Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Started off quite atmospheric and then (ironically) descended into 'The Descent' in space. The plot got all confusing at the end too and someone rang me so I may have missed something. Err, yeah. I wouldn't watch it again. But it was ok. The bird in it was really fit. I think she might have been German.

would have been an original movie a few years ago but now its just a descent flick no pun intended LOL

Annoying journalistic wannabe geek gets a summer job at Adventureland. Takes romantically to the ever annoyingly sulky my-life-is-hell-ever-since-daddy-remarried Twilight girl who also works at Adventureland. Crap performance from annoyingly dry Ryan Reynolds who is the electrician at Adventureland.

Not much happens really, there are good interactions between stereotypical characters, but not much happens really.

Most annoyed with myself, as I thought this movie was about zombies.

Only the dance routines by the helter skelter from Lisa P will remain with me. Amadeus Amadeus.

I just saw on imdb that Beauty and the Beast is on the "coming soon" list, can someone shine a light on what's been done to the Disney classic?
I don't know if I want to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D, my precious memories does not want to be tainted.

girishII, did you ever see oldboy? and what did you think of it?
I watched it on your recommendation remember? Actually I think you should look up the review you gave of it in the newb version of this thread and post it here.

I thought it was excellent in every aspect; art, style, detail, contrast of gore and beauty. There are elements of all genre's represented, so it can be appreciated by a wide audience, if they can accept a little extremity. I got it's all round complexity which is why I loved it. One for the collection.

Did you know the octopus scene was real?
I watched it on your recommendation remember? Actually I think you should look up the review you gave of it in the newb version of this thread and post it here.

I thought it was excellent in every aspect; art, style, detail, contrast of gore and beauty. There are elements of all genre's represented, so it can be appreciated by a wide audience, if they can accept a little extremity. I got it's all round complexity which is why I loved it. One for the collection.

Did you know the octopus scene was real?

Did you know live octopus is a common dish in Park's homeland?

Annoying journalistic wannabe geek gets a summer job at Adventureland. Takes romantically to the ever annoyingly sulky my-life-is-hell-ever-since-daddy-remarried Twilight girl who also works at Adventureland. Crap performance from annoyingly dry Ryan Reynolds who is the electrician at Adventureland.

Not much happens really, there are good interactions between stereotypical characters, but not much happens really.

Most annoyed with myself, as I thought this movie was about zombies.

Only the dance routines by the helter skelter from Lisa P will remain with me. Amadeus Amadeus.


You thought this was Zombieland? :lol:

No wonder you were disappointed.

I didn't mind this film. Quite watchable even if it was a bit short on zombies.
The Descent

From the opening scene it moved along at a reasonably steady pace. I was left confused by the ending but having read about the sequel it is clear what actually happened.


As already mentioned above, the sequel follows the American ending cut, which was forced on Marshal because US distributers thought the original was too depressing....the original ending is that she never gets out and has gone mad
As already mentioned above, the sequel follows the American ending cut,
which was forced on Marshal because US distributers thought the original was too depressing....the original ending is that she never gets out and has gone mad

According to the wiki

Looks like he already dealt with the original not fitting to the American audience by trimming the bit where she's back in the cave.

The Descent was released in North America with approximately a minute cut from the end. In the American cut, Sarah escapes from the cave and sees Juno, but the film does not cut back to the cave.
In the 4 August 2006 issue of Entertainment Weekly, it was stated that the ending was trimmed because American viewers didn't like its "uber-hopeless finale". Lionsgate marketing chief Tim Palen said, "It's a visceral ride, and by the time you get to the ending you're drained. [Director Neil] Marshall had a number of endings in mind when he shot the film, so he was open [to making a switch]." Marshall compared the change to the ending of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, saying, "Just because she gets away, does that make it a happy ending?"
The North American Unrated DVD includes the original ending. Recently, the film has been airing on Canada's The Movie Network, which has the original ending. In contrast the American Syfy Channel as recently as October 11, 2009 broadcasted the recut version of Sarah truly escaping with Juno's specter appearing besides Sarah in the SUV.

I think there was a bigger drive for the sequel than simply providing a version that suited the US, going off the wiki of course

Due to the first film being a commercial and critical success, it was decided that a sequel would be produced. Although Marshall had no plans to direct the film, he told, "A treatment is in the works, I’m not directing it, but I will oversee it and want to be a part of it."[4]
Marshall received the first draft of the film in late July 2006, with no directors or cast in mind. He made it clear that this film won't be a "rehashing of the first" and that he wants this film to incorporate more of the feeling of claustrophobia like that of a particular scene in the previous film. Marshall tells about new ideas for the film, "The monsters they can deal with, and a bit of the claustrophobia, they can deal with, but the combination is definitely something we want to incorporate that into the sequel, by putting the monster and the girls in a really tight spot."[5]

I think Marshal had the dynamics spot on with the first, it remains to be seen whether the new director puts as much emphasis on the relationships between the girls which I thought gave it real depth.
Russian Ark

Jesus! I didn't think it was possible! Quite nicely done as well.

