Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Ok fools, forget your hollywood garbage, this is the best made, most meaningful movie around, its on a par with the Godfather..... absolutely brilliant, this movie will win best foreign film

Agree with you that its an excellent movie with some solid story telling, perfomances and genuine thoughtfulness put into it, but on par with the godfather?

Not quite.

7.5/10 though.
, but on par with the godfather?


without question! actually I'd amend my original comparison and say it was more like scarface and equally as good as that movie too

I'll tell you what, I just googled "A Prophet reviews"
read them for yourself, everyone of them is glowing, many are calling it a masterpiece, make no mistake this movie is as good as it gets, I can't remember seeing anything as good for a while

The guy from the Times is saying it will already be a contender for movie of the decade... a decade which has barely begun
A Prophet review | Film Reviews - Times Online
California Chronicle | MOVIE REVIEW ; `Prophet' will gain many disciples
A Prophet | Film review | Film | The Observer
I've seen a few old movies in the last couple of days.

Ugetsu Monogatari - Really, really good. In some places it really didn't feel old like an old movie. Greatly filmed with an excellent score.

Le Samourai - Brilliant. My initial response was that I really want a trenchcoat and a hat like that. Everything was just so classy, from Jef Costello to the camera work.

Bicycle thieves - One thing that really impressed me about this one was the acting, absolutely top notch. Superb movie.
I've seen a few old movies in the last couple of days.

Ugetsu Monogatari - Really, really good. In some places it really didn't feel old like an old movie. Greatly filmed with an excellent score.

I've got this on DVD, I think.

Have you seen Kaidan, RN?
without question! actually I'd amend my original comparison and say it was more like scarface and equally as good as that movie too

I'll tell you what, I just googled "A Prophet reviews"
read them for yourself, everyone of them is glowing, many are calling it a masterpiece, make no mistake this movie is as good as it gets, I can't remember seeing anything as good for a while

The guy from the Times is saying it will already be a contender for movie of the decade... a decade which has barely begun
A Prophet review | Film Reviews - Times Online
California Chronicle | MOVIE REVIEW ; `Prophet' will gain many disciples
A Prophet | Film review | Film | The Observer

Thats all great but you need to remember that movie critics by in large are bi polar in nature and have a tendancy toward hyperbole. If a film is terrible its the worst thing ever, if its great its the greatest of all time.

A Prophet is a great movie however its nowhere near on par with The godfather but it is a better movie than Scarface which appart from Pacino's mesmeric performance isn't actually a great movie. It has most of it fame from Pacino's performance and the subsequent impressions and plaudits from gangster rappers.

The Godfather is a movie that will always be mentioned amoung the greatest ever made partly because of the time in which it was made there simply wasn't another gangster movie that gave you such an insight into the normality of organized crime but also because it is shot on a grandiose and epic scale and includes some of the most memorable characters you will ever see on screen.

The sad thing about A Prophet is that in 2-3 years time it will be largely forgotten and will never be mentioned amoung the truly great movies of our time. Yes its an excellent movie but part of the reason it will never be able to measure upto The Godfather is that its not really supposed to. The Godfather is designed to be epic in scale with dramatic(sometimes exagerated) performances and an epic story.

A Prophet by comparison hasn't been made to appeal on the same scale or with the same mass audience appeal in mind. Its shot in a very naturalistic fasion with alot of realism. None of the performances are dramatic in scale(this works very well for the film) and the story is a much more simple one told with great skill. What makes A Prophet such a great movie is its simplicity and the endearing quality of the main character but unfortunately its a film that will not be remembered on anywhere near the same scale as The Godfather.

Better than Scarface? Definately. on par with the Godfather? nowhere near i'm affraid.

Oh and I didn't read the reviews for obvious reasons.
I didnt expect much from it and was pleasantly surprised.

Nah, but I think it's on my endlessly to watch list.

Watch it.

Also have you seen Hero? I've seen clips of it and I must say it looks gorgeous - but is it worth getting on blu ray?
Alice in Wonderland

Watched this in 2D and I'm glad I did. The film is OK but in the end nothing special. Its all style and no substance. Depp's portrayal of the Mad Hatter is the best thing about it along with the crazy March Hare who steals every scene he is.

Why were you glad you watched it in 2D?
Harry Brown Before it descends into Gran Torino mode in the last third, which is still quite watchable, this is a superb film with Michael Caine showing what a great actor he can be. Well worth a watch - I really enjoyed it even if the ending is a tad obvious. 7.5/10
I've downloaded a few fillums onto the iPod to watch to and from work this week.

Yet to watch;


Inglorious Basterds

Also downloaded Whip It for the missus and was watching it on the way into work today and it was gash.

I've also done some old classics, Boondock Saints and American History X which I've seen before...
Just watched cold souls, not sure what I thought of it yet though, think I liked it but felt it wasn't quite what I expected/hoped.
Haven't reviewed a movie in a long time but since the Oscar's are next Sunday I thought I'd throw in my reviews about the nominated films.

