Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Yes Man
Eh, it was okay I guess. Some bits in it made me laugh a little, but there were no great moments or anything. Also, I cannot give a high rating to any movie where Jim Carey gets a blowjob from an old woman.

I'm not really a fan of this kind of film and haven't seen the first 2 Ice Age movies.
It's a strange thing about movies that everybody expects to appreciate all of them. You wouldn't go off and read 'Noddy Builds A Rocketship'.
Saw 4 Cary Grant movies yesterday. All were great fun. Was probably the best at romantic comedies.

Holiday - 7/10
Arsenic and Old Lace - 9/10
His Girl Friday - 8/10
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer - 7/10

Also saw Public Enemies on Friday. Nothing special at all. Quite poor in parts. The music was decent though.
Awake - Awful other than the beauty that is Jessica Alba. So unrealistic as well, they are doing a fecking heart transplant, with 4 people in the room, in addition none of the 4 people are perfusionist, so who the feck was running the bypass machine. Also, the lack of sterile technique is appalling. 3/10; sans Alba 0/10
I watched Sunshine directed by Danny Boyle last night.

Twas ok. Started well but then decended into the usual staple cliches of the genre, particularly the 3rd act which was almost like a different film to the hour or so that had preceded it.

On the plus side, the visuals were incredible for a film with such a relatively small budget. I'd imagine Michael Bay wouldn't even be able to afford a CG wiener for Optimus Prime with the total amount spent on this. Very impressive.

Saw this too. Was great for 2/3 of the film. Claustraphobic, tense, exciting. The last 3rd was a mess visually and confusing. And the slasher angle was a bit lame. I'd give it 7/10 though.

Also saw In Bruges which was enjoyable even though the humour fell flat and it took too much from Sexy Beast. 7/10
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Simply put the plot of the film revolves around a stolen sword, but focuses on several characters. There is Master Lei and Yu Shu Lien, two warriors who have never admitted there love to eachother, who take up a quest to recover the sword, avenge Lei's masters death by killing the murderous Jade Fox and save a young, impetuous but highly skilled warrior (Jen Yu) from corruption.

Jen Yu herself is Jade Fox's disciple, and is torn between the life Jade wants for her, the life her parents want, and the life she wants (to be with her true love, Lo)

A great tale that blends many themes such as love, revenge, death. Beautifully shot and highly enjoyable.

since the Caf was down I found some time to watch some DVDs that I have had for a while ...

Milk 7.5/10
Decent film but it would be nothing without Sean Penn.

Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait 6.5/10
A game of 2 halves basically, first half was heavy going but 2nd half was great - too long at 90 minutes, could have been a great 1 hour documentary.
feck all going on for long periods - interesting experiment nonetheless - belongs in the Tate Modern rather than then cinema.
The DVD extras with interviews with Zidane and the directors make it a much more interesting package.
Top soundtrack from Mogwai and cameos from Beckham, Forlan and Roberto Carlos!
Yes Man
Eh, it was okay I guess. Some bits in it made me laugh a little, but there were no great moments or anything. Also, I cannot give a high rating to any movie where Jim Carey gets a blowjob from an old woman.


Very generous.
Valkyrie - 7/10

I didn't give it any notice since it was a Tom Cruise film, but when I read the plot, it seemed interesting.

turned out to b a pretty decent film.
Death at a Funeral

Fell asleep several times during this but I was absolutely knackered and quite poorly so don't take that as a reflection on the movie.

It had some people in it that I recognised (the guy from the BT internet ads, the midget from In Bruges, Daisy Donovan, the guy from trainspotting that goes to the job interview on speed) and for the bits I was awake it was quite amusing.

I'll be honest. The only bit I really remember (aside from the first 20 minutes) is when some bloke was helping an old man go toilet and he got shit on his hand. It was repulsive. I'll probably watch it again.
La Strada

A grieving mother sells her daughter Gelsomina to a travelling strongman called Zampano. The film centres around Gelsominas innocent approach to life which shelters her to the emotional and physical distress of her situation, and her love for Zampano.

I thought it was an excellent film, Gelsominas wide-eyed innocence was played to perfection, and although the plot is very simple it makes for an emotionally charged and a quite depressing movie.

World's Fastest Indian

This movie is like a poetry. It just nice to watch. And it was incredibly funny at some parts. 9/10
La Strada

A grieving mother sells her daughter Gelsomina to a travelling strongman called Zampano. The film centres around Gelsominas innocent approach to life which shelters her to the emotional and physical distress of her situation, and her love for Zampano.

I thought it was an excellent film, Gelsominas wide-eyed innocence was played to perfection, and although the plot is very simple it makes for an emotionally charged and a quite depressing movie.


