Film The Redcafe Movie review thread




She's got the Scarlett Johansson kind of voice and charisma to her which doesn't make it worse.
She's really nothing special, I saw a bird on a bike today who was at least 7 times as fit, though there was this weird effect when she put her head down on the handlebars going downhill, from the back you could only see her arse in lycra, it looked like a beachball with legs riding a bike.

Bit of an excursion there, bit certainly worth mentioning
She's really nothing special, I saw a bird on a bike today who was at least 7 times as fit, though there was this weird effect when she put her head down on the handlebars going downhill, from the back you could only see her arse in lycra, it looked like a beachball with legs riding a bike.

Bit of an excursion there, bit certainly worth mentioning

Che, (part 1 & 2). 8/10

If you have a few hours time, it's worth it. Great acting by Benicio del Toro, and Demian Bichir (Fidel). All other supproting actors are superb as well. The first part follows Che until he reaches Havana and Batista is overthrown, the second part skips a few years and start immediately in Bolivia. This part is a bit depressing as you see the problems Che and his small group encounters, unable to convince the peasants to stand up and 'join the revolution'. It shows Che's delusion that what worked in Cuba must automatically work in Kongo and now in Bolivia. Soderberg's directing is good, especially as there is almost no shaking camera business which always gives me a headache.

The Damned United

F'kin hilarious. Had a big grin on my face from start to finish watching this. That said I can see why the Cloughs wouldn't be too happy about some of the poetic licence taken with reference to his character. It shows virtually nothing of any management skill he might have had and does make it look like Peter Taylor was the mastermind of the duo. There was one scene where Derby were playing Leeds and Clough was shown to be too scared to even sit in the dug out. Surely bollocks?!

That said the cast were universally excellent, especially Martin Sheen as you might well guess. Also, Colm Meaney looks uncannily like Don Revie.

Highly recommended.
Che, (part 1 & 2). 8/10

If you have a few hours time, it's worth it. Great acting by Benicio del Toro, and Demian Bichir (Fidel). All other supproting actors are superb as well. The first part follows Che until he reaches Havana and Batista is overthrown, the second part skips a few years and start immediately in Bolivia. This part is a bit depressing as you see the problems Che and his small group encounters, unable to convince the peasants to stand up and 'join the revolution'. It shows Che's delusion that what worked in Cuba must automatically work in Kongo and now in Bolivia. Soderberg's directing is good, especially as there is almost no shaking camera business which always gives me a headache.

I'm very, very tempted to buy this off Play at the minute - £18 for the pair though is a bit much at the minute.

I've heard a fair few people saying they got bored watching them, how would you respond to it being called boring?
I'm very, very tempted to buy this off Play at the minute - £18 for the pair though is a bit much at the minute.

I've heard a fair few people saying they got bored watching them, how would you respond to it being called boring?

I think if you're not bothered about Che and Latin American history in the 50's and 60's, you might be a bit bored, yes. I wasnt bored for one second watching the first part, maybe just a little bit in the second. Che part 1 is definitely not boring, there is a lot going on, change of pace, scenery, characters, jumping back and forth in time, it's a very dynamic movie although it has a lot of dialogue.

The mood of the second part is generally much darker, imo. Obviously so, it focuses on Che's small group in Bolivia and their failure to generate a real revolution. It shows Che's desperation and hopelessness very good. Also, I found both movies are far from glorifying Che. Im definitely gonna get both dvd's (maybe wait till the price drops down a bit) because I will definitely watch it again.
I think if you're not bothered about Che and Latin American history in the 50's and 60's, you might be a bit bored, yes. I wasnt bored for one second watching the first part, maybe just a little bit in the second. Che part 1 is definitely not boring, there is a lot going on, change of pace, scenery, characters, jumping back and forth in time, it's a very dynamic movie although it has a lot of dialogue.

The mood of the second part is generally much darker, imo. Obviously so, it focuses on Che's small group in Bolivia and their failure to generate a real revolution. It shows Che's desperation and hopelessness very good. Also, I found both movies are far from glorifying Che. Im definitely gonna get both dvd's (maybe wait till the price drops down a bit) because I will definitely watch it again.

I don't really know a great deal about Che, but have always wanted to know the story behind it all. I figure the best way to get an idea would be to see it on screen. I think I will buy them, but wait a bit as you say until the price drops.

I don't really know a great deal about Che, but have always wanted to know the story behind it all. I figure the best way to get an idea would be to see it on screen. I think I will buy them, but wait a bit as you say until the price drops.


The Motorcycle Diaries is excellent if you haven't seen it - I've not seen the Che movies so don't know if they cover some of the same ground. You should be able to get it cheap too but it will make you want to go travelling around South America, some stunning scenery.
The Motorcycle Diaries is excellent if you haven't seen it - I've not seen the Che movies so don't know if they cover some of the same ground. You should be able to get it cheap too but it will make you want to go travelling around South America, some stunning scenery.

