Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I watched this last night.


If, like me, you enjoy shitty horror movies, this isn't actually that bad.

So how good was it?
It's hilarious. Hilariously bad, but hilarious nonetheless. Basically, if you have seen the trailer, you have seen all the best bits. This review (which contains spoilers) pretty much nails it.

Okay, first off. You should know right away if this movie is for you or not. Did you watch and enjoy Shark Attack 3? Do you find plot holes, crappy acting and awful cgi funny? Hell yeah?! Then this is for you. If you don't enjoy any of those things, then move right along and let us laugh alone.

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus is a title this guy just couldn't pass up. Though, to be honest, I kinda wanted to. But after some deep thought, I realized it has a mega shark and a giant octopus fighting. Plus it has Lorenzo Lamas....the action star version of Kenny G. And not surprisingly after finishing up the flick, it was exactly what I expected it to be like. Crap. Funny crap.

Starts off with ex-pop star Debbie Gibson manning a stolen underwater submersible. Her and her pudgy pal are tracking pods of whales in I think it was Japan....not sure. If they didn't tell us exactly where they were every few scenes I would've been kinda confused. Anyways, she's piloting this thing....ya know, thinking back there were White-tip reef sharks in the same scene as the ice-bergs....yeah, that doesn't make sense. Okay, well, something goes wrong with the whales and they accidentally bump into this huge ice capsule that has a, you guessed it, mega shark aka megalodon and a giant octopus aka Gigantopus. They're free now and they immediately set out to cause havoc. Snatching air planes outta the sky, demolishing off-shore oil rigs....and a few other ridiculous things. So what's the plan? What should our rag-tag team of scientists do with these meddlesome creatures of the deep? Find out in, *large booming voice* Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus!

The flick is really just a piece of crap. But it's undeniably ridiculous, thus making it funny. I never knew submarine captains were complete and utter idiots. The first submarine captain believed they killed the megalodon, but even though from his skipper (?) telling him it's not destroyed, the captain keeps repeating "target destroyed" all proud and sh!t. Then the shark attacks and he does the ever awesome, "Nooooooooo!!" I think we actually get a couple long drawn out screams of death like that. Yeeeeeesssss!! This flick is full of stupid scenes. Take for example the helicopter pilot in the beginning....crashes for no reason whatsoever. Or how about the scientists trying to create a formula to solve their shark/octopus dilemma. Mixing colors has never been more difficult. You knew as soon as they made a "cool" color, they're experiment worked....predictable silly stuff like that rules this flick. And I thank them for that.

One thing that really got me thinking in this flick was the love interest issue. You got the hot yet ditsy scientist played by Debbie Gibson falling for the geeky Asian scientist. That's amazing! I haven't seen a male Asian get a Caucasian female since Dragon: The Bruce Lee story. I gotta give Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus big credit for that one. Though I'm still waiting for the day I see a hot black chick go for the Asian dude. (Rumble in the Bronx doesn't count!) Still haven't seen that yet. You'll never see it in real-life, that's for sure. Back to the love issue in the movie, you had the two love birds, but then you have the other older scientist who taught Debbie everything she knows on the back burner. It seemed to me, that he felt very left out. There was even this weird scene with just the two of them on the beach and he tells her how proud he is of her. I thought he was trying to confess his love, but he just used the absolute wrong words. Romantic setting, alone, dealing with monster sea creatures, this is the best time to tell her how you feel, but instead you pussy it up and tell her you're proud of her. Wuss. You're supposed to tell her she's been amazing and beautiful, and she's important to you. Then you're supposed to grab her and stare deep into her eyes, glancing at her lips, then it's time to suck face! Well, maybe not like that, but close to something like that. Don't even get me started on the awkward kiss on the cheek he planted on her.

I feel like I keep repeating myself when I tell you this movie's bad, but it's the truth. It's a stinker. But again, it delivers with some really silly and awful writing. This is the type of flick you could honestly make fun of scene by scene, from start to finish. I do gotta admit Lorenzo Lamas, the most seasoned actor outta the bunch, did a pretty good job as the bossy, overly anxious leader guy. Sorry, I don't know what his title was. And again, it seemed he wanted some Debbie Gibson ass as well, but that went nowhere as well. One scene he made some sexy faces at her I swear! Eh no matter, the Asian guy got her and that's all that matters. And that's the moral of the story, if you play your cards right, you can score with a member of an opposite race no problem.

