Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Looking For Eric - 9/10

I know the non United fans on here will expect this to be a hagiographical smug fest because it's about eric...but honestly, I went into this film ready to criticize it. I imagined it would have little to do with football, be a bit too arty and trade off Le Roi's name for commercial reasons....I've been let down by sports related films so much I wasn't expecting something authentic.,

My god was I wrong...This film is not portentious, it's realistic, it's not grim (like a lot of Loach films) It's heartwarming, it's not mawkish or sentimental, it's just right...and It doesn't use football in a flippant cak handed way, it uses it perfectly to illustrate the cameraderie and euphoric togetherness of the crowd mentality...

Football is everywhere in this film, but you don't have to like football to like the film. It's there in he background looming large but hardly ever directly influences the action. Most crucially, from a football perspective, it's made by and with people who know their shit. Often in films that include sport there is too much effort to seem like they know what their talking about. References are often cak handed and forced, or the lifestyle over dramatized and cliched...Here it's just right.

There's a 30 second conversation between a United fan proper, and an FC United fan about the merits of supporting each one. Both call the other a sell out. The convo has no bearing on anything in the film but it's there for people in the know. It's things like that that make this film a real fans film...Pete Boyles even in it.. It's about United fans, and for United fans...but you don't have to be a fan to enjoy it..

It helps that the leads are excellent. Eric (the postman) and his family (including the gay one from shameless) are excellent...even better are his friends & co-workers who provide the comic relief. Meatballs, the leader of his gang of mates, is hilarious and almost as captivating on screen as the man we'll all go and see this film for...

And that man is fantastic. In his first scene I was a little worried. He mumbles his lines a bit and at first doesn't seem completely at ease...but after his 2nd appearance, when he challenges Eric to say 'Non' to the things he doesn't like in his life, he is excellent. Radiating coolness and wisdom he dominates every scene he is in....

The finale tips slightly into OTT, but at it's heart is the spirit of football...and football fans...I won't ruin it because it's sensibly not in the trailers, and as such makes it a wonderfully stirring moment when it occurs (I was genuinely quite affected by it!)

All in all, this is a film about football fans, that nails it perfectly....but at the same time, its not a film about football fans, it's a film about facing your fears and trying to take control of your life with the help from those who love you!

I loved this film. I came out of it with a huge smile on my face....and my god. Eric's a fecking Legend!!!

An okay story based on true events with phenomenal Al Pacino makes this 2 hours well spent.
Mockers review is spot on. great film and great performances. and the big scene at the end? well I found myself welling up. one of the only footballing related movies I've seen that manages to get to the heart of what it is to be a football fan and love your club. I saw it with a female friend of mine who has no interest in football. she was aware of Cantona without having any real knowledge. She was blown away by his charisma and left the cinema asking if I could bring her to a game and wondering where she can find out more about cantona.
Drag Me to Hell - 7/10

Decent horror slapstick flick directed by Sam Raimi. Very funny in bits, with a running vomit gag, a Hindu medium trying to exorcise a Judeo-Christian demon, and loads of OTT drama queen-ness. Pretty predictable twist at the end, setting it up nice for the sequel, Drag Me Back From Hell.
Looking For Eric - 9/10

I know the non United fans on here will expect this to be a hagiographical smug fest because it's about eric...but honestly, I went into this film ready to criticize it. I imagined it would have little to do with football, be a bit too arty and trade off Le Roi's name for commercial reasons....I've been let down by sports related films so much I wasn't expecting something authentic.,

My god was I wrong...This film is not portentious, it's realistic, it's not grim (like a lot of Loach films) It's heartwarming, it's not mawkish or sentimental, it's just right...and It doesn't use football in a flippant cak handed way, it uses it perfectly to illustrate the cameraderie and euphoric togetherness of the crowd mentality...

Football is everywhere in this film, but you don't have to like football to like the film. It's there in he background looming large but hardly ever directly influences the action. Most crucially, from a football perspective, it's made by and with people who know their shit. Often in films that include sport there is too much effort to seem like they know what their talking about. References are often cak handed and forced, or the lifestyle over dramatized and cliched...Here it's just right.