Giulietta Masina was such a gorgeous woman.
La Vita e Bella

Brilliant, brilliant film. Funny, moving, well acted, well shot just brilliant. A tear came to my big manly eye at the end. Roberto Benigni is a genius. I've enjoyed almost every film he's been in.

10/10 and just one tear? Hmm. In my book 10/10 should have you shivering from goose bumps through almost the entire movie while you'll end up sobbing yourself to sleep from the greatness of the movie and not the sentimentality.

But that's just me!
La Vita e Bella

Brilliant, brilliant film. Funny, moving, well acted, well shot just brilliant. A tear came to my big manly eye at the end. Roberto Benigni is a genius. I've enjoyed almost every film he's been in.


Absolutely superb film. One of my all time favourites.
Indeed. Outside of the fact I have a crush on Zooey Deschanel, there is nothing good about that movie.

Bradley Cooper.

Valkyrie - 7/10

I didn't give it any notice since it was a Tom Cruise film, but when I read the plot, it seemed interesting.

turned out to b a pretty decent film.

Saw this on a plane a couple of weeks ago whilst high on travel pills. Got the impression it was quite good.
I watched that Brave New World the other day.

Have to say I really, really liked it. The shots and scenery were something else. Absolutely beautifully captured, it really was.. I can see how most people would find it dragged on though as there really wasn't much story line to it, just breathtaking shot after breathtaking shot for about 3 hours. I'm not really someone who watches many films though, and I found this was incredibly captivating in it's own way. For me it was a film that was incredibly powerful in its silence. I'm not going to give it a rating mind, I don't think I can. Specifically because, despite the fact I really enjoyed it, it's not a film I would ever recommend to anyone.
The Philadelphia Story

Tracy Lord (Katherine Hepburn) is about to remarry when her ex-husband Dexter Haven (Cary Grant) and reporter Macaulay Connor (James Stewart) turn up and give her some insights into herself and her situation.

Great comedy with lots of things to love about it. The performances are fantastic, James Stewart plays his usual bumbling but charming character brilliantly, Cary Grant delivers the cool witty sarcasm well and Hepburn is completely immersed in the role of the rich woman with a slight goddess complex. The plot is simple but strong and weaves together a massive love triangle (or square in this case), and the dialogue is hilariously snappy and clever.

The Obama Deception - 3/5

It was quite good and insightful. Makes myself feel good about not being pro-Obama like all the idiots around the world that thinks one man is going to do all the difference.
Memorizu. Three very cool episodes, loved it.

Kalifornia. Brad Pitt and J. Lewis make the movie. David Duhovny and his girlfriend were just too annoying. Good soundtrack.

Public Enemies. Shit. The movie should have been made on film and not digital. No colours, no depth. And please quit all this camera shaking ffs.

Ordered Che part 1 and 2. Cant wait to see them.
Memorizu. Three very cool episodes, loved it.

Kalifornia. Brad Pitt and J. Lewis make the movie. David Duhovny and his girlfriend were just too annoying. Good soundtrack.

Public Enemies. Shit. The movie should have been made on film and not digital. No colours, no depth. And please quit all this camera shaking ffs.

Ordered Che part 1 and 2. Cant wait to see them.
You should consider a career as a film critic.
Mesrine: Part 1 - Death Instinct
Mesrine: Part 2 - Public Enemy #1

Technically this is a perfect piece to watch. Vincent Cassel is an enormous monster, he should have been awarded Oscar a long time ago. However the development of his Jacques Mesrine character is so unnatural that I caught myself thinking during the film "why would he do this or that makes absolutely no sense even for a nutjob of this scale. French.
Just finished watching Rebel without a cause for the first time and I was majorly impressed. I've never seen a Dean film before and thought most of the clamour over him would be hype but he really did have some talent. Great story of the angst of teenage life, trying to fit into a society which doesn't understand them and the blurred position of being both seen as a child and an adult at once. In fact I think I may base my dissertation around that kind of idea.

Going to try and get east of eden or giant for this evening, anyone care to point out which one I should go for next?
The Uninvited

I watched this with little expectations, thinking this will be a shit movie. In the end, I was quite surprised, and me and my girlfriend found it quite enjoyable. Not a great movie, but I felt it was a good one.

The Obama Deception - 3/5

It was quite good and insightful. Makes myself feel good about not being pro-Obama like all the idiots around the world that thinks one man is going to do all the difference.

It's very eye opening and at this point, not much can be argued with although it does go to the extremes at times. Two things that can't be argued are that Obama has continued the militarization of the country and also although he said he was after Wall Street no one has benefited more from his election that them, there was even talk of a second Wall Street stimulus being bandied about on some of the news channels today...