I've never understood what exactly was so impressive about the Spartan-Persian war story.
300 men fight 1 million men and they're all killed.Which is exactly what you'd expect to happen.

I've never understood what exactly was so impressive about the Spartan-Persian war story.
300 men fight 1 million men and they're all killed.Which is exactly what you'd expect to happen.
Went to see Pirates of the Carribean today. Was quite good, but very slow to start with. Really got going towards the end and Keira Knightly was nice.
7/8 out of 10
Might watch Hana-Bi tonight.
Watched, The Conversation, last night. Great cast inc Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford. . .and John Cazele(who's never been in a shit film!) and it was directed by Coppola. In short the film was about a surveillance expert who gets a gilt trip.
Overall, very good film and very creep in parts.
I love that movie and yes, John Cazele, did some amazing movies in his short career. Actually he did only 6 I think. Godfather I&II, Dog day Afternoon, The COnversation, The Deer Hunter and The American Way.
Good good.
Anymore, I should check out then?
Ran? have you seen it?
A few of the films you've mentioned were on my list of favourite movies. There are a few martial arts films in there as well, so if if you don't like that genre, you might wanna give those a miss. Also, if you don't mind a bit of Japanese animation, you could try Grave of the Fireflies.Noted. Anymore? This way, I can keep track of the recommendations.
I think it's one of his best to be honest.Ran is a nice adaptation, but while still great, it is one of the slighly lesser films of Kurosawa.
I think it's one of his best to be honest.
Might watch Hana-Bi tonight.
Some that I have mentioned before I think:
In America
Have you watched it?
Yes, beautiful film. . . bit tough to watch when you're half a sleep though, but I really enjoyed it. By the way, why did his partner paint flowers???
Technically it's a way to deal with paralysis, but from the film's point of view, it symbolizes life that contrasts Nishi's(Kitano) fire (death).
Heard a lot about Grave of the Fireflies. I'm going to stick it on my to watch list.A few of the films you've mentioned were on my list of favourite movies. There are a few martial arts films in there as well, so if if you don't like that genre, you might wanna give those a miss. Also, if you don't mind a bit of Japanese animation, you could try Grave of the Fireflies.
I think it's one of his best to be honest.
ahhhh, I was trying to make sense out of it but I couldn't.
Have you seen 'Nobody Knows' by Hirokazu Koreeda? I thought it excellent.
I've tried to watch it at a festival, it seemed interesting at the beginning but I fell asleep as I was awfully drunk.
I had a same problem with Stalker.(Tarkovsky)
Can get In America for a fiver.