Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

It's very eye opening and at this point, not much can be argued with although it does go to the extremes at times. Two things that can't be argued are that Obama has continued the militarization of the country and also although he said he was after Wall Street no one has benefited more from his election that them, there was even talk of a second Wall Street stimulus being bandied about on some of the news channels today...
People are indeed stupid. They were head over heels all over the world when he won the election. Lots of people around me were celebrating, I was just annoyed by how naive they were. To think something would change, and how that even would concern us in Sweden. Considering people all over Europe was excited, I don't even want to think about how excited the naive and ignorant americans were.
People are indeed stupid. They were head over heels all over the world when he won the election. Lots of people around me were celebrating, I was just annoyed by how naive they were. To think something would change, and how that even would concern us in Sweden. Considering people all over Europe was excited, I don't even want to think about how excited the naive and ignorant americans were.

So i guess McCain was the more logical choice with Palin waiting in the wings.:lol:

Look no-one is more upset then I with the latest capitulations on healthcare, But anyone who read his books should have realized he was more of a hawk when it came to the war machine and the war machine employs millions of Americans so I dont see it coming to a close anytime soon. Lets remember the bailout to the banks and Wall Street was under the Bush Adminstration not The Obama Administration.

IF he dosent get real healthcare reform done this term then I will be ripping up my DNC card and going indi!
So i guess McCain was the more logical choice with Palin waiting in the wings.:lol:

Look no-one is more upset then I with the latest capitulations on healthcare, But anyone who read his books should have realized he was more of a hawk when it came to the war machine and the war machine employs millions of Americans so I dont see it coming to a close anytime soon. Lets remember the bailout to the banks and Wall Street was under the Bush Adminstration not The Obama Administration.

IF he dosent get real healthcare reform done this term then I will be ripping up my DNC card and going indi!
You obviously haven't watched a second of the movie. Here you go.

Meh, that documentary could have been a lot shorter if it wasn't padded out with lunacy and diatribe, which is a pity as it did have some interesting parts.
Yeah, it had some parts that redundant. It was also too few interviewees. Speaks volumes when you have the same guy talking from four different angles in two different rooms to create a sense of diversity. Some things were also OTT and uninteresting. But as you said, it had quiet a few interesting parts. Being in love with conspiracies it made me watch the entire thing, and I hate all the people screaming OBAMA or whatever it is, that has no clue whatsoever what it means.

It was still two hours more well spent than sitting in here complaining about muppets or lack of signings in the absence of real news.
You obviously haven't watched a second of the movie. Here you go.

i will watch it but i stand by what i say. so far i have watched a few minutes and it goes without question that the president and our congress is basically run by corporations.

this shouldnt be called the obama deception it should be called the deception.

Although i dont really buy into all of what this tries to portray.

I mean really the guy they wanted to keep this going was a black man. A black man in this country with a Muslim name.



15 minutes in and so far the two most prominant experts are a failed comedian and a rap singer wtf?!

30 minutes in the bilderburg meetings. They are desperate to keep these meeting secret but yet they hold them out in the open that the majority of them pass right by the 30 strong protestors.

Hopefully this gets more interesting

oops 35 minutes in and we are listening to another rap star:lol:


45 minutes in and we learn that obama has been groomed by these new world order guys for the last 30 years.

and this continues to obama is changing what he said during the campaign. Still trying to keep an open mind but its hard at this time

OK 48 minutes in and we come to a real point. I was livid when obama went ahead and voted for FISA. But it didnt really come as a suprise to me because i read his books and realized he is a hawk.

Now the 8.5 trillion has me thinking i will have to look that up. But again this documentary tends to blame obama for the bailout when in fact it started under the bush administration

Have to admit i am digging the whole federal reserve thing so maybe this is starting to be worthwhile

Oh Ohh
Just when it gets interesting we hear how we all are going to be slaves and there will be 3 million spies keeping the rest of us in control. The dude has a great point about keeping the Federal reserve under our control and they arent above the law but then goes over the top.

My Main question at this point is where were these guys the last 8 years? Were they basically calling for the overthrow of these entities which control our government or is it because Barack became president that they went into overdrive?

1 hour 23 minutes in and we get to the real point. Obviously Bush didnt do enough so barack has been groomed to take it to the next level. Taxes on everything. Global warming myth, Cap and Trade thousands of taxes. Strange this diatribe is discussed nightly on fox news owned by Newscorp and certainly a member of this so called new world order Rupert Murdoch.

Now we come to the myth of the FEMA camps again nightly discussed on fox news.

there going to take our guns! Another fox news nightly topic as well as the bs of the Nazi style youth development. I dont get it dont other countries require their 18 year olds to serve in some capacity but if its done in the USA we are suddenly facist?

The fairness doctorine another talking point by limbaugh and hannity this gets better and better

As I said there are some (SOME) valid points in this presentation but it loses all credibility when it sounds like republican talking points continually brought up by the corporate whole that is newscorp and FOX news

OMG its finally over.

