentially begins with a man and his late-middle-aged mum involved in decades long Josef Fritz situation, with liberal doses of on-screen incest to illustrate the point. The man then escapes and sees the world for the first time, being variously mocked, beaten up, taken advantage of and also, on occasion, looked after.

Someone on here- I think one of the Irish posters- described it as his favourite film. I can appreciate why, because so much of it is just so brilliantly, excessively distasteful. But I found myself feeling too sorry for the guy to really appreciate the black humour.

One of the more fecked up films I've seen I think.

The Counterfeiters

German WW2 film about artistically-inclined Jews who are called in by the Nazis from various concentration camps to produce counterfeits of the Pound and the US Dollar in order to feck up the British and US economies. Almost impeccable film. To be fair, it's not hard to write poignant human drama into a film about the holocaust, but it's done well and the performances are largely excellent. However the fella who played Burger could have done with trying a bit more to be the almost-broken death camp Jew surviving on the strength of his principles, and a bit less the Chuck Norrisesque hero. Other than that, quality.

Mesrine parts 1 & 2:

2 part movie about the life of the french master criminal Jacques Mesrine. Two awesome movies featuring a masterful central perfomance from Vincent Cassel in the lead role.

The first part charts his early years from being a soldier in the French Algerian war to his entry into the criminal world and his early rise through it on the streets of France. It also includes his move to canada and crime spree over there.

The second part deal deals with his growing criminality and arrogance, his growing love of simply being a criminal and his ultimate end.

Mesrine part 1 Death Instinct: 8/10
Mesrine part 2 Public Enemy No1: 9/10

Two excellent movies with a mesmeric central peformance at the heart of both.