Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Paranormal Activity

Was slightly disappointed with this. I respect what was accomplished with a low budget and extremely small cast, and there were some genuinely tense moments.. but I failed to become immersed in their situation for the most part. Did like the ending though and thought the female actor did a very good job.

After seeing some of you guys going on about it I saw Paprika yesterday.. It really blew me away. What an amazing story. Anyone has some other recommendations? I guess I should see Spirited Away. I've seen most of the classic Manga films like Akira, Ghost in the Shell etc..

Also saw Ong-Bak. Thai martial arts movie. It was pretty enjoyable. Some of the choreographed fighting was incredible.
All the Studio Ghibli movies are great, especially Princess Mononoke and Sprited Away. Neo-Tokyo and Ghost in the Shell 2 are two other favorites of mine.

Thanks! Never knew there was a sequel to Ghost in the Shell. Will check out some of those films.
I'm about to watch The Apartment.

As in the 1960 Hollywood one, not the completely unrelated French one of the same name made in 1996 featuring the luscious Monica Belluci.

If it's as good as L'Appartemente, I'm in for a tremendous two hours.
Have you guys seen Hurlyburly? I watched twice and I liked it every time. Chaz Palminiteri (sp.?) was brilliant. The movie has got some real bad reviews, however, I was wondering what you think of that?

A much better Kevin Spacey movie was Swimming With Sharks though.
I'm about to watch The Apartment.

As in the 1960 Hollywood one, not the completely unrelated French one of the same name made in 1996 featuring the luscious Monica Belluci.

If it's as good as L'Appartemente, I'm in for a tremendous two hours.

Didn't really like it myself, but according to nearly everyone else on the planet, it's awesome.

Watched a few films over the last couple of days

Brotherhood 8/10 Bit heavy on the melodrama, but stunning at times. Really enjoyable film.
The Good The Bad The Weird 6/10 Little bit mental at times, action scenes were pretty good too. The sudden switch to intense drama at the end was daft.
The Host 7/10 Not as good as I'd hoped, but fun film all the same.
Full Metal Jacket 8/10 Really enjoyable, not the masterpiece some have made it out to be to me.
Saw Swordfish last night. It took a while for me to realize but it's actually quite shit. While watching it I thought it was just average but it's actually a really rubbish film. The only good thing was the effect with the bank explosion and Halle Berry's tits. I didn't believe Jackman as a hacker at all, nor his care for his daughter, and I dunno it was just weird. Plot was rubbish and the 'twist' at the end was pants as well. Didn't like it.

Finally saw Das leben der anderen. Has to be the best I've seen this year. The mood of it really gets under your skins. Very suspenseful(sp.?). Didn't think that it'd make me feel good after seeing it.

9/10 at least
I'm about to watch The Apartment.

As in the 1960 Hollywood one, not the completely unrelated French one of the same name made in 1996 featuring the luscious Monica Belluci.

If it's as good as L'Appartemente, I'm in for a tremendous two hours.

Didn't like The Apartment myself, but L'Appartemente is a brilliant film. Think I'll watch it again tonight in fact
I just watched precious....I either love it or hate it, I really cant make up my mind. But what I am sure of is that this film will stick in my memory for a long time
After seeing some of you guys going on about it I saw Paprika yesterday.. It really blew me away. What an amazing story. Anyone has some other recommendations? I guess I should see Spirited Away. I've seen most of the classic Manga films like Akira, Ghost in the Shell etc..

Also saw Ong-Bak. Thai martial arts movie. It was pretty enjoyable. Some of the choreographed fighting was incredible.

There is a movie called Chocolate...made by the same people who did Ong Back cept this time is a girl kicking ass. Shes kicks some ass...slower than Tony tho.

Spirited Away is excellent..also My Neighbor Totoro.
Watched The Apartment last week and loved it. Jack Lemmon was an excellent actor.
Star Trek - 8.5/10

fecking excellent movie

Abrams is the fecking man, the way he changed the continuum means he can do whatever he wants
There is a movie called Chocolate...made by the same people who did Ong Back cept this time is a girl kicking ass. Shes kicks some ass...slower than Tony tho.

Spirited Away is excellent..also My Neighbor Totoro.

