Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Third Man. 7/10 First time I watched it. A few beautiful scenes, nice story, and a memorable ending.
I really meant in human beahaviour terms. The waiting, the tension, the actual sense of death and danger. I'm pretty sure that the film is strewn with operational errors.

Alright fair enough. I really liked that it was a long scene (despite all) because in situations like these time doesn't fly by very quickly. The tention of being somewhere on your own in the middle of nowhere in Iraq in the middle of the day in burning heat, being shot at with a sniper and they have already hit three of "your" men (well at least soildiers on the same side despite the nationality). Every second of this is an absoulute hell.

However it just felt so stupid in so many ways that I couldn't enjoy it that much. I usually don't care to much about factual errors, but that scene just irritaited me no end.
Brooklyn's Finest - Movie about cops in NY. Lots of known actors like, Richard Gere, Wesley Snipes (who I haven't seen in ages), Ethan Hawke, Don Cheadle and in smaller parts there were known faces like Senetor Clay Davis and Omar Little from the Wire (not in those roles of course) and Vincent D'Onofrio.
It's a nice cop thriller. I expected more action, but honestly I didn't known much about the movie anyways. All in all better then I had hopes for. 7/10
I had never heard of these and after reading your post I decided to watch the first part, didn't know what to expect but was engrossed from the beginning and thought it was a great film. Looking forward to watching the 2nd part.

Didn't know they were based on a true character which I think tends to make films better when you know the things actually happened, even if embellished slightly.

Yeah it is best to watch both knowing they are based on a real life character otherwise the scene where he "returns" to prison in Canada would seem ludicrous if it wasn't based on truth.

I guess its a case of the truth being stranger than fiction as I have a mate who watched that scene without knowing it was based on a real character and thought it was completely ridiculous until I told him that its based on a true story.

Also if you enjoyed the first then you will really enjoy the second as its a better movie with some real laugh out loud audacious moments.
The Third Man. 7/10 First time I watched it. A few beautiful scenes, nice story, and a memorable ending.


Private eye played by Jack Nicholson is hired to investigate a secretive coporate figure by his wife*. He then gets drawn into a world of shadowy dealings and deception.

Good movie with Nicholson giving a good solid perfomance as a Private eye. Good plot too and an ending that leaves you quite supprised and a little shocked.


Hot Rod - 7/10.

Good, silly fun in the style of the Ferrell/Vaughan/Wilson movies.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Allen has done a smart thing the last few movies of his and gotten out of New York. His latter NYC based efforts, seemed stale and uninteresting. Changing continents has freshened his movies up though. He has a new voice. Or rather, a more relaxed version of his old voice. Overall, I would say this is definitely one of the best movies of his from the last decade or so. It of course delves heavily into the notion of love and life. And if one truly knows what they're after, or in the case of Cristina, knowing what you're not after. Worth a watch I'd say. 7/10.
Léon - Fair enough an OK movie but I can't really see why it's so highly rated. I didn't really like Gary Oldman's character, just didn't find him believable at all.

Before Sunrise & Before Sunset - Two lovely movies. I really enjoyed them.
DefendorA very good idea and a great performance from Woody Harleson but the script and direction lets him down a bit, not quite funny, perceptive or dark enough, and the end is incredibly predictable. Well worth a watch on DVD mind. 6/10
I've just rewatched the Blu-ray version of Wong Kar-Wai's Fallen Angels two times in a row, a perfect night time movie and one of my all time favorite movies.
Body Of lies:

Leo Di caprio stars as a CIA agent operating in the Muslim world and dealing in counter terrorism alongside Russel Crowe who plays his disconected and callous boss.

Di caprio eventually finds himself in Jordan having to work with a Jordanian intelligence boss played suprisingly well by Mark Strong.

Through a turn of events Di Caprio is forced to consider who his friends really are and what his priorities are as his will is tested.

A suprisingly decent movie considering all of the bad reviews it got upon release. Di Caprio does his usual solid but unspectacular job, Mark Strong does a supprisingly convincing turn as a arab character(I thought cockney villians were more his thing) and Crowe does a decent if one paced job of portraying a cold and heartless screw-up of a character.

Decent film well worth watching with a decent script and good solid performances.

Body Of lies:

Leo Di caprio stars as a CIA agent operating in the Muslim world and dealing in counter terrorism alongside Russel Crowe who plays his disconected and callous boss.

Di caprio eventually finds himself in Jordan having to work with a Jordanian intelligence boss played suprisingly well by Mark Strong.

Through a turn of events Di Caprio is forced to consider who his friends really are and what his priorities are as his will is tested.