The last 10 minutes is so over the top. The images of Hitler, Communists and the idea that our citizens could be exterminated by this OBAMA led society clearly shows the hidden or not so hidden agenda of this documentary.

Again I ask Were the feck was this documentary during the Bush Administration? I will say the brilliance of this documentary is that they try to put some of the blame on Bush which they must believe will show some type of non-partisanship, but strangly say near the end they dramatically switch all of the blame to obama because of course he is much more gifted then Bush (and who would disagree with that) and is the man to finish off us all by destroying our personal freedoms.

I have serious issues with BHO but this film dosent really change my overall opinion about him.

Thanks for posting the link
Alex jones is also a 911 truther and a kennedy conspiracy theorist who dosent by the overwhelming forensic evidence that points to a lone assassin. He believes that we brought down the towers.

this really brings his cred into question

Oh and yes the fed brought down the oklahoma city building down

I went to see this expecting much the same as Borat, and that's a good thing as I loved Borat. I expected Cohen once again to put himself in positions nobody else would dream of doing and to provoke some kind of reaction from the unsuspecting 'stars' of the movie. Obviously there was going to be a gay aspect to the film with the character being Bruno - but that's no shock to anybody.

Cohen pushes the boundaries of comedy and exceeds in exposing the worst of the public. Although I found pretty much all of the movie funny, there were moments which induce eye-covering and groaning as some incredibly risky stunts are pulled (some of which I'm surprised Cohen got out of in one piece). Sometimes you're just not sure how to react - othertimes you can't but laugh as Cohen does things you just quite simply won't have seen before on the big screen, and probably won't ever see again!

How he gets away with some of it is beyond me, but he does and in doing so makes a very funny if risky movie.

The scene in which the American parents basically pimp their kids out i found particularly funny.

Some will love it and other will hate it, but for me its a hit!


TV anchor Howard Beale (Peter Finch) is sacked due to poor ratings, during his last run of shows he announces live on TV that he will kill himself next week. After been given a final chance to apologize and gracefully depart from the news network he chooses to rant about how fed up he is with the bullshit he sees every day in America, a speech that is kept on air by UBS Networks news editor Max Schumacher (William Holden).

Diana Christensen (Faye Dunaway), a producer for the entertainment division sees the oppurtunity to exploit Howard Beals mad rants for ratings, and Frank Hackett (Robert Duvall), Executive Senior VP of the network gives Howard Beal his own show as the 'Mad Prophet of the air waves'.

Network uses this show as a catalyst to offer thoughtful views on the nature of television, it isn't trying to preach TV is evil or any such contrived message, but is a satirical and darkly comic look at the news network, and the impact of TV on America and it's people. The script of Network is brilliant to say the least, intelligent and articulate, with monologues full of emotion and insights.

As for the performances the two that stood out most were Faye Dunaway as an emotionally detached 'humanoid', incapable of love as a consequence of career. And Peter Finch as the mad prophet, delivering his rants with deranged passion and power.

This film definitely stands out as one of my recent favourites. 9/10
Oh and after seeing several movies starring Faye Dunaway I have to say she was a fecking babe back in her day.
The Hangover

Saw this last night at the cinema and was impressed by it. The laughs didn't come from overly offensive jokes, but from the ridiculous situation they found themselves in. The kind of situation that every guy would secretly like to experience, waking up in a demolished $4000 a night hotel room in Vegas, your bachelor and a tooth missing, Tysons tiger in the bathroom and a baby in the cupboard wthout any idea what the feck has happened.

Oh, and one of you is married to Heather Graham to. If only...

Anyway the 4 buddies, (well 3), spend the rest of the film trying to piece together what happened the night before. The humour was refreshingly funny and constant, and the ending offered another nice touch that all guys can relate to, the viewing of the night before. All in all a movie well worth watching in a genre that is plagued by juvenile mediocrity.


Absolutely amazing movie. It has no plot, dialogue or anything like that. Just real-life footage of different places over the world, filmed expertly using time-lapse photography amongst other things. It had me completely spellbound the whole time.

The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum part was really haunting. I wish i'd watched the blu-ray version instead, would have looked stunning.

The Uninvited

I watched this with little expectations, thinking this will be a shit movie. In the end, I was quite surprised, and me and my girlfriend found it quite enjoyable. Not a great movie, but I felt it was a good one.


if you liked this you should see the movie which is based on as its very rare for an American studio to have an original thought

Tale of two sisters

one of Korean horrors greatest achievments

Absolutely amazing movie. It has no plot, dialogue or anything like that. Just real-life footage of different places over the world, filmed expertly using time-lapse photography amongst other things. It had me completely spellbound the whole time.

The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum part was really haunting. I wish i'd watched the blu-ray version instead, would have looked stunning.