Thanks! I'll check it out.. I also have Suriyothai on the computer that I've been meaning to watch for some time. Heard it was good.
Invictus: just saw it earlier. good flick but nothing special at the same time. not much mention of one of my fav players of the time, the springbok scrum-half Joost van der Westhuizen.

I'll leave the criticism of Matt Damon's Afrikaaner accent to others. I've been lucky as I've not met any white South Africans in recent years.;)

I'd be curious to see what others (especially those that don't remember that WC) think of the movie. maybe my view on the movie was slanted too much...
Have watched Public Enemies recently, downloaded a very good copy onto the old iPod....shame, as despite it's very good cast, it's dull as feck and very boring.
Depp is decent in it although I think he comes across as over-slick, plus we all know he's much better off at characters in English accents and doesn't suit a tough-guy.
Christian Bale appears as if he's doing a poor impersonation of a True Blood character with his daft Deep South accent, as does Billy Crudup with his cartoony J. Edgar Hoover impression.
The film is long and the shooting scenes far too reliant on making these on par with the Heat bank robbery scene which Michael Mann also did. For the record, I thought Heat was decent but not an amazing movie as everyone makes out to be, I just think people got their dicks out De Niro and Pacino finally shared screen time.....
I know its old but i just saw V for Vendetta... very enjoyable... makes me want to take it to the man.
in a chaotic uprising non-homosexual way
Law Abiding Citizen

An excellent movie up until the last 20 minutes

Why oh why can't the bad guy win every now and again. If he would have gotten away with it and they did is realistic enough then it could have been classed as one of the better revenge movies in recent years. What happened was it went all Hollywood and had the most predictable outcome, 10 minutes in I knew it would be the case but I was hoping it wouldnt turn out that way.

8/10 down to a 6/10.
The Wrestler 8/10

Really enjoyed it - probably the best film i have seen this year.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen was better duh


I thought it was good and enjoyable but overrated myself
Passion of the Christ

Decided to give this a watch after finally getting started on reading the New Testament. Not exactly a popcorn movie. Very difficult to watch at times, although that's hardly surprising given that the entire purpose of the movie was to depict how Jesus suffered for our sins. I really liked the fact that it was made in Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew. There's nothing cheesier and harder to take seriously than a film set in a foreign region in which all the characters speak English.

The Wrestler 8/10

Really enjoyed it - probably the best film i have seen this year.

What a coincidence. I put off watching this movie until a few days ago. I thought it was utter tripe, not much to remember. Well, except for the evergreen Marisa Tomei with pierce.

6/10 if I'm generous.
Moon One of the better sci-fi films of recent years and made on a small budget by Hollywood standards - about 5 mill. The makers state that they intended to make it a homage to sci-fi films of the 70's and 80's and if I have a criticism it is that it is more a copy at times than a homage. It feels like Silent Running meets 2001 with a few concepts from Blade Runner thrown in for good measure. But I nit pick because it is a fascinating watch with a superb performance from Sam Rockwell. 8.5/10

Saw this tonight. Great little film. It's certainly a throwback. Thought the set design and effects were lovely. And it made a great change to see something physical - I couldn't spot any hokey CGI anywhere.

Personally the plot reminded me more of Rod Serling's small screen work than any feature length sci fi. And like Serling's best work, the human emotion is not lost amongst the ideas [cough]Kubrick[/cough]*
Finally saw the new Star Trek on a flight. I thought it was excellent. I actually went back and saw the introduction on the young Kirk several times. In comparison the new Transformers was so poor that I turned it off after the first half an hour.

Saw several other movies over the last few days but none of them are worth a mention. All were poor, but Twilight really took the cake. Some of the worst acting I have seen in a mainstream Hollywood movie.
What a coincidence. I put off watching this movie until a few days ago. I thought it was utter tripe, not much to remember. Well, except for the evergreen Marisa Tomei with pierce.

6/10 if I'm generous.

I can actually understand why some people wont like this film - there is nothing suprising in the storyline and the whole thing it is very bleak - but then Aranovsky has never been the cheeriest of directors!

But even if you didnt like the plot or style of the film, you must still be able to appreciate the outstanding performance from Mickey Rourke?
I've seen Milk and The Wrestler recently - dont want to take anything away from Sean Penn but Rourke had to win this Oscar - IMO it really doesnt get much better than this.