There's a 30 second conversation between a United fan proper, and an FC United fan about the merits of supporting each one. Both call the other a sell out. The convo has no bearing on anything in the film but it's there for people in the know. It's things like that that make this film a real fans film...Pete Boyles even in it.. It's about United fans, and for United fans...but you don't have to be a fan to enjoy it..

It helps that the leads are excellent. Eric (the postman) and his family (including the gay one from shameless) are excellent...even better are his friends & co-workers who provide the comic relief. Meatballs, the leader of his gang of mates, is hilarious and almost as captivating on screen as the man we'll all go and see this film for...

And that man is fantastic. In his first scene I was a little worried. He mumbles his lines a bit and at first doesn't seem completely at ease...but after his 2nd appearance, when he challenges Eric to say 'Non' to the things he doesn't like in his life, he is excellent. Radiating coolness and wisdom he dominates every scene he is in....

The finale tips slightly into OTT, but at it's heart is the spirit of football...and football fans...I won't ruin it because it's sensibly not in the trailers, and as such makes it a wonderfully stirring moment when it occurs (I was genuinely quite affected by it!)

All in all, this is a film about football fans, that nails it perfectly....but at the same time, its not a film about football fans, it's a film about facing your fears and trying to take control of your life with the help from those who love you!

I loved this film. I came out of it with a huge smile on my face....and my god. Eric's a fecking Legend!!!

Spot on, I watched it last night and enjoyed every minute of it.

I like many who watch this will do so simply for the Cantona factor - but it's much much more than that. He is as you'd expect ultra cool but his role in the film isn't to the detriment of those around him.

A great watch for anyone, not just football fans.
The Hangover

I know it's been reviewed a couple of times already but I really enjoyed it. It's not especially clever but it is very funny, the three stars played off each other pretty well. Plus, Heather Graham is still hot even as she approaches forty. If you don't like that American style of comedy though I'd imagine you'd hate it.

Goal 3 I knew it was going to be a terrible movie but it was'nt terrible, it was one of the worst movies ever made. Goal 1 and 2 were half decent so it was worth giving a go, but I could have directed a better movie myself.


I didn't even know this existed! Which players make horrifically embarrassing cameo's this time?
Just back from seeing Looking for Eric.

Spent the entire film looking out for people I knew. At least one (occasional) Cafe poster makes a number of appearances. ;)
Goal 3 I knew it was going to be a terrible movie but it was'nt terrible, it was one of the worst movies ever made. Goal 1 and 2 were half decent so it was worth giving a go, but I could have directed a better movie myself.


All three of them are just adverts for Adidas. Didn't you notice that? :D

What the hell is all the fuss about this movie? It's alright, nothing more. Or have I missed something here?


Agreed. I couldn't be arsed to watch all of it because it was a bit dull. Dipped in and out. Think Terminator was on the other channel or something so that made Fargo a lot better as I keep thinking Arnie had a great cameo in it.
Dogme # 1 - Festen (Denmark)


Damn what a disturbing movie. Great acting, brilliantly fecked up story.
Still the only Dogme 95 film I've seen, I enjoyed it.

I've been meaning to watch Idioterne for a while now.

I totally forgot about all the Dogme films, gonna start watching them. Open Hearts is supposed t be good.

Im gonna order Idioterne on lovefilm soon, although I dont think it's something Im gonna watch with my wife :nervous:
Ahh, a couple of weeks without caffing around did me well. I got myself a nice tan, new fresh clothes, quit my job, drank a lot and watched some films.

I've watched

The Butterfly Effect 6/10
Låt den rätte komma inn TBA
Ali 5/10
Bring It On (tradition) 3/10
Groundhog Day 6,5/10
and The Sixth Sense 7,5/10

that should put things in to context.

