Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Blade Runner - Blu Ray

At last I see the full effects of Blu Ray. All movies I have watched in this format up until now have been new releases and although they still look great I am never exactly bowled over because they look great in SD also.

But having watched Blade runner in SD not too long ago I was literally stunned by how amazing this looks on Blu Ray. I would highly recommend.

The movie itself is one of my favorites of all time. Ridley Scott is a genius this is such a stylish film, incredible images throughout. Although I don’t think it is everyone’s cup of tea.

For me though Blu Ray has made this movie a 10/10

I used to have Blade Runner Blues on repeat to get me to sleep at night.
High Fidelity

John Cusack plays Rob Gordon, after being dumped he recounts his top 5 break-ups and tries to work out why they ended whilst attempting to get back with his latest ex. It's a funny and cool tale which works because many of us are sure to have experienced the things he goes through. I'm a fan of Cusack, it's a pity he hasn't done more great films because I find him very watchable.

does this mean you find it boring?

Heck no.

I find it amazing that a messy-haired Greek could take an electronic stab at a turn-of-the-century Southern Black art form and make the end product stand on its own two feet. One of the best examples of musical information(v.) of our time.

It's real purty.
Up in the Air. I liked this one. Good to see a couple of actresses I know in it(and with speaking parts). Clooney does a good job in it. That girl from Twilight should give up on Twilight and focus on serious movies.

Just watched this tonight and I thought it was very good. Don't know what it is about Clooney but he can play those smugly charming types and I don't hate him for it, maybe because I was brought up watching repeats of Roseanne. Never seen Twilight but i'll assume you mean Natalie the girl with the computer program? Thought she was quite great, not an easy role to stand out well for in a positive way but the writing was good for her and she showed some good comeic timing.

Were you caught a little off guard when it didn't peter out to a typical hollywood romantic ending? After the Melanie Lynskey wedding I just assumed the film would wrap it up with those two settling down, giving up the jet=setting and living happily ever after.

Good film this guys, well worth a watch.
I saw it coming a mile away, when he went to her house, you had to know that she was going to have kids and a husband.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Classic. Only seen a few films blend cartoon and real life but this one is the best by far. I'd definitely give it to Jessica Rabbit.

They're making a Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2. Supposed to be due out in 2012.

Haha really? With CGI dominance I never thought I'd see another mainstream cartoon meets live action movie. Especially since Robert Zemeckis has whored himself out to the IMAX experience. feck he used to make great movies.
Absolutely loved Inglorious Basterds 10/10

Saw it at Xmas and had just watched another movie. NWR suggested we watched this one. I was dreading it when I saw on the box that it was 2.5 hours long....

I was absolutely glued to the screen and couldn't take my eyes off it. The first scene with the German Colonel and the French farmer was absolutely superb, the tension of waiting, waiting, waiting for the inevitable denoument.

Seems to be one of those films that you either love or hate (most of the Critics hated it) but it was the best film of the year for me

I agree with you that scene at the beginning was fantastic and the colonel was fantastic throughout, but I think the film overall struggled as it started as this serious film closely portraying reality and then becomes an action film, and then becomes a bit slapstick toward the end.
In The Loop: The big screen follow up to 'The Thick of It', I watched it over Christmas and it is absolutely brilliant, what it is that makes Britain so good at satire I don't know but this for what it is trying to do is close to perfection. It is basically a thinly (very thinly) veiled look on how the United Kingdom and the United States came to the point of going to war with Iraq, how the diplomatic services got together, how dissent was overcome and how everything was so manipulated. The way the plot comes across makes it sould like a really heavy film to watch but on the contrary it is done in absolutely hilarious fashion yet manages to maintain its seriousness in it's plot- anyone who has ever seen 'Yes Minister' or 'The Thick of It' or in fact any British comedy would know the sort of style it takes. The acting across the board was excellent, James Gandolfini as an American general, the factions within the U.S. state department, the bumbling British cabinet minister and his staff and the incredible Peter Capaldi as No. 10 communications chief Malcolm Tucker were all stellar. This is a film that really cannot be missed, I'm looking for reasons not to give it ten but I can't find any.


A tiny clip.
An Education - Peter Sarsgaard was excellent as the creep. He's always looked like one anyway. Simple plot with good performances but I really wish the dialogue had been stronger than 'You can be anything you want, Jenny.'
Up In The Air Great cast. A number of very good performances. Even a good plot well told. The only flaw is that this is meant ot be a comedy and it isn't really funny. Not even in a black way. Still worth a watch but it could have been so much more. 7/10

Beautiful Kate Confronting subject matter brilliantly acted and paced. The cinematography is also lovely and the music/score works a treat. Probably the best Aussie film since???? I expected nothing and ended up entertained, confronted and moved. Why have I not heard about this film before? 9.5/10
In The Loop: The big screen follow up to 'The Thick of It', I watched it over Christmas and it is absolutely brilliant, what it is that makes Britain so good at satire I don't know but this for what it is trying to do is close to perfection. It is basically a thinly (very thinly) veiled look on how the United Kingdom and the United States came to the point of going to war with Iraq, how the diplomatic services got together, how dissent was overcome and how everything was so manipulated. The way the plot comes across makes it sould like a really heavy film to watch but on the contrary it is done in absolutely hilarious fashion yet manages to maintain its seriousness in it's plot- anyone who has ever seen 'Yes Minister' or 'The Thick of It' or in fact any British comedy would know the sort of style it takes. The acting across the board was excellent, James Gandolfini as an American general, the factions within the U.S. state department, the bumbling British cabinet minister and his staff and the incredible Peter Capaldi as No. 10 communications chief Malcolm Tucker were all stellar. This is a film that really cannot be missed, I'm looking for reasons not to give it ten but I can't find any.


