Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Stalker - Just brilliant. Absolutely beautifully filmed and I liked some of the philosophical stuff. It really had me captivated till about the beginning of the end when I kinda lost it a bit. - 4.5/5
The Book of Eli. I'd say it's a good addition to the post apocalyptic genre. It definitely has a new twist on them. It plays out more or less like a spaghetti western. The action in it is good. Denzel is a bad ass in it. Some of the camera moves during the action are impressive, especially during one scene in the second half of the film. The last scene was a bit cheesy, and probably didn't need to end on it, but overall it's worth a watch.
Just watched Sherlock Holmes and thought it was great. Silly plot but the performances were great (apart from MacAdams who looked and acted like she was in a completely different film) and it was very entertaining in my view. Snappy script, Downey Jr was brilliant and it was fun. Can't see why anyone would dislike it.
Downey Jr. is a top notch actor, easily one of the most talented in Hollywood
Just watched Sherlock Holmes and thought it was great. Silly plot but the performances were great (apart from MacAdams who looked and acted like she was in a completely different film) and it was very entertaining in my view. Snappy script, Downey Jr was brilliant and it was fun. Can't see why anyone would dislike it.

i agree - great fun, and the downey jr and law chemistry was excellent.
I actually did like Law in it, a fair bit too, and I usually don't. Incidentally, a rumour doing the rounds, and included on the wiki page is that...

Moriarty was voiced by Brad Pitt

Interesting, Richie was asked and has refused to dismiss it, but could just be stringing people along.
I actually did like Law in it, a fair bit too, and I usually don't. Incidentally, a rumour doing the rounds, and included on the wiki page is that...

Moriarty was voiced by Brad Pitt

Interesting, Richie was asked and has refused to dismiss it, but could just be stringing people along.

Funnily enough I had heard that too - and that he would be starring in the follow up !
Stalker - Just brilliant. Absolutely beautifully filmed and I liked some of the philosophical stuff. It really had me captivated till about the beginning of the end when I kinda lost it a bit. - 4.5/5
I watched this yesterday as well. Superb..will have to watch it again though.
Funnily enough I had heard that too - and that he would be starring in the follow up !

I've just watched that particular scene again. It's clearly not...I mean really clearly not. Unless he's had some ridiculously good eloqution and accent lessons recently. Which considering his track record with accents, isn't likely....Stupid rumour
I've just watched that particular scene again. It's clearly not...I mean really clearly not. Unless he's had some ridiculously good eloqution and accent lessons recently. Which considering his track record with accents, isn't likely....Stupid rumour

In the theater, of course.
I'm down with the Sherlock Holmes love.

Wasn't particularly excited about the project when it was announced and even less so when I saw the trailers but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the movie.

Enjoyable popcorn guff with an excellent cast on top form. Hopefully the inevitable sequel will not disappoint.
Spoony occasionally tends to like some highly-rated rubbish movies, like Rebecca.

Thin Red Line - Nice performances, non-existent story. A bit pointless at the end of it. Liked Caviezel's work in this, especially.
Spoony occasionally tends to like some highly-rated rubbish movies, like Rebecca.

Thin Red Line - Nice performances, non-existent story. A bit pointless at the end of it. Liked Caviezel's work in this, especially.

I tend to agree, beautifully shot with some very good scenes but ultimately left me disappointed. I felt it dragged a bit and I spent half of the film thinking about the cameo appearances of several famous actors.
The Thin Red line was one of the worst war films ever made. It even managed to make Full Metal Jacket seem interesting. It was that bad.
Rebecca - A romantic flick which I could tolerate

The bird in this movie again is very hot

Spoony occasionally tends to like some highly-rated rubbish movies, like Rebecca.

Thin Red Line - Nice performances, non-existent story. A bit pointless at the end of it. Liked Caviezel's work in this, especially.

So it was tolerably rubbish?

Rebecca is a good movie. Not Hitchcock's best work and shockingly the only movie that got him an Oscar but certainly not rubbish. I thought Laurence Olivier didnt quite pull off Max De Winter, an excellent character in the book.
I've just watched that particular scene again. It's clearly not...I mean really clearly not. Unless he's had some ridiculously good eloqution and accent lessons recently. Which considering his track record with accents, isn't likely....Stupid rumour

I've also just been to the "cinema" again just to check out the Morairty scenes and his voice :smirk:... It's far too British sounding for Brad Pitt to pull off, I heard the Pitt rumour recently, but now I don't think it's him!!

Although the voice does sound very recognisable, but I can't say who :annoyed: and the character Morairty isn't listed on the Holmes IMDB page - Whoever it is, they're trying to keep it a secret I think!!
Law Abiding Citizen.

A turgid mish mash of Death Wish, Falling Down and Se7en. Predictable and stupid in equal measures. Watch only if you want to kill 90 minutes and let your brain recharge.
I watched Up in the Air earlier today. I'm still not sure what i made of it.