Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Quarantine is a decent horror flick. Not many jumpy moments but made a good watch. Is good when the chaos unravels and I'd shit myself put in some of the situations. 7/10

Sorry this was another rip off of a non american horror film. The original is far more scary.

You could have quoted that or something :lol: There I was thinking you had the exact same opinion as me.

I'll be honest, i've seen trailers for this for months and thought every time i've seen it that it's the kind of film that i'd not waste my time watching. I'm not a big fan of this type of horror and i'd seen a few this year that pretty much strengthened my opinion of that. However I decided to see this as there wasn't much else on and well I was bored.

Without spoiling the film the story is basically about an adopted child who goes on to cause her new family a whole load of problems. Doesn't sound great and no doubt the majority will think so after watching it - but for some reason I really enjoyed it. Maybe it was because my expectations were so low, but I thought it was a better than average film and the quality of the child actors was surprising. The orphan, Esther was played by a young girl called Isabelle Fuhrman and she was brilliant I thought.

I can't say much about the film because I could easily spoil the plot but I will say it's one that shouldn't be written off without being given a chance, in my opinion anyway.


I'll be honest, i've seen trailers for this for months and thought every time i've seen it that it's the kind of film that i'd not waste my time watching. I'm not a big fan of this type of horror and i'd seen a few this year that pretty much strengthened my opinion of that. However I decided to see this as there wasn't much else on and well I was bored.

Without spoiling the film the story is basically about an adopted child who goes on to cause her new family a whole load of problems. Doesn't sound great and no doubt the majority will think so after watching it - but for some reason I really enjoyed it. Maybe it was because my expectations were so low, but I thought it was a better than average film and the quality of the child actors was surprising. The orphan, Esther was played by a young girl called Isabelle Fuhrman and she was brilliant I thought.

I can't say much about the film because I could easily spoil the plot but I will say it's one that shouldn't be written off without being given a chance, in my opinion anyway.

I think you're wrong there..
Watchmen - Enjoyed it. I guess i went into it with low expectations, not having seen the novel, and i actually forgot about it after the initial hype. Very entertaining, as well as refreshing from mainstream comic book adaptations. Not going to bother giving it a score, it will probably be boring to many people but it kept me interested.

Norton is brilliant as always. Matt Damon does his regular shtick. I can't find another actor who just by being himself can fit into various good characters, like the Bourne movies, Will Hunting, and this one. The bloke who plays the KGB head is worth many laughs as well. The script is the winner in this one. But it lacks an overarching theme, or to rephrase it better, the existing overarching theme wasn't well-rounded, which is ironic, 'cos the movie is called Rounders.

Anyways, to commemorate it in signature fashion, I shall give it an 8/10. Worth a punt.

Norton is brilliant as always. Matt Damon does his regular shtick. I can't find another actor who just by being himself can fit into various good characters, like the Bourne movies, Will Hunting, and this one. The bloke who plays the KGB head is worth many laughs as well. The script is the winner in this one. But it lacks an overarching theme, or to rephrase it better, the existing overarching theme wasn't well-rounded, which is ironic, 'cos the movie is called Rounders.

Anyways, to commemorate it in signature fashion, I shall give it an 8/10. Worth a punt.

Jim Carrey is great in every film, if you like what he does. Which i do & he essentially plays the same roles (outside of the odd serious ones he's done more recently). He divides alot of opinions.
Started watching Duplicity, with Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. I switched it off after 4-5 minutes. I dont know what I expected but there was something very wrong with the opening dialogue and Clive Owen's face.

Looking forward to The Castle Of Cagliostro. Should be arriving any day now.

And I fecking kid you not but my eyes teared up at the end of The Pursuit of Happiness. The story was good, and especially the acting. I think because of the main character having a moustache I was finally able not to see Will Smith behind it, but the real Chris Gardner.
Banlieue 13 - Very watchable French action movie. Sort of set in the future in the ghettos in Paris. One of the inventors of Parkour is one of the leads. Brain at the door fun. 7/10

I just checked, that one is directed by Pierre Morel, same dude who did Taken. Added Banlieue 13 to my rental list now. Cheers.
The Taking of Pelham 123 5.5/10: I really liked the atmosphere and the simple script and Travolta rocked in this movie.
What just made it weird is how they finished with Denzel executing him as if it was nothing and then leaving while joking with the Mayor.I was like "wtf ? is this the real en ?"

ps: I recommend you very much "Banlieue 13 " as it is a fun movie to watch and also the sequel "Banlieue 13 ultimatum"

Norton is brilliant as always. Matt Damon does his regular shtick. I can't find another actor who just by being himself can fit into various good characters, like the Bourne movies, Will Hunting, and this one. The bloke who plays the KGB head is worth many laughs as well. The script is the winner in this one. But it lacks an overarching theme, or to rephrase it better, the existing overarching theme wasn't well-rounded, which is ironic, 'cos the movie is called Rounders.