A suprisingly decent movie considering all of the bad reviews it got upon release. Di Caprio does his usual solid but unspectacular job, Mark Strong does a supprisingly convincing turn as a arab character(I thought cockney villians were more his thing) and Crowe does a decent if one paced job of portraying a cold and heartless screw-up of a character.

Decent film well worth watching with a decent script and good solid performances.


a jordanian friend of mine complained about its unrealistic Jordanian scenary
Saw The Spanish Prisoner today, have to say I just didn't get it at all. Found it ranged from poor to laughably bad. I'm aware the acting is like that and the dialogue is written as it is on purpose, I just can't figure out why that's meant to be a good thing. Had it hyped up to me as a good film too, so an all round dissapointment.
Just watched "From Paris with Love". Worth a watch if you like mindless action movies. 7/10
Before Sunrise & Before Sunset - Two lovely movies. I really enjoyed them.

Love both these movies too, the ending of Before Sunset was especially good. Just shows that Romance films don't have to just be chick flicks, if they're done the right way.

Also, I have yet to meet a straight man that didn't fall in love with Julie Delpy after watching Before Sunrise.
Disney Pixar have once again worked their magic. Truly amazing films, and Up doesn't disappoint.

Of course the film is targeted at the far younger audience, but it remains one that can be enjoyed by all ages. It started off really quite sombre, but really worked in to a great watch.

The attention to detail is incredible in the films, and I did find myself looking out for the Pizza Planet delivery van cameo appearance.

Some genuinely funny moments in the film too - "squirrel." Ok maybe I'm immature, but these films bring out the child in us all.

A solid 8 out of 10.

Just saw this last night and was well impressed. Fantastic story, amazing cinematography. I'd put this right up there with Passion and Braveheart.
Brooklyn's Finest Nice to look at and the cast is great. The performances and cinematography are good as well. The trouble is that you have seen it all before and the director is no Altman so the 3 seemingly separate stories don't mesh together well enough and the end is so inevitable that the last 10 minutes is like watching an oil tanker trying to stop when they reversed their engines 1km too late. Worth a watch on DVD but that is about it. 5.5/10
The Third Man. 7/10 First time I watched it. A few beautiful scenes, nice story, and a memorable ending.

7/10... your having a laugh mate... a few beautiful scenes? the photography of this movie defines classic cinematography, it has everything, its practically a perfectly made movie, watch it again, look at how the music tempo and the movie tempo are so in sync... go to rotton tomatoes and see how its rated, its one of the few 100% movies

Just saw this last night and was well impressed. Fantastic story, amazing cinematography. I'd put this right up there with Passion and Braveheart.

I'd agree.

A very underated movie which i'd give a solid 7.5/10 or there abouts. Also has a very clever ending which I didn't see coming.

PS I only agree with the Braveheart comparison. The passion was awful torture porn.
Aguirre, the Wrath of God - Brilliant. Very captivating and I still have that recurring theme stuck in my head, one of the most haunting pieces of music I've ever heard in a movie. I can see how it influenced Apocalypse Now.
Bullets over Broadway

Liked this one. I'm a fan of John Cusack, he gives off a cool vibe in everything he does; he has the role of what would of been Woody Allens character if he was young enough... Quite neurotic, riddled with self doubt.. he does his job well.

Has some interesting themes of the value of art and has a bittersweet ending with Cusacks character admits the truth about himself.

I'll give it a solid 7/10.
I watched 'The Hurt Locker' the other night, good but utterly forgettable - I'm not sure there is any replay value in it and it is definately in the category of best picture winners that in a couple of years time no one will know it won.
Training Day

Good film. Although the bit that sticks in my mind the most if the background shot of eve mendes's bush.

Un chien andalou

So I figure if I'm gonna try out some movies from the fabled Father of surrealism Luis Bunuel I'll start with his first.

Some girl gets her eye sliced open... fast forward 8 years and some dude falls off his bike, think he was pissed... some chick gets run over... some dude with ants coming out of his hand starts groping a bird... ah feck it... it was a bit mental. But it kept me interested. Look forward to trying out more of his stuff.

lol ?/10 is pretty fitting for Un chien andalou

Just saw the Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus...

Lovely, captivating, funny, and some of the visual landscapes are gorgeous. Well worth my time :)
Un chien andalou

So I figure if I'm gonna try out some movies from the fabled Father of surrealism Luis Bunuel I'll start with his first.

Some girl gets her eye sliced open... fast forward 8 years and some dude falls off his bike, think he was pissed... some chick gets run over... some dude with ants coming out of his hand starts groping a bird... ah feck it... it was a bit mental. But it kept me interested. Look forward to trying out more of his stuff.


Haha think that's a fitting rating for Un Chien Andalou. I'm pretty sure the term "what the feck?" must have been coined after seeing that film.