Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Meh....I can see it, but it wasn't needed in the film. As for the ambiguous ending, it wasn't implied enough for me...I could say that Indiana Jones held a gay midget disco in the warehouse at the end of Radiers, wasn't implied but it's possible

..I still thought it was fairly dull. But it was hyped so much to me I was expecting something more....It didn't help that I watched a dubbed version that seemed to have been done by the same people that do Kung Fu movies...

After watching a dubbed version of Ong Bak I swore never again to watch a dubbed film again where possible, badly done it can totally ruin a film as I think it may of done for you with this one.
After watching a dubbed version of Ong Bak I swore never again to watch a dubbed film again where possible, badly done it can totally ruin a film as I think it may of done for you with this one.

Agreed...bad dubbing can totally ruin a films atmosphere....especially one thats supposed to be chilling and unsettling...One of the boy bullies was dubbed by a girl aswell...which instantly made him hilarious when he shouldn't have been
"Big Man Japan". Very funny movie. I guess I have no idea what is going on in Japanese culture other than that they've gone berzerk.

Anyway, worth a watch. Great premise.
Harry Potter and the blah blah blah. It's essentially a 3 hour first act. Nothing happens in this movie.

Couldn't agree more. They could have just cut out everything except for the last 5 mins and you wouldn't miss anything. Character development they call it !! Bullshit !!
Adventureland- Disappointing. Pretty prosaic in all honesty, which was a shame as I had high hopes for this film. I don't mind the occasional banal characters simply because, well people in real life are often quite similar, and it would be impossible to think of any completely unique characters. I also tend to watch each film individually and don't compare them to others so I don't mind if they're similar- as long as they're good. That said though, this was just rehashed characters- and no it wasn't really that good. Nothing really happened in it, and the ending was predictable and tedious. At one point I was hoping this film would have the guts not to go with that ending as a zillion other films have done, and actually given us a bit of a twist, a taste of reality even- but no. It was not to be. Which is a shame as it would have improved the film a lot if they had taken a different route.

It was watchable, but I wouldn't go back to it after the first watch
Adventureland- Disappointing. Pretty prosaic in all honesty, which was a shame as I had high hopes for this film. I don't mind the occasional banal characters simply because, well people in real life are often quite similar, and it would be impossible to think of any completely unique characters. I also tend to watch each film individually and don't compare them to others so I don't mind if they're similar- as long as they're good. That said though, this was just rehashed characters- and no it wasn't really that good. Nothing really happened in it, and the ending was predictable and tedious. At one point I was hoping this film would have the guts not to go with that ending as a zillion other films have done, and actually given us a bit of a twist, a taste of reality even- but no. It was not to be. Which is a shame as it would have improved the film a lot if they had taken a different route.

It was watchable, but I wouldn't go back to it after the first watch
It certainly felt like it was missing a bit of direction. Some good moments, but overall nothing inspiring or overly interesting.
Aye. Also:

I can't help but feel like the pratognist was the wrong call- Kirsten Stewart's character should have been the lead. Her life and background were far more interesting, the lad was pretty boring to be fair. Also his background story was pretty bland as well. He was the lead, and in all honesty they could have made the film without him all together- which says a lot. And I'm relatively sure they just threw that nerdy character with glasses in right at the end for no apparent reason.

It could have been a good film, just can't help but feel they went about it all wrong.
Sorry mate, I'm in the States. Portland, Oregon. Wonderful city really. Full of freaks.

Fantastic old beat up theater though - The Clinton Street Theater, home of the longest running "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the world. Still a great theater though. -

I doubt it will hit the big screen this side of the pond to be honest. Probably have to d/l it or look out for it on dvd
Entre les murs - A good french movie that follows a teacher and his students through a whole school year in a middle school in Paris. - 7,5/10

Class Movie. I saw it during a film festival and liked it. The dialogue and the way it was shot seemed very realistic as well, almost documentary-like.
The Wrestler- good film. Good performance from Rourke, though he seemed to just be playing himself. Nonetheless it was impressive and not at all what I expected. Two complaints though- did they really have to end it there? I hate when films leave so many loose ends untied like that. And also I'm going to have to minus a few hundred points for realism, because there isn't a man on the planet who would refuse a lap dance from Marisa Tomei, and yet this film seemingly found half a dozen. Madness.
The Wrestler- good film. Good performance from Rourke, though he seemed to just be playing himself. Nonetheless it was impressive and not at all what I expected. Two complaints though- did they really have to end it there? I hate when films leave so many loose ends untied like that. And also I'm going to have to minus a few hundred points for realism, because there isn't a man on the planet who would refuse a lap dance from Marisa Tomei, and yet this film seemingly found half a dozen. Madness.

