Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Man of Steel - 3/5

Having a bit of a Superman marathon after Super/man: The Christopher Reeves Story (4/5). First watched the original movie (5/5), then watched the recent Superman and Lois show (3/5) and now rewatched Man of Steel.

Turned out better than I remembered. Especially the opening scene on Krypton, that was just fantastic. Unfortunately, the middle part of the movie struggles to reach those initial heights, and the final third just seemed to drag with drawn out CGI fights. A shame, really, as far as sci-fi opening sequences go, it had everything. Stunning effects, alien creatures, massive spaceships, banishments, dying planets, incredible technology, and a lot of heart binding it all together.
This is brilliant. He mentions loads of films that I haven't seen or even heard of (and that I probably never will) but with such passion and respect to make it really enjoyable. I love that he teases he might re-make American Psycho (I'd absolutely love to see his vision for it) and that he finishes that interview with a Miyazaki film. In general, every interview I've seen of this guy just makes me like him more, he seems like a person you'd love to sit down with for an evening, with a glass of Italian wine, and talk about life and cinema.

- Do you think that's why you want that cinema to be showcased more?
- No. It's because it's great cinema. I want great cinema to be showcased more, and bad cinema to be showcased less.
Yeah, it's lovely. People that are just so positive and enthusiastic are amazing. :)
Criminal. A 2016 action thriller featuring Kevin Costner as a psychopath who gets injected memories of a spy to help fix a very dangerous situation. But he's not a willing participant, until the memories' emotions kick in. This got terrible reviews, but I watched it anyway as it features Gary Oldman and Tommy Lee Jones. That should help right? Wrong. Their parts especially are terrible: they play a spy boss and doctor, and those parts and everything around them is both terribly motivated and horribly cliched. But funnily, the part about the psychopath who undergoes changes (what sounded like the bad part) is exactly kinda engaging and what kept me watching. Less action thriller trappings and more psychology, and this might actually have been something. As it is, 4/10.

Downton Abbey: A New Era. Obviously only a film for people that have watched and liked the series. Even so, the first half hour is terrible, as they hastily try to reintroduce all the characters and situation through a quick mishmash of pointless mini-scenes. But once that's done and the film settles into its main narrative(s), it's the usual feelgood fun - until they again need to wrap up everything quickly at the end. Should-have-been-a-new-season-instead/10