Full Member
Yeah OK then, if you like.
Your loss.
You win some, you lose some I guess. I'd never question Tarantino's talent, that would be stupid, but his films have never worked for me. Except for Reservoir Dogs.
Yeah OK then, if you like.
Your loss.
Collateral Oh dear. Don't waste 1.5 hours of your life. What could have been a half decent thriller was spoiled by a ludicrous and lazy plot. Silly 2.5/10
I found the plot ludicrous especially the last third. Hard to say why without posting spoilers.
Apart from the truly dreadful Miami Vice (1/10 at most) I think it is far and away his worst film. Even his cheap early version of Red Dragon (Manhunter) was good.
I found the plot ludicrous especially the last third. Hard to say why without posting spoilers.
Apart from the truly dreadful Miami Vice (1/10 at most) I think it is far and away his worst film. Even his cheap early version of Red Dragon (Manhunter) was good.
Yet again Wibble I have to dissagree completely with you on a movie review. I thought this was one of Manns and Cruises best outings to date. A great film, believable enough within this genre with some great performances. It was well shot creating a great mood for the film along with it's moody soundtrack.
All in all I would give this film an 8.5/9 out of 10 and would recommend it to anyone.
I didn't found it unbelievable (within the genre, I mean.) But there’s no disputing about taste, I guess.
By the way, back in my late teens I had a somewhat similar experience. I was heading home after a Ferencvaros(Hungarian football) game, when, for some reason, an utterly insane man, who was convinced that I was staring at him, forced me to go with him to have a drink with a gun he had in his pocket. At the bar I managed to run away, asking the staff on my way out to call the police.
Some 12 years later I still don't know what had happened with that maniac. It was the scariest experience I've ever had.
I guess this experience might have added something to the film for me.
I could just about live with the main plot line (it was close - why not just kill them) but the coincidence relating to the first customer (I don't want to be more specific in case anyone wants to watch it) was just plain silly. If Cruise was meant to have picked him because of his previous customer then this makes even less sense. Why pick such a convoluted way to kill people when it was utterly obvious their connection and thus why they would be killed and by who.
As you say we are obviously not going to agree because I though Cruise was dire in Eyes Wide Shut and that it was one of the worst films ever made. Even sillier than Collateral.
Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, he is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.
Haven't got it yet, nearly do. Would appreciate if anyone else who has seen it would let me know what it was like.
The Holiday If you like romantic comedies then you will enjoy this one. Not as good as Notting Hill and the like but still highly watchable if that is your thing. If you need a DVD to watch with the missus you could do worse. Action junkie had better get something else. 6/10
Inland Empire
The latest David Lynch...![]()
the most bizarre, surreal, crazy, mindless, mindblowing, annoying, slow, creepy, wonderful, ugly, dreamy piece of cinema EVER
This film is pure David Lynch, no boundaries. Total Annihilation. In comparison "Mulholland Drive" looks like a mainstream popcorn movie.
It's surely unwatchable for most of the people. I don't recommend it, but if you like Lynch, you have to see this.
btw Laura Dern is fantastic.
Good movie indeed and yes they stretched it unnecessarily for last 15 mins.The Lives of Others
This has little to do with the film, but I want you to go and see it
German film about a Stasi secret policeman charged with eavesdropping on a potentially dissident writer and his famous actress girlfriend. I'm not going to tell you much more, go and see it while it's in the cinema, it is superb.
Great acting, flawless direction, best screenplay for years - watch out for the scene in the lift, a masterclass in screenwriting, about 4 sentences of beautiful naturalistic dialogue and the story is turned on its head. Masterful.
Only one moan, there's a resolution scene after the main story, about 10 minutes, it's not bad but it's more sentimental than the rest of the film, and totally unnecessary. You can walk out after the main climax - you'll know when that is - and will have lost nothing.
Also, the title's shit. Maybe it has nuances in German I can't access. It should obviously have been called "Symphony for a Good Man." Maybe they thought that was too pretentious, but it was the right choice. "The Lives of Others" - feck off, that could safely and blandly describe any film ever made.
Still, feck it! Who cares about the cocking title!
The Fountain
Dir. Darren Aronofsky
I watched this yesterday, and read some reviews of it today. It seems to have completely split film critics down the middle, some love it and some hate it.
First off, I liked it. It does have flaws, and seems a lot longer than 90 minutes. But it's stunningly beautiful, at times it's very gripping, intensely so. It will frustrate some people because of it's sheer courage, it focus on three conciousnesses of the main character Tommy, all slightly meandering and slow moving, though just when you seem to be getting somwhere it flips around again. Although it is apparant what is going to happen in the film, it's not on a concious level, there are no twists or revolutionary plot turns. The lack of focus and tendency to sometimes repeat itself will probably not go down well with most cafites, and some will find it pretentious, though I didn't.
The music and visuals are incredible, I can't stress that enough.
A fantastically brave film, that is a bit like marmite.
It has a very nice music to it but I found it a bit shallow. It promises deeper meaning, delivers simple metaphors.
I don't know, It's just too obvious, everything is right there to see, little to interpret. Maybe it's meant to be that way.
Liked it in the end but for me it's just poor man's "Solaris"
Secondly, I'd have to say from a technical standpoint that The Fountain is far, far superior to Solaris, and personally I really enjoyed Aronofsky's directing skills.
I'd have to disagree about "Solaris" but whateverAronofsky does have an interesting style and I was pleasantly surprised he didn't use his lightning fast changing shots and mad editing like in Pi and Requiem for A Dream, although he really likes colour filters and sticks to that.
It's just that he always leaves this feeling as if his films have some deep meaning to them but they only scratch the surface of matters.
Oh, and one more thing - the "action scene" in the begining.. what was that? Couldn't get any of it and understand what's going on.
Hope Aronofsky never makes action films, ever.![]()
What didn't you understand, it's purpose or what was actually taking place?
Solaris is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
Plot: Post-Munich massacre attacks by the Black September the ones who planned the massacre were said to be living in various places around Europe. The film is about Operation Wrath of God and how ex-Mosad Avner (Eric Bana) and his team of assassins go about finding and killing them Black September members
Rating: 7/10
As with all Spielberg movies which tackles historic events his screenplay is excellent. Could've had better cinematography and the massacre should've been more detailed. The characteristic anti-climax isn't that good and if Spielberg altered that aspect of things in his script then he could've ended up with a truly brilliant movie instead of a very good one
Whoa there, first off I'd say yes it does have some simple morals to it, but I think maybe you are underestimating the leeway you are given for interpretation.
Secondly, I'd have to say from a technical standpoint that The Fountain is far, far superior to Solaris, and personally I really enjoyed Aronofsky's directing skills.
My major issue with it, is that it does tend to reiterate some of it's points too much, but again that's just my interpretation of it.
what was actually taking place
looked lame and confusing (for an action scene)
Which Solaris? The original or the remake?
The original was a masterpiece.
The beginning was part of Izzy's story, one of the three levels of the film.
At the begining he was on his quest in New Spain to find the tree of life, which is guarded by the flaming sword. The Queen of Spain sent him because of the Spanish Inquisition.
Ok, I messed up. What I actually wanted to say is that the scene itself wasn't made very well (the action part, the fighting n all)
That it was part of Izzy's story, I managed to pick up myslef as the film went on![]()