Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I though about dressing up like one of the boys for halloween, but the hairstyle was simply too much to sacrifice.
I picked up Ran for about £3 in my local store a few weeks ago. Usually they only have shit movies so I was a bit suprised to find it here. I haven't watched it yet though.

Probably the greatest movie ever made. What version is it? Criterion?(or whatever it's called)
Probably wouldn't get a Criterion for £3, unless it was on fire or up some fellas arse. Think I might get the Ran Criterion for christmas in fact
Criterion were going to release it on Blu Ray earlier this year but they lost the rights apparently. Lionsgate are releasing it on Blu Ray in February
Apparently Criterion were going to release a BR version - but they've postponed it. The other BR release isn't very good. So they say.
Ran is incredible.

I watched Moon yesterday. Really liked it. Can't believe it went straight to DVD over here.
I like Ran but Kurosawa's other stuff is better in my opinion.

Quite the film buff comment there. ;)

I think the storytelling aspect of Ran is pretty much perfect. I like the other Kurosawa films I've seen too like Yojimbo, Seven Samurai etc, but Ran is no doubt great.
Rashomon is my favourite.

just throwing it out there like..
I watched two thirds of Ran before I went to bed. I don't think I'll bother finishing it.

I know it's the cinema equivalent of wiping your arse with the Dead Sea scrolls but Kurosawa's stuff just isn't for me.
I watched two thirds of Ran before I went to bed. I don't think I'll bother finishing it.

I know it's the cinema equivalent of wiping your arse with the Dead Sea scrolls but Kurosawa's stuff just isn't for me.


Ran's OK. I bought it for around Rs. 150 on VCD. It's a drag, while telling a cliched story. Well made and well directed. Can't fault it on a technical level.

But I was like you Melb, except with slightly more will power to sit through it entirely.
Kurosawa has done some amazing shit from what I have seen, really liked Ran and Yojimbo, LOVED Seven Samurai, and enjoyed Throne Of Blood and Rashomon.. But he isn't the type of director I can just stick on and watch, I really have to be in the right mood to appreciate his films.

Ran's OK. I bought it for around Rs. 150 on VCD. It's a drag, while telling a cliched story.

:lol:What Shakespeare?

Love the bit where he shows his son's about the strength of a twig verses a bundle, then Saburo (I think) goes and breaks them all anyway.:lol:

Check out some of the painting he did for Ran and Kagemusha to map out the scenes. Good stuff.
Salvo has the worst taste in movies. That said, he's always tried. . .but shamelessly ended up loving the likes of Harry Potter.
I watched it last night.

Thought it was clever and gritty, enjoyed it from a kind of if-I-was-a-film-critic perspective. But it was long and very slow - much more dialogue and portrayal of monotony and depressing slum culture than any kind of action.

If I knew then what I know now I dont think I would have committed just over 2 hours to it, it was late and the lack of action made it hard to keep my attention levels up when it started approaching 1 am. But in different circumstances I think I would have enjoyed it a lot.

Saw this last night having looked forward to it for some time.

It was good. But it was pretty unengaging and I was struggling to find a character to grasp on to. The 2 hoodlums story and the young kid's section were potentially interesting with good characters. But the way the film cut from story to story at random left me frustrated. Still the overall presentation of the pervasion of organised crime is well done. Well shot too.
Fantastic Mr. Fox. Wes Anderson is often criticized for his style of humor. Some people like it, some don't. To remedy this, he decided to make this movie have a more general sense of comedy mostly. Only thing is he did this and made it a stop motion animation movie. That's something that may not appeal to a lot of people. So he's tried to bring in one set of people, while alienating another set of people(which I have no problem with when it comes to art). So far I've liked all of Wes Anderson's films. I like the way they're shot, the humor, and general feel of them. That could be hard to come across in animation, but for the most part, it did. It feels like a Wes Anderson movie feels. Overall, I liked it. I can see it not being for everybody, but it worked for me. Now go see the cussing movie if you want to.
Salvo has the worst taste in movies. That said, he's always tried. . .but shamelessly ended up loving the likes of Harry Potter.

I know!

There was a time when I made the effort to "get" these movies. Couldn't be arsed now; rather provide the entertainment in the relaxed, laid-back time I give the case is generally with audiences.

Some like In the Mood for Love have been worth the extra effort though. I'm not flying the flag for mindless Michael Bay type movies either.

What construes as a good movie, one which gets a tick in most evident (story, entertainment value, a "gettable" factor) and not-so-evident (film buff stuff) categories, is a finely balanced phenomenon, and hence are very few in number.

<End of film buff philosophising>
There's a bit of a one-size-fits-all philosophy for films. If you're talking about books it's clear that some people like literary novels, others crime, chick lit or sword and sorcery - and some people don't read at all. When it's movies - everybody watches them and the result seems to be that everybody is supposed to appreciate everything.
Love the Beast. Documentary on Eric Bana's obsession with a car he bought as a 15 yr old and kept ever since. Some very nice moments, however, the Australian accent is just too much. 6/10

9. Animation, war of evil machines against mechanic dolls. Excellent fast paced action scenes, wasnt sure about the story though, In the end the good wins over evil and that's always a good thing. 7/10
Final Destination 4
OMG what dross just a rehash of the previous 3 films only not so good.
The deaths are not any better the story line was predicable to say the least.
Lets hope this is the last of the Final Destination films ,this was was really bad.
If you liked the prevous 3 and your horrer chessey then you will like it.For me it filled nearly 2 hours of a boring night shift.
another one from me.
It was not bad ,not scary but a few jumpy places.Liked the eneding when she was dragged off into the dark.
The shooting was Blair Witch/Cloverfield style but better,storyline was OK .
All in all 6.5/10.
Is this a remake of the spanish film REC?