Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Mar Adentro - A lovely movie based on a real-life story about a man who's been paralysed for 30 years and who wants to end his life. Great acting performance by Bardem. 7,8/10

Uzak - A very depressing and slowpaced movie. It's highly realistic which was good but also made it hard to watch sometimes. 6,5/10

Vanilla Sky - Not as good as the original but still an OK movie. Good soundtrack. 6/10
Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1 part 1 & 2 - Two very enjoyable gangster movies. It's the real-life story about the french criminal Jacques Mesrine. Vincent Cassel is absolutely brilliant in the lead role. - 7,5
Mar Adentro - A lovely movie based on a real-life story about a man who's been paralysed for 30 years and who wants to end his life. Great acting performance by Bardem. 7,8/10
I saw it on the Gothenburg film festival premiere in 2005. The scene when he flies out of his window was soooo fecking powerful.
Vanilla Sky - Not as good as the original but still an OK movie. Good soundtrack. 6/10

Love that film, despite of tom cruises screentime.

but abre los ojos is genius, one of my favourite films.
Abre los ojos is obviously better even though I watched it after having seen Vanilla sky first. Great film.
Gone Baby Gone - Brilliant. Fantastic film that follows the life of a private detective as he searches for a missing 4 year old girl. Really superb film, absolutely full of twists. Just as you think you have it figured out, it throws a whole new twist at you and you're left scratching your head again. At one point I was a bit underwhelmed as I thought the film was approaching its end with a fair few loose ends untied, but in actuality it was really just getting started and when the plot did begin to tie up, it was not what I expected at all. Even now I am struggling with some of the ethical questions the film poses. Did he make the right decision? My head says yes, but...

watch it.

Yeah class film saw it a month or so back with the missus.
The Final Destination

I watched this thinking it'd be half decent with it being 3d, I was wrong.

It's even worse than the 3rd Final Destination and the 3D parts are pretty lame too.

They keep making these shit 3D movies, which are good at first (3D I mean) for the novelty value as you take them for what they are. But they can't keep churning shite out, they need to make a 3D movie with a decent storyline and a decent actors not something you'd see on channel 5 or something. The novelty factor has worn off now!
I watched this thinking it'd be half decent with it being 3d, I was wrong.

It's even worse than the 3rd Final Destination and the 3D parts are pretty lame too.

They keep making these shit 3D movies, which are good at first (3D I mean) for the novelty value as you take them for what they are. But they can't keep churning shite out, they need to make a 3D movie with a decent storyline and a decent actors not something you'd see on channel 5 or something. The novelty factor has worn off now!
That's what killed 3D in the first place. In terms of the success of 3D, I think a lot may rest on Avatar.
That's what killed 3D in the first place. In terms of the success of 3D, I think a lot may rest on Avatar.

Yeah it looks that way.

It's a shame because they could utilise 3D and really make some stunning films, but they make a point of basing the films around the 3D effect which was fine at first when it was new because it gave film makers the chance to show exactly what could be done. But they've carried on with the same routine of rubbish film with effects that have been seen before so it's nothing eye catching. A good movie with more subtle use of the 3D would be ideal, I just hope Avatar pulls that off.
I watched this thinking it'd be half decent with it being 3d, I was wrong.

It's even worse than the 3rd Final Destination and the 3D parts are pretty lame too.

They keep making these shit 3D movies, which are good at first (3D I mean) for the novelty value as you take them for what they are. But they can't keep churning shite out, they need to make a 3D movie with a decent storyline and a decent actors not something you'd see on channel 5 or something. The novelty factor has worn off now!

I have still not seen a 3d movie in the cinema. I am not overly pushed. They have all so far ignored small little factors like an actual plot and just pushed the 3D scenes. I had the misfortune of watching Journey to the Centre of the Earth on Sky a couple of weeks ago. I honestly cannot put into words how shite it really was.

I kind of enjoyed the 1st two Final Destination movies and found a lot of the death scenes quite imaginative and were easy movies to watch. But as you stated the 3rd was rotten and I am not surprised the latest has followed suit.
I have still not seen a 3d movie in the cinema. I am not overly pushed. They have all so far ignored small little factors like an actual plot and just pushed the 3D scenes. I had the misfortune of watching Journey to the Centre of the Earth on Sky a couple of weeks ago. I honestly cannot put into words how shite it really was.