Rachel Getting Married - Closest mainstream American filmmakers can come to making a Festen-like movie, even though this is nowhere near as dark as it. I liked this one though, because it has enough moments to connect with the audiences. Anne Hathaway is fine. The one who plays her sister has done an excellent job. Nice background score.
It's not dogme is it? I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know if there's a light in there somewhere to reflect on, but the title is shit. It sounds like a Las Vegas type romantic comedy with Reese Witherspoon and some b-actor who's currently a shit hiphop artist.
It's not hand held and in fact it doesnt follow any of the rules of dogme. But it's not a LV romantic comedy either. And it doesnt star Reese Witherspoon.

I think Salvation is alluding to the family dynamics shown in the two movies.
The Hurt Locker By far the best film concerning the Iraq war so far. More or less devoid of a political viewpoint and much the better for it, it simply documents the day to day tension experienced by the front line troop. Probably the best war film since Saving Private Ryan and almost as good as Apocalypse Now. Surely a front runner for this year's Oscar for best film. 9/10
Its Complicated It isn't actually. It just an unfunny not overly romantic RomCom. Steve MArtin seeks to have forgotten how to be funny and almost seemed to be in a different film from everyone else. 5/10
It's not hand held and in fact it doesnt follow any of the rules of dogme. But it's not a LV romantic comedy either. And it doesnt star Reese Witherspoon.

I think Salvation is alluding to the family dynamics shown in the two movies.

Think it's hand held. Like how Curb Your Enthusiasm's shot.

Yeah, it's the script that I was referring to.

Doubt you'd like the movie, mehro.
I liked Rachel Getting Married. As said before the family dynamics were well worked into it.

The Ugly Truth

Couldn't stand watching flappy lips Butler a minute more in what was a cringy first half hour or so. Switched off.

The Hurt Locker By far the best film concerning the Iraq war so far. More or less devoid of a political viewpoint and much the better for it, it simply documents the day to day tension experienced by the front line troop. Probably the best war film since Saving Private Ryan and almost as good as Apocalypse Now. Surely a front runner for this year's Oscar for best film. 9/10

So it's worth buying it on blu-ray then?
Doubt - 8.5/10

Highly recommended.
Good performances from Meryl Streep and the always impressive, Philip SeymourHoffman.
Covers a lot of difficult issues (sexual abuse in the church, racism, homophobia etc) but they are just side themes to the real story which has kept me thinking well after the film finished.
So it's worth buying it on blu-ray then?

I'm not sure in that while the cinematography is nice enough it is the tension of their existence that is the main driver in the film. If it isn't a huge sum more than the DVD then yes I suppose.
Just saw The Hurtlocker now on your recommendation Wibble, what a fantastic film.
It was very good wasn't it? Much better than I expected. I liked the lack of a political agenda.
Well my Shining thread got locked, I assume it was you Wibble. Jog on son.

Good film though, some great scenes. The one in the bathroom with Grady I think it was and Jack was probably my favourite. And of course the classic, 'Here's Johnny!' scene, though I don't know why he left her and started looking for Danny. He should have killed her first and then gone after him.

Good film though, enjoyed it. 8.5/10.
The Hurt Locker is most definitely one for the Blu Ray collection, by far one of the best movies of the year. Don't buy it if you're a conservative war monger though.
Just watched Valkyrie. Nothing spectacular but it was an enjoyable film and depicted the events of the July 20th bomb plot well. Tom Cruise seemed to get a lot of stick for this film but I thought he played the part of von Stauffenberg well.

Decent as I said. Worth a watch just for the history lesson. 7/10
It was very good wasn't it? Much better than I expected. I liked the lack of a political agenda.

I think that was certainly one of the main reasons why I enjoyed it so much, it was very simple, but quite brutal. I have seen a lot of criticisms about this movie, the sniper scene, the alleyways etc, but they didn't take anything away from the film for me. The cinematography was beautiful, and the acting was very strong, although I wouldn't have minded if one or two of those cameos stuck around!

A non-existent political agenda benifited the film massively, as you said, it's one big build up and release of tension throughout, and I saw many comments that said the tension reached it's climax in the first scene, but that's bullshit.
The cameo's were very good but perhaps more so for their briefness. Guy Pierce was great at the beginning.