Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Laughing is enjoying. S. Darko might be the perfect date movie then? You start laughing at how bad it is, and strike a connection. Then you can inspect what she had for lunch cos you don't care the slightest about the outcome of the movie.
Yes, if there is ever a movie you want to see that will allow you to talk to the other person because you can't watch the train wreck that is a movie, than this is the one for you.
Yes, if there is ever a movie you want to see that will allow you to talk to the other person because you can't watch the train wreck that is a movie, than this is the one for you.
Well, you don't watch a movie you've been longing to see for five years on your first date. Can only end in anger and frustration. I watched Turtles with a girl the other day, I almost strangled her because she wasn't paying any attention whatsoever to the movie, and I've seen Turtles a few times.. That was probably mostly down to her constant blabbering, but still.
Quantum of Solace

I liked this a lot better than the last effort. I think I may even grow to prefer this serious Bond, due to the more interesting/believable characters. FOr example, the villains being nasty wankers who backstab and bully their way into positions of power, as opposed to moronic looneys who keep sharks as pets and the like.

Couple of things that didn't sit with the more lifelike feel of the film though. Firstly, you wouldn't send an office worker to bring in a rogue 00 agent. Secondly, a secret hotel in the middle of the desert, built on top of exploding fuel tanks for no apparent reason, isn't exactly a step in the right direction from "secret volcano lair"

On the plus side, the girl in the trenchcoat was dead sexy.

if you liked this you should see the movie which is based on as its very rare for an American studio to have an original thought

Tale of two sisters

one of Korean horrors greatest achievments

Yeah, my girlfriend has watched it, and wanted to watch the Uninvited. She said the original was much more confusing, but the remake was alright
I really liked Watchmen. Long but I got into it so time didnt seem to drag I suppose.

Thought the story line was very clever and fitted well, and you felt like you get to know each character just well enough.

O and the latex bird was class. Not her really, but the costume.. O yes,

Yeah, I liked it too. I haven't read the graphic novel, so I can't compare, but I loved the dark storyline. Flawed superheroes make a change from the whiter than white, hollier than thou, Superman types. But overall, I thought it was a good film, perhaps even very good - certainly not as bad as people are making out, that said, the last 30 mins or so were a bit weak. Rorschach was probably my favourite character, not that I shared his black and white outlook. I also loved the film noir style detective story.
Yeah, I liked it too. I haven't read the graphic novel, so I can't compare, but I loved the dark storyline. Flawed superheroes make a change from the white as white hollier than thou Superman types. But overall, I thought it was a good film, perhaps even very good - certainly not as bad as people are making out, that said, the last 30 mins or so were a bit weak. Rorschach was probably my favourite character, not that I shared his black and white outlook. I also loved the film noir style detective story.
Yeah, I loved it. Watching it in a cinema does so much for it with all the heavy sound effects. The 21-year-old chinese girl that brought me loved it too, don't understand how people can think it's too slow. It's sometimes too black and white, but that's comics for ya. Films like Watchmen makes you feel how you're supposed to feel watching superhero flicks; you should giggle and get goose bumps from the coolness and grandeur that you sometimes wish existed in real life and people.
Yeah, I loved it. Watching it in a cinema does so much for it with all the heavy sound effects. The 21-year-old chinese girl that brought me loved it too, don't understand how people can think it's too slow. It's sometimes too black and white, but that's comics for ya. Films like Watchmen makes you feel how you're supposed to feel watching superhero flicks; you should giggle and get goose bumps from the coolness and grandeur that you sometimes wish existed in real life and people.

Yes, this one why I liked it so much. I suppose it could be argued that the characters were a bit hyperbolic but nevertheless, it can't be denied that they were more human than other superheroes. I guess, it's the reason why I like Batman more than Superman - and why I enjoyed Spiderman 2 and Hellboy more than most Marvel/DC comic book adaptations. The latter too seemed more complex and actually delved deeper into the main characters.