So, I had my first encounter with the Norwegian film "DeUSYNLIGE" yesterday, after I own two previous films of Erik Poppe, Schpaa and Hawaii, Oslo which I both liked. I saw the cover was filled with sixes and thought "hmm", it can't be better then Hawaii, Oslo, I was wrong. A beautiful yet disturbing story is told in the middle of Oslo where the scarred for life Jan Thomas gets out of jail, stuff pursue. The delightful part was that the acting was better then the usual from Norway, which is synonym with over-acting. Its got the character depth I long with a very consistent style. Poppe is very good at showing Oslo in his cinematography whilst keeping the innocence of the characters.

It sometimes tried to make me feel to hard, I'm pretty cold so that didn't work to well, but I still enjoyed the story and the edit. I kinda knew what would happen, but even though it got a little readable (don't have to be a bad thing) it still maintained some good surprising elements. And I love when you can feel the tension, that's what makes good better. All in all, I thought it was brilliant and it's my hope for Norway's contribution for the Oscars, and maybe even it will win it? 7,5/10

It will not, because after I finished that one I went to see another Scandinavian film, Let the Right One In and my god I was blown. I did not expect that. It's dark, yet sweet and made me wish I was a tormented little boy when I was younger, weirdly enough. The acting was brilliant and that girl who played Eli was fecking genius. The questions, the subtlety, the depth behind Eli shown in glimpses, the clipping and the little parallel world made this movie great. I'm going to read the book, because I want more subplots building under the main story, that's what I missed.

It's very cute and shows both duality and a relationship that shouldn't happen. ... That reminds me, and I know the comparing is far out there, but the relationship between a 200 old and a 12 year old reminded me of "Kickin' it Old Skool" (or whatever the name was). That film I didn't like, but I remember it was a woman in there who had sex with a guy who was literally a 12 year old in a 30 year olds body. That's paedophilia. I don't care how old the body is, he's 12 in his head and he wants to play fecking pokemon or whatever. That was the icing on the cake for that film, poor film with politically correct paedophilia. But in the LTROIs case, that Eli is 200 years old should not be Oskars biggest issue. It's probably to much demanded from me to want a 200 year old find people on their own age. Maybe the mind stopped developing at 12 also? That would work with me, anyone know enough Vampire-fiction to tell me that? Thanks in advance.
But as for my little review, good movie, you should go watch it. I don't like the genre at all, and I found it fantastic. Kudos to Sweden for stepping it up as far as movies go 8,5/10

Interesting enough both these movies are both going to be remade, well... LTROIs one is another film based on the book, but hey.. So I'd just want to say feck you to the people remaking movies, artwork shall not be redone.

And since I've just seen a Norwegian movie and a Swedish one, I thought I would watch a new Danish one as well. I will try to get a hold of The Antichrist, I don't have high expectations.

Also, stuff I've missed out on:

-Fargo is good, it's a film noir, love the setting.
-The Usual Suspects is not a 10, seriously.
-No Country for Old Men is neither, keep your 10s for when you really feel it. It's like love, when a 10 is needed, you'll know it.
-The Hangover, 10? Seriously?
-Marlon Brando is waaayy handsomer then Bogey.

Enjoyed this movie. Liza Minelli's voice is magnificent, albeit aided by hours and hours of painstaking sound engineering.

Has anyone ever watched any of the Paranoia Agent episodes?

I've seen them. I thought the series was okish - was disappointed, if I'm honest.

Cheers spoony. I was thinking of renting them all on lovefilm. Im going through the IMDB animation list checking for the best stuff.
Memorizu, Manie Manie, Spriggan and Ghost in the Shell 2 are four great anime movies i've seen recently. You should check them out.

I added Memorizu and Ghost 2 on my list. Lovefilm doesnt have the other two. How's Ghost in the Shell 3??
Red Cliff

I'd read reviews that claimed this was to be the ' classiest and most fabulous blockbuster of the summer' having just got back from watching it i have to agree.

Some beautuful scenery and once you'd got to grips with the wide range of characters you're able to sit back and just admire some truly epic scenes. From the classy tortoise formation in attack to the crafty arrow stealing boats and the downright dirty 'disease boats' you can't fail to be impressed by how well it all comes together.

I rarely watch subtitledd films but if they're all similar to this i'll be making sure I see more in future!