It is available to download, if you are that way inclined.
Finally saw Sideways. I thought it was good. It was filmed like it was a soap opera or something, strange texture on the film and cheap music but great acting which is why it was good as it was.
My brother has gone to vegas today and we sat through two vegas themed films over the weekend whilst he 'got in the mood for his hoilday'

A film about a bunch of school kids who count cards in vegas, a nothing film really - i was bored throughout and wouldn't advise watching it to be honest.


What happens in vegas
A film i shouldn't have enjoyed, Kutcher & Diaz in some romcom based on a drunken night in Vegas that see's them get married. tehy then go on to win $3m dollars and have to live together for 6 months to get the money. All very predictable really - but I found myself enjoying it! some witty one lines from the supporting cast made it for me, the on-going feud between kutcher & diaz best mate was particularly amusing.
o yea, so I'm either going to see the Story of the Weeping Camel, or Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.

I'm seriously going to see the latter, the review held out an arm towards me.


Also, What Happens In Vegas ?!!?!?

Who even watches these films?! Let alone gives it a 7, hang your head in shame.
o yea, so I'm either going to see the Story of the Weeping Camel, or Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.

I'm seriously going to see the latter, the review held out an arm towards me.


Also, What Happens In Vegas ?!!?!?

Who even watches these films?! Let alone gives it a 7, hang your head in shame.

Hmmm an odd statement considering what you're planning on watching.

Also my review pretty much answers your questions - i watched it, and I gave it a 7. :D
Dirty Dancing


So cheesy I didn't know whether to play the DVD or stick it between two pieces of wholewheat and toast it in a sandwichmaker. Great stuff.
Hmmm an odd statement considering what you're planning on watching.

Also my review pretty much answers your questions - i watched it, and I gave it a 7. :D

I'm planning to watch a train crash, you're watching two old men making out, and liking it. One of these are acceptable, the other weird.
Gran Torino - 3/5

Basically it's got a lot of flaws. The characters are not developed enough, the acting is awful at times and the story itself is really predictable. It still manages to keep some tension throughout though, and I'm weak for all the Asian references.
Dirty Dancing


So cheesy I didn't know whether to play the DVD or stick it between two pieces of wholewheat and toast it in a sandwichmaker. Great stuff.

In the early 90's I travelled from Townsville to Sydney on a bus and the only tape the driver had was this fecking film and he played it on loop for the whole journey and I mean the WHOLE FECKING JOURNEY of more than 24 hours.

It was rubbish to start with but now it is my most hated film of all time.
In the early 90's I travelled from Townsville to Sydney on a bus and the only tape the driver had was this fecking film and he played it on loop for the whole journey and I mean the WHOLE FECKING JOURNEY of more than 24 hours.

It was rubbish to start with but now it is my most hated film of all time.


This was before iPods too. It must have been hell.
Red Cliff, 1 and 2. Don't bother with the abridged version currently showing in the West.

I watched the western version and was thoroughly impressed - i'd like to see the two seperate versions but I believe they were joined as the story for those unfamiliar with the history of it all would be far too confusing. Would you agree?
Hang on, what's this all about? How are they different? Has the Western one been cut to shreds or something?
Megan Fox 2

Megan did not disappoint
Transformers 2. Wel it was certainly loud and big. It also tried to be too funny, and instead of making it a great movie, Michael Bay decided once again to spew shit out of his ass. Outstanding special effects though.
I watched Eagle Eye last night. "Ridiculous" does not even come close.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape - 8/10

Amazing performance by a 19 year old Leo Di Caprio, really blew me away. Compared to now I actually think he has slightly regressed. Really great cast as well, Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis, John C Reilly, Crispin Glover, and Mary Steenburgen (MILF!).
I watched the western version and was thoroughly impressed - i'd like to see the two seperate versions but I believe they were joined as the story for those unfamiliar with the history of it all would be far too confusing. Would you agree?

Hang on, what's this all about? How are they different? Has the Western one been cut to shreds or something?

Well considering the western version is one film running about 140 odd mins whilst the origional 2 parts combined will last over 4 hours i think they have definetely cut a lot of good or even key stuff out of it. Apparently the difference is a bit of english naration at the start to clue us westerners up in what it's actually about but i knew nothing and really enjoyed part 1, hopefully watch part 2 tonight.
I have just watched Clive Barkers Book of The Dead.
Cant say I was that impressed but it did pass 100mins sat at work.
The ending is very predictable has is the rest of the film.
6/10 must try harder next time.
The Lives of Others - Underwhelmed due to the baggage of expectation that surrounded it. Would've enjoyed it more had I seen it unaware of its reputation. Didn't find anything wrong with the movie though. Nice last line which ended it.
18 year old virgin.