Very good movie! It covers the part of Che's life before he went to Cuba and explains the reasons why he became a revolutionary. Probably watch this before Che 1 & 2.
A Perfect Getaway

This is easily for me the worst film i've watched all year, aboslute garbage - i've watched a lot of films this year but rarely wanted to leave during the film, this was as close as I got to doing that. I'll give it 1/10 and that's purely because some of the scenery was a bit nice!
Paprika (2006) 9/10

Loved it! Japanese animated sci-fi movie about what happens when dreams merge into reality. I had the bluray dvd and I was blown away by the colors! There are some fantastic scenes (the parade, Paprika flying) which make the movie. The story may seem a bit confusing but it's not that bad actually, maybe there are a few subtleties that can slip your attention, apart from that the story is very interesting and all characters are quite nice and likable. The animation is perfect! If you watch it get the bluray version!
A Perfect Getaway

This is easily for me the worst film i've watched all year, aboslute garbage - i've watched a lot of films this year but rarely wanted to leave during the film, this was as close as I got to doing that. I'll give it 1/10 and that's purely because some of the scenery was a bit nice!

:lol: no way, I was gonna watch that one! I saw the trailer and I thought it looks interesting (apart from those two pathetic wanna-be psycho laughing guys casted straight from a modelling agency) and that it doesnt give away too much, which is already a bonus since I hate knowing everything about the movie and loads of trailers show you the whole damn story.
:lol: no way, I was gonna watch that one! I saw the trailer and I thought it looks interesting (apart from those two pathetic wanna-be psycho laughing guys casted straight from a modelling agency) and that it doesnt give away too much, which is already a bonus since I hate knowing everything about the movie and loads of trailers show you the whole damn story.

I don't know if it's one of those films that everyone else 'gets' apart from me, i've checked some reviews on th einternet and they seem pretty fair - If you get chance give it a watch still and then you can let me know if you think 1/10 is a bit harsh!

I'm quite sure though it is a mess of a film! :D
Journey to the centre of the Earth. I didn't realize this was a kids film to be honest. I mean I'm a big fan of the book and although it's an illustrated adventure that reads quite easily, to my memory, it's full of satire and drama, science and geology. A lot of this was lost in the film as it was obviously solely targeted at a younger audience.

That said I enjoyed it, it was cheesy and a bit flowery, even for my tastes, but it was a good adventure with moments of humour and some cool fictitious CGI landscape. Plus it had a T-Rex. It was easy to watch with no depth or sub-plots really so I doubt many on here would like it. On the plus side- Anita Briem :eek:


Do all Icelandic women look like this?
Journey to the centre of the Earth. I didn't realize this was a kids film to be honest. I mean I'm a big fan of the book and although it's an illustrated adventure that reads quite easily, to my memory, it's full of satire and drama, science and geology. A lot of this was lost in the film as it was obviously solely targeted at a younger audience.

That said I enjoyed it, it was cheesy and a bit flowery, even for my tastes, but it was a good adventure with moments of humour and some cool fictitious CGI landscape. Plus it had a T-Rex. It was easy to watch with no depth or sub-plots really so I doubt many on here would like it. On the plus side- Anita Briem :eek:


Do all Icelandic women look like this?

One half do. The other half look like Bjork.
Jim Carrey is great in every film, if you like what he does. Which i do & he essentially plays the same roles (outside of the odd serious ones he's done more recently). He divides alot of opinions.

Still waiting for Ace Ventura 3 (will they ever?). Then I saw they'd made a sequel with a kid. I was almost ill.
This might challenge High School Musical 3(whatever it is about) for most pathetic movie ever made.

This film will top High School Musical 3, because you might not have feelings for any high school musical, so it's just a shit film. But with Ace Ventura you don't only ruin a good memory and a film, but completely rape it in every possible sense.

Mind, I've not watched either of them, and I don't intend to either.
The Departed 6.5 / Infernal Affairs 9

OK, I'm gonna go on a rant here. I had an argument about this last night and saw IA mentioned in another thread so anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled stop reading


Right, I'm often accused by my mates of hating The Departed. This isn't true, I think it's a very good film, highly enjoyable and well acted. I can gladly sit through it 3 or 4 times. Problem is, everything good about it is ripped straight from Infernal Affairs and everything bad about it is added in. And the adds in make it far far worse than it's original counterpart. How Scorsese and WIllian Monahan in particular walked away with Oscars for this is something that annoys me greatly....It's not that it was bad, but that they managed to remake a film, with more money, great actors, a great director and all the freedom in the world, and they made it worse!!...How is that an achievement!