Loved this movie I though Rourke was fantastic. I think he should have got the Oscar rather than Sean Penn (even though I also enjoyed Milk)

But Mickey Rourke is the man. Looking forward to seeing him in Iron Man 2
Gran Torino - Now I see what all the hype was about. Brilliant film. No other word to describe it really, just brilliant all the way through.

Absolutely loved it, Clint Eastwood was outstanding. The humour was so subtle you were never 100% sure whether it was intended or not, yet some bits had me in hysterics. Eastwood's performance combined with the clever scripting somehow made you form a strong attachment for an openly racist old war veteran. It was magnificent. On any other day he should really have been an abhorrent figure, but instead right from the start he was this engaging, almost lovable anti-hero. I don't want to give too much away, though I would likely write about this film for ages given the chance, but if you haven't seen it- watch it.
Inglourious Basterds -
Thought it was a great film, don't think it's the "masterpiece" alot of people are saying it is. Some really great characters and scenes. Also i thought the fact that half the film isn't in English makes for a nice change from an english speaking director. I'd recommend it. It's weird i said to my mate after coming out the cinema that if Tarantinos name wasn't attached to it i'd probably think of it as a classic, this isn't a slight on Tarantino (who i'm a big fan of) more that i know he can and has done better.

Summary - It's definately one for the DVD collection.
American Son
A film about the last few days of a marine before he goes to Iraq and how he spends it. The main actor, Nick Cannon, I believe is married to Mariah Carey so I was a but surprised that he actually wasn't all bad in this movie.
American Son
A film about the last few days of a marine before he goes to Iraq and how he spends it. The main actor, Nick Cannon, I believe is married to Mariah Carey so I was a but surprised that he actually wasn't all bad in this movie.

:lol: Nick Cannon couldn't have possibly put in any semblance of a decent performance, he is physically incapable of that.
:lol: Nick Cannon couldn't have possibly put in any semblance of a decent performance, he is physically incapable of that.

That's what I would've thought but he really was decent in this movie. No Oscar's winning performance mind.
Antichrist - Not sure how to rate this film to be honest. Intensely disturbing and breathtakingly enticing at the same time. It's not as brutal in a blood and gore sense as has been suggested, but it is probably the most discomforting film I have ever watched.

It's a Danish film that basically tells the story of a couple who retreat to their cabin in the woods to try and recover from the grief of losing their son. What follows is a sexually perverse, artistically provoking story of torture, mutilation and mental insanity. There is an almost constant presence of evil throughout the film and there are scenes that will make you want to look away. Yet for all that it was a masterpiece. I wouldn't recommend it for most mainstream movie goers, but if you have a bit of an open mind then it is a beautifully crafted film and some of the shots are sensational.
Antichrist - Not sure how to rate this film to be honest. Intensely disturbing and breathtakingly enticing at the same time. It's not as brutal in a blood and gore sense as has been suggested, but it is probably the most discomforting film I have ever watched.

It's a Danish film that basically tells the story of a couple who retreat to their cabin in the woods to try and recover from the grief of losing their son. What follows is a sexually perverse, artistically provoking story of torture, mutilation and mental insanity. There is an almost constant presence of evil throughout the film and there are scenes that will make you want to look away. Yet for all that it was a masterpiece. I wouldn't recommend it for most mainstream movie goers, but if you have a bit of an open mind then it is a beautifully crafted film and some of the shots are sensational.

Just put it into IMDB and saw that Willem Dafoe is in it. Is this in Danish?
I saw inglourious basterds today, it was a fantastic film and there was not a dull moment. The tension in some scenes you can really feel and that it what good films are supposed to do, try to really make you a part of what is going on. I feel the ending could have been better but it was a good film, I enjoyed Mike Myers Cameo as well. 9/10
It's a film by Lars von Trier, the most prominent director of the Danish dogma movement.

