Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I Love You, Man- Good. Again, not a stand out funny film, more a Knocked Up than a Superbad, but it was pretty good. It wasn't what I was expecting to be honest as it had it's fair share of drama for a Paul Rudd and Jason Segel film.

It had it's moments though and, Dear God, Rashida Jones looked absolutely amazing in it. What a beautiful woman, I think I'm going to marry her.

You're more likely to die alone tbf.
Just watched The Hurt Locker.

Pretty damn good Iraq War movie focused on three guys assigned to diffuse homemade bombs. Not the most accurate movie, and not the most action packed film, but it's pretty intense and all the politics of the war are subtle so you don't feel like you're being preached to the whole time.

I'd give it a satisfying 8/10.
Gigantic. It feels like a bunch of plot points put together with very little bringing them all together. Not a horrible movie, but could have done with a little more explanation. And of course, Zooey Deschanel.
Let The Right One In - Good stuff. Some strangely beautiful moments. I dread to think what the US remake will be like. 8/10
Le Pacte des Loups

A sort of fantasy take on the French Revolution. I think. I didn't quite understand it all because I watched it without the subs but it was very enjoyable anyway. Well shot, well acted. Definitely one for the Cassel fans. Also contains Monica Bellucci's tits which can't be faulted. If anyone can tell me what the baddies actually wanted though that would be nice.

Beast of Gévaudan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :nervous:
Check wikipedia for "brotherhood of the wolf" samabachan.There is a huge summary explaining everything.It's a great movie btw and Cassel is a brilliant actor
Gran Torino - 8.9/10 Brilliant

Harry Potter 6 - 7.9/10 (Although I'm a HP fan)

About A Boy - 7.5/10 If you haven't seen it, its on ITV2 nearly every night
Gran Torino - 8.9/10 Brilliant

Harry Potter 6 - 7.9/10 (Although I'm a HP fan)

About A Boy - 7.5/10 If you haven't seen it, its on ITV2 nearly every night
The acting of the Tao character completely ruined Gran Torino for me. Felt it was quite overrated and predictable too.

By the way, what's the difference between a 7.5 and a 7.4? One second of laughter? :p
Gigantic. It feels like a bunch of plot points put together with very little bringing them all together. Not a horrible movie, but could have done with a little more explanation. And of course, Zooey Deschanel.
Truly one of the most beautiful things on this planet. Green eyes and black hair just does it for me.
Truly one of the most beautiful things on this planet. Green eyes and black hair just does it for me.

I think she good looking and all, but nothing really special. That said of course she would get it
She's gorgeous, and you could get lost in those eyes...

Too bad she's a shit actress.
People will Talk - More Cary Grant. I think I would have enjoyed this movie more if I hadn't put so much gin in the bloody marys I was sipping. Still, not Cary's best wor. A weak plot that's carried by some decent acting and interesting characters. 7/10
A tip for fellow bloody mary drinkers: use Mr. and Mrs. T's Bold and Spicy Mix. Just add vodka, gin or whatever your choice of alcohol is and you're good to go.
Up - 7/10

pixar at their best. Nicely made feel good animated film.
Yeah she was awful. I like it sometime when a girl totally changes her hair like Miller did in this one. As for the movie, it was pretty mindless but I went in expecting that and it did have decent action and was entertaining so what the hell.
It's shit like the password to launch a missile being in Gaelic, and one of the Joes just so happens to know the Gaelic word for 'fire' and 'eject'. And stupid shit like how they have a device that can read the last images of a dead person's mind. I don't mind action, but for feck's sake, have a think about what you're making before it gets made.
You mean you don't know speak Gaelic either, after seeing GI Joe I thought one in two people just knew it for some reason
And the product placements were especially annoying. Mainly the Norton AntiVirus placement.

That's just part of summer movies these days, they suck out as much money as they possibly can out of the film
Is it safe to shoot at a truck with Nuclear Warheads inside?
As long as they aren't armed, that seems to be the consensus in Hollywood
I was under the impression that they werent nuclear though