Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The missus liked it. I haven't seen it.

What I just watched:

Love Songs. An interesting French musical about a man who just lost his girlfriend. It's about how he copes with, and doesn't quite go the way you think it would. Not a bad movie.

It's probably one for the birds. What's Pandorum like?
You should really getting around to seeing that as soon as possible. Excellent movie.

I still have to see District 9. Haven't made it to the cinema to watch it yet.

Yeah, I really want to see it. Moon and all - looks like I'll have to wait for it to be released on DVD.
My local cinema selection:

Big River Man, documentary, 8.4 IMDB
Fish Tank, UK movie, 8.1
Away We Go, new Sam Mendes movie
L'Ennemi Public No 1, with Vincent Cassel
How can you not like The Thing?

Had the misfortune of watching "Gamer". I'm not even going to rate it.

One look at the trailer put me off seeing that.

I agree about the Thing, it's been a few years since I last watched it but I remember it being quality entertainment.
How can you not like The Thing?

Had the misfortune of watching "Gamer". I'm not even going to rate it.

:lol: the thing, well I dunno - maybe because i'd not seen it earlier i've not had chance to get it. I know now it has a bit of a cult following but I just can't see why.

Some scenes were pretty funny, but i guess that's why people like it so much.

As for the gamer - well i was planning on watching that tonight!
The other day I was on a train and I decided to watch The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. A few minutes into the film, a man was being defacated on. I felt a bit sorry for the man sitting next to me on the train, who may not even have seen it, but who I felt didnt deserve to be exposed to such a hideous image, even if he didnt have to look at the screen in front of me. It didnt seem like an appropriate time to watch it. So I watched I (heart) Huckabees instead, which I had seen before and which is absolutely mint.

I havent got round to watching TCTTHW&HL again yet but I will soon, it looks pretty messed up.
I saw on IMDB that it had been released in the UK in July but i cant find it in any cinema... i looked to aquire it via other methods but i've been shocked at the little interest in this movie! It looks really good from the trailer and i really want to see it

Any luck?

I'd rather see it on the big screen than watch a dodgy download.
Memories of Murder - Great movie about some rural cops who are investigating a serial killer. - 7,8/10

Next Day Air - Another reason why you should never let your friends decide which film to see. Pretty crappy movie about some dumb criminals, has Avon Barksdale and Chris Turk in it. - 4/10
did ye all do "State of Play" yet.

saw it on DVD on Sat night. very good film imo. I like political thrillers anyway but living in the DC area just makes them a little bit better.
It also makes me laugh a bit when I see how easy they find parking and how quickly they get around town.
Haven't seen a lot of Russell Crowe films but he looked great in this.

did ye all do "State of Play" yet.

saw it on DVD on Sat night. very good film imo. I like political thrillers anyway but living in the DC area just makes them a little bit better.
It also makes me laugh a bit when I see how easy they find parking and how quickly they get around town.
Haven't seen a lot of Russell Crowe films but he looked great in this.


Great Film, and you're right about crowe - he's been very very good in most films i've seen him.
Der Untergang!

I'm going to keep it vague so I don't spoil anything, like that Hitler dies (OH Shit!). We all know the story and this is the film about, yes, the final month or so of Adolph Hitlers life and downfall in Berlin. Goebbles and Goering and the gang does a good job, so does Hitler, and is really convincing in their roles. But, I remember the movie as far better than what I saw on the second see-through. How long is it? 2 hours and 30 something? Well, most of the time it's just people going from a room to another heil'ing each other. It's: People come, greets eachother, tention, something have happened, leave room. And that happened surely about 40-50 times, just intervened by a subplot. The plot with the secretary, it's good enough, she does a good job and it's nice to follow. Eva Braun gets kinda annoying at times, but that actually does the film a little better, she's like the manic "I don't know what the feck to do"-girl. I liked Mr. and Mrs. Goebbles also, neat gang. But the subplot with that little kiddie shooting and such around in Berlin got a bit too much. Some scenes, fine, but a whole subplot got annoying. I think people got it at first, no need to drag it out, wasn't very involving neither.

Other things? Well... It's not as artsy as Triumph des Willens and it's not as involving as Das Boot. It's the janitorial type of a WWII-film, a bit good at everything, but not outstanding or especially captivating.

Der Untergang 6/10
Funny people,

goes for too long. Laugh : Minute ratio not high enough. Adam sandler was just showing off who his friends are.
Der Untergang!

I'm going to keep it vague so I don't spoil anything, like that Hitler dies (OH Shit!). We all know the story and this is the film about, yes, the final month or so of Adolph Hitlers life and downfall in Berlin. Goebbles and Goering and the gang does a good job, so does Hitler, and is really convincing in their roles. But, I remember the movie as far better than what I saw on the second see-through. How long is it? 2 hours and 30 something? Well, most of the time it's just people going from a room to another heil'ing each other. It's: People come, greets eachother, tention, something have happened, leave room. And that happened surely about 40-50 times, just intervened by a subplot. The plot with the secretary, it's good enough, she does a good job and it's nice to follow. Eva Braun gets kinda annoying at times, but that actually does the film a little better, she's like the manic "I don't know what the feck to do"-girl. I liked Mr. and Mrs. Goebbles also, neat gang. But the subplot with that little kiddie shooting and such around in Berlin got a bit too much. Some scenes, fine, but a whole subplot got annoying. I think people got it at first, no need to drag it out, wasn't very involving neither.