First off, Marky Mark. Now Mark is actually a good edition character wise. His character doesn't exist in the original and in terms of dialogue and on screen presence he's great. Problem is, his character is completely pointless and in 2 crucial instances, ruins the film for me. In The Departed when Martin Sheen's character is thrown from the roof (played out exactly as it did in IA) it's not the pivotal moment is should be because Marky Mark exists. In IA, he is the only person who knows the Di Caprio/Tony Leung Character is undercover so his death is a shocking and significant event. Thats it for Leo/Leung as far as we know. In TD, Marky Mark knows, so the whole importance is removed.

Then he comes into play again at the end by shooting the Matt Damon/Andy Lau character. There are several things here that annoy me. Firstly Damon is given no profound characterization in the film. He's the bad guy and we hate him. In IA, Lau is given a (forgive the word) journey in which he gradually comes to realize he's the bad guy and tries to atone for his ways. The shooting of his boss is the first step in this, not born out of self preservation as in The Departed, but down as much to guilt & atonement as it is to betrayal & saving his own skin.

Lau is actually the more interesting of the 2 in IA and crucially is the one who re-instates Di Caprio/Leung's status as a policeman after his death, even going so far as to bury him next to the captain. Something he does out of choice, not desperation.

The whole point of Infernal Affairs is the duality and jealously between the two. Both wished to have lived the other life. Di Caprio/Leung wanted the life of a respectable police man and Damon/Lau wanted the love and appreciation of The Gangster. In the end Lau is extremely jealous of Leung for doing the right thing. This is demonstrated beautifully in the last line of the film, one completely cut from The Departed.

At the begining, when both are in the Acadamy and Di Caprio/Leung is faux thrown out, they do it publically in IA, with the officer throwing him out telling the other cadets (including the Lau/Damon character) "Who wants to be like this man?" as a threat for those who don't take it seriously....At the funeral Lau thinks back to this incident and then says to himself - "I do". Brilliant!...Except in The Departed we end on Marky Mark shooting Damon/Lau because he's the bad guy, and then a rat scuttles past in some pathetic attempt at a visual metaphor that presumably seems cool to Monahan/Scorsese (yeah he's a rat, geddit? don't be a rat!!..feck yeah!!)

Then we have the stupid love triangle were Di Caprio (being the hero) sleeps with Damon's (being the villian) girl. In the end we find out Damon in impotent and shit in bed and the baby is probably Di Caprio's...What? Utter wanky such hokey macho one-up-manship hollywood tripe happens in Infernal Affairs and I'm glad it didn't...

Even the title is better!...Infernal Affiars (the original Hong Kong title referenced the lowest circle of Hell, so 'Infernal' play on 'Internal Affairs' is a brilliant bit of word play) Whereas 'The Departed is just some suedo intellectual guff Jack spouts about the dead.

In summary if you've seen The Departed, watch Infernal Affairs, If you've seen neither, watch Infernal Affairs FIRST!

Mega rant over..

Yea buddy...Infernal Affairs is fecking bad ass. Departed was good but noway as good as IA.
The Informers
Packed with famous actors/actress like Billy Bob Thornton, Kim Basinger, Mickey Rourke, Winona Ryder, Amber Heard and Rhys Ifans, this film fails to deliver. It's actually one of the worst films I've seen this year and I've seen a lot of bad movies.
I would have given this 1/10 except it has some female nudity (especially by Amber Heard) so...
3/10 and I'm being generous.
Let the RIght one in- 6.5 - 7

Massively overrated film. Engrossing and interesting but I wouldn't watch it a second time. First and foremost it's a love story and not a horror film (so if anyone has touted it to you as a vampire pic, they're only telling half the story)...slightly pretentious and overly arty (in that the cimamatogrhaphy is of more interest than the story) it sort of leaves you let down by a lack of any kind of conclusion....for example

I thought the appropriate ending would be Oskar becoming the old man from the begining thus creating a cyclical narrative whereby the girl fed off people literally and figuartively forever...this didn't happen and it ended with a bizarre revenge fantasy that made little or no impact on the story as a whole what so there was a very unnecessary gratuitous underage fanny shot that in anything other than a pretentious euro thriller would have caused outrage...can anyone enlighten me as to the point of that shot?

All in all I think the hype exceeds the product..there are much better mainstream cerebral vampire flicks, but they don;t have the arthouse wanky balls beret and goatee seal of approal..

The ending left it open for us to decide. It's entirely possible that oskar would essentially become the old man. Well that was the impression I got anyway.

And the crotch scene was in the book. Basically to show us that Eli wasn't a girl.

The ending left it open for us to decide. It's entirely possible that oskar would essentially become the old man. Well that was the impression I got anyway.

And the crotch scene was in the book. Basically to show us that Eli wasn't a girl.

Meh....I can see it, but it wasn't needed in the film. As for the ambiguous ending, it wasn't implied enough for me...I could say that Indiana Jones held a gay midget disco in the warehouse at the end of Radiers, wasn't implied but it's possible

..I still thought it was fairly dull. But it was hyped so much to me I was expecting something more....It didn't help that I watched a dubbed version that seemed to have been done by the same people that do Kung Fu movies...