Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Death Race (remake) 0/10

If a shit could do a shit, it would be like this film.

I disagree with this completely. This was a movie worth watching. I would give it a 8/10. There was good action and the girls were freaking hot.
It's worth watching for Natalie Martinez, I didnt think it was a bad film anyway, just a brainless hour and half is all.
Je Tu Il Elle. It's like a pretentious film snob's wet dream. It's got 5 minute long shots of a woman laying down accompanied by voiceover which doesn't make mush sense at times. Little to no light in half the thing, creating its 'look'. And to top it all off a lesbian sex scene that is more like a wrestling match. And their bushes are like fecking wookies. Yes, it's got everything a movie needs to be loved by those who 'get it' and those who do 'get it' can instantly call those who don't 'get it' 'fecking idiots'. Having said all that, I've seen worse.
Extract. It must be hard being Mike Judge. No matter what film you make, it will always be compared to 'Office Space'. When compared to Space, his other movies just don't cut it. And you can include this in that. Ben Affleck is amusing in his druggy bartender role, and Jason Bateman does well playing Jason Bateman(or rather how I assume Jason Bateman would be if he owned an extract company). Overall it just feels a little flat and kind of meanders its way to the end. If you've watched the trailers, be warned that it is nothing like what they made it out to be. I'd give it a 6/10.
Je Tu Il Elle. It's like a pretentious film snob's wet dream. It's got 5 minute long shots of a woman laying down accompanied by voiceover which doesn't make mush sense at times. Little to no light in half the thing, creating its 'look'. And to top it all off a lesbian sex scene that is more like a wrestling match. And their bushes are like fecking wookies. Yes, it's got everything a movie needs to be loved by those who 'get it' and those who do 'get it' can instantly call those who don't 'get it' 'fecking idiots'. Having said all that, I've seen worse.

So you loved it, right?;)
Eraserhead ?/10

Tried watching this 15 years ago and turned it off after about 10 minutes, completely baffled.

I've been meaning to watch it properly ever since but never found myself in the right mood. Luckily, I had a baby last week that turned out to be a spastic chicken so I decided the time was right for a rewatch.

It's pure effing madness, basically. It's definitely a difficult watch but at least it made makes you feel something. Confusion, mainly... some repulsion... a bit of boredom now and again.

Not sure what score I'd give it (hence the "?/10"). It's more like a bad dream than a film. Glad it's over but it was weirdly absorbing.

It's without a doubt Lynch's most fecked up film and that's saying something.

A cult movie really.
I disagree with this completely. This was a movie worth watching. I would give it a 8/10. There was good action and the girls were freaking hot.

I thought it was horrible. It epitomises everything bad about mainstream Hollywood these days and seems to have been written and directed by a 12 year old.

Serves me right for watching I suppose - as soon as I saw Paul WS Anderson's name on the screen I should have known what I was in for...
Russian Ark

The whole movie (one and a half hour long) was shot in one single take. Literally wanders through parts of Russian history. Very impressive.

Avatar 3D:

Special effects are brilliant...the scenery and lighting is magical..and after seeing it, my dream huse would have a garden that is a cross between Neverland and Pandora.

The storyline is alright.

Extract. It must be hard being Mike Judge. No matter what film you make, it will always be compared to 'Office Space'. When compared to Space, his other movies just don't cut it. And you can include this in that. Ben Affleck is amusing in his druggy bartender role, and Jason Bateman does well playing Jason Bateman(or rather how I assume Jason Bateman would be if he owned an extract company). Overall it just feels a little flat and kind of meanders its way to the end. If you've watched the trailers, be warned that it is nothing like what they made it out to be. I'd give it a 6/10.
I saw this one. Was very disappointed. There was no plot to speak of, so I expected them to make some kind of social commentary on different issues but that was absent as well. It all seemed like bad couple of episodes of some TV show. 4/10
Hurt Locker

Thoroughly enjoyed the movie, it was tense, gripping and even shared a little insight into those situations. Though I thought it was a little too hollywood* for what was set at a 'real' movie. I really like how the three main characters were so contrasting though, which is what I expect you'd find amongst a group of soldiers.

him going to the house in search of the kid/splitting up down those alleyways at night.... as if the soldiers really take unnecessary risks like that
I thought the concept of the film was excellent, and could have huge potential. Unfortunately though, I thought it was poorly executed.

It was an ok film all in all, but wouldn't give it higher than 6/10

Vampires have exploded onto the scene in recent years, with Twilight and True Blood making an absolute fortune.

30 Days of Night

I think you will have to go to some lengths to beat 30 Days of Night in the vampire franchise. I'm not a big fan of Josh Hartnett, but i really enjoyed the film.

Vampires shouldn't be seen as mysterious, emo guys that young teenage girls should lust after, they should be the blood thirsty, violently aggressive, ridiculously hard to kill monsters you'd expect to find in the depths of hell.

The vampires in 30 Days of Night fit this mould pretty well.

That said, I prefer lycans to vampires anyway...

I think it's the whole dark mystique-thing about Vampires that draws people in. I know I loved them back in my Warhammer days (in fact I still do) - I loved the stories, the intrigue, and the Vampires style.