Other things? Well... It's not as artsy as Triumph des Willens and it's not as involving as Das Boot. It's the janitorial type of a WWII-film, a bit good at everything, but not outstanding or especially captivating.

Der Untergang 6/10

Yeah, I didn't rate Der Untergang that much. Bruno Ganz as Hitler is worth a look but otherwise the film is completely run of the mill and very mundane. I don't rate Hirschbiegel as a director, he's completely average with no personality or imagination, based on this and also Das Experiment and The Invasion.
The other day I was on a train and I decided to watch The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. A few minutes into the film, a man was being defacated on. I felt a bit sorry for the man sitting next to me on the train, who may not even have seen it, but who I felt didnt deserve to be exposed to such a hideous image, even if he didnt have to look at the screen in front of me. It didnt seem like an appropriate time to watch it. So I watched I (heart) Huckabees instead, which I had seen before and which is absolutely mint.

I havent got round to watching TCTTHW&HL again yet but I will soon, it looks pretty messed up.

I'm not a massive Greenaway fan but that is a masterpiece.
Touching The Void The story of 2 British climbers who tried to climb an unconquered peak in Peru in 1985. To say much more would be to spoil the film but safe to say I don't think that I have ever seen a better documentary film and some of the cinematography is simply stunning. 9.5/10
The Damned United - Made me know more about Brian Clough. Not sure how real the story was, but it was brilliant viewing anyway. Awesome story accomplied by brilliant acting, especially the guy who played Clough. 10/10
Just saw there's a remake of The Firm coming out directed by Nick Love. With him directing it, it'll probably be shit.

Spot on Ole

Watched this tonight and the only thing worth commenting on iI thought was the soundrack - some great 80's tunes. Other than that I found the film to be weak, boring and just too similar to every other predictable hooligan 'firm' film with yer mockneys running around bashing each other up.This film just lacked any excitement or direction and to be honest the camera work during th efight scenes gave me headache. I know he was probably trying to achieve something with giving it a disorganised effect but all he achieved was giving me a right bad head.

4/10 (gains points for a soundtrack!)
I saw ID after reading this thread. I thought it was good and it got better as it went along. Characters were a bit caricatured though.
Fish Tank - disappointing really 'real' Britflick. Sets up quite nicely but soon becomes very predictable and doesn't really go anywhere. The French do this kind of thing much better, see Waterlilies on Film Four later this week.
Inglorious Basterds - Brilliant. It lived up to the hype and much more. Tarantino nailed it. Probably the best film I've seen this year.
Who was your favourite character in it?

I loved the German General, forget his name. The one who had milk with the French family at the beginning.

Landa. Best character by a mile. The actor who played him really stood out. The plot had a couple of flaws. . .but the movie worked on many different levels. Tempted to give it a 9.
Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre
Absolutely terrible. Without a doubt the worst movie I've seen this year.
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Quality movie carried by a superb Sam Rockwell performance. Had an In Bruges (dark comedy) kinda vibe to it but I was expecting it to be a bit weirder coming from the pen of Charlie Kaufman. That said I did read after that he had problems with what Clooney had done with his script although it worked for me. Also contains the oddest cameo I've ever seen in a movie -

Brad Pitt on the dating game. He doesn't even speak. :lol:


Edit: Oh yeah. This simply devine beauty was in it and I now must seek out everything she's ever been in so our love affair can continue.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Quality movie carried by a superb Sam Rockwell performance. Had an In Bruges (dark comedy) kinda vibe to it but I was expecting it to be a bit weirder coming from the pen of Charlie Kaufman. That said I did read after that he had problems with what Clooney had done with his script although it worked for me. Also contains the oddest cameo I've ever seen in a movie -

Brad Pitt on the dating game. He doesn't even speak. :lol:


Edit: Oh yeah. This simply devine beauty was in it and I now must seek out everything she's ever been in so our love affair can continue.


I think I saw this a few years ago when it came out. Is it the one with Julia Roberts and George Clooney in it? It was very good from memory although I don't remember spotting the cameo you mentioned.
I think I saw this a few years ago when it came out. Is it the one with Julia Roberts and George Clooney in it? It was very good from memory although I don't remember spotting the cameo you mentioned.

Yeah, that's the one. The cameo is very subtle. Literally blink and you'll miss it.

Oh shit. Matt Damon was also sat next to him. :lol:

Airplane! Airplane! (1980)

I'm watching this right now and still it makes me laugh like hell.. 100 times better than the new "spoof" movies that followed..

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
Yeah, that's the one. The cameo is very subtle. Literally blink and you'll miss it.

Oh shit. Matt Damon was also sat next to him. :lol:

Thanks for the clip. Quality spot, although I can't believe you spotted one without the other first time around!

Airplane! Airplane! (1980)

I'm watching this right now and still it makes me laugh like hell.. 100 times better than the new "spoof" movies that followed..

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

I love this film. Looks like I chose the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
Watched a whole bunch of movies recently

District 9 – Excellent one of the best films this year. 9/10

Terminator Salvation. Had low expectations and was not quite as bad as I had expected but when compared to the first 2….bah. A generous 5/10

Drag me to Hell - Evil Dead fan, therefore I really enjoyed it 7/10

Underworld Trilogy. Always wanted to watch them mainly because of Kate. She did not disappoint. On the films though Part one and two were passable, three was below par. All in all I give the series a 5.5/10