Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Maradona by Kusturica a few days ago.

Quite entertaining documentary, I learnt a few things I did not know about Diego, some moments were funny as hell.

Just saw it the other day. Enjoyed it, but didn't it need "something" more?

This bit had me in tears
Kicking It
Football documentary about some of the teams and players involved in the last homeless world cup in South Africa. Fantastic movie, very moving. Highly recommend it to all. Didn't give it a 9 because i've removed a point for Colin Farrell narrating 8/10
If the holocaust was on Sky would you watch that?

Watched this earlier at the cinema, not sure whey really because the trailers looked poor. Anyway the movie itself was terrible - poor diologue, poor direction, poor acting and a complete lack of a half decent storyline. The film is supposed to be set in Antartica, however at no point do you actually come close to believing that. The flash backs too are pointless and to be honest most of the film is an insult to anybody with half a brain.

I'd suggest this is one to avoid at the cinema, and on dvd too - just don't waste your time on it!

2/10 - (if it wasn't for beckinsdale looking good it'd not get that much!)

Watched this earlier at the cinema, not sure whey really because the trailers looked poor. Anyway the movie itself was terrible - poor diologue, poor direction, poor acting and a complete lack of a half decent storyline. The film is supposed to be set in Antartica, however at no point do you actually come close to believing that. The flash backs too are pointless and to be honest most of the film is an insult to anybody with half a brain.

I'd suggest this is one to avoid at the cinema, and on dvd too - just don't waste your time on it!

2/10 - (if it wasn't for beckinsdale looking good it'd not get that much!)

Ha, I saw the ad for this earlier today, with the guy saying "The radar is off the charts!"

Radar does not work that way!!
If the holocaust was on Sky would you watch that?

Ok, I didn't expect it to be great but there was naf all else on and I'm bored with bruised ribs and a mangled right hand.


Watched this earlier at the cinema, not sure whey really because the trailers looked poor. Anyway the movie itself was terrible - poor diologue, poor direction, poor acting and a complete lack of a half decent storyline. The film is supposed to be set in Antartica, however at no point do you actually come close to believing that. The flash backs too are pointless and to be honest most of the film is an insult to anybody with half a brain.

I'd suggest this is one to avoid at the cinema, and on dvd too - just don't waste your time on it!

2/10 - (if it wasn't for beckinsdale looking good it'd not get that much!)

makes me feel a lot better than Hancock, I know you have a cinema pass but come on Jgray! At least I didn't have to leave the house.

The first half wasn't bad. The second half was complete fecking shit.

Nail - Head - You
The first half wasn't bad. The second half was complete fecking shit.

I thought the first half was brilliant, I never saw any trailers and thought the movie is just supposed to be like that, but what the hell happened then, drama and death and will smith crying and all that bullshit, just what were they thinking!
I thought the first half was brilliant, I never saw any trailers and thought the movie is just supposed to be like that, but what the hell happened then, drama and death and will smith crying and all that bullshit, just what were they thinking!
It was the stupidest plot twist of all time.

the whole relationship between smith and theron. fecking stupid.
It was the stupidest plot twist of all time.

the whole relationship between smith and theron. fecking stupid.

exactly -
but if only their relationship would have been displayed in a more comical, satirical way, I probably wouldnt even mind, it's just the deep drama all over sudden which completely changed the movie that pissed me off
L'enfer (1994) 5/10

I found Emmanuelle Beart extremely sexy! Very good acting by Francois Cluzet. The story itself was a bit meh.
9 Songs. Pointless. The basic plot outline is: couple meets at a show, fecks, fecks some more, goes to another show, feck, talk, show, talk, feck, repeat. It's not simulated fecking either, it's actual fecky fecky. A waste of 66 minutes.
I watched The Thing last night, the 1982 horror/sci-fi.

It was part of the usual classic showing at the local cinema, and as such was quite hopeful.

I read reviews on imdb and it seemed to get good reviews and so i'm now guessing it's just not my cup of tea. I just didn't enjoy it at all, i can appreciate effects and the like from back then not being up to scratch but theres no reason for the acting to be poor.

I watched The Thing last night, the 1982 horror/sci-fi.

It was part of the usual classic showing at the local cinema, and as such was quite hopeful.

I read reviews on imdb and it seemed to get good reviews and so i'm now guessing it's just not my cup of tea. I just didn't enjoy it at all, i can appreciate effects and the like from back then not being up to scratch but theres no reason for the acting to be poor.


I loved that movie! But I saw it many years ago I must say. Dont know what Id think of it if Id watch it again.
I watched The Thing last night, the 1982 horror/sci-fi.

It was part of the usual classic showing at the local cinema, and as such was quite hopeful.

I read reviews on imdb and it seemed to get good reviews and so i'm now guessing it's just not my cup of tea. I just didn't enjoy it at all, i can appreciate effects and the like from back then not being up to scratch but theres no reason for the acting to be poor.


Not a big fan of that movie myself. It has a big cult following though.

You should both have been put down at birth, it's fecking excellent you gimps.

John Carpenter has to be taken with a pinch of salt but when he gets it right, he nails it.
I can't believe there are people who don't like The Thing. Did you even notice Kurt Russell's beard?
Nor me.

But anyway, don't watch Gamer. It's not very good.

So. . . any decent film being released this and next week?
Gamer looks pretty poor.

Jennifer's Body opens this weekend. Not sure about that one. Also, the new Matt Damon movie, Informant. That's just in the states though. No idea what's opening around your neck of the woods.
Gamer looks pretty poor.

Jennifer's Body opens this weekend. Not sure about that one. Also, the new Matt Damon movie, Informant. That's just in the states though. No idea what's opening around your neck of the woods.

Is the Time Traveller's Wife any good?