The Classical Aristocrat who dines on young ladies whilst manipulation the populace or the savage beast who brushes aside the most fearsome soldier with ease...? What's not to love?
The Road

Personally I love the post apocalyptic theme. I enjoyed it because it was definitely different to your typical movie - it was slow paced (I found it at least), gave you a sense of loneliness/despair/pointlessness, made you sad throughout, and was a little thought provoking (ie, what would you do if you were faced with that situation(s)).

Definitely a solid watch.
I watched District 9 today, I wasn't that impressed and don't see what the fuss is about. If that is a best picture nominee then it is a bad year 6/10.
Lars and the Real Girl

watched this last night when the caf was "down".

Brilliant movie, lots of lol moments and also lots of heart-warming moments.

It entertained me.

8.5 out of 10
Haven't reviewed a movie in a long time but since the Oscar's are next Sunday I thought I'd throw in my reviews about the nominated films.

Avatar - Really stunning movie in terms of looks. The story was rubbish though and even though I didn't expect it to be great it didn't meet my expectations. Definitely not a movie I'm going to watch again. 5/10

The Blind Side - How this movie is nominated for best picture I'll never understand. Sure, Sandra Bullock is good in it and this is a heart warming story but it's just so boring and I've seen it many times before. 4/10

District 9 - Fairly enjoyable blockbuster. Didn't mind it had unknown actors and they did surprisingly good with the low budget they had. I enjoyed it for the most part (didn't like how obvious the apartheid reference was and some other stuff). 7/10

An Education - It was alright I suppose. Nothing groundbreaking nor original. However it was a feel good movie with some excellent support actors. 6/10

The Hurt Locker - A good movie but not nearly as good as I'd hoped for. I just didn't connect with the characters and there was one scene especially that I felt was plain stupid. It's still better then most of the rubbish coming out of Hollywood 8/10

Inglourious Basterds - I really liked this movie when I first saw it and when I went to see it again I liked it even more. The casting, the music, the dialogue etc. it was all superb. Maybe a tad to long but it didn't bother me. 9/10

Precious - Surprisingly good. Even though I have a hard time relating to many of the issues brought up in this film, it did move me. Great acting by Sidibe and Mo'Nique. 8/10

A Serious Man - This isn't anywhere close to being the Coen brothers best work, but a good little film it is. Supposed to be a dark comedy but I didn't find it particularly funny. 7/10

Up - Not my cup of tea. Some good scenes and Pixar are the masters of animation. 6/10

Up in the Air - Supposed to be a comedy but I didn't laugh, not even chuckled. It was just an emotionless movie and perhaps that is a strength in this case because it's a story about alienation. Good casting. 7/10.

That said I don't think Inglourious Basterds will win it.
I agree, I don't think the Blind Side is that good of a movie...I thought it was very corny, the football scenes were horrible. Its a nice story, but I didn't think it was that great of a movie in the end.

I think Inglourious Basterds was my favourite movie of those you reviewed, and I enjoyed the Hurt Locker more then you seemed too (though I hadn't heard too much about it when I did watch it, therefore I had no expectations)

I wish I hadn't had heard anything about District 9 when I first watched it though. I thought it was a good movie, but I just didn't like it as much as I thought I would have...
Sleepy Hollow - All style, zero substance. What a dry plot to make a movie on!

Scent of a Woman - Thank you Al Pacino! Haven't enjoyed a movie this good in a while.

You'd think the grumpy old man was the obvious upgrade to Pacino's angry young man image of his heydays.
I thought it was horrible. It epitomises everything bad about mainstream Hollywood these days and seems to have been written and directed by a 12 year old.

Serves me right for watching I suppose - as soon as I saw Paul WS Anderson's name on the screen I should have known what I was in for...

I saw a bit and switched it off. Utter rubbish.
Looking for Eric

I liked this. It's got humour, drama, a decent enough story line and of course, the King.

Worth a watch.
Up in the air

Good to decent movie. I had too high expectations I guess after all the oscar nominations it got. Was easy to predict the plot and the ending of the movie after 30 mins, but still pretty engaging and funny at times.

I've downloaded 1408 feckhead, it better be good

Just watched 'The Pathfinder'

Premise: Indian woman comes across a crashed Norse boat, finds child on it and raises him as an Indian. Fast forward 18 years or so and the Vikings are back killing the Indians. Cue the now fully grown halfbreed killing loads of Vikings. This movie annoyed me. The Indians spoke perfect English for the camera whilst the Vikings spoke their Nordic language.

4/10 - i wish he'd fallen off the path.

It's tedious. I don't know if I'll even get to the end of it at this rate
Saw a play with Christopher Walken, Zoe kazan and Sam Rockwell today. Good acting and pretty funny. Much better than when I saw Ethan Hawke and Rebecca Hall last year.
Advice need, cockmunchers - should I get the theatrical cut of Red Cliff on blu-ray or the original extended version?
Ok fools, forget your hollywood garbage, this is the best made, most meaningful movie around, its on a par with the Godfather..... absolutely brilliant, this movie will win best foreign film

A Prophet.... In French and Corsican
Ok fools, forget your hollywood garbage, this is the best made, most meaningful movie around, its on a par with the Godfather..... absolutely brilliant, this movie will win best foreign film

A Prophet.... In French and Corsican

I agree. Watched it last week. Superb.
Alice in Wonderland

What a load of rubbish
Is the extended version the 4 hour effort?

They only played one half in the UK didn't they?

I'd go with the extended version.

Has Red Cliff been released, I've been waiting for it at the cinema for ages. FFS.