Avatar - Really stunning movie in terms of looks. The story was rubbish though and even though I didn't expect it to be great it didn't meet my expectations. Definitely not a movie I'm going to watch again. 5/10

The Blind Side - How this movie is nominated for best picture I'll never understand. Sure, Sandra Bullock is good in it and this is a heart warming story but it's just so boring and I've seen it many times before. 4/10

District 9 - Fairly enjoyable blockbuster. Didn't mind it had unknown actors and they did surprisingly good with the low budget they had. I enjoyed it for the most part (didn't like how obvious the apartheid reference was and some other stuff). 7/10

An Education - It was alright I suppose. Nothing groundbreaking nor original. However it was a feel good movie with some excellent support actors. 6/10

The Hurt Locker - A good movie but not nearly as good as I'd hoped for. I just didn't connect with the characters and there was one scene especially that I felt was plain stupid. It's still better then most of the rubbish coming out of Hollywood 8/10

Inglourious Basterds - I really liked this movie when I first saw it and when I went to see it again I liked it even more. The casting, the music, the dialogue etc. it was all superb. Maybe a tad to long but it didn't bother me. 9/10

Precious - Surprisingly good. Even though I have a hard time relating to many of the issues brought up in this film, it did move me. Great acting by Sidibe and Mo'Nique. 8/10

A Serious Man - This isn't anywhere close to being the Coen brothers best work, but a good little film it is. Supposed to be a dark comedy but I didn't find it particularly funny. 7/10

Up - Not my cup of tea. Some good scenes and Pixar are the masters of animation. 6/10

Up in the Air - Supposed to be a comedy but I didn't laugh, not even chuckled. It was just an emotionless movie and perhaps that is a strength in this case because it's a story about alienation. Good casting. 7/10.

That said I don't think Inglourious Basterds will win it.

for me it is between inglorious and the hurt locker none of the others are in the same class.
In The Loop

Watched it last night on BBC2, really enjoyed it. Super funny (imo)

Offret - Good, but the dialogue got pretty tedious at some places and there were somethings I didn't get. You could definitely feel Tarkovsky's presence though. I'm a bit sad now because this means I've seen all of his movies. He's probably my favourite director ever.
Armored - all I hoped for was a decent action movie, but no. Matt Dillon, Jean Reno, Laurence Fishburne you should be ashamed. 2/10
Alice in Wonderland

Watched this in 2D and I'm glad I did. The film is OK but in the end nothing special. Its all style and no substance. Depp's portrayal of the Mad Hatter is the best thing about it along with the crazy March Hare who steals every scene he is.


I saw it in 3D and whilst it made the visual side of it more pleasant I agree fully with the rating. 6/10 It should really have been called 'The Chronicles of Wonderland.'
Ah, just one more season of BS:G and then I can resume movie watching.

I'm gonna have a Woody Allen marathon, the only ones I've seen are Match Point, Manhattan and Annie Hall so if you guys can point me in the direction of some of his other classics that would be cool!
I liked Vicky Cristina Barcelona - especially:

When he makes a plausible argument for a harmonious threesome relationship

I've seen Mighty Aphrodite, The Curse of the Jade Scorpion, Hollywood Ending, Melinda and Melinda and Scoop. Found none of them praise-worthy.
Offret - Good, but the dialogue got pretty tedious at some places and there were somethings I didn't get. You could definitely feel Tarkovsky's presence though. I'm a bit sad now because this means I've seen all of his movies. He's probably my favorite director ever.


Tarkovsky is my favourite director as well. Offret was the last film of his I watched too, and I actually put off watching it for years because I knew I'd feel like shit afterwards.

As a follow up to Tarkovsky, check out Bela Tarr. I started off with Satantango (Which, be warned, is almost 8 hours long iirc), and it looks uncannily like a Tarkovsky film at times. Very similar styles and priorities, just Tarr seems incredibly depressed and cynical

Tarkovsky is my favourite director as well. Offret was the last film of his I watched too, and I actually put off watching it for years because I knew I'd feel like shit afterwards.

As a follow up to Tarkovsky, check out Bela Tarr. I started off with Satantango (Which, be warned, is almost 8 hours long iirc), and it looks uncannily like a Tarkovsky film at times. Very similar styles and priorities, just Tarr seems incredibly depressed and cynical

Which is your favorite of his? Zerkalo is my favorite closely followed by Stalker.

8 hours, fecking hell. With Tarkovsky like pacing that must feel like an eternity. :lol:

I actually downloaded one of his movies the other day, Werckmeister Harmonies. I've yet to see it though.
I didn't like Stalker but I loved Zerkalo. Solaris is probably his most accessible film and perhaps his best.
Which is your favorite of his? Zerkalo is my favorite closely followed by Stalker.

8 hours, fecking hell. With Tarkovsky like pacing that must feel like an eternity. :lol:

I actually downloaded one of his movies the other day, Werckmeister Harmonies. I've yet to see it though.

My favourite is probably Nostalghia, followed by Stalker.

Satantango is a pretty unique film, although obviously it won't be everyone's cup of tea. It's made up of plenty of 10 minute plus shots of fairly ordinary, mundane things but Tarr has the same odd ability as Tarkovsky of twisting the environment into something with more character and presence than it should have. It's an incredible film, actually. Really deep atmosphere.
I didn't like Stalker but I loved Zerkalo. Solaris is probably his most accessible film and perhaps his best.

I watched Solaris a few years ago but gave it up after about an hour. Watched it again last month and loved it. You really need to be in the right frame of mind before you watch his movies.
I watched Solaris a few years ago but gave it up after about an hour. Watched it again last month and loved it. You really need to be in the right frame of mind before you watch his movies.

Yep, which is why I've been putting off Offret and Andrie Rublov for the best part of 67 months.
I just saw Avatar in 3D, so I'm going to leave all the stuff I usually go through and just say that it was magical.

6/10 - Get's 2 points extra for the experience.