This is an incredible piece of movie making, I heard it referred to once as "epic visual poetry" sums it up quite nicely me thinks. Ron Fricke is a genius. This movie says more without any words than any documentary I have ever watched, not that its a doc, but you know what I mean 10/10 for me on this one

Set during the US Civil War, Col. Robert Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick) leads the Unions first all black volunteer company. The film centres around the companies preparation for battle and the racism they must endure.

Although at times I thought the film was a bit overly sentimental and cliche, (the company marches into battle, one black volunteer catches the eye of a white soldier who he had previously had a rough encounter with who in turn leads a cheer for the black company he has now come to respect). But it has its merits, the subject matter makes for an emotionally invoking plot, the battles are well made and it has a great soundtrack.

Broderick is a good lead as a Colonel who believes in what is right and has no prejudices against his black company. Morgan Freeman fits his usual bill, a steely eyed wise volunteer who becomes a father figure of sorts, and Denzel Washington plays a young volunteer full of hate from his life as a slave. Cary Ewles and Andre Braugher also deliver fine performances.

Whilst it wouldn't make my top 10 war films it is most certainly worth a watch.

Yeah the skyline is in it alot some of the harbor. I am not to familiar with Hong Kong though as I have never been though.
Also, lao there were about 20 other documentaries about Bush. It's funny how the Obama lovers always say what about Bush and shit like that. Bush has nothing to do with what Obama is doing right now.

Absolutely amazing movie. It has no plot, dialogue or anything like that. Just real-life footage of different places over the world, filmed expertly using time-lapse photography amongst other things. It had me completely spellbound the whole time.

The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum part was really haunting. I wish i'd watched the blu-ray version instead, would have looked stunning.

Have you seen it high? I've seen it twice; in Paris on hasch, in Tokyo on weed. And I hope you saw it high the first time, I wouldn't want to spoil those kind of pictures being clean. :(

Have you been to Tuol Sleng? I wasn't that emotional wandering around the cells cos I hadn't read up on anything around it so that I could relate to it. But boy, when I came to the section where the mugshots of innocent, tortured children crying alone in cells were on display. I couldn't take it.

This is an incredible piece of movie making, I heard it referred to once as "epic visual poetry" sums it up quite nicely me thinks. Ron Fricke is a genius. This movie says more without any words than any documentary I have ever watched, not that its a doc, but you know what I mean 10/10 for me on this one

To both of you, get ahold of the prequels; Koyaanisqatsi, Naqoyqatsi and Powaqqatsi. I've only seen a few scenes, but it's more of the good, and Philip Glass made the music. I want to save them til I stack up on weed. :)
Have you seen it high? I've seen it twice; in Paris on hasch, in Tokyo on weed. And I hope you saw it high the first time, I wouldn't want to spoil those kind of pictures being clean. :(

Have you been to Tuol Sleng? I wasn't that emotional wandering around the cells cos I hadn't read up on anything around it that I could relate to it. But boy, when I came to the section where the mugshots of innocent, tortured children crying alone in cells were on display. I couldn't take it.

To both of you, get ahold of the prequels; Koyaanisqatsi, Naqoyqatsi and Powaqqatsi. I've only seen a few scenes, but it's more of the good, and Philip Glass made the music. I want to save them til I stack up on weed. :)

I've done neither of them unfortunately :( although I was a bit drunk when I saw it. Yeah, it was the children part that was really disturbing, all the mugshots and skulls.

Yeah, they look interesting. I might "acquire" them later. Ron Fricke is apparently releasing a new movie later this year as well.
I've done neither of them unfortunately :( although I was a bit drunk when I saw it. Yeah, it was the children part that was really disturbing, all the mugshots and skulls.

Yeah, they look interesting. I might "acquire" them later. Ron Fricke is apparently releasing a new movie later this year as well.
Yeah, I hope Samsara is filmed on 70mm like Baraka.
I guess everyone already hated Bush so he didn't feel the need to publish anything back then. I agree it's quite OTT and unprofessionally made though.

does that really make any sense though. This NWO has been trumpeted for years by these crackpots, However as i stated he is also a 911 truther who believes sources inside the American government were behind 911

Having said that. Barrack better get his act together soon.

Attempted intellectual American teen comedy. Mildly funny and the plot kept my attention til the end. Really good 80s soundtrack (Lou Reed, The Cure etc) too. Excellent chewing gum for the eyes.

Most annoying part for me was that they were supposed to be college students, but they all looked and acted like high school students.
S. Darko. Holy fecking shit, what a terrible fecking movie. I mean bad, really bad. Don't ever waste your time watching this. It doesn't make sense, the dialogue is absolutely horrible, and the acting is laughable. Hopefully the director never gets paid to direct a movie again.
S. Darko. Holy fecking shit, what a terrible fecking movie. I mean bad, really bad. Don't ever waste your time watching this. It doesn't make sense, the dialogue is absolutely horrible, and the acting is laughable. Hopefully the director never gets paid to direct a movie again.
Did the missus enjoy it?