Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Eragon I didn't take my son to see this at the cinema because the reviews were so poor but it isn't that bad at all. Adults might find it a bit hammed up and derivative at times but despite dreading having to watch it i quite enjoyed it. Dragons, fighting, hero's, villains and a pretty girl to rescue. What more do you want. And it passed the true test of a kids films. the kids watching ti sat all the way through and my son watched it a second time the same day. Maybe people forget that kids films are primarily for kids. Accordingly the rating is from my 8 y.o. son. 7/10
All the Kings Men Good performances all round from Penn, Law, Winslett, Hopkins etc but at nearly 2.5 hours for a story that could have been told in nearly half that time I had to knaw my arm off to keep away. I just didn't care about some obscure Southern US politician enough so the film failed utterly for me. 3/10 (perfomances 8/10)
Footy Legends A film about loser mates in Western Sydney getting back together to reform their High School Rugby team. The scene of their only real success in life. Filmed on a pittance this film could have been a disaster but ended up being the best Aussie feel good comedy since The Castle. The acting may occasionally be a bit mechnical but since most of the cast are first time actors or Rugby stars this isn't suprising and doesn't detract from the film at all. A tight script, good editing and a quality Aussie soundtrack all go to making a very worthy film. 8/10
The Lives of Others


This has little to do with the film, but I want you to go and see it

German film about a Stasi secret policeman charged with eavesdropping on a potentially dissident writer and his famous actress girlfriend. I'm not going to tell you much more, go and see it while it's in the cinema, it is superb.

Great acting, flawless direction, best screenplay for years - watch out for the scene in the lift, a masterclass in screenwriting, about 4 sentences of beautiful naturalistic dialogue and the story is turned on its head. Masterful.

Only one moan, there's a resolution scene after the main story, about 10 minutes, it's not bad but it's more sentimental than the rest of the film, and totally unnecessary. You can walk out after the main climax - you'll know when that is - and will have lost nothing.

Also, the title's shit. Maybe it has nuances in German I can't access. It should obviously have been called "Symphony for a Good Man." Maybe they thought that was too pretentious, but it was the right choice. "The Lives of Others" - feck off, that could safely and blandly describe any film ever made.

Still, feck it! Who cares about the cocking title!

The Prestige

Plot: 2 magicians wage a gay magic-war on each other to see whos got the bestest tricks.

actually much better than i expected. Good turns from Hugh 'Anus' Jackman and Christian Bale. 8 out of 10
The Lives of Others


This has little to do with the film, but I want you to go and see it

German film about a Stasi secret policeman charged with eavesdropping on a potentially dissident writer and his famous actress girlfriend. I'm not going to tell you much more, go and see it while it's in the cinema, it is superb.

Great acting, flawless direction, best screenplay for years - watch out for the scene in the lift, a masterclass in screenwriting, about 4 sentences of beautiful naturalistic dialogue and the story is turned on its head. Masterful.

Only one moan, there's a resolution scene after the main story, about 10 minutes, it's not bad but it's more sentimental than the rest of the film, and totally unnecessary. You can walk out after the main climax - you'll know when that is - and will have lost nothing.

Also, the title's shit. Maybe it has nuances in German I can't access. It should obviously have been called "Symphony for a Good Man." Maybe they thought that was too pretentious, but it was the right choice. "The Lives of Others" - feck off, that could safely and blandly describe any film ever made.

Still, feck it! Who cares about the cocking title!


I've been trying to rent that movie for a month but some cock has already rented and won't return it. The cock.
The Prestige

Plot: 2 magicians wage a gay magic-war on each other to see whos got the bestest tricks.

actually much better than i expected. Good turns from Hugh 'Anus' Jackman and Christian Bale. 8 out of 10
I thought it was great. 7.5/10 for me.
Supposedly Quirky Films About Nice But Lonely/Alienated Yanks and Their Well-Meaning But Dysfunctional Families


You know who you are:

The Royal Tenenbaums
Little Children
Me, You and Everyone we Know
Little Miss Sunshine

Right, feck off. You may be nicely written, well acted and sensitively directed, you maybe be quite insightful and humane and occasionally mildly amusing, but you're ultimately completely pointless, navel-gazing, middle-brow generation X apolitical shite.


American Beauty was actually pretty good, and isn't obliged to feck right off...sitting unobtrusively in the corner will suffice.



Went to see this last night. Absolute shitter of a movie. The best thing about Pathfinder was the movie previews at the start, thats how bad it was. It makes no sense, has no real storyline, the computer animated scenes are awful and the few warscenes are embarrasing.

I would be very kind to give it 1 out of 5
The Prestige

Plot: 2 magicians wage a gay magic-war on each other to see whos got the bestest tricks.

actually much better than i expected. Good turns from Hugh 'Anus' Jackman and Christian Bale. 8 out of 10

Was a good film.
I've been trying to rent that movie for a month but some cock has already rented and won't return it. The cock.

Would you like a link?

To the movie I mean not some gay chatline like your used to.
I loved The Prestige.

Christian Bale is a fantastic actor.


Er, I had no real idea what was going on in this film. So it might have been good...or not. However, I doubt it, as there were loads of really dhit lines.

6/10 cockbiscuit

:lol: saw this last year. Glad it isn`t just me who couldn`t understand what the feck was going on.
Remember when Matt Damon's kid jumped into thepool and died? He appeared to have been electrocuted. How? Why? By who? Acidentally? On purpose? I don't know.