I kind of enjoyed the 1st two Final Destination movies and found a lot of the death scenes quite imaginative and were easy movies to watch. But as you stated the 3rd was rotten and I am not surprised the latest has followed suit.

The thing is i'm sure the original director was involved in this 4th one and so I thought maybe it'd get back to being like 1 & 2 instead it was far worse than 3, with rubbish death scenes and a film that felt rushed.
Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1 part 1 & 2 - Two very enjoyable gangster movies. It's the real-life story about the french criminal Jacques Mesrine. Vincent Cassel is absolutely brilliant in the lead role. - 7,5
Agree about Cassel, I can't think of an English-speaking actor who could deliver a monster performance like that. The French are also miles better than Hollywood at the flics and bandits stuff. The two films were very different in mood and tone to me. I thought part I was brilliant if a bit morally ambiguous in romanticising gangsters (you can argue it mirrors the French public's attitude). Part II was much more realistic and unglamorised and just not as compelling.
I have still not seen a 3d movie in the cinema.

Movies that are entirely 3d are almost universally shit. There have been some decent ones with 3D sequences though. While not a 'great' film, I saw Superman Returns in the IMAX and it had some genuinely good 3d sequences. I also completely misinterpreted the Dark Knight press release and thought it would also have these 3D sequences....However If it had, I may just exploded

Agree about Cassell, I can't think of an English-speaking actor who could deliver a monster performance like that.

If he was American he would be a multi-Oscar winning A lister by now without question. Him & Bardem are two of the greatest Actors alive today

Let the Right One In

A movie - with vampires - that didn't make you embarrassed over being swedish. Rare.


Yeah about right. I was massively overrated for me...but it was very well made
Cassell is huge in France(his relationship to Monica Bellucci doesn't make him less famous), but if I would ask 100 people on the streets of Sweden maybe 2 or 3 would know him.
Yeah it looks that way.

It's a shame because they could utilise 3D and really make some stunning films, but they make a point of basing the films around the 3D effect which was fine at first when it was new because it gave film makers the chance to show exactly what could be done. But they've carried on with the same routine of rubbish film with effects that have been seen before so it's nothing eye catching. A good movie with more subtle use of the 3D would be ideal, I just hope Avatar pulls that off.

Just think it needs saying that Jurassic Park 3D was awesome when I was 6. Remake time.
On Sky Movies all week, there has been a film called 'the hunting party' starring Richard Gere in the aftermath of the conflicts in the Balkans. I checked up on it and it bombed at the box office a couple of years ago but I thought it to be very, very good.
Inglorious Basterds A resounding return to form for Tarantino. Almost as good as Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs. Set in an alternative WW2 it has elements of classic war films like The Dirty Dozen and Kelly's Hero's with a bizarre dash of spaghetti western thrown in for good measure. And it works really really well. The 2.5 hours flew by and it it the first time in years that I have walked out of a cinema without wondering why I paid so much money to get in. Great acting all round even if Brad Pitt didn't have much to do and the show was stolen by Christoph Waltz as Col. Hans Lander. And it looks great too. 9/10
I don't know how I managed to get dragged to see Ponyo. It's not a bad movie, but it's definitely a children's (like age 6 and younger) movie that is best viewed while inebriated in some capacity otherwise you'll be uttering an endless string of WTFs in front of children in the cinema.
District 9 I really enjoyed this film. But .... it could have been so much more. The parallels between the treatment of the aliens and apartheid were there for all to see. The film deliberately went out of its way to set them up. And then did nothing with them which was a shame. That said it was a very good film and although the second half did go a little Independence Day on us it was great to watch and well worth seeing on the big screen.8/10
Adventureland I thought that this was going to be another hour and half long knob joke but I was pleasantly surprised that despite the odd juvenile knob joke it was actually a rather well acted drama/love story that capture the angst of youth rather well and not a little affectionately. The 80's soundtrack was fun if a tad Bon Jovi for my tastes. Well worth a watch on DVD7/10
Adventureland I thought that this was going to be another hour and half long knob joke but I was pleasantly surprised that despite the odd juvenile knob joke it was actually a rather well acted drama/love story that capture the angst of youth rather well and not a little affectionately. The 80's soundtrack was fun if a tad Bon Jovi for my tastes. Well worth a watch on DVD7/10

Agreed. I liked it a lot more than I expected to. And Kristen Stewart is yum.