I should have taken FreakyJim's advise. Fountain was utter gash
A friend of mine was an extra in that movie, and some scenes were shot 50 metres away from my places.
But it wasn't a great film,firstly because it was advocating revenge, it had no real end to it, plus it was far too long...
I should have taken FreakyJim's advise. Fountain was utter gash
Deja Vu
Dir. Tony Scott.
Tony Scott is responsible for my of my all time most hated films - Domino.
So, with Tony Scott directing and Denzel Washington playing almost exactly the same role he always plays I wasn't expecting much. I was however surprised, shocked you might say.
Whoever wrote this, is obviously a fan of swiss cheese, because I cant remember a film in my lifetime with more plot holes in it than Deja Vu. How the feck did they think people would respond to a plot that mixes pseudo-science with trashy morals about 'destiny'? I dont know, but when you add this to Tony cockface Scott and his incessant love of sweeping, tiresome camera work and ridiculous sfx that cover every square inch of the two hour journey to predictability, it is somewhat awful.
Having said all that, there are miraculously some major plus points to it. It is very engaging all the way through, once they've shoved the giant plot hole down your throat, it is quite interesting. Turning into a sort of love story with different permutations presented as possibilities (though it's fairly obvious the route it's going down). The other plus point is Denzel Washington, he plays a character he's played a million times, but again somehow makes it fascinating to watch. He's exactly the same as the character he plays in The Inside Man.
Overal it's a load of shit, but it's an entertaining load of shit, rather like doing a big stinky turd then staring back down the toilet to admire it.
This is England looked good.
Dead Man's shoes, by the same director was a quality film as well.
A friend of mine was an extra in that movie, and some scenes were shot 50 metres away from my places.
But it wasn't a great film,firstly because it was advocating revenge, it had no real end to it, plus it was far too long...
Advocating revenge? The whole point of the film was that getting into a cycle of revenge just leaves you morally compromised, corrupted and unable to even have sex with your wife without imagining violence.
Men in minimal clothing fighting men in costumes. Dramatic music, cringe worthy dialogue and some scenes in slow motion. Essentially WWF set in Ancient Greece. Decent entertainment but an overrated movie whose greatest legacy will be the 'This is Spartaa' thread on Redcafe.
I would've given it 3.Utter shit.Waste of time.
Harsh Times
(dunno if someone's already posted this but feck it i couldnt be arsed to look)
cast - chirstian bale, eva longoria, freddie rodriquez
plot - bale and rodriquez in a car most of the time, driving around LA, smoking weed, getting pissed, getting beaten up, beating other people, lookin for a job, fecking their girlfriend/fiancee, travelling to mexico, bale going psycho. end
rating - 8/10. Top notch performance from bale, rodriguez does well enough to support him, but bale steals the show. Just watch it for his performance.
Curse of the Golden Flower. Shot very well. Looked good. Not Zhang Yimou's best.
Indeed. I meant to put that in my review but forgot to.Great tits.