Anyways, to commemorate it in signature fashion, I shall give it an 8/10. Worth a punt.

The bloke who plays KGB?

Feck's sake man, that's John Malkovich.

And he was the best part of the film.
:eek: Someone couldn't recognize John Malkovich? The guy oozes class ffs, have yet to see him do a poor role. Always a memorable, stand out character.

Off to check out the movie now
Gran Torino

There's a good film in there somewhere but it's buried pretty fecking deep. Clint Eastwood is, as ever, a compelling screen presence and I really wanted to care about a mildly gripping storyline more than I actually did. Completely ruined by the worst supporting cast I've seen in a move in a long long time. Keep a special eye out for "the priest". I once acted as "the priest" in my school play and I reckon my performance put this cnut in the shade. I was 10 years old at the time. Oh and it's racist. The movie that is. Lots of unfunny, non-PC jokes which add nothing of any interest and should have been trimmed in the edit. Ditto both of Clint's sons, every scene involving the fecking priest and a bizarre and completely pointless scene where Clint's character and his dick-head barber try to teach young "Tau" to speak like a man.

Nice car though.

Gran Torino

There's a good film in there somewhere but it's buried pretty fecking deep. Clint Eastwood is, as ever, a compelling screen presence and I really wanted to care about a mildly gripping storyline more than I actually did. Completely ruined by the worst supporting cast I've seen in a move in a long long time. Keep a special eye out for "the priest". I once acted as "the priest" in my school play and I reckon my performance put this cnut in the shade. I was 10 years old at the time. Oh and it's racist. The movie that is. Lots of unfunny, non-PC jokes which add nothing of any interest and should have been trimmed in the edit. Ditto both of Clint's sons, every scene involving the fecking priest and a bizarre and completely pointless scene where Clint's character and his dick-head barber try to teach young "Tau" to speak like a man.

Nice car though.


The cast are shite largely because there aren't many professional Mongolian or whatever they were actors. I'll give you the priest though, I really hoped he was going to die. In real life.
Gran Torino

There's a good film in there somewhere but it's buried pretty fecking deep. Clint Eastwood is, as ever, a compelling screen presence and I really wanted to care about a mildly gripping storyline more than I actually did. Completely ruined by the worst supporting cast I've seen in a move in a long long time. Keep a special eye out for "the priest". I once acted as "the priest" in my school play and I reckon my performance put this cnut in the shade. I was 10 years old at the time. Oh and it's racist. The movie that is. Lots of unfunny, non-PC jokes which add nothing of any interest and should have been trimmed in the edit. Ditto both of Clint's sons, every scene involving the fecking priest and a bizarre and completely pointless scene where Clint's character and his dick-head barber try to teach young "Tau" to speak like a man.

Nice car though.

Most people have made the same coment on the supporting cast, but for some bizarre reason that adds to it for me. I can't put my finger on why, but they have an element of 'realism' to them. The priest though I will agree is a nob, that role should have been cast better as there is no lack of actors who could have brought an extra dimension to that particular character.

5/10 though seems a bit harsh.
The cast are shite largely because there aren't many professional Mongolian or whatever they were actors. I'll give you the priest though, I really hoped he was going to die. In real life.


The Korean actors weren't even the worst. Priest aside, Clint Eastwood's family were fecking dreadful. They were straight out of a Hallmark movie.
The cast are shite largely because there aren't many professional Mongolian or whatever they were actors. I'll give you the priest though, I really hoped he was going to die. In real life.

Clint Eastwood's sons were even worse. What the hell was that all about!
I hate Two and a Half Men.

Been working on a web series for a couple of months. Finishing the first season now, starting the second one shortly. Got a few other projects in the works, hoping to get those done quickish. Also working on the corporate video side of things to be able to fund my own projects.

What do you want to know?
Anyone else seen District 9?

Just came back from seeing it now, and I'm still paddling like a motherfecker because that shit was OARSOME. Seriously such an original concept as far as alien movies go.

So excellent and endearing and original and just excellent.
I think he made the decision to only use amateur actors based on the lack of pro Korean/whatever ones. Amateur shouldn't necessarily mean bad though.

That's like using amateur football players v professional ones, there is a huge gulf in class because in both cases if the amateurs were so good they would be pros.
Anyone else seen District 9?

Just came back from seeing it now, and I'm still paddling like a motherfecker because that shit was OARSOME. Seriously such an original concept as far as alien movies go.

So excellent and endearing and original and just excellent.

Not yet but it's one i'm definitely gonna see. From the trailers i was a bit worried it could easily be one of those films thats either brilliant or terrible - yours is the first review i've seen so the signs are good!
I Love You, Man- Good. Again, not a stand out funny film, more a Knocked Up than a Superbad, but it was pretty good. It wasn't what I was expecting to be honest as it had it's fair share of drama for a Paul Rudd and Jason Segel film.

It had it's moments though and, Dear God, Rashida Jones looked absolutely amazing in it. What a beautiful woman, I think I'm going to marry her.