Later, George Clooney, wearing a fake beard, went to Beirut, where he met a man on a pier with an Arabic name who spoke with an American accent. They parted on good terms, whereupon the man had him kidnapped and pulled his fingernails out. Clooney was rescued from death by a Hizbollah cleric. Why did any of those things happen?

Meanwhile, an old man was intriguing with an Emir's son to gain the succession. (who the feck was he? CIA? Big Oil? Assistant manager of Plymouth Argyle? All three? None?) He apparently succeeded. How? Why?

Then there was this lawyer, who was working for the government, but also for an oil company but also getting inside info off the company it was merging with, seemingly to use against both the other company and his own law firm. Didn't really get that bit, amazingly.
Didn`t get any of it, tbh. After about 45 minutes I asked the others we were watching it with, if they knew what was going on, feeling really stupid about not following it. Luckily nobody else did, much to my relief.


In 2026, society is divided into two classes, those who work on the machines and live in Underground City, and the rich who live lavishly. Workers get fed up and revolt.

Considered to be the first true science fiction film, this is a masterpiece. Lang shows masterful direction, and the effects for that time are wonderful. The acting seems a bit strange based upon today's styles, but taking into consideration how acting was back then, it was top notch. Sadly the original version will never be seen, as the 3+ hour version was chopped down to 2 hours and a print has never been found. The version I saw had some crap 80s soundtrack with it. I'm sure the original 1927 orchestral score is miles better than this one.


GREAT film
Hehehe, thick minds eh, Sid?

It appears so.

BTW my missus still wants to see Babel. Each time she wants to rent it, I make up an excuse. The latest exchange went like this:

Me: nah, it`s shit, too long, too up it`s own arse.
Her: how do you know?
Me: The guys on the Caf told me.
Her: :rolleyes:
Me: victory :cool:
funny - i'd say little miss sunshine is the unbelievable overacted rubbish. basically just an indie film cliche dog show in service of a ridiculous, redundant theme of acceptance that it doesn't even believe in; there was really no humaness about it. the dance at the end, an ironic takedown of sexualized child beauty pageants, was the only witty thing in it.

crash is not for everyone, so i can't passionately defend it in all honesty. with dead ringers (which is a masterpiece), it might be cronenberg's most fully-articulated meditation on technology's effect on the human condition. i find it provocative and brave; other find it pretentious and pornographic. but at least it fosters discussion and argument, and maybe even some introspection. little miss sunshine is just inoffensive, crowd-pleasing garbage.

Remember when Matt Damon's kid jumped into thepool and died? He appeared to have been electrocuted. How? Why? By who? Acidentally? On purpose? I don't know.

Later, George Clooney, wearing a fake beard, went to Beirut, where he met a man on a pier with an Arabic name who spoke with an American accent. They parted on good terms, whereupon the man had him kidnapped and pulled his fingernails out. Clooney was rescued from death by a Hizbollah cleric. Why did any of those things happen?

Meanwhile, an old man was intriguing with an Emir's son to gain the succession. (who the feck was he? CIA? Big Oil? Assistant manager of Plymouth Argyle? All three? None?) He apparently succeeded. How? Why?

Then there was this lawyer, who was working for the government, but also for an oil company but also getting inside info off the company it was merging with, seemingly to use against both the other company and his own law firm. Didn't really get that bit, amazingly.

It all made sense at the time. I think.
It appears so.

BTW my missus still wants to see Babel. Each time she wants to rent it, I make up an excuse. The latest exchange went like this:

Me: nah, it`s shit, too long, too up it`s own arse.
Her: how do you know?
Me: The guys on the Caf told me.
Her: :rolleyes:
Me: victory :cool:

An absolutely pointless shit film. A third of it was about a Japanese school girl showing her growler to a dentist, school kids, a police man and finally her dad. Oh and she was deaf mute.
Supposedly Quirky Films About Nice But Lonely/Alienated Yanks and Their Well-Meaning But Dysfunctional Families


You know who you are:

The Royal Tenenbaums
Little Children
Me, You and Everyone we Know
Little Miss Sunshine

Right, feck off. You may be nicely written, well acted and sensitively directed, you maybe be quite insightful and humane and occasionally mildly amusing, but you're ultimately completely pointless, navel-gazing, middle-brow generation X apolitical shite.


American Beauty was actually pretty good, and isn't obliged to feck right off...sitting unobtrusively in the corner will suffice.


American Beauty was unwatchable, but Little Miss Sunshine has the best script in recent years and a great ensemble cast.
The Prestige

Plot: 2 magicians wage a gay magic-war on each other to see whos got the bestest tricks.

actually much better than i expected. Good turns from Hugh 'Anus' Jackman and Christian Bale. 8 out of 10

I've thought it was a bit cheap, a wonderfully made movie with an abysmal script and a final turn so outrageously bad, that I was praying during the movie - please don't go there.

The supporting cast was great though.

Eragon I didn't take my son to see this at the cinema because the reviews were so poor but it isn't that bad at all. Adults might find it a bit hammed up and derivative at times but despite dreading having to watch it i quite enjoyed it. Dragons, fighting, hero's, villains and a pretty girl to rescue. What more do you want. And it passed the true test of a kids films. the kids watching ti sat all the way through and my son watched it a second time the same day. Maybe people forget that kids films are primarily for kids. Accordingly the rating is from my 8 y.o. son. 7/10

It was a cheap Star Wars rippoff in a slightly different setting.