I like quite a lot of his work like the brilliant TV-series Riget (The kingdom), Breaking the Waves and Dogville. Haven't seen it yet but Antichrist seems quite fecked up though judging by reviews. He was booed off the stage at the Cannes film festival.
Incidentally if you're going to watch it you should probably know the film contains actual sex scenes, not just simulated sex scenes. Apparently they used porn doubles.

Lao- PM
Inglourious Basterds -
Thought it was a great film, don't think it's the "masterpiece" alot of people are saying it is. Some really great characters and scenes. Also i thought the fact that half the film isn't in English makes for a nice change from an english speaking director. I'd recommend it. It's weird i said to my mate after coming out the cinema that if Tarantinos name wasn't attached to it i'd probably think of it as a classic, this isn't a slight on Tarantino (who i'm a big fan of) more that i know he can and has done better.

Summary - It's definately one for the DVD collection.

I agree with you, it's fun. Maybe not 'great' but certainly very good. The only problem with it, as with all of his recent stuff, is that he gets too carried away with his own dialogue and scenes go on forever without anything actually happening. This is great in some instances as it lends realism to it, and it's also generally great dialogue, but when you have too many scenes like this in a film it can also drag on a bit. This film could have been 40 minutes shorter and still retain all of the story elements.

Things I liked though...

The fact it's mostly in French and German. Nice bit of authenticity, especially, as Diver said, from a mainstream commercial American film maker. And it adds something more powerfull and involving to the characters

The fact that, finally, Tarantino has made a few characters who aren't him. The English guy is obviously an homage to 1950's English actors but well done and most of the characters feel like different and disparate people with interesting personalities..usually all Tarantino characters talk and act like him..or like he'd like to if he wasn't a fruit loop

The acting is generally great. Mike Myers veers occasionally into Austin powers but Christopher Waltz as the main Nazi baddie, Landa, is fantastic and pitt also, is pretty good. The French & German cast are unanimously good

The music, as always, is great.

All in all I liked it...but it could have done with some editing and a bit more of the Basterds themselves.

Solid 8
I've seen an unhealthy amount of films over the past few days and won't try to review them all, instead i'll give ratings and maybe a few words

Silence of the Lambs 8/10, how i've not seen this before i'll never know, loved it and loved Hopkins.
Mongol - 7/10, I've seen less than a handful of this kind of film so can't really give it a fair rating, however i did really enjoy it and will look to see more of this genre in future.
Never Back Down - 5/10, Not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but i found it watchable. As like most films like this you're only watching in the end to see the bad guy get his ass kicked!
Fight Club- 9/10, Brilliant, I usually can't stand Brad Pitt but he was really good in this I thought, Norton as always was class too and i'd imagine it to be one of those films that is just as good second time round knowing what happens.
Master and Commander - 6.5/10, I'm a fan of russell Crowe and this film did little to hurt that, was watchable but not a classic.
The Big Lebowski - 7/10, I enjoyed it, and it did have me laughing but too many people for me have built this film up to be amazing. Maybe it's ecause I had such high expectations i felt it let me down a little.
Casino - 8/10, A great film, truly believable characters and just an enjoyable film.
In Bruges 8.5/10, If anybody had told me before watching this that i'd find a Colin farrell performance to be funny enough to have me laughing i'd have laughed at them, but in this he was spot on. A 'different' film and one i'd reccomend seeing!
memento - 7.5/10, i liked it, but there's something i can't put my finger on that was lacking from this. Like In bruges its a unique film in that it's worked backwards. Still though a good un.
Blood Diamonds - 8.5/10, Wasn't sure what to expect as like Brad Pitt, Leo Di caprio falls into that unsure category for me, but he was really good in this as was Djimon Hounsou alongside him. A great storyline and one that keeps you hooked so to speak.
Saving Private Ryan - 9/10, Again this falls into the 'how have I not seen this before' category. Brilliant film, some really good scenes in particular the opening beach scene. Hanks was class and the supporting cast were also brilliant.

Apologies for the lame reviews but as you can imagine having seen all these and a few more over the past 3 /4 days my head is a bit mashed to be making spot on critiques.

It's fair to say i've seen a fair share of class films and have a few more swine flu infected days yet to fill with more films!
I've seen an unhealthy amount of films over the past few days and won't try to review them all, instead i'll give ratings and maybe a few words

Silence of the Lambs 8/10, how i've not seen this before i'll never know, loved it and loved Hopkins.
I guess Diver's load is good for your general knowledge as well.