A tiny clip.


If that clip's representative of the rest of the film then I'll be watching this for sure.

'What's Oxbridge about saying 'hello'?'
Spread. What a pile of shit. You're supposed to care for these characters, but there's nothing to care about. They're very one dimensional. There's supposed to be some sort of romance in there, but it's rushed and you just don't care if they end up together or not. In fact you hope they don't. It's essentially the worst parts of Breakfast at Tiffany's and American Gigolo combined into one shit movie. And Ashton Kutcher really can't act.
The Women:

I was actually quite looking forward to this but it was really quite average. Eva Mendes, Meg Ryan , Annette Bening, Debra Messing & Jada Pinkett-Smith with a ( too short ) cameo by Bette Midler.
Rich woman's husband has fling with hot perfume salesgirl and finds out via manicurist at Saks - blah blah blah.

Spinout. The thing about Elvis movies is they didn't have to be good, or make much sense, they just had to have Elvis singing. In that case, this is a good movie. Elvis is there being Elvis and singing some catchy tunes. These movies, much like the Beach movies with Frankie & Annette were never meant to be taken seriously. It's a carefree, relatively fun free ride overall.
Jarhead 8/10

Decent film with a different perspective on the life of a marine (Jake Gyllenhaal) in the original Iraq war

A lot of military and patriotic types got pissed off by this film apparently - worth a watch for that reason alone !
The Road

Plot: Cormac McCarthy's powerful tale of a father and son surviving in a post-apocalypse world.

I hadn't read the book prior to seeing the movie but the trailer made it look good so I was looking forward to it. I mean the trailer wouldn't deceive me would it?

7/10 - well made, but ultimately a bit boring. I imagine that there was lots cut out of the book to condense it down to movie size.
The Road

Plot: Cormac McCarthy's powerful tale of a father and son surviving in a post-apocalypse world.

I hadn't read the book prior to seeing the movie but the trailer made it look good so I was looking forward to it. I mean the trailer wouldn't deceive me would it?

7/10 - well made, but ultimately a bit boring. I imagine that there was lots cut out of the book to condense it down to movie size.

It's worth a read, but I hear the film omitted two of the more sensational scenes for ratings reasons.
I enjoyed it but they should have made it longer and included some of the more horrific scenes from the brilliant book.

Girl Happy. Another Elvis movie. Got about 3 more to go that I recorded the other day. Again, Elvis sings, kisses, and talks his way out of trouble. His movies are very similar to some of Dean Martin's movies, in that it's essentially them playing a modified version of themselves, all the while crooning to the ladies. I have to say, I prefer Martin's movies over Elvis'. Elvis doesn't seem as smooth as Dean. Girl Happy has events that make absolutely no sense, but you just kind of have to go along with it. If you like Elvis, you'll watch it. If you like watching movies that capture a certain time in pop culture, you'll watch it. I can't imagine the casual movie goer really taking to this sort of movie.
The baader meinhof complex. 8/10
Great German film about the terrorist group during the 70's.
Alice's Restaurant 6/10

Enjoyable film, I love the bits from the song, the rest was OK. Didn't expect more, cosy.
Daybreakers: Good, dark non-Twilight concept for a vampire movie. Gorey, looked good but ultimately had poor acting and the plot was all over the place, with a rubbish ending.

It didn't seem accessible to me when I saw it, which in my book is a very important factor to judge movies dubbed as all-time greats, which the likes of Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket or Come and See have achieved.

In its time, it may be landmark.
May I ask if you saw this with anyone else and if they shared your positive opinion?

The Guy i watched it with couldnt be arsed to read the i doubt he shares my positive opinion..
Tho he was impressed with the amount of "bush" german girls had during the 70's.
The Guy i watched it with couldnt be arsed to read the i doubt he shares my positive opinion..
Tho he was impressed with the amount of "bush" german girls had during the 70's.

Thank you. I'd heard some stuff about fantastic gritty action. Not exactly the kind I had in mind, but I guess...actually, I don't know what I guess. Anyways, thank you.
It didn't seem accessible to me when I saw it, which in my book is a very important factor to judge movies dubbed as all-time greats, which the likes of Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket or Come and See have achieved.

In its time, it may be landmark.

It had nothing new to add to the Vietnam War that other movies already hadn't. I love Oliver Stone's movies and up until Alexander came out Platoon was my least favorite.