Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Kristin Bell is out of this world in Forgetting Sarah Marshall which is actually a quite good movie.

Kristin is pretty hot though, she certainly has grown on me, and she has some of the nicest legs out there, they were unreal in Into the Wild.

Watched The Wrestler yesterday, very good film. I think they could have probably made it better had it been a bit longer though. Rourke is superb, and Tomei is a MILF. 8/10

As for Ace Ventura 3, that looks fecking disgustingly horrible.
Lust, Caution - Solid film set in the 40's Shanghai & Hong Kong. Good acting, plenty of graphic sex scenes. The girl in the main role was seriously cute. - 7/10

The City of Lost Children - Okayish film. Visually fantastic but had a weak plot and some dodgy acting. - 6,5
One Day in September.

Very good documentary on the 1972 Munich massacre. The incompetence of the German police is unbelievable.
Interesting and witty documentary about religion taken from an atheists stance (Bill Maher) 7.5/10

I liked it though I felt it ended up only talking about the Judo-Christaeic (or whatever they're called) religions. But some of the scenes were hilarious like the one where that Senator sits there smugly saying "Luckily you don't need to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate" and he's all like :smirk: :cool: and Maher is just flabbergasted that he's proud of that fact.
Interesting and witty documentary about religion taken from an atheists stance (Bill Maher) 7.5/10

I thought it was a bit shit but then I understood that it's not really meant to be seriously critical anyway. A few very amusing scenes but the rest was just meh.
I liked it though I felt it ended up only talking about the Judo-Christaeic (or whatever they're called) religions. But some of the scenes were hilarious like the one where that Senator sits there smugly saying "Luckily you don't need to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate" and he's all like :smirk: :cool: and Maher is just flabbergasted that he's proud of that fact.

Yeah that was classic.

I would of rated it higher but i actually found Maher both funny and annoying at times. Like he'd jumped in other peoples sentences quite a bit.
Something Is Killing Tate
Quite good movie about a guy dealing with his past after a failed suicide attempt.
Didn't know any of the actors which only helped imo. This is not something to watch if you are looking for fun or action but a good little (and short, only 78 mins) independent film.
Banlieue 13

French, semi-apocalyptic version of Fast and The Furious with less stupid car chases and more stupid but awesome parkour action. I liked the idea behind the film in that it's a sort of simpleton's description of the problems in the banlieues but the plot was rather silly in the end. I have to admit I enjoyed the film but I know it wasn't very good if that makes sense. I suppose it's a 6/10 but it's an enjoyable mindless action flick and definitely worth a watch if you're in the right mood.
District 9 was good stuff. Was not expecting all the lovey dovey stuff between the guy and the alien but have to give it credit for being an original take on alien movies.
Watched Watchmen for the second time, enjoyed it more this time, the soundtrack is absolutely top notch.
Banlieue 13

French, semi-apocalyptic version of Fast and The Furious with less stupid car chases and more stupid but awesome parkour action. I liked the idea behind the film in that it's a sort of simpleton's description of the problems in the banlieues but the plot was rather silly in the end. I have to admit I enjoyed the film but I know it wasn't very good if that makes sense. I suppose it's a 6/10 but it's an enjoyable mindless action flick and definitely worth a watch if you're in the right mood.

"A bit shit" is my verdict. Didn't get into it at all. That molested chick was pretty hot though.
I watched Sokurov cinematic masterpiece Mat i Syn again, or Mother and Son as the translated title. Since I already classified as a masterpiece you can already say that I loved it. It's so visually stunning, I think I can pick any of the thousands of frames in the film and only look at that for a couple of hours. You don't have to search for a good frame, just pick one at random, incredible scenery. He's so aware of every details, and with him mostly using stills its like watching a story through pictorial art. Well, you know what I mean. What I like about Sokurov is that he observes more of the human side and meaning of "the aspects of the film", where Tarkovsky would at least have an undertone of religion. I'm not that of a religious guy, so thats just something I like for personal preferences.

What could be used as criticism is that he sometimes hold to much to a picture, and this may only be personal, but my mind begin to sway. Not that I'm thinking about dinner or stuff like that, but that I drift away in the landscape and my own thoughts about and I miss a bit of the technical aspects of whats going on.

A good film about bonds, emotional connection and death. 9/10. And if you enjoyed that, you may take a look at Sokurovs Otets i Syn also, or Father and Son. Although I think Mother and Son was better.

Next time, I'm going to take the criteria I'm doing for rating this film and use it on Happy Gilmore.
Fast Lane (2009)
First of all, this has nothing to do with a tv-show with the same name. Other then a couple of beautiful ladies and a few nice cars this movie had absolutely nothing interesting about it. The sound is terrible at times, like it's recorded in a cave.
This movie is mostly about hot chick that steel cars, but the car scenes are dead boring.
The acting was horrendous. By far the worst movie I have seen all year.
Vivre Sa Vie. Certainly one of Godard's best. One of the best things about Godard is that he is not afraid to break away from the norm. The first scene, all we see of the two characters talking is their backs. While this may sound like a shit idea, Godard can pull it off. 8.5/10
I picked a few DVDs up for a couple of quid each, today, Ole. Some Like it Hot, Casablanca, LA Confidential and a couple that I've not seen - Pan's Labyrinth and Black Book.
Hurt Locker

fantastic film I thought, tense, gritty, thought provoking and original. Not a political effort at all, more of a look into the battles associated with bomb disposal and the challenges faced everyday by those in the services.

I loved the last scene where the 'normallness' of a soldiers life was displayed.

So you want to buy dvd's do you??


Yep. The quality on them is so much better than the movies I've been downloading. And as I said, you can't beat the feeling of ownership. Oh and I really should have my top 100 films on DVD - I reckon I'm missing around 20 of them.
I just watched Requiem for a Dream. 8/10

Started off a bit slow and boring, after a while though I got into the characters and the story and the film developed a good pace, left me thinking in the end, great success. Well done Aronofsky.
Good good. It's DTS too! I love WW2 movies so I can't wait to see. Have any of you film buffs. . .or puffs seen I.D? I've bought it a couple weeks ago(it's about football hooliganism)

Yeah, I saw it way back when. I was an impressionable teenager at the time, and it seemed amazing, though I've not seen it since, so I don't know how it's aged.
Owning DVDs is a wonderful feeling.

Yep. The quality on them is so much better than the movies I've been downloading. And as I said, you can't beat the feeling of ownership. Oh and I really should have my top 100 films on DVD - I reckon I'm missing around 20 of them.

Nah i know what you mean, I was joking really - if you see the thread in the general i was 'banned' for you'll maybe understand. I was trying to offload a load of dvds :lol:
Yeah, I saw it way back when. I was an impressionable teenager at the time, and it seemed amazing, though I've not seen it since, so I don't know how it's aged.

Well as long as its better than the shit hooligan films I've seen. I mean, Green Street?!!!?!
I have seen ID. Of the ones I've seen, it's the best hooligan movie.

Have you got Bluray yet?
Him from LOTR acting like a bit of a hard nut in a poorly-acted film about hooliganism?

Ticks all the boxes for me.

Yep. He was proper street tough. I love the way the ICF took him in and made him a part of their clan. Nice bunch those lot.

Anyway, has anyone seen Moon?