What the feck? I don't even know why I agreed to watch it. It's completely rubbish. The whole film is set in the same house ,literally. It's just a porno without actual intercourse. The film has two things going for it:
1, The lead character has one of the most ridiculously hot bodies I have seen in a long time, and you get to see pretty much all of it.
2, It had a Return to Arms song on the soundtrack.

Really is terrible though. I should have checked out the IMDB rating beforehand. I would recommend it just so you get to check out her though. Fast forward it to the naked parts, it's what we ended up doing. We watched the whole film in just under 17minutes.
That post is useless without pictures Smashed
I watched Sunshine directed by Danny Boyle last night.

Twas ok. Started well but then decended into the usual staple cliches of the genre, particularly the 3rd act which was almost like a different film to the hour or so that had preceded it.

On the plus side, the visuals were incredible for a film with such a relatively small budget. I'd imagine Michael Bay wouldn't even be able to afford a CG wiener for Optimus Prime with the total amount spent on this. Very impressive.
The Spirit.

Utter shite spewed out of a hellish orifice found somewhere around John Prescott's navel. It was like a fairly bad kids' film but then they put Eva Mendes kind of naked in it meaning that kids couldn't even watch it. Weird. I was gonna give it 0/10 but it gained a point as that dinosaur made me laugh and it gained another for having a kind of naked Eva Mendes in it.

2/10. Avoid.
The Spirit.

Utter shite spewed out of a hellish orifice found somewhere around John Prescott's navel. It was like a fairly bad kids' film but then they put Eva Mendes kind of naked in it meaning that kids couldn't even watch it. Weird. I was gonna give it 0/10 but it gained a point as that dinosaur made me laugh and it gained another for having a kind of naked Eva Mendes in it.

2/10. Avoid.

Eva Mendes' ass is worth at least three points, but yeah talk about disappointing it was fecking awful.

Slumdog Millionaire-7.5/10 good movie not worthy of an Oscar though

The Day the Earth Stood Still- 4/10 Total load of shit
Year One

Not a great film, flimsy plot and largely predictable. Although if you want to watch a film and not have to think for an hour or two and get some cheap laughs then it'll do just fine.

Olivia Wilde & Michael Cera make the film for me, each for different reasons.

The Bridge

Documentary about people jumping off the Golden Gate bridge, for suicidal reasons obviously. Footage of people jumping, interviews with the close ones.

Exciting topic, possibly controversial, very poorly executed. Seemed like they were more eager to show Golden Gate like a poor tourist flick. They probably meant it as people being drawn to the bridge because of it's beauty, but that didn't work too well. Became a bit random with a underline of sadness that just seemed over the top.

felt like a big anti-climax.

Man On Wire

This was an awe inspiring documentay of the crazy French guy that tightrope walked between the Twin Towers.

It mixed footage with reconstruction and had accounts from everyone involved. Slightly disappointing that they didn't have any actual moving footage of the final walk but it was excellent nonetheless.

Highly Recommended.

Well I didn't expect this film to be very PC before going to see it and well... it didn't fail!

The film is great, again a top performance from Sacha Boran Cohen and how he gets away with most of it is beyond me (won't spoil much but the Al Qaeda terrorist scene was just :nervous:). One of the most cringe-worthiest films I've seen since... well since Borat!

The only problem is it's not quite as humorous as Borat, more shocking maybe, and going into the film comparing it to Borat was a bit of a :nono: but for that point only I give it 9/10
Two days have passed and another two cinema visits have been had......

Ice Age 3D
This was a film I watched due to the film i'd planned to watch not being on and there being nothing else on that i'd not seen. I'm not really a fan of this kind of film and haven't seen the first 2 Ice Age movies. Having watched this I know exactly why I don't bother with them! I was bored for the whole of the film and just didn't find it at all amusing. I think though it may just be me, as the rest of the people watching seemed to be in fits of laughter throughout. It's your typical animated film i'd say, in that you know the way its gonna go, bit of an introduction, bit of a drama and then a happy ending with a lot of silly juvenile jokes in between. Maybe my review isn't the best as it's just not my thing but for me it was poor.


Public Enemies
Now this was much more like it, Johnny Depp & Christian Bale play in a movie set in 1933 based on Depps character John Dillingers bank robbing exploits. It's basically a cat and mouse like chase between Depp & Bale and I found it very entertaining. Depp has a great ability to make his characters completely believable and this film is no exception. My only complaint would be some of the sub plots seemed slightly confusing and even now i'm still not entirely sure what some of the characters actually did. If you watch it then that may make more sense!