And what did you make of the last half an hour?
bruno - outstanding!

9/10 - would have been a 10 except it is slightly less outrageous than borat and seems a little staged in parts

definately pushes the boundaries a bit further - is crazy in parts and a genuine laugh out loud movie

check it out
Yes, this one why I liked it so much. I suppose it could be argued that the characters were a bit hyperbolic but nevertheless, it can't be denied that they were more human than other superheroes. I guess, it's the reason why I like Batman more than Superman - and why I enjoyed Spiderman 2 and Hellboy more than most Marvel/DC comic book adaptations. The latter too seemed more complex and actually delved deeper into the main characters.

And what did you make of the last half an hour?
With superheroes you need to be able to relate to them on a human level, otherwise you just don't get involved so I agree with the superhero flicks you've mentioned.

Well, I saw it four months ago so I don't really remember everything, but I guess it could have been done shorter and better. I think enjoyed the first parts of the movie the best, and the prison break-in; the amount of bass those Hong Kong movie seats generated with every slow-mo punch was a real experience.

Watchmen for me was a Sin City with substance.
With superheroes you need to be able to relate to them on a human level, otherwise you just don't get involved so I agree with the superhero flicks you've mentioned.

Well, I saw it four months ago so I don't really remember everything, but I guess it could have been done shorter and better. I think enjoyed the first parts of the movie the best, and the prison break-in; the amount of bass those Hong Kong movie seats generated with every slow-mo punch was a real experience.

Watchmen for me was a Sin City with substance.

Yep. I also think all out action without substance can get boring to watch. As for Watchmen, I loved the opening, especially the scenes of the 1940s - the characters looked fantastic.
Quantum of Solace

I liked this a lot better than the last effort. I think I may even grow to prefer this serious Bond, due to the more interesting/believable characters. FOr example, the villains being nasty wankers who backstab and bully their way into positions of power, as opposed to moronic looneys who keep sharks as pets and the like.

Couple of things that didn't sit with the more lifelike feel of the film though. Firstly, you wouldn't send an office worker to bring in a rogue 00 agent. Secondly, a secret hotel in the middle of the desert, built on top of exploding fuel tanks for no apparent reason, isn't exactly a step in the right direction from "secret volcano lair"

On the plus side, the girl in the trenchcoat was dead sexy.


Wash your mouth out. Dreadful film. No plot whatsoever and the action scenes get really boring just because there are so many of them and they're barely explained. And that hotel with the fuel cells was absolutely mongtastic. "Fuel cells, eh? Sounds unstable..."
Watchmen Dark, stylish and edgey. Sadly, it is also muddled, incoherent and pointless. I watched it with 5 people who love movies and I liked it more than any of them. A complete and utter waste of time for anyone who isn't a fan of the graphic novel. 4/10
17 Again Tolerable but lacking the charm of Big and the many films that have copied Big since. Tolerable for a spare evening at home. 6/10
Wash your mouth out. Dreadful film. No plot whatsoever and the action scenes get really boring just because there are so many of them and they're barely explained. And that hotel with the fuel cells was absolutely mongtastic. "Fuel cells, eh? Sounds unstable..."


Watchmen Dark, stylish and edgey. Sadly, it is also muddled, incoherent and pointless. I watched it with 5 people who love movies and I liked it more than any of them. A complete and utter waste of time for anyone who isn't a fan of the graphic novel. 4/10

I've never read the novel but I loved the film.
Why? Who cared? It was actually hard work keeping track of the time shifts and I couldn't empathise with any of the characters. Even assuming that the plot made any sense at all. I even wanted to like it because I am a sucker for stylish cinematography.
Bruno - Piece of unfunny shit 4/10
Public Enemies - Biggest Disappointment this year 5/10
Wash your mouth out. Dreadful film. No plot whatsoever and the action scenes get really boring just because there are so many of them and they're barely explained. And that hotel with the fuel cells was absolutely mongtastic. "Fuel cells, eh? Sounds unstable..."

Feck off.

It was a Bond film, just with most of the complete whakyness removed. If you're looking for a plot, look elsewhere. Except, I can't even remember the last time I saw a film with a plot that made sense.

I enjoyed it, though it was nothing spectacular
Feck off.

It was a Bond film, just with most of the complete whakyness removed. If you're looking for a plot, look elsewhere. Except, I can't even remember the last time I saw a film with a plot that made sense.

I enjoyed it, though it was nothing spectacular

You've got it the wrong way round. Quantum was rubbish, Casino Royale was the good one.
Hurt Locker

Very very good, it was refreshing to see a quality war movie that was not the usual cliched fight/battle scenes. This movie focus on the dynamics of a trio of bomb disposal technicians in Iraq faced with diffusing IEDs on a daily basis, knowing each time they go in its most likely a booby trap or an ambush, each deals with what they see and confront differently. The review I read before going to see this movie described it as the most authentic war movie since "Full mental jacket" I understand why they said that. Don't quote me on this but I think I read somewhere that the writer was an embedded journalist.

Definitely worth seeing, I would not hesitate to say this is the best movie available to see at the moment.

If you're looking for Holywood nonsense then this is not for you

Seven Pounds


I was expecting some unpredictability, more subtlety and less Hollywood. But all in all a good movie. It made me sob a little, but most movies do nowadays for some peculiar reason.
Seven Pounds


I was expecting some unpredictability, more subtlety and less Hollywood. But all in all a good movie. It made me sob a little, but most movies do nowadays for some peculiar reason.

I was disappointed with it I expected more especially after a few of my friends told me how goood it was. 6/10 but I was expecting an 8 or so.
Strange Wilderness


Ok, I am embarrassed for myself because I managed to watch till the end. I was expecting some crazy, amusing, b/c category of comedy which I like from time to time. You know a movie where everything so bad that it is actually funny. This was so bad that is makes Scary Movie a classic material. The only funny moment was when they shoot Big Foot (ooops spoiler, now consider this as 87 minutes plus to your life).
Feck off.

It was a Bond film, just with most of the complete whakyness removed. If you're looking for a plot, look elsewhere. Except, I can't even remember the last time I saw a film with a plot that made sense.

I enjoyed it, though it was nothing spectacular

I think most Bond films actually do have a plot and a bit of character development regardless of how silly it is. This one didn't even bother.
Watchmen Dark, stylish and edgey. Sadly, it is also muddled, incoherent and pointless. I watched it with 5 people who love movies and I liked it more than any of them. A complete and utter waste of time for anyone who isn't a fan of the graphic novel. 4/10

I agree with Wibble... the film went for too long and I didn't really get into it... the ending was a bit weak as well... maybe after Spooony's review and imdb's high rating, I expected a bit too much...
I agree with Wibble... the film went for too long and I didn't really get into it... the ending was a bit weak as well... maybe after Spooony's review and imdb's high rating, I expected a bit too much...

IMDB is losing credibility with new releases. Full of fanboys and the standards are dropping. I've been using it for years and the more popular the site becomes the more noticeable it gets.
Public Enemies - Yet another big budget star laden piece of shit. Some will probably enjoy it but for me it was so full of holes. Maybe I was in a cynical mood but still very very disappointing. Im sure the end result couldnt have been what Mann was aiming for.

I agree with Wibble... the film went for too long and I didn't really get into it... the ending was a bit weak as well... maybe after Spooony's review and imdb's high rating, I expected a bit too much...

I thought the ending was weak, as well. To be fair, I was expecting it to be rubbish - based on the reviews that I read. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I suppose it lacked a proper structure and perhaps even a purpose. But the characters were just so well rounded - sometimes a bit too over the top. Imagine the uncorruptible Superman trying to rape WonderWoman?! Superheroes with human flaws. I loved it.